I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 585 Discussion before the war

In Pietro's view, the team led by Star-Lord is quite special.

There are cold women who look like robots, cold women with green skin.

There are raccoons who are forced to undergo experimental modifications and can swear.

There is also a tree-human tribe and a tall man of unknown race but who looks silly and tall at first glance.

Of all the people, Star-Lord looks the most normal.

Of course, this is in the eyes of their Blue Star people, and how other people in the universe will view Star-Lord.

Pietro has not been to the universe and does not understand it.

"There are so many different appearances in the universe. Once you see more of them, you won't feel special anymore."

Star-Lord heard this and spoke.

"Let's not talk about it for now. At least Rocket's appearance is quite special."

When Xingyun heard these words, he did not feel offended, but said them seriously.


Drax also burst out laughing when he heard Nebula's words.

"Silly big guy, laughing so hard?!"

When Rocket saw that Nebula had offended him, he didn't care. Drax actually laughed out loud and bared his teeth in anger.

"I am Groot (it is wrong to laugh at people.)"

Groot also said seriously when he heard this.

Pietro looked at the hilarity and led them all the way to the villa.

"Although I really want to say, why are there so many damn rich people in this world, but now I can only say that I'm used to it."

Rocket saw this luxurious island manor villa, spread his hands and said.

Originally, they were cosmic gangsters. Apart from taking on missions, the place they usually stayed was not comparable to such a luxurious manor villa or occasion.

But if you follow Star-Lord, you will probably come to such luxurious places more often in the future.

"This is in Mr. Tony's name."

"I live here with my sister, Mr. Steve and Mrs. Paige from the Void Cult."

Pietro saw Rocket's somewhat envious look and introduced the situation.

Most people are unable to experience a truly luxurious life, so it is natural for them to be envious.

Pietro also wanted to own such a paradise-like island manor villa, but he had to save some money to do so.

"It belongs to Void Herald Tony Stark, so it's not surprising."

Rocket wasn't too surprised when he heard that it was in Tony's name.

"Why can you accept it if it's in Mr. Tony's name?"

Pietro was a little surprised to see that Rocket was envious and jealous a second ago, but now he accepted it.

"Tony Stark, the pioneer of the void, is also a very famous rich man in the universe."

"So I can't be surprised how luxurious his place is."

"Boy, if you are hanging out with Tony Stark."

"Remember to work hard and hang out with him. The future will be bright."

Rocket glanced at Pietro, originally wanting Pietro to have a good time, but when he came to the hall and saw Tony Stark, he changed his mind.

"Mr. Bruce Banner, long time no see."

When Drax saw the people present, he simply ignored the presence of others and greeted them proactively and respectfully.

This is the benefactor who helped him get revenge, which he will never forget for the rest of his life.

"Don't be so polite, just find a seat and sit down."

Banner saw Drax still thinking about him and said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Star-Lord also took the lead and sat down on a spacious sofa.

Gamora and others naturally sat next to Star-Lord, because everyone present could be said to be big shots.

Even Pietro is a fierce man, but he hasn't left the universe yet.

Otherwise, with supersonic superpowers, Pietro will soon be able to make a name for himself.

"As for the celebration banquet to celebrate your joining the Void God Cult, we will hold it later."

"Now let's talk about your abilities in detail."

"It will facilitate better formation of troops later and let you, Star-Lord, deal with suitable enemies."

Tony said with a smile when he saw Star-Lord who was full of confidence and capability.

"In terms of my ability, except for black dwarfs and supergiants, I should be able to deal with them all."

Star-Lord also listened to the entire discussion between Mr. Tony and Miss Lacey.

The reason he couldn't deal with the Black Dwarf was because he didn't know how to be flexible and couldn't ensure that he could break the Black Dwarf's defense.

Superstars are psychic mage. If their consciousness is controlled, they will not help but cause trouble.

"As for the five Obsidian generals, although they are not strong, they still pose some threats. Naturally, it is safer for us to deal with them."

"Star-Lord, I don't know your current strength, so let's deal with the army brought by the five Obsidian generals first."

"Gamora, Nebula, I remember you two are the adopted daughters of Thanos."

"Do you have any information you can provide about Thanos' army?"

Tony heard this and spoke.

"This depends on how many people Thanos sends out."

"If it were just the five Obsidian generals, they wouldn't be able to bring many people with them."

Gamora saw Tony Stark dismissing the famous five Obsidian generals in an understatement. While secretly sighing at the horror of the Void Cult, she also spoke when she heard the inquiry.

"Suppose he sends the five Obsidian generals to dispatch half of his troops. How many will they have?"

"What kind of troops and types of troops are there?"

Of course Tony also knows that Gamora cannot know the specific actions of Thanos.

"If it is half the force, it will mainly cover mechanical self-destruction soldiers, Chitauri technology, laser weapons, and Wheel of War high technology."

"The number of troops may reach more than 200,000."

Gamora also knew that the information provided was not necessarily accurate, but she still knew what technology it probably included.

"What is the Wheel of War?"

Banner was a little surprised when he heard this.

"It is a huge, high-speed rotating wheel with a huge volume that can crush countless human beings."

"Let it be unleashed, and with Blue Star's current technology, nothing will be able to stop it from rolling."

"To use a popular name, it can be understood as a war meat grinder."

"Even if a battleship is hit in front of it, it can be cut open."

"That is also one of the most powerful and efficient destruction technologies used by Thanos to implement the semi-extinction plan of civilization."

Nebula also spoke at this time.

"So that means the battlefield can never be set up near a city this time."

Tony said thoughtfully when he heard the words.

"Is there any other place on Blue Star that is more vast and sparsely populated?"

Steve heard this and said.

“Although it’s not that much more expensive, it still has a few big locations.”

After Jarvis heard what Mr. Tony said, he directly eliminated all the locations closer to the city.

There are still many places on Blue Star that have not been developed, so it is not difficult to choose a suitable battlefield.

"If you choose the battlefield yourself, won't you scare off the other side?"

Of course Star-Lord doesn't want this war to involve too many lives, but in order to lure you into the trap, sometimes you still need some bait.

"The biggest bait is Stephen Strange."

"Although the place where Stephen appears may seem a bit strange to the five Obsidian generals, they have accepted the order and must rob it even if there is danger."

"If they go back without getting results, their end will not be much better."

Tony was not worried at all when he heard this, because he knew Thanos' behavior very well.

Sending the five Obsidian generals over this time was a huge gamble.

Of course, this big gamble is not about Thanos' life, but about the lives of his men.

Otherwise, Alex wouldn't even have the thought of coming to the show.

"And it doesn't matter even if you get scared."

"From the moment Thanos sent the Chitauri to Blue Star to snatch the gems a few years ago, but failed."

"The death of Thanos and his men are already doomed."

A smile appeared on Banner's face.

He usually doesn't take action but saves people whenever he can and helps whenever he can.

But he had long since learned not to be merciful to his enemies.

Kyle had told him more than once that kindness to the enemy was cruelty to oneself.

"If they really bring 200,000 troops, then the threat posed by the five Obsidian generals will not be that important."

"How to remove the weeds and root causes is the most important thing."

"Otherwise, if they were allowed to escape to various cities on Blue Star, the damage caused would be difficult to estimate."

Steve frowned and touched his chin, and said solemnly.

If you want to win a war, you must first clarify which things pose the greatest threat.

They are not afraid of the five Obsidian generals and their legions at all.

But that doesn't mean that the legions led by the five Obsidian generals really don't have any threats.

Just a few thrown out can kill dozens, hundreds or even thousands of lives.

This is why no one likes to start a war with the enemy on their own territory.

Winning doesn't mean a complete victory, and losing means the losses are even more incalculable.

"For those of us, if we want to completely dominate the war, we need to cooperate very well."

"Of course it would be best if we, the Nine Realm Factions, could solve it directly."

"But Stephen is not a prophet."

"I still have concerns about predicting the future, and I am not as good at battlefield command as a prophet."

"It's a bit difficult to achieve a seamless coordination."

"If it really doesn't work, we can only ask Rennolli for help."

Tony also knew that 200,000 troops carried high-tech troops, and the threat of mechanical self-destruction troops was not small.

The Predictor's command in the Battle of New York was indispensable, and he sent his troops to places where they could be put to good use.

And he also found the right time to make the New York war a very beautiful battle.

However, this time the Predictors are just skimming the formation and will not directly dominate the battlefield.

"How about asking Saul to send someone over?"

"It doesn't take too many people, as long as they can delay it for some time."

If possible, Steve wouldn't want Lacey and the others to interfere.

"Although it can be done, it is not necessary if it is to delay and cause some casualties to Asgard's soldiers."

"I choose to lose face and life."

Tony heard this and spoke.

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