I evolve infinitely in the Marvel world

Chapter 756: Two people who received blessings (10,000 words)

"I have not thought about an all-out war with the mages."

"It's those mages who want to stop me."

"Others have come to bully me. Do you still want me to be merciful?"

"I also understand that there is a long way to go before we can change the general environment of the universe."

"No matter how difficult it is, someone has to do it."

"You and I are both witches, walking in the universe. You should understand how difficult our situation is."

When Wanda heard the weather witch's words, her face was so calm that it was impossible to tell whether she was happy or angry.

Wanda certainly understands that Stephen cannot support her in killing the entire wizarding world, and she has no intention of doing so.

It's just that others are bullying her, so she can't always retreat.

Giving in to the universe is not the correct way to survive.

"I do not deny that the environment is difficult, nor do I want you to be merciful."

"It's just that I don't have as lofty ideals as you."

"I just want to have some spare money, not be bothered by material things, and live a more comfortable life."

"So I would like to thank you for your invitation and don't mention it again."

When the Weather Witch saw the depth of Wanda's obsession, she knew she couldn't be persuaded, so she simply drew a clear line.

If Wanda goes down this path, it is inevitable to start a war with the wizarding world.

She and Wanda also came from the Nine Realms Blue Star, but her living environment is different from Wanda's.

As a child, the weather witch caused countless killings in order to survive.

She has been living a good life since she became mentally mature, so the Weather Witch personally doesn't have that many obsessions.

Growing up in a celestial environment, the Weather Witch learned more about worldliness and compromise.

In the mage world, it seems that the only one who is the most powerful person in the universe is the Supreme Mage Ancient One.

But the mage world has occupied the universe for many years and has deliberately planned the dilemma of witches.

It has accumulated countless magics in the mage world, and the foundation is so deep that you don't know what you are going to face until you check it out.

Just like when Zheng Xian and her wanted to rectify the dynasty, they realized the dangers involved.

Compared with the size of the Celestial Empire and the magical world of the entire universe, that is the gap between the light of fireflies and the brilliance of the bright moon.

"It would be too early to say no now."

"After you see my methods, I think you will change."

Wanda saw the Weather Witch refuse and a smile appeared on her face.

"Yeah, then let me wait for that day."

The weather witch also had a smile on her face when she heard this.

The two seemed to be smiling and very harmonious, but Pietro and Zheng Xian felt an atmosphere of tension between the two.

So neither of them spoke rashly.

The four of them seemed to be walking towards the experimental area in harmony.

"You are very confident, what do you rely on?"

Wanda said as she walked.

A thunder sword formed at Wanda's neck in an instant.

This made the hairs on Wanda's body explode, and the breath of death surged into her heart from the soles of her feet.

When Pietro saw this movement, he was about to subdue the weather witch, but when his hand reached into the air.

A hand grasped his wrist faster than him, and a huge force came from it, which made Pietro's knees weak, and he almost knelt on the ground when his body bent.

This made Pietro shrink his eyes and break out in cold sweat.

At this time, a voice came from behind Pietro.

"This is Void Island. Void Island has the rules of Void Island, so we will not fight or kill here."

"The weather witch is just showing that what your sister wants to see doesn't have any murderous intentions."

"Otherwise you two won't survive for a moment."

"So be honest, everyone is from the Nine Realms Blue Star, there is no need to be so tense, right?"

Zheng Xian didn't want to get involved in the fight between women, but if Pietro intervened, he couldn't sit idly by.

For Zheng Xian, there is no pressure at all when the speed exceeds the speed of sound.

Pietro's speed seemed to be in slow motion before his eyes.

"My magic is not as mysterious as yours, so I can't say I have anything to rely on."

"But it's just the dozens of planet-level witches you have conquered."

"In front of me, there is no difference between you and ordinary people."

"I don't even need magic to conquer them."

"I don't know what your natural magic is, but judging from your reaction speed, your physical body is not even at the planet level."

"With a body as weak as yours, I can kill you dozens of times in one second."

"This is my confidence, so I advise you not to be too arrogant and try to threaten people you shouldn't threaten."

The Weather Witch moved her fingers and a thunder sword hovered in the air, turning into a phantom and splitting directly into hundreds of them. There was a smile on her face and her posture was extremely calm.

Other witches need to fear various powerful enemies, but the weather witch's abilities are of a more comprehensive type.

After mastering Huajin, the Weather Witch's strength has directly risen to a higher level.

Facing the top powerhouse in the universe, she still had no chance of winning.

But to deal with a witch like Wanda who is physically fragile, with this kind of reaction speed, even if the witch possesses the top-level attack magic in the universe.

She could also easily take Wanda's life.

Because as long as Wanda doesn't get rid of her glass cannon-like body, Wanda will always have the most obvious weakness.

Even though Wanda's magic may be very perverted, it's still the same.

"You are one of the more special witches, which makes me want you to establish a witch sect with me even more."

Wanda saw the weather witch's methods, and she even wanted to cooperate with the weather witch.

She really couldn't deny that even if her ability to modify reality became stronger and stronger, the shortcoming of her physical body being too weak was difficult to erase.

Because this was a common problem among mages and witches, she estimated that even the Supreme Mage Ancient One, whose strength reached the pinnacle level of the universe, could not overcome this weakness during his lifetime.

It's just that the Time Stone can help Gu Yi cover up this shortcoming and always be one step ahead, even dozens or hundreds of steps ahead.

It can be said that it is very rare for a weather witch to be born with a planetary body.

Reaching the planet level is already a very terrifying physical body for a witch.

"That's just your unilateral idea. I personally don't want to cooperate with you."

The Weather Witch responded casually and turned around, not wanting to talk to Wanda.

From the Weather Witch's perspective, Wanda still hasn't figured out the root of her arrogance.

This arrogance will make Wanda famous in the universe, but it will also bring countless murderous intentions and dangers to Wanda.

Even Stephen Strange personally took action to kill Wanda.

Stephen has the inheritance of the Supreme Mage and is also a member of the Void Cult. He also holds the Time Stone, and his upper limit is much higher than that of his master Gu Yi.

Once Wanda makes too much noise, Stephen, as the new generation of supreme wizard in the magic world, will definitely not be able to sit idly by.

What Stephen said is understanding and supportive, Weather Witch can also understand and support.

It is not difficult to understand the idea of ​​establishing a witch sect to make the overall life of witches more relaxed and happy.

But according to Wanda's approach, she hopes not only to establish a witch sect, but also to fight to the end with the wizard world.

The Weather Witch felt that only she was stupid and would choose to stand on the same side as Wanda.

Zheng Xian also let go of Pietro's hand after seeing the weather witch withdrew her magic.

"Mr. Zheng Xian, the director of the Divine Spear Bureau, is really humble."

"I really didn't see it before."

Pietro rubbed his wrist to relieve the pain caused by Zheng Xian's grasp, and looked at the black-haired man in front of him with a somewhat apprehensive look.

In the past few years of his adventures in the universe with his supersonic ability, it can be said that he has always been invincible.

Now he suffered a big loss at the hands of Zheng Xian, who didn't seem to have any dangerous aura.

Just from this confrontation, Pietro knew that he could not win against Zheng Xian.

Therefore, Zheng Xian's strength is at least comparable to the universe level.

"I am no longer the director of the Divine Spear Bureau."

"As for the fact that I got this power by chance, it's not like you are mistaken."

Zheng Xian said calmly after hearing this.

For Zheng Xian, it doesn't take a year, just a month, for him to adapt to the universe and find ways to make the money he wants.

Although traveling with the weather witch caused him a lot of trouble, dealing with trouble has always been what Zheng Xian is best at.

Therefore, the two people's long journey cannot be said to be smooth sailing, but it is also relatively smooth.

"You need to understand that Void Island is not the outside world."

"Since you have returned to Void Island, you must abide by the rules here."

"If you break the rules, even I can't protect you."

At this time, Tony's voice sounded in the air, warning several people.

Tony has been watching the encounter between Wanda and the Weather Witch, and he also wants to see what will happen when the two meet.

Now that the weather witch has been away for a year, her desire to protect herself becomes even stronger.

Wanda's determination to establish a witch sect became more determined, and at the same time, the arrogance in Wanda's heart emerged again.

This may have something to do with age.

The age of the Weather Witch is unknown, but the Weather Witch has obviously realized that not everything in the world can go as she wishes.

Wanda is now in her early twenties, a period when young people are ambitious.

In addition, Wanda's magic has always been weird, so Wanda feels that she can do anything she wants as long as she wants to.

So Tony had nothing to blame, he just made them realize where they were now.

"Of course, we know very well that this is Void Island."

The weather witch heard Tony's voice and a slight smile appeared on her face.

"Mr. Tony, we are back."

After hearing this, Wanda temporarily put away her thoughts of forcing the Weather Witch to have a talk.

"Welcome back."

Tony's tone changed from serious to calm after hearing this.

Tony watches as Wanda interacts with the Weather Witch.

Harvey was also watching.

When Harvey discovers that the weather witch has gone on a long journey for a year, he has gone through a lot of troubles, but his psychology has not changed drastically.

Zheng Xian was not complacent about his own strength.

Harvey knew that Zheng Xian and the Weather Witch had passed the test of character.

And if the weather witch didn't give her a blessing, she might really be beaten into submission when facing Wanda.

Forcibly admitted into the witch sect.

So Harvey casually agreed to their request and granted them his blessing.

With Harvey's confirmation, the power of the void visible to the naked eye came from the void.

The weather witch and Zheng Xian's bodies soared into the air.

This scene made Wanda and Pietro widen their eyes.

Especially Wanda's eyes were full of disbelief.

She didn't understand why the Weather Witch was a witch like her and could receive the blessing of the void, but she couldn't.

Could it be that Kassadin, the God of the Void, was really trying to embarrass her?


Tony saw that Zheng Xian and the Weather Witch had just returned, passed the test and obtained the blessing, and received it in front of Wanda.

This made Tony look at Wanda's unbelievable expression and didn't know what to say for a moment.

In the past, Wanda knew that the Queen Frigga, who was also a witch, joined the Void Cult because of the relationship with the God King Odin. It was a special case, so it was not difficult for Wanda to convince herself.

But the weather witch and Zheng Xian were blessed.

Although Tony had guessed some of the reasons, so it wasn't that surprising.

But Wanda didn’t know. Tony couldn’t tell what she would do mentally when faced with this stimulation.

Because Void Blessing has created momentum.

"As you guessed, these two guys have been blessed."

Nikrov looked at the direction of the experimental area from a distance, saw the two people being blessed, and said.

"Master Kassadin gave Zheng Xian power twice, which in itself means that he is very optimistic about him."

"As long as his character doesn't change out of control due to power."

"It's a sure thing to pass the test and get the blessing."

"I just wonder if you would make them hold a grudge if you scared them two."

Madam Butterfly heard this and spoke.

"They had not yet joined the Void Cult at that time."

"I don't know their origins either."

"I'm just teaching them to stay humble when facing someone who is far superior to them."

"If they don't even understand this, their vision and courage will stop there."

When Nikrov heard Madam Butterfly's words, he stood with his hands behind his back and looked extremely calm.

"Of course you are not afraid of being resented."

"You go back then, the sky is high and the emperor is far away."

"But I'm alone on the island, what should I do if I get into trouble?"

Madame Butterfly rolled her eyes when she saw Nikrov's confident and calm look.

"There is no internal fighting in the Void Cult yet."

"If they dare to be the first to violate the precepts, they will definitely die without my taking action."

Nikrov was not worried at all when he heard this.

"You are really insufferable."

Madam Butterfly was a little speechless when she saw that Nikrov was still unwilling to let go, and when he said that he would take her back to Tesma Civilization with him.

"Other things are easy to discuss, but there is no discussion on this matter."

"When the Void God Religion reaches my galaxy, we will naturally be reunited."

Of course, Nikrov knew what Madame Butterfly was alluding to, but his belief remained unshaken.

"Yes, yes, then I will wait slowly."

Madame Butterfly knew that Niklov's personality had changed back to his former self, and he became even more domineering.

She really couldn't persuade Niklov.

"These two guys joined in anyway."

Alex stood in the air with his arms folded and spoke.

"Wouldn't it be better to have more companions?"

Kyle saw two more companions, and his face was full of smiles.

"I didn't say it was bad."

"I just want to confirm later whether these two guys understand the rules."

Alex spoke after hearing this.

"Even if they don't understand, Tony and the others will make them understand."

Kyle wasn't worried at all when he heard this.

The nine realm factions within the Void God Religion have gradually formed.

However, Kyle has no idea about factionalism. After all, everyone is a compatriot.

If the time comes for overt and covert fighting in the future, he will bring Alex and Lacey together to teach these factions a lesson.

"Then I feel more relieved."

Alex nodded upon hearing this.


More than ten minutes passed.

After Zheng Xian and the Weather Witch glimpsed the greatness of Kassadin, the God of the Void, they also escaped from the Void.

"Thank you, Lord Kassadin, God of the Void, for your recognition and gift. I will definitely live up to your expectations."

As soon as Zheng Xian woke up and landed on the ground, he very wisely knelt down and bowed in the direction of the Void Temple.

This gift truly opened the door to the world of strong men for him, and also gave him and the Weather Witch a foundation in the universe.

In the future, he will be more confident to contact the gods in heaven.

"Thank you, Lord Kassadin, God of the Void, for your recognition and gift. I will not disappoint your expectations."

The weather witch also knelt down when she saw this.

Her ability to join is probably inseparable from Zheng Xian.

Because the Weather Witch knows that although she admires Lord Kassadin, the God of the Void.

But she hasn't started praying for blessings yet,

The fact that Zheng Xian was under trial was not even a secret in the Void Cult.

So when Kassadin, the God of the Void, tested Zheng Xian, he might have seen everything she did.

While bestowing the void blessing on Zheng Xian, he also took her along with him.

But regardless of the reason for passing, the Weather Witch knew that this blessing was a great opportunity, so it was necessary to kneel down and express devout thanks.

Zheng Xian kowtows three times and bows nine times, and the Weather Witch also imitates her.

After kneeling down, the two stood up.

The Weather Witch could clearly feel that Wanda looked at her differently.

"I don't care what you do outside, so don't try to influence me."

The Weather Witch looked back at Wanda and said.

In fact she had wanted to talk to Wanda about the plight of the witch.

Just after hearing about Wanda's behavior in the past few years in the universe, the Weather Witch really disagreed and violently subdued the witches to fight against the wizarding world.

It is true that some people in the mage world are not good people, but not all mages are like this.

This can be seen from Blue Star. The Weather Witch has never been embarrassed by mages since she was a child.

After arriving in the universe, after the weather witch's investigation and inquiry, and Zheng Xian, he had already discussed this matter.

So she is better able to understand the nature of the witch's dilemma.

The contemporary mages are at fault for this predicament, but all the faults cannot be placed on the contemporary mages.

The real reason is that the witch cannot overcome the consequences caused by the mage.

But there is no way to do this, because witches are creations of heaven and earth with too much randomness.

Traditional mages can practice, so it is easy to form a force that lasts from ancient times to the present.

If we really want to trace the origin, we must trace it back to the pinnacle figures in the magic world, Wei Shandi and others.

Even if these existences have not appeared in the universe for a long time, they have always stayed in the magic dimension.

But those beings are all a group of immortals.

It's not that they can't come to the real universe, it just might be more troublesome.

Now that the magic world is dominated by traditional mages, they don't need to interfere, and naturally they don't need to show up frequently.

But Wanda wants to overturn this environment that has been deliberately created over countless years.

Even if Wanda's natural magic is really abnormal and she has the power of the pinnacle of the universe, facing an ancient magic god like Weishan Emperor, she is nothing more than a mantis.

Unless there is a being born among them witches who can compete with the ancient gods like Weishan Emperor.

Only then can the current dilemma of witches in the universe be changed.

The problem is that even if this happens, Emperor Weishan will definitely take action to eliminate it in advance during the growth process.

If the big shot doesn't show up, it's just because you don't matter in the big shot's eyes.

When you touch the interests of those big shots and show up one after another, you will know what kind of force you are against.

Wanda doesn't understand these principles at all, otherwise the weather witch wouldn't say Wanda is too arrogant.

However, the Weather Witch is not very familiar with Wanda, so she has already warned her if she should.

Whether Wanda can realize that is not something she needs to care about.

Before receiving the blessing, the Weather Witch's ideal was to live happily for thousands of years.

Going to the stage of the universe and looking around is also because Blue Star is connected with the universe.

Zheng Xian wanted to go to the universe, and the weather witch followed him to take a look.

In fact, if Blue Star's civilization did not reach this level.

The Weather Witch can also accept that she will live in Blue Star for the rest of her life, savor the various aspects of life, experience the ups and downs and beauty of life, and spend her life.

As Mr. Tony said, the more you see, the more you will realize your own insignificance, and just do things within your capabilities.

"You have been blessed with greater power."

"Still unwilling to contribute to the witch world?"

Wanda knew that from the moment the Weather Witch received the blessing of the void, her future strength might not be inferior to hers.

"If you just want to change the local environment and make your life better, then I can't help."

"It's just that your ideals are too lofty, so lofty that in my opinion it is almost impossible to achieve."

"Indeed, most traditional mages are really weak in my eyes."

"But why can these weak traditional mages dominate the overall situation of the universe, instead of us witches who are born with powerful magic?"

"Let me remind you that leaving some way for mages to survive is to leave some way for other witches to survive."

"If you don't understand now, I think you will understand what I mean when you grow through hardships and dangers on the way to your ideal."

The weather witch glanced at Wanda when she heard this, and considering that she was from the same nine realms, she patiently reminded her.

If Wanda could be satisfied with adjusting the local environment, integrating the witch sect and occupying a territory in the universe to recuperate and continue future generations.

Slowly changing the relationship between the traditional wizard world and witches.

Then the Weather Witch feels that it is possible for Wanda to do it, and she will be very happy to help Wanda make this happen.

But Wanda's ideal is obviously not satisfied with this.

This can be seen from Wanda's murder of various mages.

Scarlet Witch Wanda is now very famous in the universe. It is not an exaggeration to describe her as famous.

However, Wanda's reputation was created through killing, so it can also be called a vicious reputation.

When the evil reputation of Wanda is deeply rooted in countless creatures in the universe, the witch sect established by Wanda will also be deeply implicated.

There is no doubt that the universe empire and the great forces of the universe have caused many killings.

But they all know that they can't just have bad reputations, so their reputations are at least mixed, good and bad.

The same is true for the Void Cult. Some of its members have evil names, and some have holy names.

If people think that your power is absolute and pure evil, then all the powers and creatures in the universe will become your resistance.


Wanda fell into deep thought when she heard what the Weather Witch said.

The weather witch's words were very straightforward, if her ideals were smaller.

She didn't even need to consider using force to suppress and force the Weather Witch to help her, the Weather Witch would be very happy to help her.

But her current ideal does not. Why is this?

Is it wrong for her to hope to change the plight of witches?

Weather Witch and Zheng Xian left first.

"When did your head become so smart?"

When Zheng Xian and the Weather Witch walked towards the experimental area, Zheng Xian said.

"When did my head stop being smart? I just don't like thinking about so many annoying things, okay?"

"And I belong to my fellow countrymen from the same nine realms. I hope she can wake up in time, so I said a few more words."

"If she fails to wake up and pushes herself to the point of desperation, then there is no one to blame."

"Won't you give her some advice?"

"You should know better than me what Wanda will face next."

"Although the relationship is not very deep, after all, she is from the same Blue Star as us."

When the weather witch heard Zheng Xian praising her smart mind, implying that she had been stupid before, she directly refuted it and then explained her thoughts.

Because when it comes to wisdom, she is indeed not as smart as Zheng Xian.

Just knowing that Zheng Xian died was a huge loss for many things she faced.

That's why she tried her best to protect Zheng Xian when he was weak and only had good brains but no strength.

As for becoming smarter, she has learned something about it after spending many years with Zheng Xian and experiencing many things together.

"This is a matter between you women. As a grown man, I won't get involved."

"Besides, I'm already tired enough when it comes to rectifying the Celestial Dynasty."

"Now I am finally free from worries and can live for myself."

"I don't want to waste so many brain cells doing so many things for others."

"You have to say it yourself."

Hearing this, Zheng Xian spread his hands and said with a nonchalant expression.

After understanding the witch's plight, the Weather Witch also thought about how to change it.

However, after learning about Wanda’s reputation and deeds abroad in recent years.

After he and the Weather Witch delve into Wanda's ideals.

Assume that Wanda is a super witch who is rare in hundreds of thousands of years and has the potential to grow to the pinnacle of the universe.

Considering that the foundation of the magic world has been shaken, Emperor Weishan may come to reality.

With Wanda's power at the pinnacle level of the universe, it is still impossible to fight against Emperor Weishan.

Why is it one peak-level powerhouse in the universe, not several?

Because if Wanda followed this path, she would end up alone in the end.

Since ancient times, people who have gained the right will get many help, but those who have lost the right will get little help.

Even if we make a bold assumption, Emperor Weishan's power is not as mysterious and terrifying as rumored, and his strength is only at the peak level of the universe.

Emperor Weishan has lived for so many years, and he must have his own power group and know powerful people from all walks of life.

At that time, Wanda will be the pinnacle level of the universe, so let’s not fight two or three peak level experts of the universe.

Even if one stands in a direction that is favorable to Wanda, Wanda's future enemies will not be guessing about who will be stronger, but will make various bold assumptions toward the weakest boundary.

Wanda continues to pursue her existing ideals and creates various situations that lead to a dead end.

Therefore, the Weather Witch was persuaded by Zheng Xian to give up the idea of ​​cooperating with Wanda.

As for thinking about how to make the community with a shared future for mankind better develop, that is no one else's business. That is what Zheng Xian thinks he should do.

The matter with Wanda is not of the same nature at all.

Therefore, no matter how many brain cells it takes Zheng Xian, he will find a way to do it.

"I originally wanted to persuade her, but she is more arrogant than me and I don't want to say that much."

When the Weather Witch heard Zheng Xian asking her to tell Wanda, she was unwilling.

"Other people's paths are always other people's. Instead of thinking so much, you might as well think about what you're going to have for lunch."

Seeing that the weather witch was unwilling, Zheng Xian changed the topic directly.

The two of them walked all the way back to the residential area of ​​the experimental area, when they first entered.

"Congratulations to both of you for being blessed. We will be compatriots from now on."

Banner appeared in front of Zheng Xian and the Weather Witch and said with a smile.

"Although I joined just before the expedition, no matter what time it is to receive the blessing, it is a great good thing."

Tony also appeared and spoke.

"I want to talk to you about Wanda."

Steve also appeared, but unlike Tony and Banner, who had a smile on his face, he had a solemn expression.

"I don't mind if you want to talk about Wanda."

"But don't say I didn't warn you. The rebellious period of young people, especially the rebellious period of powerful young people, is much more difficult to discipline than you think."

Zheng Xian saw that Steve wanted to talk to him about Wanda and said.

Zheng Xian and the Weather Witch both know when Wanda's magical talent awakened.

Therefore, witches like Wanda and the Weather Witch who have realized from an early age that the benefits of power are significantly different from the dangerous witches.

The Weather Witch has suffered many severe beatings and knows that it is not easy to take care of herself.

After Wanda awakened, she was taken by Steve and stayed in her comfort zone without experiencing too much suffering.

After arriving in the universe, Wanda's strength seems to be at least a universe-level powerhouse according to rumors.

With such power, if Wanda had not been too unlucky and met the top powerhouse in the universe, Wanda's journey in the universe would have been smooth sailing.

Therefore, it is easy for Wanda to develop an extremely conceited character.

This arrogance may not be reflected when faced with members of the Void Cult or Steve.

But Wanda has an arrogant idea when it comes to other witches.

This is evident when Wanda meets the Weather Witch.

After the Weather Witch made it clear that she was unwilling to cooperate, Wanda still had no intention of giving in and considering the long term.

Instead, he wanted to compare his respective strengths with the Weather Witch.

This is a sign that Wanda feels that her natural magic can easily conquer the weather witch.

It's just that the weather witch is different from other witches in that the distance is no more than a thousand meters.

The weather witch can kill countless creatures and things in one second.

Even if Wanda can absorb magical energy, the Weather Witch will adjust her fighting posture in an instant and rely on her physical body to directly teach Wanda how to behave.

Zheng Xian believed that if the weather witch hadn't been too fast, Wanda would have demonstrated her abilities without starting a fight.

"I know, I just want to understand."

When Steve heard Zheng Xian's words, he nodded seriously.

Putting aside the level of strength and limitations of vision, Steve also admired Zheng Xian very much in terms of brains.

Because if you want to climb to the position of director of the Divine Spear Bureau, you not only need a smart head, but also a very smart head.

In the past, when Zheng Xian first entered the universe, his horizons were limited, so he didn't consider all aspects of things well.

But Zheng Xian traveled in the universe with the Weather Witch for a year.

This was enough for Zheng Xian to understand how to survive in the universe and to have his own opinions on many things in the universe.

Steve used to be Captain America and was called a hero by many people, but he knew in his heart that he was a soldier who followed orders no matter what.

Zheng Xian, on the other hand, is a commander at the rear, and his overall view is unmatched by him.

This is a difference in the way of thinking.

So in the face of some of Wanda's things in the universe, there was originally no problem in Steve's eyes, but in the eyes of Zheng Xian and the Weather Witch, Wanda had gone the wrong way.

This made Steve have to pay attention.

"Okay, but please wait for a while first."

"I'll pay back the money to Miss Pepper first."

"Thanks to her for giving us travel expenses, which made our journey to the universe very pleasant."

"Let me explain in advance that this is just my unilateral opinion. If you have other ideas, or feel that what we said is wrong."

"I won't force you to agree, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"The Weather Witch and I have just joined the Void Cult."

"We will all be compatriots and have to get along with each other for a long time in the future."

"I don't want our relationship to be affected by the conversation that follows."

Zheng Xian saw Steve caring about Wanda and did not refuse. He just explained some things in advance.

He didn't want to have any conflicts with Steve just after joining the Void Cult, making everyone unhappy.

"Of course, I just want to use your thinking to open up my mind."

When Steve heard this, he nodded very wisely and expressed his understanding.

"Pepper is not at home now, just transfer the money to me directly."

"But you are really good at it. You earned 10 million universe coins in one year."

Tony took the initiative to take over the conversation and said with a smile.

"This is Miss Pepper, who lent us some start-up capital, that's why we earned it so quickly."

"Otherwise, it would be difficult for the two of us to go out."

"You are willing to help me like this. If you need help with anything in the future, feel free to tell us."

Zheng Xian did not feel complacent about this, but pushed the credit to Pepper and made a promise at the same time.

Zheng Xian then scanned the payment code released by Jarvis and transferred 11.5 million cosmic coins directly.

The interest rate of hundreds of thousands of Universe coins every month is far higher than the interest rate of regular loans in Universe.

But Zheng Xian knew that they had just entered the universe, and if Tony and Pepper didn't lend it to them.

It is absolutely impossible for them to borrow these ten million cosmic coins.

"We are all compatriots, we are just helping each other, don't worry too much."

Tony also had a smile on his face when he saw Zheng Xian repaying the debt.

Although the extra 1.5 million cosmic coins are simply a drop in the bucket for Tony.

Lending money to Zheng Xian to help him is just a small thing.

But I don’t have to give it, but you can’t give it. Seeing that the other party is so good, Tony is naturally very happy.

No wonder Zheng Xian is so successful in the Celestial Dynasty. This guy understands human feelings.

"Yes, from now on we are all compatriots."

Hearing this, Zheng Xian took the opportunity to answer the question.

"Let's go in and sit down first."

"You have just been blessed to join the Void Cult."

"You will definitely be hungry. I know you will come back, so I have prepared delicious food in advance."

"We'll talk while we eat."

"I also want to give you some popular science, common sense that you must know after joining the Void God Cult."

Tony said with a smile upon hearing this.

Following Tony's words, several people also followed Tony in and sat down at the table.

Steve was not in a hurry, because even if he learned about Wanda's matter and wanted to find a solution, it would not be when he was about to go on an expedition tomorrow.

So Steve, Banner and Tony, while eating together, gave Zheng Xian and Weather Witch one after another.

It simply popularizes many things that only members of the Void Cult can understand.

Including Banner also said that this time he could teach Zheng Xian how to learn healing methods.

This makes Zheng Xian undoubtedly very happy. He does not necessarily want to follow the physical school.

However, in Zheng Xian's opinion, this ability to not only heal oneself but also heal others must be learned no matter what.

Although he has great power to protect himself, there are many people he knows who are relatively weak.

And injuries are unavoidable in fighting.

So whether it was to help the weak and caring people survive the risk of death, or to help himself cope with various battles better, he had to learn it.

After learning about the various schools of the Void Cult, the Weather Witch saw that Zheng Xian planned to learn healing methods.

She had no idea to learn it, but planned to ask Miss Sarah later.

Because recorder Sarah not only simply records information about the departure and return of members of the Void Cult, she is also a treasure trove of knowledge.

Talking to Miss Sarah can better determine her future direction.

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