The next day.

In the morning, the birds sing.

In the abandoned house, Xia Yu blinked his eyelashes, then slowly opened his eyes.

Her eyes were confused for a while, then she became clear, and she immediately turned over and sat up, looking at her surroundings vigilantly.

"This is where?"

Xia Yu was puzzled, she frowned and thought, remembering scenes from last night.

She had previously received news that the other courtyard being built by the national teacher turned out to be to learn dragon veins and dragon energy cultivation, so as to break through to a higher level.

After receiving the news, she naturally couldn't remain indifferent.

Because of public and private, he has to stop this, otherwise the Cultivation Base of the national teacher will make a big progress, and in the future will be able to directly level the Chu Palace, and the area around this courtyard will become a dead place, humans and animals. disturbed.

What I didn't expect was that this turned out to be a trap, just waiting for her to jump off.

Knowing that she couldn't get away, she could only choose to send Chu Jiangnan away to preserve the vitality of the Chu Prince's Mansion. In the end, she was injured and passed out into a coma.

"Wait, didn't I get injured and passed out, why am I here?"

Xia Yu suddenly realized.

She heard faint shouts coming from outside the window, and then looked at the dilapidated and abandoned house. It was obvious that this could not be the place where the Demon Division detained her.

She tried to remember what happened last night, and suddenly a picture emerged.

It was a person dressed as a scholar, who seemed to be disgusted, and dexterously avoided the blood she vomited.

It was just that she opened her eyes unconsciously, so she could only remember that the other party was a scholar.

But the specific appearance can't be remembered anymore.

"He saved me!"

Xia Yu understood that he must have saved her and healed her.

Although she still felt the tingling pain in her left shoulder, the internal injury was no longer serious, and the shattered shoulder bone was initially healed.

It's just that the other person's look of disgust makes her teeth itchy.

She is also the prince of Chu, the most beautiful man in the world.

Since the scholar had saved her, why did he still look like he was disgusted and left without saying goodbye? He didn't even leave a message, and it felt like he didn't want to have anything to do with her.

Not knowing why, she suddenly thought of Yang Yi.

After that person saved her Little Sister, he also looked like he didn't want to be involved in the Chu Palace.

Of course, the scholar last night could not be Yang Yi.

To be able to save her from the Summoner, at least it must be the Cultivation Base above the Dao Tier Stage, how could it be Yang Yi.

Xia Yu got out of bed and was about to leave.

She missed and was captured last night. After the news reached Hangzhou, she didn't know how big an uproar would be caused.

What she worries most is the rebellion of her father and the king in a fit of anger.

Although the Royal Palace of Chu had been secretly preparing for these years, the time to raise troops was not ripe.

As long as the national division is not eliminated for a day, the Chu Palace should not be able to raise troops for a day, because once the troops are raised, the court will have the righteousness to directly attack the Chu Palace.

As soon as she walked to the door, she looked down at the blood-stained clothes, and her left shoulder was broken, revealing a large area of ​​white skin, with five faint fingerprints remaining on it.

Xia Yu had blushing cheeks, bit her lip, opened the door and walked out.


clatter! clatter!

Dense footsteps came from afar, and dust billowed.

Yang Yi was about to leave the town in a bullock cart when he saw the black armour of the brigade marching hurriedly.

As they proceeded, their swords collided with the iron armor, making the sound of golden Ge.

There are three persons headed by the Black Armored Army, riding on tall steeds.

One of them was a gloomy middle-aged man with anger and killing intent in his eyes.

The other two people, one was Chu Jiangnan who was pale, and the other was a burly middle-aged general.

Yang Yi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw the two people's character panels.

King: Xia Yuan.

Age: 40 years old.

Cultivation Base: The peak of the blood spirit realm.

Skills: proficient in strategy, proficient in government affairs, proficient in art of war.

Cultivation Technique: Shocking King Fist.

Martial Skill: Shocking emperor fist, dragon spear and stepping.


General: Huang Ji.

Age: 45 years old.

Cultivation Base: Cultivation Base early stage.

Skills: proficient in art of war, excellent riding skills.

Cultivation Technique: White Tiger magical skill.

Martial Skill: White Tiger Saber Technique, Tiger Howl Technique, Tiger Punch Boxing.


"The King of Chu is here, and it seems that he can't leave today."

Yang Yi secretly thought, he pulled the reins, and the big water buffalo stopped when he raised his head.

"Do you want to study?"


boom! boom!

The flow of information keeps exploding, flooding my mind.

Yang Yi quickly merged all their cultivation memories and insights.

"Everyone retreats back to the town, no matter what the trespassers are killed. Come, block the town."

Huang Ji drank.

With a big wave of his hand, hundreds of black armours surrounded the town.


The crowd dispersed, and everyone returned to the town.

Yang Yi also had to turn the front of the car.

Xia Yuan did not stop, he led the team towards the construction site of the Pudu Cihang Temple.


At this time, on the construction site, the pot had already exploded.


A civilian man who got up early to go up the mountain to chop wood found corpses all over the floor.

He yelled in horror and quickly reported up.

It didn't take long for this incident to alarm the top person in charge of the construction site, a servant of the Ministry of Engineering.

Originally, he didn't need him to come and sit in the building of the Pudu Cihang Temple, but in order to flatter the Chinese teacher, he volunteered to come.

"This is the people from the Sorcerer Division, how could they all die here!"

Ma Wenyuan, the assistant minister of the Ministry of Engineering, was scared, his face pale.

In the eyes of all officials, the Slayer is a bunch of mad dogs.

They were contemptuous in their hearts, but at the same time they were afraid, for fear that they would accidentally be stared at by the Demon Slayer.

Fortunately, in the past few years, the Swordsman Division has gradually declined, and their days as officials have been easier.

But even if it was declining, the Town Demon Division still should not be underestimated, they are still the emperor's army.

But now, more than 20 people have died on his construction site.

How does he want the emperor to explain this matter?

"My lord, my lord, the big thing is not good."

A small official from the Ministry of Industry ran up in a panic, shouting: "The king of Chu brought a large army to surround the construction site. Master Yan just stepped forward and asked a few questions and was killed by the king of Chu."

"What? King Chu came with his troops, what did he want to do, rebel!"

Zhang Wenyuan was shocked and angry, his face pale.

This Zhejiang is the fief of the king of Chu. Although he is an official of the court, the king of Chu may not buy it.

clatter! clatter!

Heavy and dense footsteps came quickly.

He turned his head and saw that it was the king of Chu who had arrived with people.

After seeing King Chu's gloomy face, Zhang Wenyuan closed his mouth very cognizantly. He respectfully stepped forward and said: "Xiamen Office Minister Zhang Wenyuan, pay homage to His Royal Highness Chu King."

Chu Jiangnan exclaimed. As soon as he pressed the horseback with his palm, the person leaped down and fell into the field.

Looking at the corpses in the surrounding area, his thinking was a little down.

Why are all the people in this group of Town Demon Division dead, who did it, and where is the son?

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