Xiao Feng looked at the crowd when he heard the words, and said in doubt, "Brother Yang, what do you say?"

Yang Yi said: “According to what Madam Ma said earlier, she discovered the suicide note of Deputy Ma’s leader. She thought it was important, so she invited Xu Elder. She hoped that Xu Elder would come forward and put this letter in Beggar Sect. Read it in front of you, did I make a mistake?"

Xiao Feng nodded, and the others nodded one after another.

Yang Yi said: "I remember the suicide note of Deputy Ma's leader said that if he encounters an accident, all Elders should be unpacked. That being the case, why did Mrs. Ma go to Xu Elder when Xu Elder couldn't wait for someone to wait for him? Unpacking?

As the senior Elder of Beggar Sect, he should know that this matter is of great importance, and he would never dare to unpack it by himself.

As the wife of Deputy Ma’s gang leader, why didn’t Madam Ma not stop Xu Elder from opening the letter by herself? "

Xu Chongxiao was angry, pointing at Yang Yi and trembling: "You mean, I killed Ma Dayuan?"

Shan Zheng's face changed drastically, and others called him an iron judge. The most intolerable thing was that others questioned his impartiality.

He said solemnly: "I can swear by myself that when Xu Elder opened the letter that day, I personally verified that the red lacquer seal was intact, so there is no possibility of tampering or replacing the letter."

On that day, Shan Zheng was a guest at Xu Chongxiao's home. He experienced what happened that day, so he was invited to testify today.

Everyone still believed the name of the iron-faced judge, and they nodded one after another.

Yang Yi said: "I didn't say that the senior gave false testimony, nor did I say that the letter was tampered with or replaced, but what if someone had read the letter in advance? The red lacquer is intact, this does not mean anything, just use Fire baking can be seamless. It is precisely because the single senior was present that day that someone dared to open the envelope unscrupulously."

Everyone was silent and looked at Kang Min.

Obviously, what Yang Yihua meant was that Kang Min had read this letter in advance.

At the same time, everyone looked at Xu Elder faintly. He was the "unscrupulous person" in Yang Yi's mouth.

Kang Min's eyes flashed with surprise, but he returned to normal in an instant.

She is a thousand-year-old Fox Spirit, and the suspicion of everyone's eyes makes it impossible for her to show her feet.

There is no proof, no matter how much Yang Yi said.

Xu Chongxiao was frightened and angry, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt a guilty conscience.

Shan Zheng frowned and was not talking anymore.

Yang Yi continued: "According to Xu Elder, after reading the letter, he quickly found Tan Gong Tan Po, Zhao Qiansun, and Master Zhiguang, and confirmed from them what the letter said about the Yanmen incident. Authenticity. Apart from that, he didn't tell anyone anymore, after all, it was a matter of great importance and could not be easily revealed.

Since then, I am very curious. Why does Quan Guanqing know Xiao Feng's life experience?

There were only four survivors of the Yanmen Pass incident that year, namely Dage, Wang Jiantong, Master Zhiguang, and Zhao Qiansun. Among them, the old gang leader Wang Jiantong is dead, which means that only three of them knew the truth.

Taking the lead in the mysterious identity of Dage, Master Zhiguang and Zhao Qiansun have no reason to tell Quan Guanqing about this.

So from this point of view, someone saw the letter written by the leader Dage to the old gang leader Wang Jiantong in advance, and then leaked it to Quan Guanqing. This was the only explanation. "

After hearing this, everyone looked at Kang Min's eyes even more suspicious.

Because she took out the letter, she is also most likely to see the letter in advance.

Kang Min suddenly said with grief: "Dayuan, my life is so miserable. Before your bones are cold, someone is already going to bully me, a survivor, ooh."

Yang Yi said indifferently: "Mrs. Ma, crying is useless, don't you have anything to say? And you Quan Guanqing, I don't know the news of Xiao Feng's life, where did you hear it?"

Xiao Feng shouted sharply: "Quan Guanqing, did you kill Dage?"

Quan Guanqing's heart was cold, and he hurriedly said: "Don't wrong me, even if Mrs. Ma told me the content of the letter? At that time, the deputy gang leader Ma was dead. How could it be that I killed it. I'm getting news. Later, for the sake of the future of the gang, what was wrong with Xiao Feng who chose to rebel against you."


Everyone was in an uproar and looked at Kang Min. She really read the letter in advance!

Kang Min's face changed and he was silent.

Yang Yi looked at Xu Chongxiao and said, "Xu Elder, what do you have to say?"

Although Xu Elder was a little cautious, Ma Dayuan was indeed not the one who killed him.

Facing the suspicious eyes of everyone, he quickly disassociated himself from the relationship and said: "I didn't kill Dayuan either. But the content in the letter was indeed what Mrs. Ma told me. She said she wanted to move Xiao Feng down, and asked me to help. I was at the time. I didn't think too much about it. As Xiao Feng, I couldn't do anything about our Beggar Sect gang leader."


Everyone was shocked again, so the signs all pointed to Kang Min, all of which was planned by her.

Shan Zheng's expression was ashen, and he pointed to Xu Chongxiao and shouted angrily: "Xu Chongxiao, you have vain my decades of friendship with you, and you have used me like this. Today we cut off our robes, and there will be no more friendship in the future."

As he said, he lifted the corner of his clothes and cut it directly with a knife.


The corners of the clothes were cut off, and the sheets were thrown into the air, drifting away in the wind.

Xu Chongxiao lamented and bowed his head in shame.

Bai Shijing suddenly said in a deep voice: "Head Yang, you have said so much, it is only proof that Madam Ma peeped at the letter in advance. She may have some impure motives, but this is not about what you said. We Beggar Sect people killed it. As Quan Guanqing said, the deputy Ma gang leader was dead at that time."

Yang Yi looked at Bai Shijing and said with inexplicable meaning: "I was still thinking about who will defend Madam Ma next. I didn't expect it to be you Bai Shijing Bai Elder. Xiao Feng's folding fan, you stole it, right? ."

Bai Shijing panicked, and he immediately said with a serious face, "Head Yang, you are going to talk nonsense here, how could I stole Xiao Feng's folding fan. Also, don't change the subject, Madam Ma may be a little selfish." , But it is not going to kill the deputy Ma. What's more, the deputy Ma was killed by someone with a famous skill, and only Murong and his son can do it."

Yang Yi said: "Did I say that Deputy Ma was killed by Madam Ma? Bai Elder didn't confess himself! As for dying under the throat lock, is it difficult to forge such traces? As Deputy Ma The helper’s insider couldn’t be easier to fascinate him with medicine, and then I found a master who is familiar with the throat-locking technique, and pinched the throat of the deputy Ma Ma’s throat."

Wow! Wow!

Everyone was in an uproar, their faces look of disbelief.

Because Bai Shijing is the law enforcement Elder, who wants to come and is known for his selflessness.

Why did he suddenly become the murderer who killed the deputy Ma?

Although it was unbelievable, they had no choice but to suspect Bai Shijing when they thought of Yang Yi's two words that forced Quan Guanqing and Xu Chongxiao to show their true shape.

Bai Shijing was anxious and angry, and pointed to Yang Yi and said loudly: "Yang Yi, you don't want to spit people, you are trying to frame me, what do you want? You said I killed the deputy Ma, and show evidence."

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