I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 672: The Suppressive Power of the Powerful Man in the Universe (Large Chapter of 10,000 Word

The elders of the Yuan family looked at each other.

"Since you are so determined, how do you want to investigate?"

"Go to various companies and underground research laboratories to take a look?"

Yuan Mingya also felt the courage of these two juniors at this time, and planned to cooperate.

"This is indeed a normal method, but the more normal the method, the more troublesome and slow it is."

"So we have a simpler and more efficient way."

"Just let our distinguished guest in."

Golden Rakshasa said with a smile upon hearing this.

Yuan Mingya has no words yet.

"Are you planning to borrow the help of outsiders to investigate the ten major meridians?"

An old man from the Yuan family asked.

"It's not that we are unwilling to cooperate with your investigation."

"It's just borrowing the power of outsiders, and outsiders with unknown origins."

"Where do you plan to place the ten major veins of Saint Nicholas?"

The old man from the Yuan family looked at Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan with some disappointment.

"If mind reading is used, then the core technology of our Yuan family may be leaked."

"What do you two want?"

"Tell the world about this and ask your father to come over."

Although they don't know the origins of the two distinguished guests mentioned by Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan, the two people outside.

However, since it is an efficient method, it must not remind people of super powers such as hypnosis, mind reading, telepathy, etc.

These superpowers are not available to the Saint Nicholas civilization.

However, the universe is so vast, and there are many people with the above superpowers.

The originally harmonious atmosphere in the palace immediately became terrifying and aggressive.

Facing a strong man from the Yuan family, Yuan Tianhe himself felt tremendous pressure.

"Uncles, don't worry so much. The two distinguished guests I invited are here to investigate this matter."

"What she used was not mind-reading, it was just a hypnotic technique."

"You can also see with your own eyes what she asked then."

"If you ask about anything related to the core technology of the Yuan family, you uncles can also witness it and intercept it."

"As long as the Yuan family does not unite with the Kree Empire, then there will be no problems."

"If you are worried, how will they check you and ask you questions?"

"In the future, they can also investigate the heads of our Hei family and Jin family and many elders in front of you."

"Or are you saying that you uncles have something going on in your mind and you feel scared?"

Hei Luosan is not someone to be scared of. In the past ten years of experience, he has faced many people with high status or strong men, so he made the matter completely clear directly.

As soon as these words came out, all the old men present looked at Yuan Mingya.

"Then let them in."

Yuan Mingya felt his eyes darken slightly and said.

He tapped the armrest of the throne several times frequently, making a crisp sound.

This burst of knocking caused the eyes of the old man present to change, and he restrained his aura.

It seems that everyone is listening to Yuan Mingya's orders and is no longer restless.

Only Yuan Tianhe shrank his eyes and looked at the current head of the family, Yuan Mingya, in disbelief. He couldn't understand this signal.

"Run away!"

At the same moment Yuan Tianhe shouted loudly.

The signal sound from Yuan Mingya has been transmitted directly from the palace to the outside.

This caused some changes in the eyes of the guards who were watching the door, and they put away their swords at the same time.

"You can go in."

One of the tall guards spoke.

When Nikrov heard it, he flew directly inside slowly.

But just when their backs were turned to the guards

A huge sword turned into a sword light and struck Madam Butterfly directly.

According to the signal, this woman is the person who came specifically to investigate.

This person has special superpowers and can forcibly find out information that is difficult to find by conventional means.

Facing this sword, Madam Butterfly's eyes did not change, let alone make any dodge movements.

She knew that as long as Nikrov did not die, the enemy would not be able to hurt her.

Therefore, it was like a huge sword that could hit Madam Butterfly with less than 20 centimeters of lightning speed.

With a sound of "Cang!", it struck directly on an invisible barrier.

The sword energy flew directly into the sky along the barrier, and a terrifying crack was cut directly into the white palace.

At the same time, the other three guards also moved and attacked Nikrov directly.

The swords, which were taller than ordinary people, were as light as feathers when wielded in their hands.

In just an instant, dozens of sword lights covered the sky and the earth, trying to cut Nikrov into powder.

It's just that their attacks have no effect at all in front of Nikrov, and are equivalent to hitting a round and indestructible wall.

"If you want to fight, fight. Sneak attacks are not a good tactic."

Nikrov tilted his head sideways and looked at the guards behind him with his peripheral vision, a cold light in his eyes.

The blue skin began to change into white skin at this moment, and the cloak on his body appeared immediately.

Nikrov was not very tall, but standing half a meter above the ground, he showed a domineering aura, as if he were the emperor himself.

The clouds and mist covering Yuanbai Mountain suddenly exploded and dispersed in all directions.

This scene made all four guards feel something bad.

Nikrov opened his hands, and a dazzling light erupted around him.

It exploded with a bang, and a terrifying white light dispersed in all directions. When it directly impacted the four guards, it was blocked by the giant swords in their hands and a large amount of the impact was removed, but they were still blown away.

"You look better like this, and you feel more secure."

Madame Butterfly saw that Niklov had returned to his original appearance and his temperament was no longer so wretched, so she spoke.

"We are here to investigate, not for tourism."

"And no matter what I look like, as long as I don't die, I can protect you from death."

"Let's go in and meet these guys."

"And judging from the situation, it's not just the Yuan family, but other major connections may also be involved."

Nikrov saw Madam Butterfly's words and spoke.

"I can't walk on my own, so why don't you just take action?"

Madam Butterfly heard this and spoke.

After hearing this, Nikrov took Lady Butterfly directly to the palace.

at the same time.

When Hei Luosan and Jin Luosha heard Yuan Tianhe's voice, they had already reacted and wanted to escape.

If they were in a vast place at this time, Golden Rakshasa could easily retreat with Hei Luosan and Yuan Tianhe.

But at this time they were not in the open space, but in the palace.

The ceiling is definitely not a good escape route at this time, because these old guys will not let them get their wish.

Therefore, Hei Luosan and Jin Luosha could only go towards the closed palace gate, and Yuan Tianhe could only follow quickly when they saw it.

It's just that the palace itself is designed to resist powerful high-tech attacks at critical moments.

Therefore, the forged material is very strong and cannot be shaken by them at all.

"Yuan Mingya, do you know what you are doing now?"

Hei Luosan looked at the dozen old men from the Yuan family who stood up from their seats one after another and looked at him coldly, as well as the leader Yuan Mingya, and asked with cold eyes.

"Of course I know what I'm doing."

"I really admire the two of you. The Hei family and the Jin family have two visionary and courageous leaders."

"This is not a compliment or a lie."

"According to the courage shown by the two of you, as long as you successfully ascend to the position in the future, you will definitely lead the black and gold veins better."

“The Saint Nicholas civilization will become more stable as a result.

"This proves that the five major branches of the imperial capital are indeed extremely strict. They have not been corrupted but have cultivated generations of outstanding family heads for thousands of years."

"But just because it's stable, that's not a good thing."

"This kind of stability has been stable for our Yuan family for five thousand years, and it will be stable for even longer in the future."

“If there is no breakthrough in biotechnology, then when will it end?”

Faced with Hei Luosan's question, Yuan Mingya smiled slowly and said slowly.

Even if the major lines in the past have declined, the opportunity to return to the stage of the imperial capital and assume power is not so slim that it cannot be seen.

But now the pattern of Saint Nicholas Civilization has been set, although the development of Saint Nicholas Civilization is getting better and better.

It won't be too far away from the time when all the people will join in biomodification.

But this is the meritorious service of the five major branches of the imperial capital, not the merits of the major branches outside the imperial capital.

Of course, it is not necessarily a good thing to sit back and enjoy the success, but the problem is that they are not sitting back and enjoying the success.

As long as there is no breakthrough in biotechnology, they will have no chance to pull down the five major veins of the imperial capital that are twisted into one rope.

In the past, although the young leaders of the Ten Major Meridians knew how to deal with each other, they also knew that it was just a normal cooperative relationship.

Because the main line of the imperial capital may change at any time, this cooperation may turn into a dream at any time, so there is friendship but not too much.

But now the five major veins of the imperial capital are stable.

The leaders of their respective younger generations all have their own friends or groups.

There is both humiliation and glory, because it is easier to achieve great things when powerful forces join forces, and it is also easier to shine.

Therefore, no matter which pair comes to power, they can ensure the friendship and stability among the five major branches of the imperial capital.

This is what the five major branches of the imperial capital want to see, and it may also be what countless people in Saint Nicholas want to see, but this is definitely not what the Yuan family wants to see.

"Master, what you are doing now is not a smart choice."

"Allying with the Kree Empire will only result in the casualties of some of the people involved."

"But if we kill these two people and let the five major branches of the imperial capital know about it, the Yuan family will be completely wiped out."

When Yuan Tianhe heard these words, he looked at the elders and the head of the family who were gradually approaching, and said loudly.

The consequences of the former are bearable for the Yuan family, because it is their own fault and there is nothing to say.

As long as it is solved, the Yuan family will still be alive even if they lose some elites and vitality.

He dared to directly attack the young leaders of the five major branches of the imperial capital, and even had murderous intentions.

That would not only eliminate a small group of people, but also uproot the entire system.

"As long as all the five main branches of the imperial capital are destroyed, then there is no need to worry about this problem."

"And the Kree Empire wants to help the Sannic civilization and open up the barriers currently faced by biotechnology."

"Why are the Five Major Meridians of the Imperial Capital unwilling to accept it?"

"Is it because they are afraid that technological barriers will be broken through and the Saint Nicholas civilization will return to the old days of competition among heroes?"

Yuan Mingya knew that Yuan Tianhe was isolated and arrogant, so he never thought of telling Yuan Tianhe about the plans being planned by the major factions.

Yuan Tianhe also didn't do much unnecessary socializing, so no friends told him.

Now all the major factions outside the imperial capital have cooperated with the Kree people.

Most of the other young leaders in the major lineages knew about this matter, and only Yuan Tianhe knew about it today.

“It’s impossible to predict what the Kree Empire’s intentions are.”

"There is no way our Saint Nicholas civilization would dare to cooperate with the Kree Empire."

"You are already possessed by a demon."

Jin Luosha looked at Yuan Mingya who had begun to declare victory as if he had a winning ticket, his eyes revealed a sarcastic look, and he said coldly.

"Demon barrier?"

"Do you know how much pressure I had to face before I became the head of the family?"

"I need to shoulder the mission of leading the Yuan family back to the imperial capital, beyond the five major branches of the imperial capital."

"This is a mission that every generation of the Yuan family must know and bear before taking over."

"It's just that the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas is too stable now, and the imperial capital is like a monolith."

"We don't have the power, and we can't think of ways to shake your position from within."

"At this time, we can only rely on strong external force."

"The Kree have appeared, and everyone knows how powerful the super optical brain's intelligence is."

"As long as we tap into the supreme wisdom of the Cree, we will have disaster-level power at our disposal."

"Then even if the Kree have any conspiracy, we are fully capable of resisting it."

When Yuan Mingya looked at Jin Luosha, he could no longer maintain his calm expression, but became crazy.

"Your strategies cannot be shaken by the five main branches of our imperial capital."

"Who gave you the confidence to play tricks with the Kree?"

"Nothing is free in this world."

"I originally wanted you to go back and review the meaning of this sentence, but now you don't have that chance."

"Having confidence is a good thing, but if it exceeds the limit, it means being arrogant without knowing it."

"Allowing people like you to continue to hold power would be a disaster to the Saint Nicholas civilization."

"Even if your plan succeeds, it will eradicate the five main branches of our imperial capital."

"I guess when you finally face the terror of the Kree, you will cry and beg the Xandar Empire to come forward and clean up the mess."

When Hei Luosan saw Yuan Mingya looking like he had all the plans under control, he also looked sarcastic and looked like he was looking at a clown.

If the Kree Empire was so easy to contend with, it wouldn't be the lifelong enemy of the Xandar Empire.

Even the Xandar Empire couldn't kill the Kree directly. How could their Saint-Nicci civilization be so capable?

They are not afraid of the Kree Empire's conspiracy, they just know that as long as the Kree people don't have the opportunity to take advantage of it.

We can only collude with other advanced civilizations to weaken and attack the Saint Nicolization, or launch a head-on general attack, otherwise the Saint Nicolization will never die easily.

But these idiots from the other five major lineages outside the imperial capital actually led the wolf into the house.

The problem of disaster-level genetic modification does not necessarily mean that it can be overcome with the help of a super optical brain.

Their current difficulty is that they do not have the biological genes to neutralize the genes of monsters that weaken the disaster level.

At the same time, there is also a lack of a physical body with genes that can withstand disaster levels. These two fundamental problems are.

Rather than other trivial, inconsequential things that may not be discovered.

The computing power of the supreme intelligence could easily enable the biotechnology of the Saint Nicholas civilization to break through to the point where it could be integrated with disaster levels.

So the Kree body would be so rubbish?

As far as biotechnology is concerned, their Saint Nicholas civilization is the top of the universe, and it won't work even if the Kree come.

This is the top biotechnology that has been improved and optimized step by step over the tens of thousands of years of the Saint Nicholas civilization, countless generations and countless heroes still have lives.

Rather than a paper-based simulation, the human body is not so easy to analyze. These principles are very clear to the five major branches of the imperial capital.

Therefore, all the family heads of the five major branches of the imperial capital politely refused to cooperate without offending the Cree people.

Although we have refused cooperation, we have not yet reached the point of becoming enemies over this.

It's just people like Yuan Mingya who are possessed by demons, but they think that their five major branches are afraid that the stable situation will be shaken.

"You two are very good and courageous, but the most stupid thing is that you didn't tell the world and lead a team to investigate."

"I couldn't believe it at first, so I tried it several times."

"I didn't expect that you would come to conduct the investigation privately in order to perform better."

"You must know that if you want to accomplish something, success is not only considered successful when you discover it, but also success when you leave with your life."

"Even if you die here, you won't be able to send a rescue signal."

When Yuan Mingya heard that he had no chance to relive it, he did not feel angry but felt amused.

"Jin Luosha, Hei Luo San, you two really didn't inform your family head or tell anyone else?

Yuan Tianhe was like a grasshopper tied to a rope because he almost instinctively told Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San to run away.

If Jin Rakshasa and Hei Luo San were to die here, then it would be absolutely impossible for him to survive.

He himself suppressed the limelight of Yuan Mingya and the biological blood of his uncles, causing many people in the family to dislike him.

However, the battle for leadership needs to be open and honest, and it is a tradition not to use conspiracy and trickery.

Because everyone can use intrigues to win or achieve their goals. After all, no one can use dirty tricks. It’s just a matter of whether they want to use them or not.

Therefore, whether one can win openly is the test standard that can fully reveal a person's potential and ability.

"We haven't told our family, but don't worry."

"Since we dare to come, we are confident that we can leave safely after finding the traitor and triggering a battle."

Hei Luosan knew that the situation was very dangerous at this time, but he was not afraid at all.

"The reason why distinguished guests are called distinguished guests means that they come from the same high-level civilization or the same power, as well as more powerful forces and civilizations."

"And the two distinguished guests we invited belong to the latter."

Golden Rakshasa smiled on his face when he heard this.

He and Yuan Tianhe are friends. Although they are not very close, they still appreciate each other.

At this time, Yuan Tianhe could stand on their side without hesitation, which proved that he had not misjudged Yuan Tianhe's character.

If you really do your job correctly, you won't be afraid of your shadow slanting if you are upright.

You can be a little partial in small things, but in the face of big things, right is right and wrong is wrong.

This kind of person is destined not to be so popular, and may even be considered stupid.

But for a supreme controller of the Great Meridian, this quality is a must.

"My palace is not even afraid of the interstellar orbital ion cannon. You are running away..."

When Yuan Mingya heard the two people talking about the distinguished guests, he was making a declaration.

"Boom!" With a sound, the whole palace shook, like an earthquake shaking the mountains.

However, the people in the palace were not ordinary people, so they were not knocked down directly by the vibration.

But when they saw the scenery in front of them, their eyes shrank and they were speechless.

Next to the gate where Jin Luosha, Hei Luosan and Yuan Tianhe stood, it was as if they were attacked by a magic gun, and a terrifying cone-shaped dent appeared directly.

The palace has defenses that even the guns of a large aircraft carrier cannot easily shake.

But at this time, a dent more than ten meters wide appeared directly, which simply went against common sense.

Yuan Tianhe quickly moved sideways, and when he saw this scene, he immediately understood who the two were talking about.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San brought two distinguished guests.

The woman among them was called the Queen, and her control ability was astonishing. She made him obediently and obediently tell it all with just one glance.

The man who came with him didn't know the details.

The Queen doesn't look like someone with both strong control ability and strong fighting ability, because she doesn't have such a strong aura.

But considering that the Queen's abilities can be used on more occasions.

Then there needs to be a strong man with amazing strength who can use brute force to solve everything to protect him.

What the man did just now was indeed to protect the woman. He took her flying directly and set up a barrier to protect her.

Just when Yuan Tianhe was thinking.

A sound like an earth-shattering "boom!" pierced his ears.

The huge palace door was directly punched through, and the metal flew out and hit the ground with a "Bang!"

In the smoke, a handsome man with short white hair, white skin, and a black cloak that moved in the wind, exuding an arrogant and domineering aura, walked through the smoke and entered everyone's sight.

The arrival of this man's aura made the entire palace feel as if everything no longer mattered.

Yuan Tianhe looked at this man and rubbed his eyes, wondering if he had seen it wrong.

He remembered that the man just now had blue skin and looked ordinary and vulgar. Why did he become like this now?

But when he saw the veiled woman next to this man, he knew that this person was the blue-skinned, wretched man.

And judging from the aura, Yuan Tianhe understood that this man was a real overlord, one who held a high position all year round. This man's original identity was not that simple.

"Mr. Niklov, thank you."

When Golden Rakshasa saw Nikrov come in, he said respectfully and expressed his gratitude.

Nikrov is a true cosmic-level powerhouse, the kind who is not far from the top of the universe.

After all, Nikrov is said to be a fierce man capable of suppressing countless monsters and monsters in the void by one person.

"Looks like I'm not too late."

After taking a quick look at the situation, Nikrov spoke.

"Of course you're not late, you came just in time."

Hei Luo San said after hearing this.

Immediately, Hei Luosan looked at the stunned crowd with a sneer on his face.

"Yuanmingya, let's see who has no way to escape now."

Hei Luo San knew that bringing Nikrov and the Queen would be safer than bringing a group of people over directly.

So they don't need to tell the family members specifically to ask them to support them.

Yuan Mingya didn't waste any time. He directly pressed the button on his wrist, and a yellow and white battle armor appeared on his body. The same was true for other elders of the Yuan family.

Their already tall bodies, now wearing armor, exuded even more terrifying auras, like giant monsters.

At this time, they could only kill Hei Luosan, Jin Luosha and the two distinguished guests they mentioned, along with Yuan Tianhe.

Only their Yuan family lineage can unite with other major lines and use the technology of the Cree Empire to gain the status of the five major lines of the Donggua Imperial Capital.

"you mean?"

Facing this group of strong men from the Yuan family wearing battle armor, Nikrov showed no fear at all, but looked at Madam Butterfly.

After asking for her opinion, he took action to deal with the enemy, while Madam Butterfly took care of the investigation.

"It would be too kind to them to just let them commit suicide. You should beat them half to death first."

"I will resolve it completely after interrogation."

Although Mrs. Butterfly didn't know what these people had just said, but as soon as these people saw them, they planned to take action. She knew that the target had been confirmed and said with a smile.

Madam Butterfly's voice sounded very pleasant, but the words she spoke lightly made Yuan Mingya and many Yuan Family strong men feel like they had fallen into an ice cave.

What does it mean to let them commit suicide is too merciful?

Does this mean that this woman can directly let them commit suicide without any resistance?

If so, what kind of monsters did Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San invite?


Nikrov nodded slightly when he heard Madam Butterfly's words.

In just a few words, the life and death of these people have been decided, leaving no room for doubt.

Nikrov used his mind power to protect Madam Butterfly and let her stay in the air.

Then, Nikrov stood with his hands behind his back and flew forward alone.

When Yuan Mingya saw this, he exerted force with his feet like a supersonic cannonball that escaped from his body. The air exploded. His thick arm wearing a thick fist armor punched him directly.

With a sound of "Boom!", the aura visible to the naked eye also appeared at this time.

The terrifying fist strength could not shake Nikrov's telekinesis field at all.

Nikrov didn't move his hands, the air was distorted, and Yuan Mingya suffered countless attacks in just an instant.

He was beaten directly in the air and flew back and forth within five meters, vomiting blood.

Yuan Mingya's armor was directly twisted and dented, and it fell from the air to the ground with a "Bang!" in a state of confusion.


Nikrov didn't move his eyelids and just made a sound.

As one of the strongest men in the universe who is closest to the top strong men in the universe, Nickrov had never seriously competed with Steve before.

Otherwise, he could crush Steve to pieces with just one thought.

Now Madam Butterfly said that beating them half to death would be enough, otherwise these people would directly turn into blood mist.

When the difference in strength reaches a certain level, the weak will be unable to withstand even one move from the strong.


Jin Luosha, Hei Luosan, and Yuan Tianhe were shocked when they saw this scene.

Especially Black Luo San and Jin Rakshasa, they know that Nikrov, as the agent of the Void Land, is very powerful.

Bringing him along would definitely help them complete the investigation and solve the problem, but they never expected it to be so violent.

The head of the Yuan family, who has reached the peak of the Yuan family's strength and is a planet-level expert, has no room to fight back.

The thirteen old men of the Yuan family originally wanted to follow up and take action together, but when they saw this scene, they felt a little trembling.

"Nikrov...Nikrov, the agent of the void?"

"A member of the Void God Cult?"

It was just that the old man of the Yuan family remembered what Jin Rakshasa had called this domineering man just now, and he was also startled.

"A member of the Void God Cult?"

"How did you recruit the people from the Void God Cult?"

"It's over, everything is over."

"We seem to be involved in the whirlpool between the Kree Empire and the Void Cult."

When the other elders of the Yuan family heard about Nikrov, the agent of the Land of Nothingness, they also understood the situation one after another.

In the confrontation between big forces, for weak forces, even if they are involved a little bit, they may face catastrophe.

"I asked where did these two guys know that we have united with the Kree Empire."

"It turns out I found out about it from the Void Divine Cult."

However, while these old men from the Yuan family shouted that it was over, their eyes became more determined.

Because they know that at this time, they have no possibility of winning in a head-to-head confrontation, and there is no possibility of peace talks to let the other side let them go.

So there is only one way to choose, and that is to escape.

As long as they escape, and with their ability, they can live no matter where they are.

The reason why they have been unwilling to leave the Saint Nicholas Civilization for so many years is because the Saint Nicholas Civilization is their hometown.

And they also have the determination to return to the five major branches of the imperial capital.

But now the black and gold veins of the five major veins of the imperial capital have been connected with the Void Divine Sect.

It has become an extravagant hope for them to shake the five main branches of the imperial capital. If they don't escape at this time, they will never escape.

It's just that the changes in their eyes are all under Nikrov's telepathic perception.

Niklov snapped his fingers crisply.

The space was directly distorted, and terrifying pressure appeared on the bodies of the thirteen old men of the Yuan family. Even if they wanted to resist, they could not resist "Bang! Bang! Bang!" and fell down directly.

Because of the pressure of the heavy armor, cracks appeared on the ground.

The terrifying pressure left them all speechless. The armor that was supposed to give them powerful combat power and defense.

At this time, it became the shackles that bound them. As the armor was twisted and restrained, each of them shivered, their internal organs were damaged, and blood overflowed from the corners of their mouths. It only took more than ten seconds.

"Okay, half dead but not completely dead."

Nikrov had an insight into their plan and would not act sloppily and give them a chance to escape one by one.

So after directly dealing with these dozen Yuan family elders.

"You handle it next."

The explosive telepathy in Nikrov's body also contracted, and he came to Madam Butterfly's side.


Madam Butterfly nodded slightly when she heard this.

The purpose of keeping these people alive is to find out where the Kree are hiding, and who has agreed to join forces with the Kree.

"Damn it, Mr. Niklov, you are too fierce."

"Are you the top powerhouse in the universe?"

Golden Rakshasa saw that these old men and heads of the Yuan family, who were considered strong in front of them, had no room to fight back in front of Mr. Nikrov.

He also understood now that he and Hei Luosan had rushed over to find Madam Butterfly to investigate.

When Nikrov attacked them, he didn't just let them go, he just let them go.

"If I were the top expert in the universe, would I still be here?"

Nikrov was also a little speechless when he saw Jin Rakshasa who was like a fanboy at this time.

Although the treatment for the Void God Religion as the agent of the Void Land is not bad.

But if he were the top powerhouse in the universe, he would definitely not be here now.

The strong person in the universe is also a figure in the universe, but the number is not very small, and starting from the top strong person in the universe, the number becomes very rare.

With that kind of strength, you can directly occupy a large area and make it king.

The top experts in the universe can all call out their names directly. The difference in strength can be said to be worlds apart.

"It seems that the information is correct. You are a cosmic powerhouse, but you are indeed a bit too strong."

Hei Luosan said with emotion after hearing these words.

"There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world."

"With my strength, there are at least eight members of the Void Divine Religion who are stronger than me."

"This is after excluding those who are too strong."

"In too many years, my strength may not even rank high."

Niklov heard this and spoke.

The eight top powerhouses of the Void God Religion are all fierce men, and their physical bodies are not as bad as these people.

Some of them just ignored his telekinesis, and no matter how much he attacked, they couldn't hurt the opponent.

Among them are three terrifying monsters: Kyle, Alex, and Banner.

Others don't know it, but Nikrov saw with his own eyes how these three guys cleared the land of nothingness directly after Gao Tianzun retired.

It was truly a physical monster that could not break through all kinds of high-tech frontal attacks.

And Kyle also has extremely terrifying healing abilities, judging from the situation of being in the same body.

En Molix and Hulk Banner, if nothing else, also have the kind of ghost-like healing ability.

For example, his hands and feet were broken, his abdomen was injured, and a normal strong man like Hand suffered fatal injuries without a doubt. .

In front of Hulk Banner, Enchantress, and Hercules Kyle, they would probably be able to say "merely mortally wounded" in an understatement, and then recover with their backhand.

It is extremely powerful, has amazing defense, and has incredible recovery capabilities. This is simply a BUG.

The distance between them and the top powerhouses in the universe is probably limited to their large-scale attack methods. They are certainly not lacking in other strength, speed, and endurance.

And that is far from the limit of these three physical monsters. The void blessing of the Void God Cult will make them go to the world of stronger people.

"Jin Rakshasa, Hei Luo San, when did you and the Void God Cult get in touch?"

Yuan Tianhe now also knows that the two distinguished guests mentioned by Jin Luosha are from the Void Divine Sect.

He has also heard rumors about the Void Cult. The Collector's remnants of the Void Land are currently dead, and other lawless people are living well there.

This is when they are enemies of each other, and they do not expand their enemies and submit directly.

It may be that you have to give some offerings regularly and then you can keep it.

"I'd rather get on the line."

"The question is what kind of connection do we have now?"

"The most we can do is talk to Mr. Niklov, Her Majesty the Queen, and several big figures from the Void Cult."

"The Void Cult has a grudge against the Kree Empire."

"That's why I came here this time to solve the Kree conspiracy, and I will leave after solving it."

"Help us find the traitors to civilization and where the Kree are hiding, just by the way."

"The real connection is when the Void God Religion is willing to accept our submission. That is the real connection."

Jin Rakshasa explained seriously after hearing this.

After seeing how powerful the Void Divine Sect was, Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan also wanted to submit to the Void Divine Sect.

As long as they surrender, their Saint Nicholas Civilization will have a big backer.

It can support the Saint Nicholas civilization to continue to delve into biotechnology research.

The problem is that it is of no use if they are willing. The Void God Religion must be willing.

"Is the Void Divine Religion unwilling to accept the submission of the Saint Nicholas Civilization?"

Yuan Tianhe also heard the desire of Jin Rakshasa, but he was a little confused.

Their Saint Nicholas civilization is considered an advanced civilization in the universe, and if they are willing to surrender, they will bring a lot of technology, contributions and resources.

Rather than fighting to regain control of various forces, being willing to submit directly is a benefit that is equivalent to being delivered to your door.

"I don't know, because the Void Divine Cult has not yet reached the stage of expanding its territory and conquering power and territory everywhere."

"In the future, the Void God Cult will have to fight with the Kree Empire first, and then it can start to expand its territory."

"Whether they will take a fancy to our Saint Nicholas civilization is still unknown."

"This is what the big shots from the Void God Sect said."

Hei Luo San said after hearing this.

And Madam Butterfly has also begun to charm.

"Tell me who else is involved with you in the plan to unite with the Kree."

"And where is the secret base where you cooperate with the Kree people?"

"Have you made any progress with your current experimental plan?"

As soon as Madam Butterfly's voice came out, she directly charmed Yuan Mingya, the head of the Yuan family who had been severely injured.

"Because of my lobbying, all the five major branches outside the imperial capital have been involved in this plan half a year ago."

"So far, there hasn't been any good progress, that is, the irrational disasters created are getting stronger and stronger."

"However, these are done in secret, and it should not be publicized. Only a few people from major circles are involved."

Yuan Mingya recovered his injuries independently, his expression was dull, and he responded in a weak voice.

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