I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 577 Definition imposed by others


Faced with Pietro's move to take all future battles on him, Wanda wanted to say that she was actually not weak and could completely protect herself.

As long as she can raise her hand to cast a spell, her magic is as good as anyone's.

But she couldn't say it, because she had just caused Pietro to get up to save herself due to her own impulse, enduring the severe pain.

So Wanda could only nodded to Pietro.

Inside the villa.

"Listen to the noise, is it the witch among the two siblings who took action on you?"

Kyle looked at Renoli and Tony who were walking over together and asked.

"Well, she must have realized what magic she was born with as a witch."

"So he looks docile on the outside, but he is very confident on the inside."

Rennoli came to sit down on the seat next to Kyle and said casually.

"Do you know what kind of magic she was born with?"

Kyle asked with some concern after hearing this.

Witches are born with a variety of conventional magics, such as flying at will, lifespans of thousands of years, teleportation, etc.

But these are not the most important things about witches. The main thing is the magic that witches are born with.

Some witches' magic is simply witchcraft.

"Do you think she can use magic when she plans to attack me?"

Rennoli glanced at Kyle when he heard this, a little speechless.

"Yeah, I almost forgot that you are a mage killer."

When Kyle heard this, he also remembered that Renault was a witch killer.

Rennoli's speed can be said to be a natural restraint for powerful mage types.

As long as the mage does not acquire a large number of dimensional demons, he has the ability to regenerate even if his head is decapitated.

Then you won't survive a second in front of Rennoli.

Stephen was not too surprised to hear that Renault was a mage killer, given the speed Renault burst out.

That's not something any normal mage can deal with.

Even if the Supreme Mage is targeted by Rennoli, he must arrange a magic circle in advance to save his life.

As for whether Renault can be killed, it depends on whether Renault will step into the trap.

But Stephen noticed that the two of them were a little surprised that Wanda was actually a natural witch.

"How do you tell when you say Wanda is a born witch??"

Stephen had only read about the dangers of witches in books, and each of them basically became very powerful after being nurtured for a long time.

"Anyone can suddenly awaken their superpowers, but magic usually does not awaken."

"Anyone who gains magic through awakening is a natural witch."

"Then quickly master flying and various magical abilities, as well as your own natal magic or what is called innate witchcraft."

“The easiest way to differentiate is by color.”

"Normal mages are either sacred gold, or black magic is darker in color."

"Then there's the magic that comes with God, which is usually in brighter colors."

"And the magic power of a natural witch is different from that of a normal mage. The color will be brighter and look more ominous."

"The magic color of the little girl outside, if I feel it correctly, should be scarlet, symbolizing ominousness."

Kyle said slowly after hearing this.

There are not many natural witches in the universe, and there are also many who can do magic.

He had suffered big losses against witches and mages before.

So I learned better later, since I am not good at dealing with mages.

Then he would find someone who was good at dealing with mages.

Renault has become his golden partner. If there is a mage, let Renault deal with it. As long as the mage dies, he will perform what is called a push.

"You are right, her magic is scarlet."

Renoli nodded slightly, confirming Kyle's feeling.


"Can you tell by the color of the magic what type of magic you have mastered?"

When Stephen heard this magic, his brain turned rapidly, but he could not find the magic related to this color in his memory.

"It's impossible to judge. Witches are born with many kinds of magic, all kinds of magic."

"Some are able to kill with curses directly through the medium, some are able to transform everything, some master the terrifying spirit-talking technique, and some can directly master natural magic."

"Not all natural witches are powerful."

"The power of witches is related to the magic they are born with."

"There are some powerful witches recorded in the bounty industry, but they are all dead."

"Witches are not inherently evil."

"It's just that they are closely related to the magic world, but they are rejected by the magic world or taken advantage of by malicious people."

"So during these long years, I was targeted everywhere, and I felt that everything in my life was not going well."

"But I chose to endure it in order to be able to continue living."

"Just being forbearing doesn't mean that resentment and anger will disappear, but it will be hidden deep in the heart."

"Until the moment it breaks out, it becomes what your magical community often calls a catastrophic outbreak."

Lacey also spoke at this time.

She can be said to have the most say on the information about witches.

Not only does he know their information, but he also knows the lives of most witches.

Witches are powerful people, but because they fight on their own, they are scattered throughout the universe.

There is no such force as the witch sect, and there are no truly invincible witches in the world.

So much so that the life of each witch is synonymous with misery.

In civilizations that are not yet advanced enough, people who can do magic are considered either miracles or heretics.

Not to mention witches who are born with all kinds of conventional magic and their own exclusive magic.

Women are emotional creatures and are easily impulsive.

Because of all kinds of impulsive actions, whether it's killing people or saving people.

If they display it inadvertently, they may be labeled as heretics or monsters.

Then he was ostracized by everyone and tried his best to kill the witch.

Moreover, the magical world has also labeled witches and regarded them as synonymous with danger. The living space of witches has been squeezed infinitely.

To put it bluntly, this is a factional fight in the magical world.

The factors for the birth of a witch are completely determined by fate, unlike those who are powerful in various types of magic and can learn it the day after tomorrow.

Therefore, the witches simply cannot integrate to form a force, and the factions are too weak to dominate public opinion.

Once an impression label is attached, it is difficult to get rid of it.

"Witches are indeed not inherently evil."

"I have no innate dislike of witches either."

"But they caused some troubles, big and small, and some people were willing to pay a high price for their lives."

"It's as simple as that for us as bounty hunters to get paid to do things."

Upon hearing this, Renault also agreed with Lacey's statement, but he did not say that he would not attack the witch because he sympathized with the witch.

"Witches are born with many magics, which can be said to be more powerful than most magics."

"If this faction is fully integrated, even if it does not reach the level of a major force in the universe, it will still be a force that cannot be underestimated."

"It's just that there isn't a truly powerful witch to search and integrate."

"Or maybe they didn't know how to protect themselves in the first place."

"And the wizards in the magic world dominate everything and can directly classify people as aliens."

"People in the wizarding world are afraid that witches will shake their foundation, so they define witches as inherently evil."

"As long as we can make rules, white things will be painted black for you, and black things will be washed white for you.

"This is the importance of making rules. Those who cannot make rules must live within the rules."

The prophet also spoke at this time.

Lacey, Kyle, Rennoli, and Predictor are strong men who have been active in the bounty world all year round.

They have fought against too many types of opponents, including monsters, demons, superpowers, mages, witches, special races, etc.

Originally, they also had some prejudices against various types.

However, after joining the Void God Cult, their horizons were completely expanded as their strength increased.

Although some races are really born with bad qualities, not all strong people are as labeled.

It's just that they are not as strong as the various races that are in power now. As losers, they have no say. Everything is just survival of the fittest.


Stephen heard the four people's impressions of witches and thought of the records about witches in books.

Although there are no record books related to scarlet magic, the records about witches are basically biased towards evil.

So Stephen heard that Wanda was a witch, so he wanted to find out more about it.

According to books, witches are a group of very dangerous beings because they possess super powerful magic.

If they are willing to spread their magic, they can be recruited.

If you don't want to, don't get too involved with them, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

Initially Stephen felt nothing.

But after listening to the words of Rennoli and others, the book said soliciting or not having contact actually corresponded to using or rejecting.

Witches themselves should be born into the magical world, rather than existing outside the magical world.

The dissociation mentioned in the books is simply because the magical world either uses witches or excludes them.

"So if I have the identity of a witch, no matter what I am like, will I be defined as evil?"

Sarah hears the precog. Renault and others asked thoughtfully.

"Miss Sarah, how could you be an evil person?"

"But that's the truth."

Kyle said with a smile upon hearing this.

"The rules of the wizarding world are now deeply ingrained."

"No matter what we outsiders think of witches who are also mages."

"It can't shake the magical world's definition of a witch."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

"It turns out that the world of the strong is really cruel."

"Fortunately, we are protected by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

“We are not afraid of others defining us.”

When Sarah heard what Mr. Kyle said, she completely understood it and said with a smile.

The witch faction is a weak faction, so no one cares about the witches themselves. What everyone thinks is the most important thing.

Obviously everyone is also a type of mage, but the environment causes witches to be ostracized regardless of whether they are kind or not.

Lady Lacey said that resentment and anger will never disappear.

If she is inexplicably rejected and hostile by others, even a originally kind-hearted witch will be shaped by the environment and eventually become evil in the eyes of the public.

Unless a very powerful witch appears and establishes a strong faction, it is possible to shake the rules defined by magic today.

As a member of the powerful Void God Cult, as long as these members abide by the commandments of the Void God Cult, they can survive.

So no matter how outsiders define them, it is of no use.

Others cannot shake the status of the Void God Religion, they can only watch the Void God Religion grow step by step.

"We are protected by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

"Faced with this unilateral imposition of labels of good and evil."

"As long as the incident reaches Miss Sonia's ears, Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, will know about it."

“We are fully capable of reversing this inexplicably imposed label.”

The prophet nodded slightly when he heard the words.


Wanda, who was walking in the aisle outside the restaurant at this time, turned pale when she heard these words.

Pietro looked at his sister who was pale and a little shaken. He didn't know what to say and could only hold Wanda's hand tightly.

He had just comforted his sister and brought Wanda over with the intention of apologizing and thanking Mr. Rennoli and then having dinner together.

Unexpectedly, I heard Mr. Rennolly and the others talk about the situation of a born witch who is now rejected by the magical world.

"Pietro, Wanda, I know you may feel uncomfortable hearing this."

"But now that we're at the door, let's come in."

Steve's mood was a little complicated when he heard this. After sighing, he shouted directly.

As soon as Steve said these words, the expressions of Renoli, Kyle, Predictor, and Lacey did not change much.

While chatting, they already knew that Pietro and Wanda had arrived.

They were also talking about the current situation of the witches in the universe, and they did not add any exaggeration to the situation.

Tony, Banner, and Peggy also felt sorry and didn't say anything.

But Stephen's expression changed somewhat.

He didn't expect these words to be heard by both Pietro and Wanda.

"Mr. Renolly, Mr. Steve, everyone, I can guarantee that my sister is definitely not an evil person."

"On the contrary, she is very kind."

After hearing these words, Pietro walked in and said extremely seriously.

"No one ever said your sister had to be evil."

"I can completely understand her mentality of becoming very confident in her own strength as she awakens to magic."

"Anyone who has mastered powerful power that can surpass countless ordinary people."

"There will be a process from confidence to pride or complacency."

"It's a very common thing."

"But I agree to your request and teach you how to become stronger."

"Your sister, in turn, wanted to repay kindness with vengeance. She wanted to attack me without my consent."

"Even if I kill you, Tony and the others can't accuse me of anything."

"But for the sake of Tony and others, and you two are still very young."

"I have never seen the world of real strong men, so I can forgive you for once..."

Rennoli saw Pietro wanting to clear his sister's name as soon as he came in, and said calmly.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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