I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 630 The liquidation plan ends

This incident caused countless white people to question and reflect. They all felt that the media was making too much of a fuss.

And really speaking, the United States is a white-dominated force.

There are a lot of white people killed and injured every day, but it doesn't matter whether the media is going to publicize it or not.

They advocate equality for all. As the majority ethnic group in the United States, they, the white people, should suffer a little loss.

When it comes to ethnic minorities, Asians are also a minority in the United States, and they come from different forces.

Therefore, although the total number exceeds that of the Jews, according to their previous origins, their number is even smaller than that of the Jews.

It’s just after Asians were victimized and died due to various reasons.

Although some Asian forces will support it.

However, the major media in the United States will not use this to make a big statement and make it known to everyone.

Often big things are reduced to trivial matters, and they are quickly brushed aside without further explanation.

It's just that some people in Judah died, but the major media used the topic to directly connect the men in black robes with racial discrimination.

Originally, this incident was supposed to be just a very common personal grudge between a small gang and the murderer.

This is all too common in America.

Various underground gangs in the United States often have frictions and deaths.

On the streets, people often pull out guns and kill people in anger because of personal grudges.

This common fight for territory and interests or venting anger is regarded as a personal grudge.

Unless you make some remarks that directly despise a race, or even make remarks that want to exterminate a race, it will not directly rise to the level of a nation.

But looking at the intentions expressed by the major media, it seems that the incident of men in black robes attacking the NRA headquarters and subsequently killing some Jewish people directly rose to a sensitive national issue.

This wind direction made countless white people smell a strange smell.

If we say this is the country of Judah, then this will arouse public outrage.

It is understandable that the top management of the United States should fully respond to this matter.

But the problem is that America is not a force dominated by Jews, nor a force dominated by blacks, nor a force dominated by Latin Americans.

It should be a force dominated by white people.

Needless to say about Asians, they basically form small circles in a small area in the United States and play their own games.

They can't even use the topic to talk about discrimination, let alone dominate the United States.

But why don’t the top leaders of the United States use the issue of white people to play on the issue, but directly play on the death of the Jewish people?

And he also brought up the past, directly referring to the tragedy of the past.

This allowed countless white people who had received a happy education to truly think independently at this time.

In fact, ZZZQ itself makes countless people feel disgusted, but because of the social trend, they have to wear masks to behave.

I felt sick and speechless in my heart, but on the surface I said nice things to avoid getting into trouble.

To put it bluntly, this is a mode of action that has nothing to do with oneself.

Only now, countless white people are beginning to face up to the so-called ZZZQ, whether it is correct or not.

The Internet provides a huge amount of information every day. What you just saw may be forgotten in a few minutes.

Therefore, only a few people remembered the advice given by the middle-aged director wearing the police badge yesterday, even at the risk of being accused of spreading rumors and being dismissed.

The United States seems to be lively enough now, with big news breaking one after another in just a few days, making people feel like they are witnessing history with their own eyes.

But now that you calm down and think carefully, you will find that the United States is in the same state before the storm.

When the storm really hits America, that's when chaos breaks out.

The director obviously saw more things, but he didn't make it completely clear.

Don't let confusion influence your true thoughts. This should be what the director really wants to express.

Many white people also drove directly to Fairfax City.

I want to personally talk to Director Hogg, who is defined by countless people as a lunatic with bad intentions and who deliberately spreads rumors.


As for the Jewish people who were planning behind the scenes, they wanted Tony to come forward and prove himself.

In just one night, they all died in the hands of Steve and Paige.

In order to prevent Tony Stark from being carried away by anger, Steve chose a more efficient method.

That is to get rid of these behind-the-scenes masterminds before the people of Judah fully reveal their plans to draw fuel from the bottom of the cauldron.

There is a saying that goes well: Human beings are born with many unequal experiences, but at least one is absolutely equal.

That is to achieve true equality of all living beings at the moment of true death.

After Tony woke up, while reading information at the big table in the conference hall, he noticed Steve's movements and thanked him.


Although Tony had already thought of a plan on how to deal with the Judahs, Steve solved the problem by directly solving the person who initiated the conspiracy.

"I'm just doing what I'm responsible for. I have nothing to thank you for."

Steve said extremely calmly in the face of Tony's thanks.

"After the matter is resolved, let's get together for dinner."

Tony saw Steve pretending to be indifferent and arrogant, so he didn't expose it.


Steve nodded slightly when he heard Tony's words.


Time passed day by day, and more than twenty days passed in the blink of an eye.

As time goes by, the number of existing members has changed from more than 500 to only 64.

At the same time, many former congressmen in the United States were truly liquidated.

Tony Stark's name has also become the most popular word this month.

Every day, countless people around the world are constantly discussing the affairs of the United States and Tony Stark.

Counting current and abdicated members, a total of 3,127 members are missing.

This incident has been defined as the "Member Liquidation Incident".

For the person who planned this incident, all directions point to the real controller of Stark Industries, Iron Man Tony Stark.

But Tony Stark was at the center of a storm of public opinion, but he never thought of saying anything.

Zheng Xian, director of the Divine Spear Bureau.

After seeing the liquidation incident at this time, I knew that what Tony Stark did was basically consistent with what he had guessed.

Tony Stark's purpose is to eradicate the darkness within the United States and begins to promote a gun ban.

Zheng Xian admired this kind of courage very much. Zheng Xian also knew everything about the death of the congressman in the Celestial Dynasty.

However, their arrival did not cause much damage to their territory.

The same is true for other forces. They just took away the fleeing congressmen and did not set fire to the territories of each force.

Although it also aroused some vigilance from the top leaders of major forces.

But Zheng Xian had already expected this.

Next, Tony Stark's control over the direction of America is crucial.

If his prediction is correct.

Then Tony Stark should completely tighten the rules of immigration and plan to expel blacks, Hispanics, and Jews.

As for Asians, they may not take action because Asians do not reach high-level positions in the United States and have no say in many major issues in the United States.

There is no constant advocacy of the so-called ZZZQ, so it is not the root cause of the previous chaotic situation in the United States.

It’s possible that Tony Stark simply skipped Asians.

As long as the direction of things is completely in line with all Zheng Xian's predictions, then his plan is almost ready to be implemented.

Prepare for their force to truly join the community of a shared future for mankind.


This is the twenty-seventh day of the execution of the liquidation plan.

On Tony's private island.

Banner, Steve, Paige, Pietro, Wanda, and the Guardians of the Galaxy all ended because of the liquidation plan.

They returned to the private island one after another.

"Miss Pepper, why do you have time to come over?"

Pietro got off the fighter plane and was extremely surprised to see a blond beauty among the figures waiting for them below.

"Because soon the chaos in America will really begin."

"Stark Industries will be in a much more chaotic situation."

"So Tony asked me to move around less during this period and stay here for now."

Pepper heard this with a smile on his face and said.

Since returning to Blue Star, she has been walking around to discuss cooperation with various forces.

And constantly express the ideals advocated by Stark Industries, hoping that all forces can work together.

This took a lot of effort from Pepper.

The top leaders of various forces had many considerations, and they all expressed support for her ideals, but none of them truly united.

The liquidation events within the United States have still added a lot of resistance and doubts to Pepper.

But Pepper knew that everything Tony did was preparation work before moving towards his ideal success.

The reason why she can think so is that Pepper clearly knows that she is not Miss Sonia or Miss Sarah.

Their rich experience and knowledge give Miss Sonia and Miss Sarah great foresight.

She is more rigorous and careful in her work, but her mind is definitely not as good as Tony's.

So she just needs to do things that are within her own responsibility.

Regarding the general direction, Tony should discuss it with Steve and Banner and find a way to solve it.

"Mr. Tony, you should be ready to release the evidence of all the crimes those congressmen have committed in the past, right?"

Wanda said thoughtfully when she heard that the real chaos began next.

"Well, they will be released one after another tomorrow."

"After the direction of public opinion is completely reversed, the next step will be implemented."

"You have just come back, and you have just taken advantage of the fermentation of public opinion in the past few days."

"Let's take a rest first."

Tony said with a smile on his face after hearing this.

Although everyone is at Blue Star now, Steve and the others have been out and about in the past month, executing the liquidation plan, so they have to rest when they should.

The third update is 3,000 words, and 10,000 words have been added. It has been 10,000 words for another month in a row. Please vote! ! ! please

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