I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 579 Let them never come back

Wanda and Pietro were not members of the Void Cult, so ordinary hunger could be easily endured.

But when Pietro saw Mr. Rennoli's appearance, he didn't hesitate to ask.

Mr. Steve also doesn't like to talk when eating and concentrates on cooking.

In just half an hour, all the delicious food on the table was eaten by everyone.

“Blue Star’s food has a unique flavor.”

Sarah said with satisfaction after eating.

"Okay, now that we've finished eating, it's time to go back to Void Island to practice."

"If you don't move after a meal, you won't have anywhere to vent your energy."

Kyle stood up with satisfaction at this time and spoke.

"Are you leaving so soon?"

Pietro knew that if the big man was leaving, Mr. Rennolly would be leaving too.

"Compared with listening to other people's stories about things like vision, in the future it will be better if you actually step out of Blue Star and see it with your own eyes."

"What others say is always their own opinion. Feeling it yourself can bring you real thinking."

“The experience and experience brought by reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles are completely different.”

Rennoli knew that Pietro wanted to know many things about the universe from him, but Rennoli did not have so much time to popularize these things for Pietro.

And what he has always been flattering is the idea of ​​​​feeling it personally.

"Okay, although I don't know when we can see you again."

"But when I am able to travel to the universe in the future, I will definitely visit you on Void Island."

Pietro heard this and knew that Mr. Rennoli had decided to go back.

"It won't be too long before we meet. We will come over to watch a show in a while."

Rennoli saw Pietro looking like he was saying goodbye to his life and said.

"What show are you watching?"

Pietro was also a little surprised to hear that they would see each other soon.

"Ask Tony and the others."

"Stephen send us back to Void Island."

Upon hearing this, Rennoli said a perfunctory sentence without elaborating and looked at Stephen.

Stephen also had this plan, and after sending a few people back, he would also go back to the London Temple.

So Stephen didn't talk nonsense and waved his finger under the eyes of everyone.

A golden halo appeared in front of everyone.

Lacey, Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predictor stepped directly into the circle of light.

"Thank you Mr. Stephen, I'm glad I can come this time."

Sarah thanked Stephen before leaving.

"See you in two months then."

Then Sarah smiled happily and waved to Paige, Banner, Steve, Pietro, and Wanda.

"Steve, Banner, Paige, please explain to Wanda and Pietro, they will also need their help then."

"I'll go back to Void Island first and take the space battleship back."

Tony also said something and walked directly into the teleportation array.

His space battleship is too big, and Stephen shouldn't be able to open such a huge portal.

Even if it can be opened, the commotion will definitely not be small, so if you want to bring Jarvis back, it is better to take the normal path honestly.

Stephen also closed the portal because he knew there was no need to open the portal for Tony.

"If you need anything, please contact me via the cosmic communicator at any time. Then I'll leave first."

Stephen watched Banner say hello to Steve, opened the portal and left.

"After a while, I immediately felt a lot more deserted."

"But I have a question Mr. Banner."

"The affable and very beautiful red-haired beauty."

"And what's the name of that blonde, sexy, hot but a little aloof beauty?"

Pietro immediately asked Banner.

If Mrs. Paige was not here, he would definitely be more inclined to ask Mr. Steve.

But Mrs. Paige was present, so Pietro naturally had no choice but to ask Mr. Banner.

"The red-haired one is called Miss Sarah, and the blond one is called Lacey."

"Miss Sarah's character is relatively gentle and approachable, while Lacey's character is not cold but rather warm."

"She is just cold to people outside the Void Cult."

Banner said with a smile when he saw Pietro being enchanted by Miss Sarah's last smile.

"Is Miss Lacey only passionate about members of the Void Cult?"

"No wonder I feel like she doesn't hate me very much, but she doesn't look at me seriously."

When Pietro heard Mr. Banner's words, he immediately understood the situation he had been encountering.

"Miss Lacey seems to know Mr. Loki very well?"

"Are they in that kind of relationship?"

Wanda also knew that Mr. Loki did not reject her except that he did not teach her magic, so her favorable impression of Mr. Loki returned to before and she asked curiously.

"Miss Lacey is Loki's master, and she is a real master. Of course I understand."

"Unlike Steve, who can only be regarded as half of Miss Lacey's apprentice at best."

"And don't talk about that kind of relationship between the two in front of them in the future."

"Female members of the Void Cult, except that Miss Pepper and Miss Paige have partners."

"The other women are still single."

Banner saw that Wanda had misunderstood the relationship between Lacey and Loki, and explained with a smile.

"I can't stay on Void Island forever, what can I do?"

"You think I don't want to learn more from Lacey."

"Why don't you stay at Blue Star and let the two of us go to Void Island to spend more time?"

Steve was speechless when he heard these words.

Although he now realizes that Lacey's path is not his path.

But before he finds his own way, if he can get Lacey's careful guidance, it will definitely be of great help to his improvement in strength.

"Miss Lacey is half of Mr. Steve's master?"

"Why have I never heard of such a thing?"

Pietro's eyes lit up when he heard this, and his big eyes were full of questions as he looked at Mr. Banner.

He knew that Mr. Steve must have concealed these things intentionally, but Mr. Banner knew it.


Faced with Pietro's overwhelming gossip, Steve wanted to stop Banner from speaking out.

"Lacie is more than half Steve's master."

"Steve's pride was shattered by Lacey."

"Otherwise, do you think Steve can be so humble now?"

Banner didn't care about Steve at all, with a smile on his face.

"There is such a thing, Mr. Banner, please elaborate."

"I believe you can take some time out of your busy schedule to answer my current questions."

When Pietro heard Mr. Banner's words, the fire of gossip burned in his heart.

After Mr. Steve went to Void Island and came back, he became a lot more mature and his words became much more humble.

He also asked some questions at that time, but Mr. Steve only said that there is a world outside the world.

It looked like he had seen the real world, and he seemed to have completely understood it.

"That's it..."

Of course Banner was willing to talk to Pietro and Wanda about Steve's embarrassment, but the words had just come out of his mouth.

Banner felt an arm on his shoulder.


There was a warning sound coming from Steve's gritted teeth.

Banner turned around and saw Steve's dark face, as dark as dripping water.

Obviously Steve doesn't want others to mention his past embarrassing events.

"I can't say anymore, but if you really want to know."

"You can find a chance to ask Tony later and you will know."

Banner reminded Pietro upon seeing this.

Although Wanda was also curious, she also knew that Mr. Steve was very respectable, so she did not make a fuss like Pietro and asked about Mr. Steve's embarrassing stories.

Of course, if Mr. Banner could speak directly, she would be happy to listen.

But it was obvious that Mr. Steve was unwilling to let Mr. Banner speak.

So Wanda took the initiative to help change the topic.

"Mr. Banner, what is the show that Mr. Renolly said you will watch in two months?"

"And Mr. Tony also said that he needs our help when the time comes."

Wanda and Pietro have been staying on the private island for a long time.

However, in the past few years, there is basically no need for them to take action.

"It's nothing. It's just that aliens will attack Blue Star in two months."

"We need to take action then."

"Renolly and the others came over to watch the show and at the same time they took a look at the formation."

"We will lend a helping hand depending on the situation."

Banner has no psychological pressure on the arrival of the five Obsidian generals.

In addition to Alex, the other seven top powerhouses of the Void Cult were present.

Don't talk about the Black Five coming at that time. Even if Thanos personally leads the team, Banner will not care.

He even wished that Thanos would personally lead the team over and show Thanos the horror of the Void Cult.

However, based on discussions and intelligence, Thanos most likely does not dare to come.

When the time comes, Wanda and Pietro will take action mainly because Blue Star's matter can be solved by themselves.

If the opponents are led by the five generals of Obsidian, they will need to trouble their companions from the Void Cult to take action together.

Banner felt that he couldn't afford to lose that face.

"How big is the alien attack?"

"Will Mrs. Pepper and Mrs. Paige take action too?"

Pietro immediately became energetic and asked after hearing this.

"Not many people know Miss Paige's current identity, so she can take action at will."

"But Miss Pepper will still be active in the open, so there is a high probability that she will not take action by then."

After hearing this, Banner thought for a moment and said.

"Well, I also want to help out then."

Paige nodded upon hearing this.

Pepper told her that she preferred life on Void Island.

Paige herself doesn't feel that much. The difference is that she and Pepper have different degrees of freedom in Blue Star.

Not many people know her now. SHIELD may recognize her, but SHIELD will definitely not dare to reveal her identity.

"Are they related to the Chitauri fighting in New York?"

Wanda heard that Mrs. Paige would actually take action, and knew that the scale might not be too small, she thought for a while and asked.

"More than just related, they are the masterminds behind the Chitauri."

"This time is different from a few years ago, and we will definitely let them come back."

Steve's eyes were cold.

During the last war in New York, he clearly felt the powerlessness of people in the face of war.

Even if he wanted to do more, the most he could do was help save some people, and he couldn't kill any enemies at all.

But now his strength has undergone earth-shaking changes from the past, and so has his vision.

Blue Star is a place guarded by the Nine Realm Factions of the Void God Religion, and no outsiders are allowed to interfere.

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