
Huang Gang yelled sharply, he ran forward in stride, and the Yan Ling knife was unsheathed and stood in front of the demon Sun Ke.

Then the six government officials also rushed up and surrounded the demon way.

Wow! Wow!

The people around stepped aside, for fear that they might be mistaken for their accomplices and arrested.

This year, in order to make money, Yamen arrested people at random to pretend to be wanted criminals, and then asked their family members to pay for the ransom. It is not unheard of.

Sun Ke didn't panic. He traveled north and south to deal with these government officials, and he would often be able to spend some money.

He nodded and bowed, with a flattering appearance: "My lord, misunderstanding, misunderstanding. I am a sheep trader. I don't know where I am wrong. Why don't we put down the knife first, and I will apologize to you."

Huang Gang looked wary and sneered: "Misunderstanding? You demon way, you use sorcery to turn people into sheep and sell it, and you are simply stunned. According to the rules of the court, you must soak the demon way in the dung pit for nine days and then expose it to the sun for another nine days. , And finally beheaded to show the public. You should save your meal to the underworld and invite King Yama to eat."

Sun Ke panicked, he deliberately yelled: "My lord, don't you clearly frame people? I am obviously a group of goats, but you say that people have become people. How can this be? How can people become sheep, everyone said right?"

Although the surrounding people nodded in approval, no one dared to speak.

Yamen is in people's minds, that is, the bandit den in the county seat, who dares to fight against them.

At this time, Yang Yi also came over.

Huang Gang sneered and said to Yang Yi: "Young Master Yang, since you can see that this group of sheep are human beings, you must be able to restore them."

"It's you!"

Sun Ke's pupils shrunk slightly, isn't this the previous scholar.

Among the sheep, a lamb hurriedly rushed out and came to Yang Yi's feet, raising his head and shouting with joy.

Huh! Huh!

On the way, their flock of sheep often asks pedestrians for help, but no one can understand what they mean.

In the end, everyone was desperate.

She was the only one who still had expectations, but she did not rush to take action. Instead, she tried to observe the pedestrians around her and choose the right object for help.

Sure enough, she made a right bet this time.


Yang Yi nodded, he squatted slightly, let the little sheep stand in front of him, and then chanted a spell in his mouth, pinched a magic formula in his hand, and finally pointed it out again and hit the middle of the little sheep's eyebrows.

Yang Yi grabbed and pulled again, only to see a burst of green smoke coming out, and a whole piece of sheepskin was pulled out of his hand.


A clear and sweet woman's voice sounded, and she walked out of the blue smoke circle, almost falling over.

Xia Zining held her own hands, then bowed her head and stomped her feet again, she cried with joy: "I have become a human again, and I have finally become a human again. Ooo!"

Wow! Wow!

The crowds onlookers were in an uproar, this is simply a change of life.

Sheep, turned out to be truly human, and she is still such a stunning girl, wearing a lavender dress, slender and graceful, with delicate features, long hair fluttering, and big eyes with teary eyes, which makes people feel pity.

"It's a human being, this sheep turned out to be a human being."

"According to that, the flock of sheep is all human."

"This demon way should really be killed. It turns people into beast sellers. I don't know if it killed the meat-eating people."

"Oh! The meat we ate today, is it pork or human meat?"

"My son, he had disappeared for no reason before, and he must have been abducted by such a demon into a beast."


Huh! Huh!

The sheep screamed in excitement and surrounded Yang Yi, and they were finally rescued.

Huang Gang stared at Sun Ke sharply, and said sharply: "Demon Dao! Come here, lock me up, dare to resist and kill him."

"Yes, my lord."

Sun Ke was desperate, so he could only let the Yamen tie himself up and put on fetters.

He knew how many kilograms of his own, and there was no hope of escape from the front.

Xia Zining touched the tears on her face. She walked up to look at Yang Yi with full eyes, and thanked: "Thank you, son, for his life-saving grace. I don't know what the son is called?"

Yang Yi smiled and said, "With a little effort, my surname is Yang Mingyi."

Xia Zining said: "Then I will call you Yang Dage. Yang Dage, you save them quickly. Like me, they are all from Hangzhou. They became sheep after being stunned by this demon way."

Yang Yi nodded. He did the same. After pulling off the sheepskins of the flock of sheep, they turned back into women.

Although these women are of different ages, they are all beauties and beautiful in appearance.

"Thank you son for saving his life."

"Thank you Grace!"


Everyone came to thank you one after another. Many of them were gorgeously dressed, and they were supposed to be from rich families.

Xia Zining walked up to Huang Gang and said angrily: "I am the daughter of the Chu king, go call your county magistrate, and I want to see him."

"Daughter of King Chu!"

Huang Gang almost fell on the ground without being scared, this is not the princess.

He nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, yes, princess. Come here, hurry up and ask the adults to come over."

Yang Yi hurriedly stopped and said, "This place is mixed with dragons and fish, I think it's better to go to the county government, it will be safer there."

Huang Gang nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes, princess, let's go to the county office. We have few brothers here, I'm afraid we can't protect your thoroughness."

Xia Zining thought for a while and nodded, "Well then, just listen to Yang Dage. Yang Dage, will you go with me, OK? I'm so scared without you by my side."

She looked at Yang Yi blankly, begging with all her face.

For this person who saved her from despair, she had a strange trust in her heart.

Yang Yi frowned. He didn't want to get involved with the feudal king, because everyone in the world knew that the king of Chu was ready to move in these years, and sooner or later he would rebel.

He was just a small person right now, and he was involved with King Chu, and he probably didn't know how he died by then.

Seeing the pleading eyes of the other party, Yang Yi still shook his head and said: "I'm sorry, I still have important things to do. There is a king catching his head, and no one can hurt you. The princess, the king catching his head, I will leave first. ."

As he said, he turned and left without waiting for the two to answer.

As for the demon Sun Ke, although the county magistrate loves money, he is not so stupid that he dared to take bribes and let him go, so he doesn't need to worry that demon will retaliate in the future.

Seeing the back of Yang Yi leaving quickly, Xia Zining's eyes were aggrieved, and she stomped her feet delicately.



When he returned home, Yang Yi posted the Bixie and Ghost Expelling Symbols around the house and in the bedroom.

In fact, he also knew that with these talisman alone, there was no way a ghost like Nie Xiaoqian's condensed state could at all be able to keep ordinary ghosts out.

But this is enough for Yang Yi.

If you want to be safe, you still need Ascension's own strength.

In the study.

Yang Yi did not rush to paint, but took out ordinary white paper to familiarize himself with the brushwork.

Although he is proficient in painting, this body has never been painted before, and his hands cannot completely obey the instructions of his brain.

This rice paper is too expensive, so I definitely can’t use it to practice painting.

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