I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 697 Locking the quota (10,000 words)

It's almost ten o'clock in the morning.

Of course Harvey was already up.

So he saw the difficulties Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San encountered during their final climb, and he was thoughtful.

This kind of climb is a terrifying trial. If you face this kind of trial, you will not flinch.

Instead, if you rely on your strong will and pass the challenge again and again, you will be able to temper your will that will never waver.

In fact, it was as early as when Niklov and Madame Butterfly received the blessing.

He had already received applications from Golden Rakshasa and Hei Luo San to join the Void Divine Cult.

However, Harvey had not carefully observed these two people, so he did not consider them at all.

Jin Rakshasa and Hei Luosan, like Bai Linglong, can sense the will hidden in the Void Temple.

But logically speaking, even if these two people were more knowledgeable about dangers than Bai Linglong, they should not encounter such a difficult and dangerous situation.

After all, when Bai Linglong climbed to the Void Temple twice, she basically didn't feel much pressure.

After that, Bai Linglong's application to join the void came to him.

Why did they also just perceive that the situation faced by Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan was so difficult and dangerous.

This brought many thoughts and considerations to Harvey's mind.

The will of distraction was accidentally born in the Commandment Monument. If used well, it will be beneficial to the selection of members of the Void God Cult in the future.

Sonia couldn't give any effective advice on this matter, and Harvey could only observe and think about it.

It's just that there are too few people who have discovered the will of the Commandment Monument, and none of them have passed the test, which leaves Harvey with no case to use as a reference.

So Harvey could only consider various possibilities.

If we talk about something in common, Golden Rakshasa, Heiluo San and Bai Linglong are both from the ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas and have undergone different levels of biological transformation.

Although the increase in strength brought about by biological modification is very different, these are still common points.

The test is gender-neutral, so Harvey did not take gender differences into account.

Because as long as He is willing, He can bestow blessings on others, regardless of whether they are male or female or even non-human.

After excluding the differences between men and women, apart from the difference in strength, what other differences are there between Jin Luosha, Hei Luosan and Bai Linglong?

Harvey looked at the applications of the three people, his mind was racing with thoughts and suddenly he had an idea.

Could it be that Golden Rakshasa and Heiluo San have already begun their test from the moment they climbed the Void Temple?

You must know that once you withstand the pressure and climb to the top, you have passed the test.

Although it is still unclear whether he is a human being, his will and belief no longer need to be doubted.

This is a true desire to receive blessings so that one can become stronger.

Of course, Harvey just had this conjecture and couldn't be completely sure.

Unless Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San reach the top.

Or maybe Bai Linglong touches the Commandment Monument to start the real test. Then, depending on the situation, he can truly determine whether this conjecture is true or false.

The distracted will in the Commandment Monument is the result of his accidental will and belief.

Based on some of the thoughts that flashed through my mind at that time, a truly reasonable and rigorous test for those who came to seek blessings would begin.

It can be said that it is him but it is not him.

Therefore, Harvey could not be 100% sure of what the distracted will was thinking right now.

So Harvey plans to continue to wait and see.

He also hoped in his heart that Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan would not let him down and would not shrink from the battle in the future, which would surely become more difficult and dangerous tests.

At the same time, Hei Luosan and Jin Luosha supported each other one after another, facing many strange looks, and returned to their villas in the accommodation area.

Although the mist bathing method is also very novel, they still like to take a normal bath, which can make themselves cleaner.

Just because of last night's test, the water that was originally extremely comfortable in the bath became like hot and small blades, stimulating every nerve in their bodies.

The sudden pain made Jin Luosha couldn't help but swear in the bathroom.


The test of the Void Temple seems to be just an illusion, but the Golden Rakshasa who has actually experienced it knows that it is not an illusion at all.

Not only will they be tortured, but their bodies will be tortured as well.

If their bodies weren't quite weak and their willpower wasn't strong enough, they would have knelt down and given up completely in the face of that kind of pressure and torture.

Knowing that this was also a kind of test, Jin Rakshasa immediately started to release the water and stood there forcefully.

After persisting for a minute, he directly adjusted the mode and temperature of some hot springs to only more than 30 degrees.

Then he soaked in the indoor hot spring.

"It's so cool!"

Because the temperature had been adjusted, when the whole body was submerged in the hot spring, Jin Rakshasa felt the warm water surrounding his body, raised his head and let out a joyful cry.

This is the time when you return from an extreme testing environment to a relaxed and comfortable environment.

The changes in the heart are the most obvious, and it is easy to become intoxicated and then give up on some seemingly thankless ideas.

Golden Rakshasa has extremely firm beliefs, but feels this sense of comfort.

He couldn't help but think that it would be better to give up climbing the Temple of the Void and choose to enjoy it comfortably.

This kind of temptation is impossible to ignore, but Jin Rakshasa thinks of all the efforts he has made in the past and the future he is eager to witness.

Forcibly kill this idea of ​​choosing comfort.

The ancient civilization of Saint Nicholas has been transformed by the most advanced organisms for thousands of years.

If you don't work hard in the first one or two hundred years, you can still live comfortably, but you may really achieve nothing.

Thinking of the predicament that Saint Nicholas Civilization is facing now, someone must step forward to break it.

If possible, Jin Luosha hopes that person will be him and Hei Luo San.

Not just think about it but work hard for the idea in your heart.

So Jin Rakshasa calmed down and his eyes became firm again, regardless of the thought of comfort that he longed for in his heart.

After he succeeds as the head of the family and does what he wants to do, and takes over as the head of the family, he will be able to rest for at least six hundred years.

So many years are enough for him to achieve the ordinary wishes of ordinary people such as a happy family.

But from the moment he was born into the Jin family in the imperial capital, his life was not just about wishing for a harmonious family and full of descendants.

Instead, he must shoulder the luck given by God and truly make great achievements. He wants to be happy between civilization and family.

Hei Luosan also quickly calmed down after shouting, "Fuck!"

"This test is enough for me to develop an indestructible will, even if I don't receive a blessing."

"It will also make my heart stronger. If I retreat now, I will definitely not be able to accomplish anything big in the future."

Hei Luosan knows that for those who hold great power, the power of the mind is stronger.

The more you will be able to calm down and make truly correct choices when you face various situations that require choices in the future.

Those in power weigh the pros and cons, and in fact often choose the option that benefits them in many things.

But choices that are beneficial to oneself never mean that they are beneficial to civilization.

In the long run, it is not uncommon in history for a momentary choice to lead to catastrophic disasters and make oneself an eternal sinner.

Although no one is sage and sage, no one can make mistakes, but sometimes the ability to make choices that harm oneself and benefit the world is the courage that those in power should have.

But this kind of courage cannot be achieved by just talking, it requires a real big heart.

Therefore, Hei Luo San will not give up this trial.

The two of them soaked for more than half an hour this time before walking out of the hot spring.

The two called each other almost at the same time.

"You probably haven't thought about backing down."

"When I was in the hot springs just now, I felt too comfortable and naturally it happened that I might as well give up. Playing on Void Island for a while and bringing back the power control skills would be a big gain."

"But that wasn't really a favorable choice, so just let me kill him."

"Sure enough, you and I are destined to have the same idea."

Jin Rakshasa and Hei Luosan looked at each other's projection, and after talking and finding that they had the same will, both of them had smiles on their faces.

"Hurry up and dry yourself. I'll contact Miss Bai Linglong to see who can help us with treatment."

Then Hei Luosan looked at Jin Luosha, whose feathers were still very wet, and said casually.

"I haven't recovered my physical strength yet, so it will take some time."

"I knew I would have brought the Four Seasons equipment here."

Upon hearing this, Jin Luosha looked at the feathers still dripping with water all over his body, and showed some helplessness on his face.

"I reminded you to take care of me at the beginning."

"But you said it yourself, you can fly for a few minutes and the hair on your body will be dry, so you don't need to bring it with you. Now you regret it."

Hei Luosan saw that Jin Luosha now remembered how good the Four Seasons Equipment was, and teased.

Although under normal circumstances, Golden Rakshasa did not need the Four Seasons equipment, he initially considered coming to Void Island.

You may encounter some physical weakness after practicing.

So he had advised Jin Rakshasa to bring it with him, but Jin Rakshasa didn't take it seriously at all, and swore to him that he didn't need to be afraid.

"Go and do your business."

When Jin Luosha saw Hei Luosan making fun of him, he was speechless and turned off the projection directly.

Hei Luosan quickly wiped away the water droplets on his body, then put on his clothes before calling and sending a message to Bai Linglong.

"Miss Bai Linglong, are you free now?"

Although it would be easier to talk directly by calling him, Hei Luosan knew that he still had to see if Bai Linglong was free now.

It can't be said that if he wants to find Bai Linglong, Bai Linglong must respond to him.

What he was doing was not official business but private business. Relying on his status and abusing private power was a taboo in the Saint Nicholas civilization.

However, Bai Linglong replied in less than ten seconds.

"I just finished practicing and was about to take a bath. Mr. Hei Luo San, what can I do for you?"

Bai Linglong's response was also very direct.

He explained what he was going to do now and asked Hei Luosan what he wanted to do. .

"When Jin Rakshasa and I climbed the Void Temple, we suffered some physical injuries."

"According to the trend last night, Jin Rakshasa and I will probably spend the next few days injured."

"So I want to ask you, who among the Void Cult is better at healing."

"It's best to have something that can be treated quickly. If you have to lie down for a few days, it will have a serious impact on me and Golden Rakshasa."

When Hei Luosan saw it, he quickly responded with some words, clarifying his affairs.

"Yes, you can just ask Mr. Kyle."

"His healing ability is very powerful. Even if you are seriously injured, you will be alive and kicking again in a few minutes."

"And you really don't mind?"

Bai Linglong saw Mr. Hei Luosan looking for the reason for her visit, so she directly sent a voice message back, and finally expressed her worries.

"Is the Kyle you're talking about the Kyle I know?"

"Also, there's nothing wrong with Jin Rakshasa and I. We're just a little injured and can't die."

"We would all be here if we didn't come. What would it be like if we didn't go to the Temple of the Void once?"

When Hei Luosan heard the name mentioned by Bai Linglong, a strange picture appeared in his mind, which felt a little strange.

However, in the face of Bai Linglong's worries, Hei Luosan told her not to worry.

"That's Lord Hercules Kyle."

"Sir Lacey said that Lord Kyle's healing ability is one of the best in the Void Temple."

"I accidentally suffered bone fractures in my hands due to an accidental practice, and they were cured within a few seconds."

"So there is no need to doubt, just go to Lord Kyle directly."

"But I might charge you some money."

Bai Linglong heard the disbelief in Hei Luosan's tone, a smile appeared on her face, and she uttered a sweet and smiling voice.

After all, before knowing it, who would have thought that a super strong man known as Hercules could be called a super nanny on the battlefield with his healing ability.

Regardless of whether it's a serious injury like a broken hand or a broken bone, I can heal you as long as you don't die.

"As long as it can be cured, money is no big deal."

"I'm going to ask, I won't disturb you first."

"After Jin Rakshasa and I reach the top, we can adjust our schedule and chat slowly during the day."

Hei Luosan heard that it was really the Hercules Kyle in his impression, although he still felt a little unbelievable.

But knowing that Bai Linglong didn't need to lie to him about this kind of thing, she planned to ask Kyle immediately.

Then Hei Luosan sent a message directly to Kyle, asking if he was free now.

It’s just that Kyle didn’t respond to the message so quickly.

Hei Luosan also knew that Mr. Kyle should be training hard in the Gravity Building right now, so he was not too anxious.

He waited for half an hour, and the time came to eleven o'clock noon.

"I was practicing just now, and I saw that you just asked for a message and didn't seem to be in a hurry, so I didn't stop to send you a message right away."

"It's meal time now. I'm going to take a shower and go to the cafeteria."

"If you have anything to do, you can come to the cafeteria and talk to me slowly."

Kyle also roughly guessed Hei Luo San's purpose of looking for him, which was probably for treatment.

But although Kyle can help treat people, if it is not an extremely serious injury.

He still won't help immediately, because too much treatment will make people ignore the dangers caused by injuries, which is not a good thing.

Anyway, Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan were only participating in the trial, and at most they would be injured but not die.

So Kyle wasn't in a hurry at all.


Hei Luosan's reply was also very straightforward.

It took Jin Rakshasa more than half an hour to finally dry the feathers on his body completely.

So the two of them set off quickly and went to the canteen to order some food to fill their stomachs.

"Which doctor recommended by Bai Linglong is good at treating you?"

Jin Rakshasa asked casually as he followed Hei Luosan.

The Void Cult has void magic, since there are all kinds of void magic that are full of danger and destructive power.

Then there will definitely be a lot of convenient void magic, as well as healing void magic.

"Mr. Kyle, Bai Linglong said he is a miracle doctor."

"Now go to the cafeteria and wait to see Mr. Kyle."

Hei Luo San said after hearing this.

"Mr. Kyle?"

“It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance.”

"I thought Miss Bai Linglong asked us to find some important figures from the Void Cult that we haven't seen before."

"But I never thought that I would go find Mr. Kyle."

"With his appearance and terrifying strength, it seems that treatment is completely irrelevant."

When Jin Luosha heard about the person he was looking for, he also suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, but Hei Luo San said so, so he could only feel a little emotional.

"I think so too, but it's already confirmed that it's Mr. Kyle."

"We'll see how Mr. Kyle treats him later."

"Hopefully it won't be some too hard-core treatment."

Hei Luosan nodded sympathetically after hearing this.

The two of them quickly arrived at the canteen, went to the chefs in the canteen, and bought some already prepared food.

Then the two of them found Mr. Kyle's usual seat and sat down first, eating and ordering at the same time.

Neither of them had been this hungry in a long time.

In just over twenty minutes, Kyle, Rennoli and the Predicter arrived at the cafeteria.

"How are you all injured?"

Kyle came directly in front of Hei Luosan and Jin Rakshasa and asked directly without any nonsense.

"There are no external injuries on the body. The main pain is caused by overloading the bones, and there is a dull pain in the nerves throughout the body."

"If it is not treated, it will not only affect our normal activities in the short term, but more importantly, it will affect the subsequent plans of both of us."

"Mr. Kyle, can you help with the treatment?"

"It's easy to talk about money."

Seeing this normal inquiry about the cause of the disease, Hei Luosan explained that he needed treatment.

"I won't charge you for this minor injury of normal muscle and nerve pain..."

"Just put your hand out."

Kyle knew that if he left this kind of injury alone, with the powerful bodies of Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San, it would only take two to three days at most for them to recover naturally.

Kyle usually won't help immediately with injuries like this. After all, it's just a minor injury. Pain can not only leave a deeper impression on people, but also bring some gains.

However, since the two of them could only stay on the island for three months, Kyle agreed to help.

Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan didn't ask any questions after hearing this, but just extended their hands in cooperation.

Kyle grabbed their hands and released the power of the void directly into their bodies.

In less than five seconds, Kyle let go of his hand.

However, Hei Luosan and Jin Luosha felt the pain that they had felt all over their bodies and disappeared immediately.

Although their physical strength has not been restored directly, both of them moved their arms and wings and found that there was no obstacle.

This miraculous healing ability made the two of them look at each other in disbelief at how serious the other was.

Kyle, on the other hand, noticed that the two of them had extremely abundant kidney energy.

Obviously, Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San don't have the same problems that normal men have.

A normal man's kidney energy will suffer more or less losses and cannot maintain its peak state.

However, these two people may not be so enthusiastic about that kind of thing, so their kidney energy is extremely sufficient.

Before the two of them, he had seen only Banner with such a sufficient kidney energy state.

And there is a reason for Banner's state. After Banner had just obtained the power of the Hulk, he could not properly control his transformation ability.

So I was able to do that after holding it in for a long time without being able to vent.

Otherwise, there are basically not many normal adult men with completely sufficient kidney qi.

"Although it is a good virtue to keep oneself as pure as jade, you should go there when you should go for fun."

"If it accumulates for too long without releasing it, it is not entirely a good thing for your body."

So Kyle looked at the two and gave some reminders.

He's not exactly a doctor, but Kyle has treated a lot of people.

Therefore, I have seen all kinds of strange causes of diseases, and I can understand the doctor's heart.

Therefore, after occasionally helping with treatment, I will also give some suggestions.

"If we have time, we will naturally have fun occasionally, but in recent years we have been busy with more and more things."

"So there are fewer opportunities to release energy."

"And our identity is in the Saint Nicholas Civilization, so we can't play around with it."

Hei Luosan heard Mr. Kyle suggest that they occasionally look for opportunities to let go of their energy. Hei Luosan did not show any disgust or rejection, but just explained their difficulties.

Once a man has nothing to do, he will seek some stimulation from time to time to release his energy.

But if you are entangled in complicated things every day, causing you to be exhausted every day, and the only thing you think about is to get more rest, how come there are so many messy thoughts.

Moreover, because Hei Luosan is responsible for the affairs of the Hei family and is in charge of power, his identity is much more sensitive than that of Jin Rakshasa.

Knowing more secret things, in order to avoid the idea of ​​showing off and bragging while lying on the knees of a drunk beauty, leaking secrets.

Or talking nonsense after drinking, so Hei Luosan has always been very restrained in his desires.

In addition, as the direct bloodline of the Black Family of the Five Main Lines of the Imperial City, it is because of the highly respected biological transformation.

Therefore, his aesthetics have also changed, and he prefers outstanding women who also come from the Hei family.

People who are biologically modified do not have that many worldly desires.

"I understand. I'm just making a suggestion. It's up to you whether to do it or not."

Kyle knew that there must be various reasons for maintaining such strong kidney energy, so he didn't say too much.

"Thank you for your help this time, Mr. Kyle. Jin Rakshasa and I are going back to rest first."

"I'll look for you to help with treatment later."

"The exact amount is definitely more precise."

Hei Luosan didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Kyle's words, but stood up and quickly thanked him and prepared to say goodbye.

The most comfortable thing about chatting with Mr. Kyle and others is that they basically say what they have to say directly, without so much twists and turns and suspicions.

"Although I know your time is tight, you still have to take your time."

"Spending a few more days of effort won't hinder you too much."

When Kyle saw the two of them, he immediately planned to leave. He didn't stop them and just warned them.

Although he treated them easily, the injured nerves of these two people were much more serious than they said.

Basically all the nerves in the body have been damaged to a greater or lesser extent.

Among them, the muscle groups of the body were most seriously injured, which was also the reason why it was difficult for the two of them to use their bodies.


Hei Luosan nodded after hearing this.

Afterwards, the two of them returned to the accommodation area quickly and easily because their bodies were healed and they were feeling windy when walking.

Then the two of them went back to the room and fell asleep without much nonsense.

Considering what happened next, they might have to pay a lot of money for Mr. Kyle to go directly to the Void Temple in the morning to help them treat them.

After Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan left.

Kyle, Renolly and Predictor sat down to order their food.

"Those two guys are really strong-willed, and the pain caused by nerve damage is not so easy to bear."

"Those two guys actually managed to hold on without showing signs of pain."

"I really don't know how their will is tempered."

Kyle said while ordering the food, with some exclamation and admiration in his tone.

Many skin injuries are actually not that unbearable, but once the injury affects nerves and bones.

The pain caused is simply not something ordinary people can bear.

"I think I know the reason. The five major veins of the Saint Nicholas Imperial Capital are in order to maintain the best biological transformation effects."

"So you cannot take various auxiliary drugs or fall into a coma during training."

"On the contrary, you need to stay awake all the time and endure the pain that ordinary people can't bear."

At this time, Bai Linglong also followed Lacey to the cafeteria. As soon as she entered, she heard Lord Kyle's emotion, so she spoke.

"Will it be painful when undergoing biomodification?"

Lacey asked thoughtfully after hearing this.

"There are rumors in the Saint Nicholas Civilization that due to the most advanced biological transformation, there are not a few people who become crazy due to excessive pain."

"And the biological transformation is done at a young age, so everyone who can pass her training will have an extremely strong will."

Bai Linglong said after hearing this.

"It's just that the best effect of biological modification cannot be exerted. Why not pursue painless modification?"

Kyle knew that the biological transformation of the Saint Nicholas Civilization was not like the various evolutions of the Void Cult. If the body undergoes various changes, it will definitely cause all kinds of unbearable pain for ordinary people.

"Ordinary people pursue painless biological transformation, and I am the painless kind."

"However, the biological modification of the Saint Nicholas Civilization has been stuck in a bottleneck for too many years. Therefore, the most advanced biological modification can be increased as much as possible."

"Just to bring out the best of existing biomodification technology."

"Even if there may be some losses as a result."

"A civilization wants to survive in the universe."

"What we rely on is never words, morality or the mercy of other civilizations, but truly powerful power."

Of course, Bai Linglong could understand after hearing this. When outsiders heard about these things, they expressed their confusion about the philosophy pursued by the five major branches of the Saint Nicholas Civilization Imperial Capital.

But she can also understand and be grateful for the efforts made by the five major branches of the Saint Nicholas Civilization Imperial Capital in this regard.

Because those people are the power to protect countless people of the Saint Nicholas Civilization.

"That's it. No wonder those two people have such a firm will."

Kyle heard that the training meeting was very painful, and he understood why the expressions on the faces of these two people did not show when they suffered that kind of pain.

That kind of pain may not be comparable to the pain that Golden Rakshasa and Heiluo suffered when they were biologically modified when they were three years old.

"Mr. Kyle, have you asked Mr. Golden Rakshasa how they are progressing?"

Bai Linglong sat down and asked.

Although she could go directly to take a look, Bai Linglong also had her own daily plans on the island.

Moreover, Mr. Jin Luosha and the others probably don’t want to be seen being too embarrassed.

So Bai Linglong went to practice early in the morning and didn't say to go to the Void Temple to have a look.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten it."

"Let's ask when we meet tomorrow."

When Kyle heard Bai Linglong talking about the progress of Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San, he slapped his head and realized that he had forgotten to ask.

"I may not run into him so soon, so I ask Mr. Kyle for help."

"I sincerely hope that everything goes well for both of them."

Bai Linglong knows about Mr. Jin Luosha and Mr. Heiluo San, and will definitely take the initiative to find Mr. Kyle in the future.

The purpose was not just for treatment, but they also had to go to Mr. Kyle every day.


Kyle nodded and agreed upon hearing this.

Then a few people chatted and ate together.


in the coming time.

Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San climb the Void Temple every night.

And the injuries he received were getting worse day by day.

The nerves and muscles were damaged on the first day, but the bones were broken on the second day.

The pain caused makes people want to give up this trial immediately and choose to live a comfortable life like a salted fish.

However, at the cost of broken bones, the two climbed higher and higher, and the next day they reached the 151st step.

The climb becomes more difficult as you go to the back.

When ten days passed, the two of them had just climbed the 380 steps.

This level has exceeded more than half of the steps, and it is not too far from the top of the Void Temple.

But when they first boarded it, the two of them finally couldn't bear the increasingly terrifying pressure, and their knees softened and they knelt down directly.

The severe pain caused by this kneeling made even the two people with iron wills unable to help but scream.

The two of them not only suffered some internal injuries, but blood was splattered directly, and their whole bodies were trembling.

The blood-stained steps added a bright red color to the empty temple that was originally full of vicissitudes of life.

This wailing made Bai Linglong, who was worried about watching from a distance, couldn't help but cover her mouth.

The will of the Void Temple seemed not to allow the two to climb up, so it imposed a trial that could be described as desperate.

This made Bai Linglong just want to run over to dissuade him.

A tall figure directly blocked Bai Linglong's path and stopped her.

"Master Kyle, please go over and help them."

"If they climb like this, they may really die."

Bai Linglong said anxiously when she saw the person standing in front of her. "

"When they stop climbing, I will naturally help them, but not now."

"They knew they would encounter such dangers, so they were mentally prepared for it."

"But even if you are mentally prepared, you will still be shaken by bearing such pain at this time."

"If you rush over now or later because you can't bear it, you plan to dissuade them."

"It's not helping them, it's hurting them."

Kyle shook his head slightly when he heard this, still looking in the direction of the Void Temple, and said slowly.

According to the discussion between the four of them, Master Kassadin, the God of the Void, should have started a test on the three most likely Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo.

As long as they reach the top, it is very likely that these two people will receive blessings directly.

Ordinary people have no way of knowing whether they will receive blessings.

The trials of Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San are difficult, but they are also the best training.

Once these two people receive the blessing of the void, they will surely rise quickly and make a name for themselves in the universe.

Therefore, nothing can be done to dissuade them at this time. This may cause the two of them to be shaken and unable to continue climbing.

"But if they climb down like this, they may really die."

When Bai Linglong heard that her dissuasion was hurting them, she stopped trying to run over immediately, but she was still extremely worried.

"I have never heard of anyone dying on Void Island without breaking the rules."

"Master Kassadin has great magical powers. The things that I can cure should be within the expectations of Master Kassadin."

"So don't worry, even if the two of them can't reach the top, they won't die."

Kyle's tone was extremely firm when he heard this and told Bai Linglong not to worry too much.

"Then Master Kyle, please take care of me more."

Bai Linglong heard that Lord Kassadin had anticipated everything. Although she was worried, she knew that she could not dissuade him. She could only ask Lord Kyle to put more thought into it.

After contact, it was found that Jin Luosha and Hei Luosan were the two people who Bai Linglong felt were the most dazzling and the best among the many family heads and many leaders of the younger generation in the Saint Nicholas Civilization.

If these two people can be allowed to take charge of the future Saint Nicholas Civilization, it will definitely be a good thing for Saint Nicholas Civilization.

So Bai Linglong definitely didn't want these two people to die young.

"Well, I will take care of it these days, so don't worry and leave it to me."

"You go back to sleep first. You have to continue practicing during the day."

After hearing this, Kyle calmed Bai Linglong's uneasy heart and asked her to go back and have a good sleep.

"Well, please."

Although Bai Linglong was also worried, she felt a lot more relieved after knowing that Lord Kyle would help take care of her.

Immediately, Bai Linglong also went back.

After watching Bai Linglong leave, Kyle continued to look at the Void Temple.

There were some things he didn't fully tell Bai Linglong just now. He could help treat the physical injuries.

But if the will of Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San collapses, he will not be able to treat them.

And is it possible for Jin Luosha and Hei Luo San to have their wills collapse?

The answer is undoubtedly yes. Although Kyle can't feel it, he can see it.

The test given to Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San by Master Kassadin, the God of the Void, was a physical and mental test.

The difficulty of this trial may only be compared to that of Star-Lord.

Star-Lord stayed on the island for two years, and during those two years he was ridiculed numerous times.

Even a determined person may not want to seek blessings in the face of various dissuasion, but Star-Lord persevered and was recognized. The name of Pilgrim can be said to be worthy of its name.

Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San had to endure countless pains until they finally reached the Temple of the Void.

Ordinary people may have given up after experiencing nerve pain on the first day and bone fractures on the second day.

But these two people did not give up. Instead, they persisted for ten days.

After seeking treatment from him every day, he will definitely appear at the Void Temple on time at night and start climbing.

He also saw the two people's injuries becoming more and more serious, so he took the initiative to wait and see.

No matter whether Golden Rakshasa and Hei Luo San can get the blessing of the void in the end.

The two of them can be regarded as Kyle's friends, so of course it is impossible for Kyle to let the two of them die here.

Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo Sanhui couldn't help but wailed because at this time, not only their knees were injured, but all the bones in their bodies were also under heavy pressure.

But even so, they endured the severe pain, propped up their bodies with their hands and continued to climb.

After ten days of climbing, it was no longer important to the two of them whether they would get the chance to climb the Temple of the Void.

They have only one idea in their minds, that is, they must pass this trial no matter what, and prove it to others and themselves.

The ten days were extremely long and painful for the two of them, but it also brought great tempering to their mental states.

They know that as long as the fire in their hearts does not go out, then it is the greatest gain.

And compared to the pain they are enduring now, they are even less willing to see the Saint Nicholas Civilization bring disasters in the future due to the immaturity or inability of the two leaders.

Kyle, who was ready to take action at any time, was not the only one who watched the climb of Golden Rakshasa and Black Luo San.

And Harvey, who has adjusted his schedule and watches at night.

When Harvey saw the two men climbing with their hands supporting their bodies, Harvey's eyes were a little moved.

The faith of these two people is like a spark in the night, impossible to ignore.

Such people with firm beliefs are undoubtedly qualified to receive blessings.

It’s just that Harvey knows that now is not the time to give blessings. It is the best time to wait until the two of them really reach their limit or climb to the top before giving blessings.

Because he knew that once he gave it directly, it wouldn't work, but it would interrupt the two people's desire to prove themselves.

And after truly experiencing countless hardships, it is not that there is no gain, but that you truly get the thing or power you dream of, which will bring people true joy that comes from the heart.

“It’s such a belief that one can’t help but admire when you see it.”

Sonia was wearing pajamas at this time and came to the hall and said softly.

"They are already qualified to receive blessings, but I want to see where their limits are."

Harvey saw Sonia coming out after being awakened by the wail, heard these words, and spoke.

"If they know that they passed the test early, they will definitely be happy."

When Sonia heard these words, she knew that Golden Rakshasa and Heiluo San would definitely be blessed and become their compatriots, and said with a smile.

The belief shown by these two people and their willingness to go through fire and water for their beliefs undoubtedly passed the test of Sonia, who was willing to say something good for them.

"This is the result of their hard work."

Harvey smiled calmly upon hearing this.

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