I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 596 The Nature of the System

"It's really difficult to improve this."

Steve heard what Miss Sarah said and spoke.

As American society becomes more modern, the crime rate rises instead of falling.

Even a genetically modified person like Steve, who was originally a super human among humans, must be careful when facing a gun.

Not to mention the common sight of unarmed ordinary people facing people with guns.

Whether they can survive does not depend on their own decisions, but on those with guns.

It can be said that everyone uses the gun in their hands to obtain powerful weapons that are superior to ordinary people, and has the ability to easily take people's lives.

Due to the large number of murders that occur in the United States every year, more than half are related to guns.

Steve doesn't want to trust American politicians and no longer wants to take orders from politicians, but Steve undoubtedly supports gun bans.

After all, the crime rate in the United States is too high.

But he also understands that the difficulty of banning this thing is much more difficult than many things.

If you want to improve the problem of education being cut off, it can be solved as long as you have money to run it.

When Tony's business continues to expand and he is willing to build various schools, charge lower tuition fees and promote some benefits to support the education industry, then things can change.

Even though this will touch the cake of some people, education is not achieved overnight, but takes time and step by step.

Therefore, it will not touch the interests of too many people at once at the beginning, and it will not cause too much obstruction.

However, gun trafficking itself symbolizes a huge economic chain, and it is a big cake for many people, including some politicians who share the cake.

Wanting to ban guns would offend the interests of those people, so how could those people allow it?

Otherwise, some leaders in the United States would not have never succeeded in so many years. It is true that money trumps power, and they are powerless.

"Exactly how many people have guns, although I haven't checked the data, so I don't know enough about it."

"But if the crime rate cannot be suppressed and instead gets higher and higher, people will not be able to feel at ease."

"If people are in panic and cannot live in peace, it will be impossible to create a consensus of trust."

"Without collective consensus, even with your forcible promotion, Mr. Tony, mankind will unite into a community with a shared future for mankind."

"It's only a matter of time that the internal factions are divided into various factions."

"Mr. Tony, your ideal of building a Blue Star is undoubtedly a good thing for your hometown."

"But if you want to achieve this ideal, it is not that easy."

"It is much more difficult to integrate all mankind than to establish a force from scratch and develop it step by step."

"If you want to promote a community with a shared future, you should first find a way to rectify the internal situation so that the people inside can feel at ease, and then consider the issue of uniting various forces."

When Sarah heard what Mr. Steve said, she didn't care whether it was difficult or not, but directly said the far-reaching impact of being unable to control such things.

She has never managed a force, let alone a country with a huge population, but Senior Sonia is managing the Void Cult.

In order to help Senior Sonia relieve some of the pressure when she asked her for help, Sarah has been learning more knowledge.

Anyway, just ask Sonia-senpai what books to read and study in order to master the knowledge and ability in a certain field.

Senior Sonia will directly give her a study plan, and she can just study according to the plan.

"I have thought about these issues, but they involve too much, so I can't make up my mind at the moment."

"Then we'll see if there's a foolproof plan. If not, we'll have to flip the table."

Tony nodded when he heard this and said.

He has always been very clear about America's high crime rate.

It's just that there are too many people involved in a certain group, and his identity in Blue Star has not yet been completely revealed.

So Tony's actions have always been reserved.

But once he reveals his identity as Iron Man outside, he won't have so many scruples to use it.

“It doesn’t have to be a ban on guns.”

"Strengthening the severity of crimes and immigration screening can effectively curb the crime rate."

"Everyone in the Xandar Empire can purchase various technological weapons. They can shoot when they are in legitimate defense, but if they use guns to kill innocent people indiscriminately without any reason."

"There is joint and several guilt. Not only the shooter needs to be tried, but his family members also need to be tried, and they will be cast aside by countless people."

"So most of them are bought for self-protection to deal with raids by outsiders."

"It is basically impossible to shoot unless it is absolutely necessary."

“In addition to smuggling and forcefully breaking in, outsiders who want to enter Xandar need to keep records.

"Be able to quickly identify who committed the crime at the first time."

"Slowly, the crime rate will naturally come down. Of course, this is a slow-effective method."

"If you want to get rid of it once and for all, overturning the table might be a way."

"If you just do that, I'm afraid it will have a great impact on your reputation."

Sarah heard that Mr. Tony was planning to overturn the table and gave some suggestions.

If you want to leave a name in the history of a civilization and be praised by countless people in future generations, you must be a truly great person.

Sarah's less lofty ideals were praised by countless people, but this did not affect her appreciation and respect for some truly great people.

"If it can be solved with flexible means, then the first choice must be flexible means."

"But many things cannot be solved through negotiation alone."

Tony nodded slightly when he heard this, his eyes became sharper and he already had some killing intent in his heart.

"If you let Alex handle this kind of thing, he would probably just cut the knot with a quick knife, right?"

Steve heard Tony's words and spoke.

"There's no need for assumptions, Alex's character is bound to cut through the mess quickly."

"Otherwise, how could the overlord of Mowgli Star have changed hands to him so quickly?"

Kyle heard this and said.

Sarah saw them having a discussion about Lord Alex.

Sarah also took this opportunity to enter the villa, brought a kettle and cup filled with pure water, poured herself a glass of water, sat on the stone chair, and drank in small sips.

"How long did it take for Alex to handle these things?"

Steve had only heard that Alex had become the overlord of Mowgli, but he didn't know the details.

"From the moment when Alex's application for funds to build the Temple of the Void was blocked and delayed, Alex decided to seize power."

"It only took Alex seventeen days to make a decision and start taking action, to take the position of overlord of Mowgli Star, and to completely appease the people."

"Let all Mowgli people believe that following him will lead to a more powerful future."

"After Alex became the overlord, he asked Miss Sonia for advice on how to govern and develop Mowgli."

"Miss Sonia provides methods and direction, and Alex carries out the assigned duties and changes the rules of civilization."

"Rix is ​​now popular among all people on Mowgli. He is also known as the most legendary overlord on Mowgli."

Lacey heard this and spoke.

"Seventeen days were enough to calm the people's hearts. Alex's execution ability is too terrifying."

Steve was also shocked when he heard Lacey's words.

"Although Alex is not very good at talking, he has a strong and domineering will that makes people want to believe and follow him."

Renolly spoke.

"Mr. Banner, who is Alex?"

Pietro asked curiously at this time.

"A guy with terrifying strength and unparalleled domineering personality, he is also one of the top powerhouses of the Void God Religion."

Banner heard this and said.

"That means that Mr. Alex and Mr. Banner are the same level of bosses?"

Pietro was also a little stunned when he heard this.


Banner nodded upon hearing this.

Although it is hard to tell who is stronger among the top experts of the Void God Religion, they are definitely at the same level.

"That's a digression. Miss Sarah, let's continue talking about your impression of Blue Star."

Tony also learned about some of Alex's real methods, and already had some thoughts in his mind about banning guns, and looked at Sarah who was drinking water.

“What follows is American democracy.”

"This thing sounds nice, but in fact, it's just a way to divert attention."

"Because leaders are chosen by the majority of people, no matter how stupid they are, they are chosen by you."

"So no matter how difficult the lives of the people at the bottom are, how angry the heroes are in their hearts."

"We cannot direct our anger at those who are actually secretly pushing the rules forward to benefit themselves."

"Coupled with the various entertainment facilities deliberately created, people can be immersed in endless entertainment."

"Making most people immersed in a world of spiritual satisfaction."

"Coupled with the means of controlling the spread of public opinion, we can reach the point where we can cover the sky with one hand."

"That way, people who really make society very sad can hide in the dark and sit back and relax."

"This is a situation in which wealth controls power and makes a lot of money."

“As time goes by, more and more people will realize the essence of this method, which is actually a scam to divert attention, and it will naturally decline.

"This is a method that merchants from all civilizations have long used, so it's nothing unusual, so I won't go into details."

Sarah saw Mr. Tony looking at her, holding the cup and speaking slowly.

"Is that what it is?"

Steve's eyes widened when he heard Miss Sarah's words.

He hates politicians saying one thing and doing another, but he has never thought that the democracy pursued in the United States is a way for businessmen to control power.

"Is there still such a thing?"

Pietro and Wanda also looked in disbelief.

"Then is there any way to find out the real person behind it?"

Banner also spoke at this time.

Although he also holds multiple doctorate degrees, based on what Miss Sarah meant, and thinking about it carefully, it seems that he has not reached a truly high-level position.

Before, he was just a part-timer, to put it bluntly.

He truly lived a life of wealth and freedom only because he joined the Void Cult and hugged a super thick thigh.

The second update of 3,000 words is sent

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