I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 624: Everything must be based on evidence

"Thank you for your life. Let me say thank you to the person who is willing to save our lives."

When Coulson heard Gamora's words, he knew that they couldn't fight with this group of people, so he thanked them humbly.

You must know that the captain of this team and the two guys who can directly resist rifle fire directly ignored them.

Just any one person can directly beat them all.

"It's good to have justice in your heart, but don't die for garbage."

"Not everyone in the world is worthy of your death."

Gamora saw Coulson thanking him and said casually.

Afterwards, Gamora left directly with Nebula and Rocket.

"I thought this kid could show some performance. I really don't know whether to call him naive or ignorant, or arrogant and ignorant."

"You don't even have the consciousness to fight, so you dare to be involved in such a deadly battle."

Rocket was a little disappointed while holding the gun and running quickly.

In terms of ability, Spider-Man's ability is really not bad, and he is also a very agile type.

If Nebula had fought with all his strength from the beginning, it would certainly not have been easy for Nebula to take down Spider-Man, and Nebula might even have been trapped by the spider's threads.

It's just that Spider-Man, a person with super powers, dared to hold back when faced with an unknown and dangerous enemy.

It was Tony Stark who saved his life, otherwise Nebula would not have let go of Spider-Man and would have caught him and beat him to death.

"Didn't Mr. Jarvis say that he is only sixteen years old?"

"And Blue Star doesn't have as dangerous enemies as the universe for him to fight."

"He awakened his superpowers and did not turn bad but often helped the weak, proving that his nature is not bad."

Gamora heard this and spoke.

Although she and Nebula had lost countless lives when they were sixteen, Gamora would definitely not measure everyone by her own standards.

Spider-Man's ability is not strong compared to them, but in a place like Blue Star America, he won't encounter too many dangers even when faced with firearms.

The opponents I have always faced are basically gangsters.

Therefore, it is understandable that Spider-Man would hold back his hand in the first place. His true intention was that he did not want to hurt Nebula or kill anyone.

"People who are too kind often don't get along well."

Xingyun heard this and said coldly.

I agree. "

Rocket said with a smile upon hearing this.

Even in ordinary life, good people do not live long, and disasters last for thousands of years.

Being too kind and merciful in the battlefield may result in being killed in reverse.

They all survived through desperate battles. If they dared to stay on the battlefield, the grass on their graves would probably be three feet high.

"It's Blue Star people anyway. We're here to help and make some money along the way."

"I probably won't have anything to do with it in the future, so don't worry so much and solve it quickly."

Gamora did not deny what the two said, but only emphasized what they should do in this matter.

Now the defense line of those members has been torn apart by Star-Lord, Drax, and Groot.

As Gamora, Nebula and Rocket joined the battlefield, the situation on the battlefield immediately became tilted to one side.

Peter Parker's whole body was covered in cold sweat, and he kept sucking in cold air. After a while, he endured the severe pain and broke free from the wall.

After he became Spider-Man, he encountered many dangers, but never was he injured like this, and never was he as close to death as he was just now.

Peter Parker knew that these men in black robes related to Mr. Tony were extraordinary.

However, because he heard that the other party was a woman's voice, he subconsciously gave him a hand, fearing to hurt or kill the other party.

Although Peter Parker doesn't know the limit of his strength, it must be twenty tons.

If this kind of power is not restrained, one punch can kill someone.

Now Peter Parker truly realizes his naivety.

Last time, Mr. Steve Rogers came forward to say a good word for himself and saved his life.

This time it should be Mr. Tony Stark who saved his life

Both times were caused by my curiosity, naivety and luck.

He knew in his heart that this incident was most likely planned by Mr. Tony Stark.

Even he knew that this matter was beyond his capabilities.

But he still had the idea of ​​luck in his heart and wanted to come and see if he could contribute.

This reminded Peter Parker again of the advice of the mysterious bandage man who gave him constant nightmares.

He knew that he had to make changes, otherwise the chance of survival would be impossible again and again.

His abilities were not given to him to become a hero who could single-handedly save the world and change it.

Spider-Man looked at what they saw as a heavily guarded and extremely solid defensive line, which had been completely torn apart by the actions of these men in black robes in just a few minutes.

His strength is just like the disdainful words of the black-robed woman just now.

Does he think he is strong?

Peter Parker has always wanted to do something big with his superpowers.

But in fact, his strength is not as strong as he imagined.

He also does not have such a high level of fighting consciousness and dares to kill the enemy.

"Sorry, I think I should go back."

After Peter Parker truly realized the limitations of his naivety and ability, his mood was extremely complicated at this time. He looked at Coulson and said in a dull voice.

Coulson saw the deeply shocked Peter Parker and wanted to comfort him, but in the end he just choked out a sentence.

"It's not your fault."

"The main fault lies with me. I should have delayed coming here for a while."

Spider-Man has been active in Queens, helping people everywhere.

As the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson couldn't understand more. Even he knew that Spider-Man was just a teenager.

There are many people in Queens who are grateful for Spider-Man Peter Parker, but New York's Daily Bugle is constantly bashing Spider-Man.

Being able to be yelled at and slandered like this did not make Peter Parker feel revengeful.

Although a bit selfish, Coulson also hopes to have such a hard-working hero who does not ask for anything in return to help him.

This time when S.H.I.E.L.D. called, Spider-Man responded immediately, and the result was that Spider-Man almost died.

As the director of SHIELD, he placed too many expectations on this underage hero. When too many expectations are placed on a person, it becomes pressure.

"Being kind-hearted is not a bad thing. You are just too young. You will do a lot in the future."

"So don't rush to express yourself, and understand what rejection means."

Seeing how frustrated Spider-Man was, Natasha took the initiative to step forward, hugged Spider-Man gently, and spoke to comfort him.

"Go back. If you want to sneak in to seize treasures or steal information, as long as you come to me, I will be happy to help you."

"But in the future, when facing a powerful enemy, I need more information before I can decide whether to help."

Scott Lang spoke after seeing the dangers lurking in a world that was different from ordinary people.

They thought that they would retreat immediately when the situation was wrong, but in fact the control over whether to retreat was not in their hands, but in the fact that the enemy let them go.

This sense of gap can make people truly aware of their own weight.

Scott Lang has undoubtedly realized by now that the Ant-Man suit itself is not a complete battle suit.

It allows him to have abilities stronger than most ordinary people, but in a world of various superpowers.

The Ant-Man suit is at best an auxiliary person, not a real combatant.

Then a group of them followed Coulson, boarded the fighter plane again, and left directly.

It's not that they don't want to prevent this incident, it's that they can't help at all. They are lucky to be able to save themselves.

Only twenty minutes of work.

The entire defense line was broken by the frontal attack of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Then they left with all of them knocked unconscious, as many as seventy-six MPs.

Shortly after they left.

The FBI, police and journalists also arrived quickly.

But they looked at the torn defense line in front of them, a messy and shocking battlefield.

It made them all aware of fear.

All the congressmen protected by the heavily guarded defense line were forcibly taken away. The enemy was so powerful that it was beyond the scope of intervention by the army and conventional weapons.

If you want to solve the real culprit who caused the congressmen to disappear like crazy, I'm afraid the only way is to use tactical mushroom eggs to directly evaporate these people and the decoy congressmen together.

As news reporters reported overnight.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night for countless people across the United States.

For the various forces in Blue Star, it can't be said to be a sleepless night, but there are still many people paying attention to these things.

It directly aroused huge public opinion throughout the world.

The top executives of the United States could not bear it anymore. Even if there was no evidence, they all pointed the finger at the real controller of Stark Industries, the mastermind behind the scenes in the United States, Tony Stark.

For a time, countless people in the United States were filled with righteous indignation and continued to make various remarks, asking Tony Stark to come out and give an explanation.

It's just Tony who faces this kind of public opinion.

Just posted a message on his Twitter.

Everything must be based on evidence. Any speculation and slander without evidence is unreasonable.

It's easy for Tony to quell this public opinion.

But Tony knew that it was not yet time to announce the dirty things these congressmen were doing behind their backs.

Banner, Star-Lord, and Pietro have not yet dealt with the numerous congressmen who want to be captured and killed.

The direction of public opinion is very easy to change, as long as the time really comes.

With the various intelligence, videos and even audio recordings he holds in his hands, he can easily influence the direction of public opinion.

Since he wants to be a devil in the eyes of the world, it is natural to wait until the matter is done.

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