I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 693 The courage to live towards death (10,000 words)

Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan followed Bai Linglong all the way to a majestic temple.

The two of them followed Bai Linglong's example and stepped onto the stairs of the Void Temple.

But the moment they stepped onto the stairs of the temple, Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan felt an inexplicable aura and trembled all over.

The two of them knew very well what this feeling was. It was a sense of crisis coming from biological instincts.

The powerful biological instincts that have been biologically modified are telling them that this void temple hides something unknown.

Just the aura emanating from it made the two of them feel like they were in the abyss.

Therefore, the two people's expressions suddenly changed and they stopped, looked at each other, and then both looked up at the end of the stairs in shock.

"Is there something hidden at the top of this temple?"

Jin Rakshasa retracted his steps and said feeling a little frightened.

He is one of the five major branches of the Imperial City that has carried out the most advanced biological transformation.

The biological instincts he possesses far exceed those of countless humans.

At this moment, his biological instincts were trembling, and there was a sense of timidity that he couldn't ignore.

There must be a monster at the top of this temple that completely crushes them in the ecological chain.

"Does this aura come from Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, or from other powerful men?"

Hei Luosan looked solemn at this time, and his voice became much more cautious.

Bai Linglong discovered that the two of them could sense the aura, and her face showed a look of joy.

Because she couldn't say it directly, she hoped that Mr. Jin Luosha and Mr. Black Luo San could feel the breath.

Now it seems that the two of them have obviously felt the invisible dangerous atmosphere that permeates the Void Temple.

"This is the Void Temple of the Void God Religion. It is normal for it to emit some special aura."

"As long as you climb with respect for Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, there will be no danger."

Bai Linglong wanted to lure the two of them up, and then let them touch the Commandment Monument.

In the villa on the top of the mountain, Harvey, who continued to watch Bai Linglong, saw Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan, and he could actually feel the breath of the Commandment Monument.

But through the reactions of the two of them, Harvey already knew in his heart why Bai Linglong was able to notice.

The biological transformation of the Saint Nicholas civilization not only brought them great strength that was different from ordinary people.

At the same time, it also brings them a sense of danger that is far beyond ordinary people.

Or should I say it is a powerful biological instinctive perception.

Therefore, not long after the will in the Commandment Monument was born, the aura had not yet been truly conceived and spread to the normal state.

Some people in the Saint Nicholas Civilization who have been transformed by excellent creatures can sense the invisible aura in advance with their powerful instincts.

The biological transformation that Bai Linglong has undergone is not the most advanced of the Saint Nicholas civilization, so she can sense a special aura.

But it shouldn't be as clear as what Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San felt.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan just took one step, and Harvey could see all the processes of sudden changes in their expressions.

At that moment, their pupils shrank, showing fear.

It means that at that moment, the two of them had discovered the horror of the will hidden in the commandment monument.

Although it was just a guess, Harvey was already 90% sure of it.

If he thought about it, the only people who could sense the breath of the Commandment Monument would not be the only people from the Saint Nicholas Civilization who had been transformed by powerful creatures.

It's just that Harvey himself hasn't seen the real process of the test, so he hasn't taken any action to strengthen the breath and will of the Commandment Monument.

And after more than a month of observation by Harvey.

As the commandment monument's will was awakened by Bai Linglong, the aura emanating from it became more and more obvious.

Even if he leaves it alone, the Commandment Monument will become stronger as the will within it becomes stronger, allowing more people to directly perceive it in the future.

"It's necessary to be in awe, but let me be mentally prepared first. Just walking up these steps is not an easy task."

When Jin Luosha heard Bai Linglong's words, he certainly understood the truth, but his voice was trembling a little when he said these words.

Because the feeling he felt at that moment was the first time he had encountered such a terrifying existence in more than 40 years since he was born.

The feeling of being in an abyss and risking death as long as he moved forward made him unable to move.

This is not because Golden Rakshasa is timid. If it is for everything in the Saint Nicholas Civilization, even if he faces death, he will not feel any flinching.

Just because he knew very well that at the top of this Void Temple, there was a being who completely crushed him in the ecological chain.

The most terrifying thing was that he did not see the figure of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

"I also need to make some mental preparations and wait a while."

Hei Luosan was also trembling a little at this time and said.

Then Hei Luosan closed his eyes and tried to calm down the fear in his heart.

The purpose of their coming to Void Island is to get acquainted with each other, or to establish diplomatic relations in advance.

However, it is obviously a lie to say that they have not thought about being appreciated by Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, and receiving blessings from the Void.

Any outsider who knows some rumors about the Void God Religion and comes to Void Island will definitely hope to be blessed and transform his life.

It's just that Hei Luosan knows very well that blessings from the void are hard to come by.

Bai Linglong came to Void Island earlier than them and stayed on the island for more than a month. There was no clue as to what the test was.

According to some information revealed by Mr. Kyle at the time.

Now Bai Linglong may have started the test, but there is no progress bar or prompt for this test.

So there is no way of knowing whether they have already started the test, and if so, what will be the progress of the test.

Perhaps even this consideration is part of the test.

"What did you feel?"

Bai Linglong saw that Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan were both frightened. Even at this moment, she could tell that everything they perceived was different from what she perceived.

"My instinct tells me that the front is like an abyss, and there is an extremely dangerous existence at the top of the abyss."

Golden Rakshasa directly stated his feelings.

"I feel pretty much the same, so you really need to be mentally prepared and courageous to go there."

Hei Luosan opened his eyes after hearing this and said.


Bai Linglong felt a little confused when she heard this description.

Even though it was her second time coming to the Temple of the Void and climbing the stairs with her perception.

I just felt that Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, was sleeping at the top of the Void Temple.

Although that breath would bring some pressure to her, it was not as scary as the two said.

"Did you feel that aura?"

Jin Luosha saw Bai Linglong's expression and asked.

"No, I just feel that there is a special mysterious atmosphere in the Void Temple."

"It's not as dangerous as you say."

Bai Linglong shook her head without hesitation when she heard this.

Fortunately, I came early in the morning, so there are no people in the Void Temple now.

Otherwise, if we come after noon, the conversation between them may cause some noise.

"It's fine if you don't."

"I don't know if it's good or bad when I feel this aura, but it feels scary."

"It's probably a good thing you didn't find out."

When Jin Luosha saw Bai Linglong shaking his head, he had no doubts and instead comforted Bai Linglong.

The aura in the Void Temple scared him, a man who was not even afraid of death, to death.

If Bai Linglong sensed it, she would be frightened to the point of having nightmares at night.

"I wonder if we'll ever make it to the top."

"Let's try it first and see."

Hei Luosan looked at the stacks of stairs in front of him, and his heart had calmed down, or it should be said that he was ready.

He and Jin Luosha have never been people who would shrink from difficulties and dangers.

If they had such a cowardly mentality of running away from battle, they would have been eliminated in the trials of their respective majors' minds.

When you become the head of your own family, you will face many situations and choices that you cannot retreat from even if you want to.

Therefore, those who are not ambitious enough will not even get the name of the great lineage, let alone stand out among their contemporaries.

Jin Rakshasa nodded when he heard the words, and a fire burned in his heart.

The ladder in front of you may not be difficult to climb in the eyes of ordinary people, because from Bai Linglong's point of view, not everyone can sense this aura.

Therefore, if others want to climb, they may just walk up like a lark.

But it will be a severe trial for the two of them.

They must have the courage to face death before they can climb.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan looked at each other and nodded, then stepped on the stairs with one foot again.

It made them feel the same feeling as before facing the abyss again.

When they stepped on it, they felt like they were carrying a huge mountain on their backs.

There is an unknown and terrifying existence watching them.

The lives of both of them had escaped their own control and fell into the hands of that unknown being.

This feeling of life being out of his control made Jin Rakshasa's heart tremble constantly, and despair was growing in his heart.

Golden Rakshasa was now covered in cold sweat, and his whole body was trembling violently.

Hei Luosan's condition was not much better at this time. Cold sweat had covered his face, and his eyes were filled with fear.

"Don't flinch, it's just that the breath is a bit scary, we won't encounter any danger."

Heiluo Sanyi gritted his teeth and said loudly, his voice extremely loud as if to remind Jin Rakshasa, and also to remind himself.

They just came to worship, and they had never met Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, so there was no way they had any grudges.

Hei Luosan understood that all this was a test brought about by their strong biological instincts.

Rather than Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, deliberately making things difficult for them.

Hei Luosan said loudly, holding on to his will, he raised his feet with difficulty and quickly stepped down the stairs.

Just stepping onto the second step made Hei Luosan feel as if his foot was tightly bound by invisible shackles.

Hei Luosan's biological instinct has already sounded the alarm for him, conveying the signal for him to run away quickly.

Just keep going and you'll die, so give up on the idea of ​​climbing.

Obviously the steps forward are bound by shackles, but the steps back are extremely relaxed.

"I dare to go there even if I die, why can't I climb your stairs?"

Golden Rakshasa stayed on the second step for a while, roared loudly, and forcibly broke free from the invisible shackles that bound his feet, and stepped onto the third level.

Hei Luosan and Jin Rakshasa roared loudly, and then just took a step forward.

If other people who don't know the truth see it, they may think it is exaggerated or that the two of them are idiots and lunatics.

But at this time, Bai Linglong just watched the two people's progress quietly.

To be honest, Bai Linglong didn't know what kind of pressure the two of them were under at this time.

However, Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan, with their whole bodies trembling in cold sweat, could no longer be deceived.

Obviously they are climbing the same ladder, but Mr. Jin Luosha and Mr. Kurozo are under pressure that others cannot feel.

Void Island is indeed a place full of mystery.

After Golden Rakshasa ascended the third level of the stairs, his feelings suddenly changed again, and the pressure on him became even heavier.

Even if he wants to move forward at all, it will consume a lot of his physical strength. At the same time, resisting the biological instinct of the body that constantly sends out escape warnings will also consume a huge amount of his mental energy.

Sonia was also watching what happened in the Void Temple at this time.

The golden birdman and a stern, muscular man with obsidian complexion were discovered.

Considering the position of Miss Bai Linglong, it is not difficult to guess the identities of these two people. They also come from the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas.

The two people also discovered the aura coming from the Commandment Monument, but it seemed a little different from what Miss Bai Linglong encountered.

As a result, Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San were climbing hard.

In fact, Sonia has been waiting and watching for more than a month.

I want to see who else besides Miss Bai Linglong can discover the distracted will of Lord Kassadin in the Commandment Monument.

It is a pity that for more than a month, many outsiders have arrived at the Void Temple every day to worship, pretending to show their piety.

But no one discovered the secret of the Commandment Monument again.

"Mr. Kassadin, did you set up a test specifically for the two of them?"

Sonia quickly came to Harvey's side and asked in confusion.

If Mr. Kassadin hadn't taken the initiative, climbing the Void Temple itself would have been a very easy task.

Although Miss Bai Linglong said that when she was pursuing the breath, she felt the pressure on her body getting heavier and the awe in her heart getting more and more.

But I didn’t say that the climbing process was very difficult.

If it was really so difficult to climb, I would certainly have said a few words about it.

"I'm also waiting and watching, but I don't deliberately put any tests on them."

"The reason why they are like this should be due to their powerful biological instincts that have been biologically modified."

"The natural instinct of living things to seek good fortune and avoid evil is driving them to leave."

Harvey heard Sonia's inquiry and knew that Sonia had also seen some things happening in the Void Temple at this time. He shook his head slightly and explained.

"Is it a powerful biological instinct... In other words, Miss Bai Linglong discovered the secret of the Commandment Monument because of the biological perception of danger?"

Sonia asked thoughtfully after hearing this.

Biological instinct cannot be completely and directly controlled, and it will only appear naturally on a few occasions.

For example, when people encounter danger, although some people will feel like their brains are blank and their whole body cannot move.

But there are also people who are physically afraid and start running away without moving their brains or body.

Biological instincts often pursue only one purpose, which is to avoid danger and keep themselves alive.

"I was watching Bai Linglong before, so I just made some guesses, but I didn't dare to make a conclusion."

"But now seeing the reactions of Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan, we can basically conclude."

"Maybe it's because the will born in the Commandment Monument is not long ago, so ordinary people can't feel the breath released yet."

"This feeling has nothing to do with being strong or weak, or having various sensory abilities."

"Only one who is born with almost instinctive perception can detect my invisible void breath remaining in the Void Temple."

"And the biological transformation of the Saint Nicholas civilization has given them perceptions that are countless times greater than ordinary people."

"So the genes engraved in their bones will tell them what dangers are."

Harvey nodded when he heard this and said slowly.

His aura remaining in the Commandment Monument, even if it is only a little bit, is already invincible to countless people.

The five major veins of the Saint Nicholas Imperial Capital use various powerful creatures as the main body for biological transformation.

This is not to say that it is just a biological gene, but a fusion of a large number of excellent biological genes.

The fusion of multiple genes will leave many innate instincts in their genes that would not normally show up.

Bai Linglong's biological transformation using cats as the main body is not as advanced as Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San.

But I can still feel something, just not so obvious.

But Black Luo San and Jin Rakshasa are people who have undoubtedly undergone the most advanced biological transformation of the Saint Nicholas civilization.

Their superior perception allowed them to climb the Void Temple, which ordinary people could easily climb, which caused some trouble.

"I remember you said that you can control the will in the Commandment Monument?"

Sonia also understood after hearing this and spoke.

"I can control it, but it's obviously not time to interfere with the distracted will."

"Anyway, it won't put their lives in any danger."

"Furthermore, the test these two people have endured may be a bit difficult for them, but as long as they can survive it, it will be an unprecedented mental test."

"Everyone has courage, but not everyone has the courage to die."

Harvey said with a smile upon hearing this.

He can directly take over the will in the Commandment Monument and directly put it to sleep completely.

If he is in charge, the invisible pressure released can naturally be completely recovered.

But the fun was happening right in front of him, and it was certainly impossible for Harvey to intervene immediately.

On the contrary, he wanted to see if these two people could resist the pressure and reach the top of the mountain.

When Sonia heard this, she also knew about Mr. Kassadin and was already interested.

The reason why she came to ask Mr. Kassadin was because he took the initiative to interfere.

It was because the climbing process of these two people was too difficult and they obviously encountered some troubles.

This was a situation that even she had never heard of or seen before, so of course she had to ask questions.

Now that she had asked clearly, Sonia naturally stopped asking for persuasion. She just expressed her desire to take a look.

"When faced with death and danger, it is a natural instinct for people to escape."

"This is basically inevitable as long as you are still human."

"That's why only those who dare to sacrifice themselves for a certain belief can be called martyrs and heroes."

Sonia has always admired and admired all kinds of people who were willing to sacrifice themselves for others, the country, and power.

Countless martyrs from the dark ages of the Saint Nicholas Civilization relied on their lives to create a prosperous world full of light and peace for future generations like them.

"The origins of the two of them cannot be said to be noble or powerful, but their origins in the Saint Nicholas Civilization are indeed not ordinary people."

"It will be a great blessing for the civilization of St. Nicholas to have given birth to such talents."

Harvey held his face with his hands, with a smile on his face, and said with some praise in his words.

Sonia may only know the names of Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San, but when Harvey looked at Niklov and Madam Butterfly, he had already discovered Golden Rakshasa and Hei Luo San, two leaders in their respective majors.

If Madam Butterfly hadn't made Nikrov reveal his identity directly and use the name of Void God Cult to win the trust of Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San.

At that time, even if they died, these two people would probably not consider cooperating with Nikrov and the others.

Those who have the courage to devote themselves to their own civilization and face death are destined to be different from ordinary people.

Even if such a person is born in poverty, as long as there are some opportunities, he can at least be called a hero in all civilizations and eras.

Not to mention that these two people were born at the apex of the Saint Nicholas civilization and held great power, but they still cared about civilization.

It is not difficult to live well in the history of the civilization where you live and leave some great achievements that will be passed down for thousands of years.

Tony should still be worried about who should be the first leader of the community with a shared future for mankind.

If someone similar to Hei Luo San and Jin Raksha appeared, Tony would probably feel excited.

However, a community with a shared future for mankind has been formed, and it is unlikely that people like Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San will be born in a short period of time.

This kind of people are created by culture, education and the times.

Although humans have their own racial branches, they also have some cultural heritage.

But when a community with a shared future for mankind is formed, it will open a new chapter for mankind.

Initially, various new power management concepts and knowledge will be introduced. Through learning and understanding the universe, and cultivating them step by step, similar outstanding people who are suitable to lead the entire civilization will naturally be born.

There are many smart people among Blue Star humans now, as well as many extraordinary talents.

But no matter how talented you are, your thinking will always be limited because the world you come into contact with is not vast enough.

For example, as long as they are intelligent creatures, arrogance is basically unavoidable.

Many civilized races in the universe will be arrogant before they integrate with the universe and realize that there is not only an intelligent race like themselves in the universe.

So it is normal for humans to have arrogance.

Therefore, the future community of human destiny must suffer some hardships to truly understand how insignificant human beings are in the universe despite being the overlord of Blue Star.

Be aware of your position and know that you still have a lot to grow and improve.

Only then can we wash away our arrogance, and for the sake of true development and the continuation of civilization, select truly wise and supreme power controllers to lead all mankind to catch up with other advanced civilizations in the universe.

This is destined not to be something that happens overnight, but must go through the accumulation of years and the progress and evolution of the times.

This is also the only way for every civilization in the universe to become powerful and advanced.

"Of course Void God Religion is managed by you, which is also a great blessing for Void God Religion."

When Harvey talked about these things, he looked at Sonia and expressed his happiness and praise without hesitation.

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Kassadin, but it's not that time yet."

"I will continue to study and think about how to make the Void God Religion develop better and better."

"And if you weren't here, I wouldn't be able to just focus on development."

When Sonia heard Mr. Kassadin's praise, a beautiful smile appeared on her face.

"I just like to be in a comfortable place."

"And didn't you say that the Void Divine Religion will be my new hometown?"

Harvey smiled calmly upon hearing this.

"Mr. Kassadin likes to stay here."

"As for those two people, Mr. Kassadin, you are already watching them."

"Then I won't interfere too much."

Sonia was also very happy when she heard this.


Harvey nodded upon hearing this.

"Then I'll go to work first."

Sonia added a prepared drink to Harvey, and then planned to leave.

"Sonia, you have worked very hard, and I am very satisfied with everything you have done, so don't put too much pressure on yourself."

“No one will blame you if you take some work off yourself once in a while.”

Harvey looked at Sonia who was about to leave and said.

"I also hope to have more free time and occasionally travel with Mr. Kassadin."

"So occasionally, I will take a vacation for myself."

Sonia turned around and said with a smile after hearing this.

Then Sonia went out.

It was only because she observed the situation at the Void Temple that she immediately came back to ask Mr. Kassadin about the situation.

To be honest, these are not included in the various work arrangements in her daily plan.

Harvey saw that Sonia said she would relax, but still went directly to work. He knew that he could not persuade Sonia, the king of rolls.

So Harvey didn't think too much for the time being and continued to look at the location of the Void Temple.

Harvey chatted with Sonia for a while.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San have climbed to the eighth step.

It sounds good, but the steps of the Void Temple are not counted in tens or hundreds, but in hundreds of steps.

Therefore, the current progress of Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan can be said to be still at the foot of the mountain.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San were now tired and sat directly on the steps without any image.

"Hei Luosan, I can't do it anymore. You can continue climbing with my will first."

Jin Luosha was sitting on the steps and said feebly.

"Why didn't you climb with my will?"

Hei Luosan was also very tired at this time and said breathlessly.

Hei Luo San has always been extremely confident in his physical strength.

But every time they climb a step, they spend a lot of energy and energy.

Hei Luosan could not help but doubt his own physical strength now.

"I think the problem is that I'm too tired to move."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to reach the top of the mountain for the first time today."

Upon hearing this, Jin Luosha was quarreling with Hei Luo San, and at the same time he realized the reality he was facing.

According to their progress, even if they can slowly climb up one step at a time.

But today they don't expect to reach the top.

"It doesn't matter if you can't make it the first time. We have three months to fully plan."

"We must think of a way to board the Temple of the Void."

"I don't want to come to the Temple of the Void once in a while, but not even be able to pay homage to the statue of Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void."

Hei Luosan said feebly after hearing this.

There was no need for Bai Linglong to tell them that Hei Luosan had done some homework before coming to Void Island.

Knowing that outsiders have come to Void Island, they will come to Void Temple to take a look no matter what.

Hei Luosan will definitely go up too.

But for the first time in his life, he felt that the powerful biological instinctive perception that had provided him with countless help could also become a drawback.

If their biological instincts hadn't been too strong and they couldn't feel the terrifying aura that filled the Void Temple, they would have reached the top in a matter of seconds.

"Three months is not a short time. This is the first time I have been able to rest for such a long time since I turned 20."

"As long as you think carefully, the method is always more difficult than the difficulty."

"But no matter what, I have to climb twenty steps before going down today."

"It's a good thing there's no one around now, otherwise others would laugh to death when they see our embarrassing appearance."

Jin Rakshasa slumped on the steps to recover his strength and spoke.

"Basically no one comes to the Void Temple early in the morning. Only after noon do outsiders come to visit one after another."

Bai Linglong did not go directly to the top of the Void Temple at this time, but stayed near Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan, and spoke after hearing these words.

"Why after noon?"

Hei Luosan asked after hearing this.

"Because Miss Sonia, the God of the Void, will only appear in the Void Temple after noon."

"And the test of the Void God Religion seems to be to demonstrate devout faith."

"So many outsiders like to show their piety in front of Miss Sonia."

Bai Linglong sat on the thirteenth floor and explained with a smile.

"Since we want to show our piety, shouldn't we come here directly in the morning?"

"I waited until noon to come back. Isn't this just pretentious?"

"If this is the method summarized by outsiders, Miss Bai Linglong, don't learn it."

"If it's really a test of piety, you don't have to think too much, just show your sincerity from the bottom of your heart."

"When dealing with many people or participating in a test, sincerity is the best weapon."

Golden Rakshasa heard this and spoke. .

"These are not outsiders' collective experience."

“It’s only after noon that Void Island becomes more lively.”

“The atmosphere on the island is usually very peaceful, so it’s not surprising that I like to sleep in until noon.”

"Besides, piety should be fine as long as you truly have reverence in your heart."

Bai Linglong heard the disdain and advice in Mr. Jin Luosha's words, shook her head slightly and explained seriously.

"It's true that I'm in awe, but rather than seeking blessings, I'd better figure out how to reach the top first."

Golden Rakshasa said directly after hearing this.

After saying that, Jin Rakshasa forced himself to withstand the heavy pressure on his body, bent down and reluctantly climbed up the stairs again.

Arriving at the ninth floor, Golden Rakshasa sat down directly due to the pressure due to lack of physical strength as soon as he climbed up.

This is also to resist the inner instinct of wanting to run away.

“It’s not about awe in words, but awe from the heart.”

"I heard Lady Lacey say that many people are in awe when they first come to the island."

"It's just that as time goes by and you still haven't received the blessing, you will show irritability and various thoughts."

Bai Linglong was not in a hurry to leave at this time, but accompanied Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan, watching them slowly climb the steps, and at the same time told some things she knew.

Although she couldn't directly tell the nature of the test of receiving the blessing of the void, she could still directly tell some of the stories spread among outsiders.

"If you don't get it, you don't get it. Anyway, Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void, is so strong."

"I don't think he cares whether we fear him or not."

"It all just depends on our own thoughts."

Jin Raksha's words were very free and elegant.

But with the posture of him slumped on the steps, he didn't look at all dignified, but rather funny.

“People are fickle, and it’s normal to feel irritated when you don’t get a response.”

"But that's also a sign of impure thoughts."

Hei Luosan also dragged his almost exhausted body and reluctantly climbed to the ninth floor, and said slowly.

If the Void Blessing were so easy to seek, then there wouldn't be so few big names in the Void Cult.

If you understand this truth and don't hold too high expectations in your heart, then the gap after failure will not be so big.

Of course, this is a realm that only those with a big heart can understand. Most people cannot accept the fact that they have not succeeded.

Others can get it but they can't get it. This may also be considered as a manifestation of failure.

Admitting that you are not that good and accepting failure is a very difficult thing for many people.

"Since Mr. Jin Luosha and Mr. Black Luo San can think so, I feel relieved."

Bai Linglong saw the thoughts expressed by the two people. Although she was not sure whether they could do what they said, she still showed a reassuring smile.

"I don't even want to bless you now."

"I wonder how long it will take me to climb those twenty floors."

Golden Rakshasa said in a weak voice after hearing this.

Although the climb was difficult, since he had just proposed to climb twenty stories before leaving, he would not change his mind temporarily because the climb was too difficult.

"Take your time, I can wait for you."

"I'll take you to find a place to stay later."

"The various hotels on Void Island are very luxurious and comfortable."

Bai Linglong was not anxious at all when he heard this.

Anyway, she could stay on Void Island for as long as she wanted, and there was no problem if she was lazy and didn't practice for a day occasionally.

"Well, please."

Hei Luosan said gratefully after hearing this.

Afterwards, Jin Luosha, Hei Luosan and Bai Linglong spent more than two hours chatting.

Finally climbed the twenty steps.

After climbing up, they stayed for ten seconds before heading straight down the steps.

It was difficult for them to climb up, but it didn't take more than two seconds to get from the twenty steps to the ground.

At this time, Golden Rakshasa's golden feathers were wet with sweat, and his appearance did not look as majestic and handsome as at first.

Hei Luosan's appearance didn't seem to have changed much, but he didn't like the sweating state very much.

"It seems like we need to set a time. We'll start climbing around four or five in the morning. We should be able to climb higher."

Golden Rakshasa didn't have much physical strength now, but he still flapped his wings and started flying at low altitude, speaking while soothing his muscles and bones.

"Let's see how it progresses later. If necessary, we may have to start climbing all night."

It didn't matter to Hei Luosan that Bai Linglong saw his embarrassing state.

Because Bai Linglong could also feel some aura and pressure from the Void Temple, but it was just not as intense as him and Golden Rakshasa.

So Bai Linglong must be able to understand what they are going through.

As for other outsiders, Hei Luo Sanguang felt extremely embarrassed just thinking about showing such a state in front of other outsiders.

Therefore, even if he is exhausted from climbing all night, Hei Luo San will never delay his climb beyond noon.

"How much of the climb have we made?"

Jin Rakshasa had no objection and just asked Bai Linglong.

"If you have climbed twenty steps, you have climbed one-twenty-sixth of the way."

After hearing this, Bai Linglong thought about the number of steps and said.

“The first time I climbed, I only climbed one-twenty-sixth, so that’s not bad.”

"After you fully adapt, the speed of boarding should increase a lot."

Golden Rakshasa is now accustomed to suppressing the instinct to escape in his heart.

The reason why they climbed so slowly was partly because of their lack of physical strength, and most importantly, because their climbing time was too short.

Although three hours is enough time for dozens of other people to come and lie back and forth.

But their situation is different from other outsiders. Just being able to hold back the fear in their hearts and climb here is already better than countless people.

The countless people he mentioned were of course those who could sense the aura of the Void Temple. As for those who couldn't sense it, there was no need to think about it at all.

"Let's find a place to stay and take a shower first, and then we'll have a meal. I'm very hungry now."

"After I regain my strength, I'm going to the Gravity Building to take a look."

"I feel like being there should allow us to train our ability to withstand stress and help with climbing."

Heiluosan is not a big eater and does not eat that many times a day.

It's just that climbing the twenty stairs in the past few hours has consumed so much of his energy that Hei Luosan now feels hungry.

"I feel the same, but give me five minutes first and leave later."

Upon hearing this, Golden Rakshasa continued to flap its wings and regain its strength.

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