I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 691 There is no correct belief (10,000 words)

Lacey taught Bai Linglong step by step from the basics until she went to have a late night snack around nine o'clock in the evening.

Lacey knew she needed to prepare for a break.

Bai Linglong ate some fresh fish to replenish her strength, followed Lacey back home, and lay down in the cat's bed that had been prepared and fell asleep.

She felt that the day she had just arrived at Void Island was extremely fulfilling.

I hope the days to come will be as fulfilling and more interesting.

Bai Linglong was covered with a soft fur quilt and fell into sleep comfortably.

And in the villa on the top of the mountain.

Sonia had also finished all her work at this time, and after taking a bath, she found Mr. Cassadine who was putting down the handle and preparing to take a bath and eat.

"Mr. Kassadin, I have something to talk to you about Miss Bai Linglong."

Sonia came to Harvey and said softly.

"You want to say that Bai Linglong got an opportunity from the Commandment Monument."

Harvey heard Sonia ask and said casually.

"Well, do you know what is in the Commandment Monument?"

Sonia nodded slightly and asked.

"I only found out today."

"The Commandment Monument should have been born. It was a will formed from my original intention when I established the Commandment Monument."

"But basically there is no problem."

Harvey did not hide anything from Sonia, and frankly stated that he had just learned about it today.

After all, the test of the Commandment Monument was indeed revealed to Bai Linglong for the first time today.

Harvey himself couldn't tell exactly what kind of test there would be in the Commandment Monument.

After all, that was the will formed from his original intention. Harvey himself didn't know how it would test those who seek blessings.

"I see. Did you only find out today? It's pretty much what I guessed."

Sonia was thoughtful after hearing this.

If Mr. Kassadin had known about it a long time ago, he would not have allowed the Commandment Monument to show his will until today.

If the Commandment Monument is used properly, it can make the test of the Void God Cult more efficient.

Mr. Cassadine hadn't said it before, so he probably just didn't know.

"There is nothing wrong with what you and Sarah analyzed."

"I checked it myself and found a small part of my power sleeping in the Commandment Monument."

"I think it should have formed naturally when I regained my strength before."

Harvey nodded after hearing this, confirming Sonia's guess.

"So, Mr. Kassadin, do you have any idea about how to sense that will?"

Sonia knew that Mr. Kassadin had been watching Void Island, and knew that her discussion with Sarah and Bai Linglong was normal.

But she still had some things she needed to ask Mr. Cassadine before she could get the answer.

"Not yet, so I'm observing Bai Linglong to see what's going on."

"But I can feel everything that happens in the Commandment Monument."

Harvey heard the words and explained.

After hearing this, Sonia understood that if she wanted to know more, she could only find out after Mr. Kassadin understood it step by step, so she also asked other questions directly.

"So what do you think about Miss Bai Linglong's test?"

"She accidentally obtained part of the power of the Void Dark Star from your distracted will."

"Although the power of the Dark Star of the Void in Miss Bai Linglong's body is not much."

"But this power always comes from you."

Sonia needs to understand the situation from Mr. Kassadin first before she can decide how to treat Bai Linglong.

"Since it's her opportunity, then it's hers."

"As for the test, let's see if she can pass the test of the Commandment Monument."

"I will not interfere unless necessary."

Harvey also expressed his attitude after hearing this.

As long as he intervenes, Bai Linglong will be blessed by the void in the next second, but Harvey decided to observe it carefully before talking.

This kind of observation is different from the previous observation of other people's qualifications, but to observe what the commandment monument test Bai Linglong is facing.

"Does this mean that Miss Bai Linglong may not be able to receive the blessing of the void?"

"But is this really good?"

"She possesses the power of the Dark Star of the Void, a power that few people in the entire Void Cult possess."

"And judging from the few times I've had contact with her, Miss Bai Linglong is quite a good person."

"And if she has faith, she can feel the Commandment Monument, so there should be no need to question it."

"The only thing that remains unconfirmed is her belief."

After hearing this, Sonia also expressed her own opinions and expressed some concerns.

"I got you."

"But since Bai Linglong can sense the will of the Commandment Monument that ordinary people cannot sense."

"Her test is destined to be very different from ordinary people."

"Whether she can seize the opportunity depends entirely on her ability."

"If she fails to get the recognition of the Commandment Monument, she will be directly blessed."

"It's just a small part of the power of the Void Dark Star. It doesn't hurt at all."

After hearing this, Harvey expressed his opinions and decisions.

Of course he understood Sonia's thoughts, she just wanted to see if he could be more tolerant.

Then just leave Bai Linglong in the Void Cult, so you don't have to worry about Bai Linglong being exposed or causing anything in the future.

This is based on the consideration of the managers of the Void God Religion, so it is logically speaking.

Moreover, Bai Linglong has already obtained the Commandment Monument, and his distracted will has gained some power from the Dark Star of the Void.

It is indeed not a big problem to let him open the back door so that Bai Linglong can receive the blessing of the void.

However, Harvey can dominate and rewrite the fate of countless people, but sometimes he also hopes to see what the original trajectory of others is.

Let's see if Bai Linglong has such incredible luck or ability.

Recognized by the distraction of will he left behind on the Commandment Monument, she was given the blessing of the void.

"It's good that you have some consideration, Mr. Kassadin."

After hearing this, Sonia didn't try to dissuade her any more.

She can advise others and let Mr. Kassadin decide whether to grant blessings to others after reviewing them.

However, all she can do is give advice rather than orders. She can only influence some of Mr. Kassadin's thoughts, but cannot make him do that.

"Bai Linglong is now on my special observation list, so you don't need to worry too much, I will consider it carefully."

Harvey mentioned casually.

"Well, then you go take a bath first, and you can eat later."

When Sonia heard about the special observation list, she knew that Mr. Kassadin also attached great importance to Bai Linglong.

After all, Star-Lord was the person who was on the list that Mr. Kassadin mentioned before.

Bai Linglong definitely doesn't have the potential as powerful as Star-Lord.

However, Bai Linglong is the first person seeking blessing to discover the will of the Commandment Monument, so it has attracted Mr. Kassadin's great attention.

Whether she can pass the test or not depends entirely on Miss Bai Linglong's ability.


Harvey nodded slightly when he heard this and walked directly into the bathroom where the water had been put.

Bai Linglong had just obtained the power of the Void Dark Star not long ago, and had not yet realized the power brought by the power of the Void Dark Star.

Therefore, Bai Linglong's mind has not changed much due to power.

I just became more confident than before and less afraid of others.

Harvey knew that when people suddenly gain great power, their confidence will expand rapidly in a short period of time, which is commonly known as floating.

Bai Linglong can indeed float, because if the power of the Dark Star of the Void can really be used, it will not only have this ability.

The most valuable thing for a person is to have self-knowledge, which is even more important for the strong.

If Bai Linglong is so confused, Harvey can understand, but his evaluation of her will definitely be lowered.

Of course, this is just based on the psychology of ordinary people.

Whether Bai Linglong will be like this or not, Harvey needs to observe it himself before he can make a judgment.

Harvey quickly finished his bath and came out to have supper and chat with Sonia for a while, then the two of them went to rest.


The next day.

Bai Linglong went to the training ground to practice basics early in the morning after breakfast. After almost exhausting her energy, she chatted with some members of the Void God Cult and asked them to discuss and give advice after meeting.

Then Bai Linglong went home to take a shower, waiting to have lunch with Lady Lacey.

In the afternoon, he practiced how to control the power of the void in the villa.

Not to mention practicing to be like Ms. Lacey, who can produce thousands of independent threads with different trajectories when she shakes her hand, at least she has to practice to reach a hundred.

Because only in this way can she be considered an introduction to the manipulation of the power of the void.

at night.

Bai Linglong also said goodbye to Mr. Niklov and Madam Butterfly.

The two of them said that they left on time at night. After packing a lot of food, they boarded the space battleship at 7:30 in the evening and embarked on the journey to the land of nothingness.

Bai Linglong also wanted to go to the legendary Voidland, the largest black market in the Andromeda Galaxy.

But she knew it was not the time yet.

She needs a lot of time to adapt to her current strength and think about what she can believe in throughout her life.

Bai Linglong is very confident in her person and belief, and feels that she should be able to pass the test.

But before faith is truly understood, it will be very confusing, like a lone boat sailing in a sea of ​​mist, not knowing the way out.

And Bai Linglong must come up with a belief that can be recognized by Lord Kassadin.

At night in Lacey's villa.

Bai Linglong explained to Lacey the troubles that troubled her.

Lacey was wearing a pair of loose pajamas at this time, showing some proud scenery, and was just about to take a rest.

But Lacey saw the question Bai Linglong asked her, so she stopped.

"Bai Linglong, your thinking is in the wrong direction."

"You have to understand that you don't have to come up with some kind of belief to deal with Lord Kassadin."

"It's about your own beliefs. Some things can fool others, but you can't fool yourself anyway."

"True is true and false is false."

"As long as your belief is genuine, Lord Kassadin may approve it, or of course he may not."

"This is hard to explain, but you have to remember that this is your belief."

"It's not mine, and it's not Lord Kassadin's."

"In addition to the extremely strict requirements for the test of belief in revenge, Lord Kassadin is actually not that strict with many beliefs."

"Your belief can be to save the world and benefit your hometown, or it can be a great belief to help more people and solve more sufferings that plague others."

"It can also be a leisurely pastoral song in the countryside. It's okay to live on the Void Island every day."

Lacey knew that it was normal for Bai Linglong to feel confused, so she did not skimp on some of her experience and teachings.

The blessing of the Void God Religion is essentially a test of your state of mind. As long as it can ensure that your state of mind will not cause major problems

So it doesn’t matter what your belief is, as long as your belief is genuine and allows you to hold on to your belief and give yourself a lift when you are about to step into the abyss of desire, then it is a good belief.

“Is it okay to have faith without ambition?”

Bai Linglong was greatly shocked when she heard these words.

"What is faith without ambition?"

"No one has ever said that only great beliefs worthy of admiration are true."

"Even if you have said it, you don't have to take that person's words seriously."

"Everyone has their own way of living, and Lord Kassadin will respect everyone's way of living."

"This is the most free place of Void God Religion."

Lacey knew that Bai Linglong's way of thinking was constrained by worldly conventions, so she thought this way.

However, big men have the belief to benefit the world, and soldiers also have the strong belief that they are willing to die to protect their home and country like soldiers.

These beliefs are undoubtedly admirable, but they never mean that they are the only ones that are correct and all other beliefs are wrong.

Different growth environments, different abilities, different personalities, will create different ideals and beliefs.

Big people live like big people, and small people also live like small people.

The philosophy of Irani Rael, the supreme commander of the Xandar Empire, is well known.

She hopes that the prosperity of the Xandar Empire and the peace in the Andromeda Galaxy can last longer, so she is willing to devote everything to this ideal.

Now that he is dying and has no family, he has truly devoted his whole life to the Xandar Empire.

This belief and the actions taken with it are undeniable greatness.

Lacey also admires a great person like Irani Rael who can leave a name in the history of the Xandar Empire.

But admiration is admiration, but one thing must be made clear: not everyone is Irani Rael.

There are people who want to be a great person like Irani Lehr, and there are naturally people who don’t want to be Irani Lehr.

You must know that a person is not called a great man because of his great beliefs, but because of his corresponding actions and great achievements.

Only then can he stand out from the crowd step by step and become a great man.

Tony is now doing something similar in his hometown.

What Tony did seemed to them to be thankless, but Tony never tired of it and even spent all his wealth to help Blue Star develop.

Tony's being able to do this seems to Lacey and others to be the most benevolent person, but Lacey is certain.

There will definitely be countless people in Blue Star scolding Tony and giving him a lot of infamy.

"Beliefs are not correct...it turns out to be the case, I understand."

When Bai Linglong heard these words, she murmured something, her brain thought quickly, and her thoughts suddenly became clear.

"That's good since you understand."

"You have to remember that as long as you live by the bottom line you set, you'll be fine."

"You can also abide by the various rules of doing as the Romans do when you are in the country, but be sure not to be too bound by all the invisible rules of the world."

Lacey saw that Bai Linglong seemed to have really understood, and taught her seriously like a master.

The various bottom lines that people set for themselves are actually closely related to the environment in which they were born and raised and the education they received, so the bottom lines are different.

As long as you can live by the bottom line, know what you can and cannot do, and be worthy of your conscience, then that is enough.

"Well, thank you, Lady Lacey, for not disturbing your sleep."

"I'm going to think about it."

Bai Linglong bowed gratefully and thanked her, then ran back to her room with a smile.

"Don't sleep too late. You have to go to the training ground tomorrow morning to practice the basics."

Seeing Bai Linglong clearing up her confusion, Lacey said casually with a smile on her face.

"I know, I won't forget it."

Bai Linglong's voice, full of vitality and joy, also came directly from the stairs on the second floor below.

“With more people at home, it’s quite lively.”

When Lacey heard this response, she also had a smile on her face.

Then she went back to her room to sleep.

Bai Linglong herself climbed on the cat's bed and looked at the stars in the sky outside the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror. A cat's tail was swaying constantly.

At a glance, one could tell that Bai Linglong was in an extremely happy mood at this time.

Bai Linglong looked at the stars in the sky where light came from the distant universe, her eyes filled with longing.

Because she had to think about what kind of beliefs would be recognized by Lord Kassadin, she almost forgot her original purpose of coming to Void Island.

The most important thing is not to seek blessings, but to leave the Saint Nicholas civilization and visit different civilizations.

Understand different cultural heritage and enrich your own world.

You should really read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles, and increase your knowledge step by step.

Let yourself have the belief that you can be called an outstanding woman in the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas.

"The sooner you master the power within your body, the sooner you can leave Xandar and go to other planetary civilizations that you have never heard of or even seen."

"Go hard tomorrow! The day after tomorrow too! The day after tomorrow too..."

Under the rays of the stars in the sky, Bai Linglong fell into sleep comfortably with a smile on her face.

Her belief in traveling around various civilizations, she also knew, was not great, but this was what she most desired to be able to do.

After she travels around the universe, she may return to her hometown of Saint Nicholas Civilization, or she may choose to return to the Void Island, which brings her opportunities and has a good atmosphere.

It may also be that when traveling around the universe in the future, you will find a place you particularly like and truly settle down.

But the matter of settling down is always something after traveling around the universe.

"Thank you, Lord Kassadin, for the opportunity... for giving me more opportunities to run outside..."

Bai Linglong dreamed of something in her dream, and she uttered vague dream words.

As long as she studies hard with Lady Lacey and allows her to completely master the power of the Dark Star of the Void, she will be able to have stronger self-protection capabilities and take risks in the universe.

Harvey saw Bai Linglong's head finally turning around after Lacey's guidance.

The number of members of the Void Divine Religion who are located in all directions is actually quite large.

Because after gaining more powerful power, I definitely want to see the world that I was unable to see due to lack of ability in the past.

The permanent staff on Void Island are either really lazy and don’t want to travel far away, or they are people who have experienced various civilizations long ago.

Lacey, Kyle, Rennoli, and the Predictor belong to the latter group.

Because of the bounty mission, the four of them have seen many different civilizations and interacted with many people they had never met before.

While there is still passion in the young heart, traveling around the universe is indeed a great blessing in life.

Harvey certainly recognized Bai Linglong's belief.

However, he did not say that he passed the test directly. He wanted to see how Bai Linglong faced the test of the Commandment Monument.

If nothing serious goes wrong by then, he can give Bai Linglong a blessing so that she can travel better.


More than a month passed in the blink of an eye.

The time has also come when summer comes.

The sun is getting hotter than in the past. Of course, for a holiday destination like Void Island, it is naturally warm in winter and cool in summer.

And Bai Linglong has been here for more than a month.

Go to the training ground early in the morning, have lunch and then start practicing to control the power of the void. In the evening, let Lacey check the progress and study.

Let Bai Linglong live an extremely fulfilling life for more than a month.

The strength has also undergone earth-shaking changes from before.

Because after Master Lacey's teachings, she has truly mastered the control of the power of the void.

After getting started, Bai Linglong discovered that she was using the Dark Star Blessing Technique for the first time.

What a waste of the power of the Void Dark Star in his body.

Although it is still not possible for her to maintain the Dark Star Blessing Technique for a long time.

However, it was able to keep her for two hundred seconds, which was several times longer than before. -

At the same time, Bai Linglong also officially mastered the realm of power control, mastered the soft power, and the defensive blessing technique that Mr. Predictor mainly focused on.

Not only did his attack methods become more varied and effective, but he also supplemented his most lacking defense methods.

And just this morning.

Bai Linglong, who was on her way to the training ground, received a message from Lord Jin Rakshasa.

Asking about her situation on Void Island, and asking her if she was free now to meet with them.

"Of course I'm free, but where are you now, Lord Jin Rakshasa?"

Bai Linglong knew that Master Jin Luosha had arrived, and Master Heiluo must be there too.

"We are on a lane southeast of a luxurious and unseemly palace. There is a port not far away."

Jin Luosha quickly sent a message to Bai Linglong.

"Oh! I know where you are. Wait for me there for ten minutes."

Bai Linglong heard some words described by Lord Jin Rakshasa and immediately determined the location of the two of them.

"Let me tell you, Bai Linglong is most likely still on the island."

After receiving the response, Jin Luosha looked at the man beside him and smiled proudly.

"She's really free."

Hei Luosan paused and said.

"Of course she's free. It's not as difficult for him to get away as we are. She can stay on the island as long as she likes."

Golden Rakshasa said with a smile upon hearing this.

Because of the Kree incident, the two of them were commended by the Saint Nicholas Civilization and received a large amount of resources and more dazzling feats.

These things are obviously good, but they also add a lot of difficulty to the two of them who want to escape from the Saint Nicholas Civilization and spare some time to visit Void Island.

After dealing with a lot of troubles, they finally reluctantly asked for a three-month vacation. When the three months are up, the two of them will go back immediately.

"Sometimes, I actually envy her freedom."

When Hei Luosan heard that he could stay as long as he wanted, a complicated look appeared on his face.

Many people in the Saint Nicholas Civilization envied them, but in fact they were often as tired as dogs.

Just after finishing one thing, the next second you may have to set off to deal with other things.

And we have to hold meetings everywhere to meet, talk and cooperate with big figures from other civilizations.

Dealing with those old foxes has always been the most annoying thing for Hei Luosan.

Because those people always hide their words and like to let people figure out their thoughts.

If they mess up, they can get out of this trouble.

If you just want to move forward as the head of your family, then these troubles are inevitable.

"You have to choose your own path. Whenever we abdicate, we will be free."

Jin Rakshasa was very free and easy when he heard this.

The hard work is only done when you are young. After a few hundred years, the position of head of the family will be passed on to the next generation.

They retreat into the background as long as nothing particularly important happens.

There is no need for them to take care of it at all, so they can do whatever they want.

"It's not you who is responsible for dealing with those old people who like to twist and turn. Of course you said it lightly."

"Forget it, let's not talk about those bad things, now that we have arrived at the legendary Void Island."

"Let's see what's here first."

Hei Luosan was speechless when he heard this, but he took the initiative to change the topic.

He and Golden Rakshasa came to Void Island to see if they could gain anything on Void Island.

If not, it doesn't matter. Anyway, they came here to become familiar with each other, and they can also pave the way for the Saint Nicholas Civilization to join the Void God Cult in the future.

No matter what, their trip will not be in vain.

The main reason why I would look for Bai Linglong is because I know that as long as Bai Linglong is on Void Island, she will definitely be very free.

And with Bai Linglong's ability as a tour guide, he came more than a month earlier than they did, which was enough for Bai Linglong to understand many things about Void Island.

Although you can also choose to find Lord Kyle and others, because you don't know some of their rules on the island, it is naturally not the best choice.

"Yes. Let's wait for Miss Bai Linglong to come over."

Golden Rakshasa nodded slightly when he heard this.

It was also the first time for him and Hei Luosan to travel far away, but the two of them had long been accustomed to receiving strange looks.

It's just that in the Xandar Empire, this strange look will be more conspicuous.

For such a small problem, it is not difficult for the two of them to adapt.

After all, the two of them are very eye-catching existences, and it is normal for them to be watched by many people at the same time.

A few minutes passed quickly.

Bai Linglong jumped out of the woods and came to Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan.

"Master Jin Rakshasa, Master Black Luo, are you free to come over so soon?"

Bai Linglong saw the two of them taking the initiative to say hello with a smile.

"Outside of Saint Nicholas civilization, you can just call us sir."

After Hei Luosan saw Bai Linglong appear, he corrected Bai Linglong's name for them.

After all, this is not the territory of the Saint Nicholas Civilization, but the territory of the Void God Cult.

The two of them are also outsiders, and it might be a bit too conspicuous to be called "sir" here.

"Okay, let's go, I'll take you to have something to eat first."

"Master Kyle and the others are practicing right now and don't have much free time at the moment. You have found the right person for me."

Bai Linglong didn't object after hearing this, and directly agreed to change the title, and said with a smile.

Then Bai Linglong directly led the way.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San followed without hesitation.

"Have Mr. Kyle and the others already gone to practice so early in the morning?"

But Jin Luosha asked in surprise.

"At this point in time, many members of Void Island have already started practicing."

"This is normal for some big figures in the Void Cult."

"And on Void Island, hard work will be rewarded, so many people are very diligent."

"Mr. Jin Luosha, Mr. Black Luo San, you two are really in the right place."

"This trip to Void Island will definitely bring you a lot of benefits."

Bai Linglong said with a smile while leading the way.

Although she had already finished breakfast, Mr. Kurosan and Mr. Gold Rakshasa came.

As a citizen of the Saint Nicholas Civilization and an acquaintance, she must entertain them and provide them with some science knowledge.

"With such a firm tone, does it mean that you have gained something on the island?"

Hei Luosan heard the words and immediately understood the hidden meaning of Bai Linglong's words.

"Well, because of Lady Lacey's teachings, I have gained quite a lot."

Bai Linglong responded immediately.

"Miss Lacey taught you personally?"

"Have you received the blessing of the void?"

Jin Luosha's eyes widened when he heard this, and he asked in disbelief.

"I didn't receive the Void Blessing, but it's not just the Void Blessing that can make people gain something and improve their strength on the island."

"Don't be impatient. You will understand when I introduce it to you slowly."

"By the way, I haven't asked yet, Mr. Jin Luosha and Mr. Black Luo San, how long can you two stay away from the Saint Nicholas Civilization?"

When Bai Linglong smiled and talked about this, she also thought of the key issue.

She knew that these two people, as the most dazzling leaders of their respective young generations, would definitely not be like her. They could just stay out for ten or eight years if they wanted to.

"Three months, starting from today,"

"We are expected to go back on August 20th."

Hei Luosan heard the words and gave the exact time.

"Three months, with the learning abilities of the two of us, it will definitely be enough."

After hearing this, Bai Linglong thought for a moment and felt relieved.

According to the biological modifications of the two of them, as well as the confrontations and trials that have been involved in fatal conflicts since childhood, their learning ability must be fast enough.

So three months, if nothing unexpected happens, is more than enough.

And what she is talking about is of course the introduction and control of the realm of physical skills.

After all, there is no guarantee that the Void Blessing will be obtained, but there is no problem in making oneself stronger by learning to enter the first level of power control.

Even if it is only the first level of the Void Divine Religion, if it can be brought back to the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas and promoted.

It can also improve the overall strength of Saint Nicholas Civilization a lot.

"Miss Bai Linglong looks like she has changed a lot."

Hei Luosan looked at Bai Linglong, who was now showing more confidence, and spoke with a flash of his eyes.

"Have it?"

Bai Linglong looked at herself after hearing this and asked doubtfully.

"You've become a lot more confident."

"So the whole person looks a lot more beautiful."

Jin Luosha doesn't speak like Hei Luo San from time to time, but speaks directly.

"It's just that now I'm used to the atmosphere on the island and feel at ease, so maybe you think I've changed a lot."

"Actually, when I first arrived on the island, I was very uneasy."

"And thank you Mr. Jin Luosha for your compliment."

Bai Linglong said with a smile upon hearing this.

She knew that Mr. Jin Luosha's praise was only based on friends or admiring glances.

As for whether you have other ideas, there is no need to consider it. If the young leaders of the five major lines of the imperial capital want to move forward to the position of head of the family.

Then it is impossible to be truly attracted to other women besides your own.

These two are not only moving forward to become the heads of their respective families, but have become the most powerful competitors.

So you can just listen to a lot of things and don't really take them to heart.

"You said you were uneasy because of these looks."

"But these are things that cannot be changed for the time being. Just think about these habits and it will be fine."

After hearing this, Hei Luosan calmly glanced at some of the strange looks coming from around him and spoke.

Rather than saying that these people were sizing him up, they were sizing up Jin Luosha and Bai Linglong who were traveling with him.

At most, his skin is obsidian, but he still maintains a cold and handsome face. To put it bluntly, he still looks like a human being.

As for Bai Linglong and Jin Luosha, one is Catwoman and the other is Golden Birdman. It is difficult for them to walk on the road without attracting the attention of others.

"It's not just that. On the other hand, I am not as strong as the two of them, so I am definitely more uneasy."

"Many people from the Saint Nicholas Civilization traveled far away, and quite a few disappeared mysteriously."

"This is also my first time traveling far away, so I feel uneasy."

After more than a month, Bai Linglong had become accustomed to these scrutinizing glances, and now she no longer had any fear.

"That's because our capabilities are still insufficient. When we become stronger in the future, we will be able to trace them."

Even though Jin Rakshasa faced a lot of strange looks, he still moved forward with his head held high, and his words were somewhat cold.

There are quite a few people from the Saint Nicholas Civilization who go missing every year, and it’s not just that the Five Major Lines of the Imperial Capital don’t want to investigate.

It's just that although the Saint Nicholas Civilization is an advanced civilization, it has never begun to expand to the outside world, so its territory is not very large.

In addition, they lack the top powerhouse in the universe and do not have a super powerful space starship in their hands, so their voice is not strong enough.

As a result, many times, even if they want to investigate and get an explanation, they are unable to do so due to lack of strength and background.

His father had specifically told him these things when he was planning to go away.

He also told him to keep a low profile when traveling outside.

There are too many powerful people in the universe. Some of them may look like ordinary people, but they are still terrifyingly powerful and can easily take away his life.

Therefore, if you can't fight, don't fight. Ensuring that you can safely return to the Saint Nicholas Civilization is regarded as the highest priority.

When you go out to walk in the universe, whether the power, civilization, and status behind you are strong enough will greatly affect some of the encounters you encounter outside.

"I'm also looking forward to seeing that moment come."

"But now let's go to the cafeteria and have breakfast."

"The variety of food on Void Island is the most I have seen since I was born."

"The types of food you like to eat must be available here."

Bai Linglong knew the heavy responsibility that the two people behind her shouldered. As a member of the Saint Nicholas Civilization, of course, she was looking forward to that moment.

But the possibility of immediately changing the situation is slim.

Unless Mr. Jin Luosha and Mr. Black Luo San received the blessing of the void.

In this way, you can directly give birth to two top powerhouses in the universe by the Saint Nicholas Civilization. Only then can you quickly change the problem of Saint Nicholas Civilization not having enough say in the universe.

Otherwise, we can only rely on generation after generation to slowly wear it out.

When will the Saint Nicholas Civilization be able to master disaster transformation technology, then when will the Saint Nicholas Civilization truly stand up?

"Is this palace a place for dining?"

Hei Luosan heard Bai Linglong's words and looked at the luxurious palace thousands of meters away.

He and Jin Luosha had guessed what the palace was used for, but they didn't expect it to be a place for dining.

"What's the average price of food here?"

Upon hearing this, Jin Rakshasa looked at the luxurious and extravagant decoration of the palace called the canteen, swallowed his saliva, and asked in a low voice.

It's not that the Golden Rakshasa are moneyless or stingy, it's just that their pursuit of food in the Saint Nicholas Civilization is not that high. To put it bluntly, it is easy to survive.

So generally I am not very picky about food, as long as I can fill my stomach.

This is also the top hotel in the Saint Nicholas Civilization, and the reason why it is still not considered very high-end in other civilizations.

“Although it’s a little weird, this is the canteen.”

“And the consumer price level here is not that high.”

"With my wealth, I can eat here every day for decades."

"Mr. Jin Rakshasa and Kuro Luo San, you probably can eat whatever you want for a thousand years without any problem."

Bai Linglong didn't feel surprised when she saw the surprised looks in their eyes.

Because when she first saw it, she also felt that with this decoration style and scale, the dishes inside must be extremely expensive.

But in fact the price was much cheaper than she thought.

But there is a reason for this, because the main source of money, Miss Sonia, the God of the Void, has already come out.

Recruiting so many chefs, the monthly salary alone is estimated to be an astonishing amount.

Moreover, this palace is mainly the canteen of the Void God Cult, serving the many big eaters of the Void God Cult.

Outsiders can take advantage of it and have a meal together. They are not Miss Sonia's main consumption target.

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