I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 709 Everyone is confused

From the moment they first gained power, and after having a detailed discussion, Tony, Steve, and Banner had no idea of ​​ruling the Blue Star.

I just want to do my part and live up to my origins, and then I can let go and come to the big stage of the universe.

Just because a lot of things went according to plan.

Their mentality has unconsciously become a little too arrogant.

Thinking that you have enough abilities, you unconsciously want to do everything well.

But you must know that even Kassadin, the God of the Void, has unfathomable strength, but he still cannot completely control people's hearts.

Originally, after being injected with genetic medicine, they didn't need to worry about what would happen after all the members became superhuman.

Because their original ideal was just to bring Blue Star to the interstellar era, there were many subsequent developments that they could do to help.

However, after all members become superhuman, there will definitely be a large number of casualties. This is the inevitable evolution of the times.

The population base is too large. Unless iron and blood methods are used to rule, this is irreversible.

This is a result of their discussion. Since they don't want to rule with iron blood, they should move forward according to the situation.

Stephen didn't think much about it.

Because he does not need to consider the development of Blue Star. He only needs to protect the magic world of Blue Star and occasionally venture into the universe stage when he becomes stronger in the future.

As for Tony and the others who forcefully do this kind of thing, what will happen in the future?

Stephen would not interfere whether he knew it or not.

Because although the Time Stone is in his hand, it allows him to observe countless futures, but observing the future is completely different from interfering with the future.

He can now fully understand why his master Gu Yi often only acts as an observer, waiting for the opportunity to come and taking advantage of the trend.

In the future, if things like this go in a slightly different direction, countless people will be implicated.

Stephen will still intervene at critical moments, but he will only consider taking action when he feels that at a critical moment, the ability of the Time Stone to predict countless futures is needed to help him and Blue Star overcome difficulties.

As for the life and death of other people, Stephen would not worry too much.

Because birth, old age, illness, death or various accidents occur, it is the common law of heaven and earth.

After lunch.

Banner, Tony, Steve and many other people from the nine realms came to Tony's experimental area.

Steve, Tony, and Banner sat down directly and started talking about why the ideal direction had changed.

Jarvis would record every meeting between three people and mark the key points.

Because Mr. Tony is a person who forgets things easily, these records will help Mr. Tony do more things.

The three of them looked at the various meetings and daily chats they had held after dealing with the black man.

In the end, Tony discovered some of Steve and Banner's thoughts, which affected some of his planning.

Why just affect rather than cause some psychological problems in him.

It's because Tony himself is not averse to thinking and discussing how to reduce more casualties.

The starting point is undoubtedly good, but it is also a kind of arrogance to ignore that oneself is not that powerful to do certain irreversible things.

"Fortunately, there are more Stephens, otherwise something big might happen if we delay it for a year or two."

Steve also broke into a cold sweat at this time and said with a serious expression.

"Well, Stephen deserves a lot of credit."

Banner can also completely understand that Steve is lucky.

"You still can't leave Void Island for too long, otherwise you won't know when it will start heading in a bad direction."

Tony was also feeling a little scared at this time.

When a person is heading towards the abyss of desire, it is difficult for him to notice it as a person in the game.

They all knew that this was because Miss Sarah directly saw their psychological changes, which was the biggest contributor.

The main reason to thank Stephen is that they did not go back to the Void God Religion every year to worship.

Because although the journey is not very far, there is still a huge difference between being able to get there in seconds and taking more than ten hours to go back and forth.

Stephen serves as their companion, allowing them to travel back and forth between Blue Star and Void Island at any time.

Therefore, every New Year pilgrimage, it is very important to prevent them from unconsciously thinking that the journey is far away and they will not go back this year.

"Let's resolve Thanos's matter as soon as possible."

"After solving this problem, I will stay on Void Island for a while to get used to my soft-hearted and arrogant mentality again."

Banner also directly changed some plans for next year at this time.

Although he comes back every New Year's pilgrimage, he has been away from Void Island for a long time.

Blue Star's life is full of comfort, because that is where they originate, and they are more familiar with Blue Star's various cultures. In addition, Blue Star has no enemies that can threaten them.

Although they are busy with various things during the day and helping to rebuild and rectify the United States, they will be thinking about where to pick up girls and have fun at night.

Banner doesn't feel any pain at all when spending Blue Star's money, so his life is no longer easy and comfortable.

But it was precisely because he was too comfortable that he reawakened the laziness in his heart and the overly benevolent character deep in his heart.

It's a good thing to want to protect others and help others, and Banner never thinks it's wrong.

But being too kind is very detrimental to the members of the Void Cult.

Before he stayed on Void Island, he often communicated and discussed with Kyle, focusing on various practices to improve himself.

In their free time, they also discuss their respective progress, and then talk about some situations in the universe and future plans together.

The most important thing is Kyle. He is a strong man of the same body type. He suffered too many losses when he was in the universe.

Regardless of strength or experience, Kyle is his senior.

Kyle also knew that he had not fought many times, participated in enough events and made various decisions.

So Kyle would teach him how to survive in the universe from time to time.

The truth that one can be kind but can be too kind is always taught in different ways.

This has reduced the kindness in Banner's heart a lot, and he won't take into account too many things when he takes action.

Once a strong person takes care of all kinds of things, it will become the weak point of the strong person, so that one wrong step will lead to a situation that one does not want to see.

"Well, let's wait for a month. It's the Chinese New Year. I don't want to see blood on my hands now."

"After you deal with Thanos, Banner, please stay on Void Island for a while."

"I also really want to be able to live on Void Island permanently soon."

"But let's wait until I solve some trivial matters."

"After Miss Sarah reminded me, I clarified my goals again, and the trivial matters that need to be done have been reduced a lot."

Tony knew that among the three of them, it was difficult to tell who had the most righteous heart and was willing to sacrifice himself for others.

But if you want to say who is the most merciful, then there is no doubt that it is Banner.

In the past, even if someone bullied Banner, he could solve the problem by being patient and not taking action. Banner would never consider relying on his strength to suppress others.

This kind of character is too kind, which is why Banner lived in such pain, and even thought about taking his own life.

Banner even has the courage to die, but he is still unwilling to rely on Hulk's power to do whatever he wants. This is Banner's overly benevolent character.

Otherwise, if Banner is more ruthless, even if he does not join the Void Cult and receive the blessing of the Void, Banner can still use Hulk's power to thrive on Blue Star.

To put it bluntly, Banner's behavior in the past was that he was too considerate of others to the point of completely neglecting himself.

This is undoubtedly a quality worthy of praise and praise.

But the Void Cult pays attention to a clear mind. Only when you are happy and know how to restrain certain desires can you ensure that you will not step into the abyss of desire.

Otherwise, if you keep treating yourself poorly and benefiting others, you will actually start heading towards the abyss of desire.

As Miss Sarah said, one cannot overestimate one's endurance.

Banner is aware of this problem, but if he doesn't think about changing his personality a little, he will definitely go to the abyss of desire and turn into a monster in the future.

So Tony naturally had no objections.

"I don't want to see blood during the Chinese New Year, so I have no objection."

"But I probably won't stay on Void Island directly for the time being."

"Because Pietro and Wanda still need to be looked after."

Steve nodded upon hearing this.

They could have solved the problem of Thanos long ago.

They just wanted to keep Thanos living in fear, so they took their time.

Therefore, deciding when to deal with Thanos can be done at any time without too much worry.

It all depends on when they want to resolve it.

"I don't know where Thanos is."

"I've never been there, and I don't have a clear impression in my mind."

"I will follow you to see it then."

Stephen heard from the side and did not refuse. He just explained in advance that he could not directly transport a few people there.

"Even if you don't want to go, I will have to take you with you."

Tony said with a smile when he heard Stephen's words.

Stephen's ability is of great help to them, as he can teleport directly regardless of distance.

As long as Stephen has been there or some people have some impressions, you can go directly.

With such a convenient ability, he must take Stephen everywhere.

"I'm not a tool. If you don't really need to expect me to take you around when I have nothing to do, then you have to give me some benefits."

Stephen knew that Tony was thinking about his teleportation magic.

But he doesn't mind, because people want to establish friendships that are deep enough and last long.

Not only should we look at whether we can share adversity together, but we should also value each other's abilities.

Even if your abilities are not often used, only when they are put to use at critical moments can people feel that interacting with you is beneficial.

Otherwise, there will be no benefits to being friends with you, but it will cause a lot of trouble for myself. If it happens once or twice, it will be boring for everyone.

Therefore, it is the right approach to strive for benefits for yourself based on your own advantages.

"I don't have that much money right now, so I'll owe it first. Interest can be calculated on the debt."

"In the future, my funds can be separated from Blue Star, and I will pay you back in one lump sum."

Tony is not a stingy person, but he doesn't have that many cosmic coins in his hand that he can free up at will.

He had planned to buy golden branches and leaves from Kyle before, and he also planned to owe Kyle first and wait a few years before giving them to Kyle.

He has never worried about his inability to repay his debts, and Kyle certainly doesn't mind if he doesn't pay back his debts for several years.

It's just that the golden branches and leaves are too rare, so Kyle, Renoli, Predictor, and Lacey are not willing to sell them, so they just want to see the opportunity to give them as gifts to others.

Although Stephen didn't have any cosmic coins, he basically had to borrow them from them.

But as the Supreme Mage, Stephen does not have as much money as him in Blue Star, but he is not short of money at all.

"Okay, then the teleportation fee is not too expensive for you. Five million cosmic coins are enough for one time."

"The New Year period does not count, because I also have to go back to Void Island, but if I want to go directly to other places, then I will have to collect money from you."

When Stephen saw Tony so happy, he didn't open his mouth as much as a lion, so he wouldn't have to worry about counting the times when they go back to Void Island together.

"Then it's settled."

Tony heard about five million cosmic coins once and thought the price was really cheap.

Because this is a direct journey across countless light years to the destination, which can save him a lot of time.

"Since we have decided to take action in a month, let's inform Lacey first."

"Let her pay attention to Thanos's movements in advance, so that it will be easier for her to take action when the time comes."

Although Banner felt that the price of five million cosmic coins was not very cheap, he could not afford it either.

"It's great to have money."

Only Steve said with some envy.

Because he has not officially arrived on the stage of the universe, he has no ability to make money in the universe.

Now he and Peggy are still holding the 200 million that Miss Sonia put in their pockets.

However, when Steve goes to worship every New Year, he is not too stingy, basically offering 5 million or 10 million.

Based on this, even if he doesn't make any money, if he saves a little bit, he can at least contribute for about ten or twenty years.

In more than ten or twenty years' time, he would have already arrived on the stage of the universe.

As long as he comes to the stage of the universe, Steve doesn't worry about running out of money.

At most, he is not as generous as Tony, who can easily spend tens of millions or hundreds of millions at a time.

Lacey is now in the cloakroom at home, looking at the dazzling array of skirts and gowns, and is troubled.

The New Year worship period is a day when most members of the Void Cult are present. This is a good opportunity to change the impression.

So Lacey basically wears one outfit in the morning, one outfit at noon, and another outfit in the evening these days.

The dressing style is basically a quiet, gentle and pleasant style.

Bai Linglong was also there at this time, but she watched Lady Lacey trying back and forth.

With Ms. Lacey's appearance and figure, basically every outfit will look pleasing to the eye as long as she doesn't wear it too sloppily or poorly.

But Lady Lacey still has to keep trying to change.

She knew that Lady Lacey must have an ulterior motive for doing this.

Even though they were both women, Bai Linglong didn't understand Lady Lacey's thoughts, and she didn't dare to ask, let alone speak.

After all, Ms. Lacey looks sexy and beautiful in appearance, and her personality seems to be very gentle.

But she will not forget that Lady Lacey is known as the God of Killing. Because she killed so many people, she even had to cover up certain information and send it back to Void Island.

But at this moment, Lacey received a communication. After Lacey saw the caller, she immediately ran out of the cloakroom and came to her living room.

Lacey sat gracefully on the sofa, then with a smile on her face, she clicked to answer.

"Banner, what's wrong?"

Lacey is now wearing a pure white dress, and her overall look is gentle and elegant.

Bai Linglong heard the sound and ran over. Seeing Lady Lacey's current appearance, she felt that she had seen the wrong person.

"Because of Miss Sarah's reminder, we noticed some problems with us."

"The chores in Blue Star will be reduced a lot from now on."

"And after discussion, regarding Thanos, we decided to take action in a month."

"So I want to ask Lacey to pay attention to Thanos's movements in advance."

"Lest you have to improvise and waste too much time."

Although Banner felt a little strange when he saw Lacey's appearance, he didn't pay too much attention to it and explained his own affairs directly.

"Of course there is no problem with this. I have been collecting intelligence related to Thanos."

"Now Thanos has left Titan and gone further."

"It will indeed take a lot of time to track it down."

Lacey nodded and agreed directly.

Even though Thanos knows that he cannot defeat the Void Cult, no strong man is willing to sit still and wait for death.

Therefore, it is inevitable that Thanos will take action, even if it is to escape, he will go further.

"Sure enough, he has started running away, then I'll trouble you."

Banner heard that Thanos had left Titan and headed farther away, and knew that tracking it would be a more troublesome task.

But even if it's troublesome, he won't change his mind again.

"No trouble, just pay attention to the enemies of the Void God Religion."

Lacey said with a smile upon hearing this.

"Okay, then I'll hang up first and we'll talk later."

"We are going back to Blue Star tomorrow. If we solve some trivial matters early, we can free up ten days and a half to deal with Thanos."

When Banner heard this, he was not too polite to Lacey. He nodded and was about to hang up.

"Banner, wait a minute."

Lacey said immediately when she saw Banner was about to hang up.

"What's wrong?"

Banner originally planned to hang up, but when he heard Lacey's words, he retracted his action and asked in confusion.

"Don't you feel anything different about me today?"

Lacey asked in a sweet voice with a smile on her face.

If a beautiful woman says this to a man, it can easily cause some misunderstandings.

However, it was Lacey who said this, leaving Stephen, Tony, and Steve who were silent in the experimental area building speechless.

Banner was even more confused when he was asked. After taking a closer look at Lacey, he fell into deep thought.

In fact, when he returned to Void Island yesterday, Banner had already noticed that Lacey's dress had become more ladylike and elegant.

Therefore, for Banner and others, they just thought that Lacey was trying different dressing styles.

Lacey is the best among women in terms of appearance and figure.

They couldn't say that they liked Lacey psychologically, but as men with normal sexual orientation and desires, they undoubtedly liked Lacey's figure very much.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t occasionally talk about Lacey’s appearance and figure in private.

However, as friends who have known each other for a long time, they know that Lacey does not intend to get married or find a partner.

Most of the contacts with Lacey are relatively restrained and do not show any frivolity or frivolity.

"You have a very good appearance and figure. You look beautiful no matter how you dress up."

So after thinking deeply, Banner said a common saying that would not offend others. This was indeed Banner's evaluation of Lacey. She has a great appearance, a voluptuous figure, and she is beautiful no matter what she wears.

"Okay, it's none of your business."

Lacey originally expected that Banner, with whom she had a relatively close friendship, would notice some changes in her appearance and temperament, but after hearing such polite words, she hung up the communication directly.

Lacey's sudden change of face made Steve, Tony, and Stephen in the experimental area confused.

Banner, who was being questioned, was even more confused at this time and even fell into self-doubt.

"Did what I said just now offend people?"

Banner asked, looking at Tony, Steve, and Stephen in confusion.

"That's fine with me."

"What you said just now was a bit polite, but I think it came from your true thoughts."

"I can hear it, and Lacey can definitely hear it too."

"So I can't say I'm very happy, but I can't say I'm offended."

As a veteran in love, Tony had slept with countless girls, and he couldn't figure out Lacey's thoughts at this time.

"With Lacey's appearance, anyone with the same aesthetics as us would regard her as a goddess."

"Is it just because it's a compliment that I feel annoyed?"

Stephen also gave a guess after thinking about it at this time.

Steve was also confused at this time, but he knew that Pepper was relatively loose with Tony, so there was no problem with Tony talking about women occasionally.


But Peggy was very strict with him, so Steve didn't speak and just shook his head to express that he didn't know.

"Lacie is different from other women, and her thoughts are even harder to guess."

"But Banner, please try to apologize first."

"If Lacey is in a bad mood, you may not be so comfortable on the island in the future."

Tony didn't have much idea after thinking about it, so he asked Banner to contact Lacey to apologize first.

"You don't need to tell me, I've already sent it."

But Tony didn't need to say it, Banner had already sent Lacey a message to apologize and ask what went wrong.

Even if he didn't talk about helping to investigate Thanos, he often hung out with Kyle when he was on Void Island.

And hanging out with Kyle, meeting Lacey is inevitable.

Moreover, Lacey also taught him many skills and experiences in cultivation.

If the relationship becomes rigid due to some misunderstandings, then things will be difficult to handle.

"It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I didn't mean to be angry with you."

"I just hung up the phone because the matter has been discussed, and I also have some problems of my own. It doesn't matter what you say."

"This little thing won't affect our relationship, so don't take it to heart."

Lacey immediately responded to Banner's apology.

Disappointment is certain, but not just because of Banner's polite words, but a little discouraged.

Even though she knew that it was not easy to change the impression that had been ingrained in other people's minds.

It's just that she has changed her dressing style very carefully.

But if she didn't take the initiative to ask, the people she was familiar with such as Kyle, Rennoli, Predictor, Banner, and many compatriots from the Void Cult wouldn't even think of commenting on them. This was what Lacey felt most disappointed about.

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