Remember in a second [Wanben Station] Mobile phone users enter the address:

Chapter 104

Jiang Pingyuan thought it would take a lot of time, even if it was done quickly, it would take at least a day or two, right? But I didn't expect that it would be made out there just after dawn.

Really an expert in the industry.

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Ping didn't delay, borrowed a subordinate's computer to log in to the mailbox, and sent the picture over there in a short while.

The network of the jingcha bureau was a bit stuck, and the picture hadn't been loaded yet. Qu Zhiwen stood aside and looked at the computer screen, squinting and asked, "Whose picture is this?"

"Qu Zhiwen, let me ask you, do you really not know where Tan Cheng is?"

"If I knew, I probably wouldn't come to you right now."

Jiang Ping could tell that Qu Zhiwen wasn't lying. He knew Qu Zhiwen's tactics very well. If Qu Zhiwen hadn't tracked down Tan Cheng's location last time when he went to Pingyao, he probably wouldn't have found the mountain. So this time Qu Zhiwen couldn't find it. Does that mean that someone's ability is higher than Qu Zhiwen's?

"Then... in your industry, is there a person named Chen who is more capable than you?"

"Surname Chen? Are you referring to the person mentioned in Jiang Bo's diary? Didn't I tell you last time that I couldn't find this person among the people I know?" Jiang Ping asked, and Qu Zhiwen basically guessed I think that the disappearance of Tan Cheng this time is also related to this person surnamed Chen.

"Is the person in this picture named Chen?"

Jiang Ping shook his head, "I don't know yet. From the video materials I found, I only feel that this person is somewhat familiar, and this person also had a relationship with Tan Cheng once." Seeing that the picture on the screen was still not loaded, Jiang Ping rushed to Xiao Wang shouted: "Look at what's going on on this network! Why can't a single picture be loaded?"

"Have you ever met Tan Cheng? Where did you get the information?" For some reason, Qu Zhiwen felt a little restless, "Have you seen this person?"

"I don't know either... It's just that although the video is not clear, I have a strange sense of familiarity, maybe I've seen it before..."

As soon as Jiang Ping said this, Qu Zhiwen's face suddenly turned livid, "Turn off the computer quickly!"

"Boss, the internet is ready!"

Hearing this, Qu Zhiwen stretched out his hand and wanted to turn off the computer, but Jiang Ping didn't know what kind of nerve this person was. He raised his hand to block and push, and pushed Qu Zhiwen two steps away. In an instant, the picture on the computer was loaded, and the face of the person who collided with Tan Cheng was clearly displayed.

With just one glance, Jiang stood there as if he had fallen into a nightmare. The dream he had been having since returning from the Pingyao Tomb surged and impacted Jiang Ping's brain.

It wasn't until Jiang Ping fell to the ground in a daze that the people in the police station knew something was wrong!


"I'm going, what the fuck happened!"

It was just waiting for them to look at the picture but they didn't notice anything wrong, it was obviously a normal picture!

Qu Zhiwen was the first to react. He rushed forward and probed Jiang Ping's forehead and neck, and half lifted Jiang Ping who was lying on the ground. Qu Zhiwen looked at the person in the picture with an ugly expression. .

Sure enough...

Jiang Ping, who was in a coma, had some strange scenes repeatedly appearing in his sleep. A military general came out of Wenchen's family, and the fifth prince got close to the general, but the general had strange thoughts about the fifth prince, betrayed his clan, killed his relatives, and remained loyal to the emperor for the rest of his life... .In the end, in the ancient battlefield, he fought in the vast Gobi Desert, but his head was in a different place.

"Believe in the king, be loyal to the king..." Jiang Ping felt a sudden pain in his heart, and the pain was like a surging tide that submerged him...

Woke up suddenly, Jiang Ping was sweating all over his head and body in this increasingly cold weather.

It was already dark at some point, and the house was dark and quiet, and it could only be discerned that it was his house by the light coming in from the window. Now he was lying on his bed,

Jiang Ping didn't get up, but just looked at the ceiling and recalled those things that he always dreamed at night. When did he start dreaming?

Jiang Ping knew very well that when he came back from Pingyao, he always dreamed of some scenes from time to time. As for why, he didn't know.

He only remembered that in Pingyao Mountain, he fought with those three people. Qu Zhiwen said that those people were half-immortals, and it was a critical moment. It would be a sin to injure a living person, and it would take many years to move forward. Those people were also afraid of accidentally hurting him, so they didn't dare to do it.

However, I don't know what happened to the tomb later. After a burst of strong light, he seemed to be hit by something, and he fell into a coma...

Even after that, the dream kept appearing.

The person in the video must have made him feel a little familiar, it turned out to be from a dream...

However, I thought it was just a dream, but now it seems that it is not just like this?

Jiang Ping didn't come to think too much, but the sound of a key opening came from outside the door. Jiang Ping quietly got up vigilantly. When the man entered the door, Jiang Ping wanted to put him down directly, but he saw the man's face clearly. stopped.

"This time, you held back. Last time, you threw me so badly." Qu Zhiwen turned on the light and looked Jiang Ping up and down: "It seems you're all right?"

Jiang Ping didn't answer him, but asked, "Why do you have the key to my house?"

"I just sent you back from the police station and got the key from you."

"Ah, thank you

Thank you. "

Qu Zhiwen smiled, sat down on the sofa, and said, "You are a lot more wary of me now... But, I think you should have something to ask me."

Jiang Ping frowned. He did have a lot of things he wanted to ask Qu Zhiwen. Looking back now, when he opened the picture not long ago, Qu Zhiwen probably found something, and he knew that he would faint because of it, so he stopped him. look at that picture...

"You... know who that man is, and you also know about my nightmare." Not a doubt, but an affirmation, Jiang Ping looked at Qu Zhiwen seriously, as if he wanted to see from his face The answer is general.

"I didn't know, but I guessed that in the mountains of Pingyao, you were in a strange coma. I couldn't wake you up, so you went to the three half-immortals, but I learned from them that your coma was caused by that It was caused by the dissipation of the soul in the tomb." Speaking of this, Qu Zhiwen paused, "No, you can't say that, the formation is broken, and the soul should have dissipated, but it was a coincidence that I happened to meet you. People are around the big tomb. It is a trace of the soul of the general in ancient times. It has a strong evil spirit. It just so happens that your xingjing soul also has evil spirit because of this profession. There is no place for you. a host."

"You mean... that bit of soul is actually in my body?" Why does it sound so unbelievable?

"You think this kind of situation is rare? Conjoined twins are two complete and independent souls contained in one body. This is not uncommon for you."

"Then the dreams I had recently were all caused by that bit of soul? Could it be the memory of that general during his lifetime?"

Qu Zhiwen nodded, "So I guess that the person in the picture will cause your physical strength and soul to fluctuate, which is not good for you."

Jiang Ping rubbed his forehead wearily. He thought it was Lao Shizi's past life memory, and asked Tan Cheng if he believed in his previous life. So it was the influence of this soul?

"There is no way to eliminate it? There is an extra memory for no reason, and it is still a memory that does not belong to me."

"...I... have no way to suppress it yet..."

Jiang Ping didn't say a word. Now that he closed his eyes, the face of that person would appear in his mind, and he would feel pain as he wanted. Jiang Ping didn't like this feeling at all.

But now, a person exactly like the person in the dream appeared, and this person was very likely to be the murderer who took Tan Cheng away. The more Jiang Ping thought about it, the more irritable he became, but he couldn't vent his annoyance.

"But then again, where did you get that man's picture?"

Qu Zhiwen's words broke the silence of the room. Jiang Ping only remembered now that Qu Zhiwen should have known the man in the picture a long time ago, and he also realized that Tan Cheng was taken away by this man, so he stopped himself at that time.. ....

"Tan Cheng left me a message before he disappeared. I found it there." Jiang Ping walked to the sofa, blocked the light in front of Qu Zhiwen, lowered his head and said, "But it seems that you know him? You know him too." This person's appearance will make that soul shake. Is there really someone in this world who is exactly like the person in my dream?"

"It's not just the same." Qu Zhiwen looked at Jiang Ping and smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "I'm afraid he is the reincarnation of the person in your dream."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Ping's heart trembled, and his whole body trembled a little. Jiang Ping, who realized that it was the fault of that soul and could not control his body, clenched his fists angrily, and his nails were deep in his flesh. self-knowledge.

Qu Zhiwen saw Jiang Ping's appearance, but his heart became more and more depressed, and he said after a while, "I'm afraid it's impossible to save Tan Cheng in your situation, what will happen to you when you see that person? "

I'm afraid the trembling all over his body is only mild. Although this soul does not control his thinking, it has a great influence on him at certain times...

"...Damn it!" Thinking of this, Jiang Ping couldn't help cursing.

Qu Zhiwen didn't speak any more, and only said coldly before leaving: "I will find a way."

After he left, he went directly to the tomb of Ninghua Village.

No one came to the tomb recently, Su Jingmo said it was really boring, now there is a visitor outside the tomb, he is still an acquaintance, he welcomes it no matter what.

He laughed loudly and said, "I haven't seen you for a long time, how is Mr. Qu?"

After the words were closed, the door of the tomb opened in response to the sound, and there was indeed Qu Zhiwen standing outside the door with a gloomy expression.

"It seems that it's not good. You look a little more sinister than my ghost."

The author has something to say: Thank you for your support, I am too busy today, so I am a little late, sorry.

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