I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 660 A macho man turns into a bitch instantly

"Cooperation is okay, but I have to know who you are."

"Otherwise I would rather die here than agree."

Hei Luosan heard that the other party was discussing how to deal with the two of them, and the method of execution depended on whether they were willing to cooperate. His heart sank and he asked.

Without understanding who these two people are, if you rashly cooperate with them, you may fall into a trap and put the Saint Nicholas civilization into a greater crisis. In that case, he would rather die here.

"The idea is good, but it's a pity that you don't have the power to negotiate terms with us now."

Nikrov saw that this Black Luosan actually wanted to negotiate terms.

As he spoke, Nikrov shook his hand, and the mental circle that trapped Hei Luosan and Jin Rakshasa suddenly shrank.

The bodies of Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan were squeezed by the terrifying force, making a clanging sound, and streaks of blood appeared in the pores on their bodies.

But neither Hei Luo San nor Jin Rakshasa made any screams when faced with this squeeze, only a muffled groan.

The two of them knew that sometimes it was better to die directly than to stay alive and agree to cooperate with the enemy.

Because even if the former dies, at least he has no burden in his heart and can face death with a clear conscience.

If you rashly choose the latter and cooperate with the enemy to survive, you may survive, but the price may be to become a sinner for the ages.

The difference between the two has long been engraved in the hearts of Hei Luosan and Jin Luosha.

No matter what you do, you cannot be a traitor to civilization.

The mental force circle squeezed little by little, causing a lot of blood to flow out of the two people.

When Nikrov saw these two people, they were as stubborn as donkeys, not even afraid of death, and his eyes changed slightly.

Then, Nikrov clapped his hands and made a crisp "pop!" sound, and the mental circle that bound the two people disappeared instantly.

Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San fell to the floor.

"Okay, you win."

"We are the agents of the void,"

"On the order of the Void Cult, I came to thwart the Kree Empire's conspiracy."

"If they still don't agree, you will control the two of them and let them go back and forth wherever they go."

"We'll let them regain consciousness after we're done."

Nikrov watched the two of them tell their origins, and at the same time looked at Madam Butterfly and gave instructions.

Faced with such a person who dared to face death for the sake of civilization and was not an enemy, he really couldn't take action.

Because as the overlord of Tesma Civilization, there are very few people who have such awareness in high positions.

In fact, whether Heiluo San and Jin Luosha agreed to cooperate or not made no difference to Niklov and Madam Butterfly.

Because Madam Butterfly can easily control these two people to work for them.

The purpose of the inquiry is whether Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo Sanxin are willing to contribute, or whether they are forced to contribute.

Madam Butterfly nodded slightly when she heard this.

She knew that Nikrov would not kill someone who was not an enemy rashly, so she had not spoken to stop him before.

"Open your eyes. Closing your eyes is actually of no use to me."

Immediately, Madam Butterfly looked at Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San and made a beautiful voice.

Her charm is never limited to her eyes, but her movements and even her voice can enchant others.

Madam Butterfly's voice echoed directly in the corridors of this floor.

Even though Hei Luosan and Jin Luosha closed their eyes at this time, they could not help but open their eyes because of this voice.

“The agent of the void?

"So you are Niklov?"

"So she is the other rumored agent??"

Hei Luosan opened his eyes at this time, saw the ordinary-looking Nikrov with blue skin, and immediately understood.

There have been rumors about two agents in the Land of Nothingness for a long time.

Among them, Niklov the Slayer is well-known, and those who violate the rules of the Void will be punished with death.

And he is proficient in all kinds of knowledge, such as business, farming, development, management, etc.

But there is another agent. Rumors only say that she is a woman. Not many people have actually seen her. Her duty is to handle intelligence and deliver news.

Everything that happened in the entire void could not escape her observation.

The combination of the two is obviously a representative of one who focuses on the outside and the other on the inside.

In just a few years, the two men brought life to a void that had endured the horrors of war.

"Just call her your agent."

Niklov heard this and spoke.

Unlike him, Lady Butterfly can deal with various battle scenes at any time.

Therefore, Madam Butterfly deliberately controlled the information so that the outside world only knew about her, but not her true appearance and name.

This is also the reason why Niklov dared to bring Lady Butterfly, whose appearance was simply concealed, to the Saint Nicholas Civilization.

"I didn't expect that our Saint Nicholas civilization would actually be involved in the whirlpool between two behemoths."

Golden Rakshasa said with some emotion after hearing about the Void Cult and the Kree people and realizing what they represented.

Because of the battle on Xandar a few years ago.

The fact that the Void Cult and the Kree Empire have become enemies is also widely spread in the universe.

The Void Cult is one of the few powerful forces that has made the Kree Empire suffer a dumb loss and dare not clamor for a response.

The accuser Ronan died, and a starship was taken away. Countless elites were wiped out, and the Kree Empire didn't even dare to scream.

What the Kree Empire did not dare to complain about was the Xandar Empire, because even if the accuser Ronan took the initiative to start a war, he died on Xandar Planet, the base camp of the Xandar Empire.

The Kree Empire cannot directly and blatantly clamor. This is the importance of strong power (civilization).

Only if there is enough power and influence in the universe to give you the right to speak, can you talk about justice and morality.

Therefore, justice and morality are things that can only be discussed if they have equal status and power.

As long as you are not as powerful as others, others can directly determine your life or death.

"If you don't stop the Kree Empire's conspiracy, you will be involved."

"It's not that time yet."

Niklov heard this and spoke.

"Can you elaborate on the Kree Empire's plans?"

The blood marks on Hei Luosan's body began to heal quickly, and he asked with a solemn expression.

"The memory wakes up."

Madam Butterfly just said one sentence when she heard this.

The memories of Hei Luosan and Jin Rakshasa that were sealed and forgotten last night emerged directly from the depths of their memories like springs.


This caused the expressions of Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan to change.

Jin Luosha saw how he brought the two people in respectfully, and also understood what the fight was like last night.

Black Luosan is connected with the scene where he is controlled by one glance, as well as all the subsequent conversations and handing over of information.

After understanding the situation, the two left quickly.

All their memories of the night came back to life, and he saw himself sleeping peacefully.

It's just that Hei Luosan understood that there might have been other major factions secretly united with the Kree Empire.

This made Hei Luosan feel angry.

In the past, no matter how the major branches of the Saint Nicolization competed internally, whether the strong came up and the weak were eliminated, it was all an internal matter within the Saint Nicol civilization.

It is not a foul if you are looking for off-site assistance or looking for other reputable civilizations to exchange technology with each other.

After all, technology itself is about communication and progress.

But with the help of the Kree Empire's technology, it is not a matter of foul play, but a matter of disregarding the safety of civilization and being a traitor to civilization. This kind of scum must be eliminated.

"My Queen, why don't you directly control us to solve the Kree Empire's conspiracy?"

"Our power can help you find those hidden scumbags better and faster."

This made Hei Luosan look at Madam Butterfly and ask.

Nikrov and Madame Butterfly took control of them, collected important information and left.

It was impossible to say thank you, but the other party did not mean to kill them.

Otherwise, let alone him and Jin Luosha, all the people who were controlled last night, after eliminating the traces of these two people.

Directly order them to commit suicide, and they will execute it without hesitation, making this a civilized unsolved case that cannot be solved even if they want to.

"This matter is between the Void Cult and the Kree Empire."

"If things go well, it will be enough to solve the Kree people and destroy some of the technological materials and data left by the Kree Empire in the Saint-Nicci civilization."

"So there's no need to make it such a big deal."

"Although your Saint Nicholas civilization is no longer weak in individual combat capabilities, it can participate in some large-scale cosmic wars."

"And didn't Jin Rakshasa sigh just now? He didn't expect to be involved in the whirlpool between the two major forces, so the movement can be as small as possible to avoid the occurrence of large-scale war."

Madam Butterfly rolled her eyes when Hei Luosan called her queen, but she still responded and explained softly.

The confrontation between the big forces involves countless weak forces, and those weak forces will be like cannon fodder.

"My Queen."

"But even if we don't want to be involved, we are already involved."

"Once the Kree Empire's conspiracy is foiled, our Saint Nicholas civilization will also be regarded as a thorn in the Kree Empire's side."

"That's why I feel sad, and we must not tolerate traitors to civilization."

Upon hearing this, Jin Luosha responded with a sonorous and powerful voice.

"Can you please stop calling me queen?"

"You are not controlled now."

"If others heard it, they would think you two and I were playing some strange game."

Madam Die was speechless when she heard not only Hei Luosan calling her that, but also Golden Rakshasa calling her that.

There may be women who like to be called Queen, but she doesn't like it at all. On the contrary, the lower profile the better.

"Okay, Your Lady Queen."

"Then I wonder what we should call you?"

Golden Rakshasa heard this and spoke.

Nikrov's strength is terrifying, but for the entire Saint Nikol civilization.

This queen who can control them instantly is the most terrifying existence.

Nikrov's kind of gathering troops and preparing them and using technology can find a way to deal with it.

And this woman can completely control them, making them sacrifice their lives for her without reservation, and even kill each other. It is not an exaggeration to call her a queen.

"Just call me your agent."

Madam Butterfly heard this and spoke.

"Okay, Lord Advocate."

When Hei Luosan and Jin Luosha heard this title, although they felt that the queen was better than the agent, they could only agree.

The change of title made Madam Butterfly feel a lot more comfortable instantly.

"Sir Actor, I wonder if we should take action immediately?"

Hei Luo San said after hearing this.

Because of the recovery of last night's memory, he also knew where Niklov and Madame Butterfly's goals would be.

Basically, we first check other major connections to see if there are any signs of union with the Kree Empire.

Although he didn't know how Madam Butterfly learned that the Cree people had cooperated with the Saint Nicholas civilization.

However, considering that Madam Butterfly is in charge of the intelligence of the void, it is not surprising that she has special intelligence abilities.

"I have the authority to forcibly search any major artery."

"So as soon as we start moving, I can take the two of them directly into various places."

Upon hearing this, Jin Luosha immediately explained his power.

"This matter needs to be handled in a secretive manner, and don't make too much noise, which may lead to a large number of casualties."

"As for what we're going to do now, we're going to have lunch."

Madam Butterfly said after hearing that the two of them were eager to take action immediately.

"Thank you for your kindness... the representative. People who are not from our Saint Nicholas civilization care about the people."

Hearing this, Jin Rakshasa was about to say "Mrs. Queen", but he immediately corrected himself.

Because the memory of last night was too profound.

As a result, even if they were not controlled, the two still recognized the status brought by Madam Butterfly's ability.

"Then let us entertain you two."

Hei Luosan said respectfully when he heard that he wanted to eat first.

The representative of the Void Land under the name of the Void God Cult, and his identity can be called a big shot in the universe.

These two people are hindering the Kree Empire's conspiracy, and they can also be said to be here to help their Saint Nicol civilization.

And the other party actually spared them twice.

Therefore, Hei Luosan decided to entertain these two people with the highest etiquette.

"No need, just eat normally."

Madam Butterfly heard this and spoke.

If you let the other party entertain you, it will waste a lot of time.

"Whatever you say will be done."

Hei Luosan didn't argue when he was rejected. Instead, he nodded directly.

Nikrov was a little speechless when he saw that these two tough men who had dared to face death just now had become like the bastards he saw last night.

And in just this moment of conversation, the bodies of Hei Luosan and Jin Luosha who had been injured in the battle had completely recovered as before.

"Go back up and take the hanging ladder down to have dinner first."

Madame Butterfly said to Niklov.

After receiving the wish, Nikrov directly took Madam Butterfly to fly upwards and returned to his own level.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan flew directly and jumped directly, and also arrived at the floor of Madam Butterfly's residence.

The two of them, like two bodyguards, came directly to Madam Butterfly.

"There's no need to be so serious. It just makes us look conspicuous."

"And remember to repair this place, you guys broke it."

Madam Butterfly saw the two of them acting like bodyguards and told them not to be so serious.

"This is a common occurrence whenever there is disruption as a result of our forced searches."

"You can ask our Jin family for reimbursement directly."

Upon hearing this, Jin Luosha also stepped aside a little and spoke.

The first update of 4,000 words per day will be sent

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