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Chapter 68

Qu Zhiwen was able to escape from Su Jingmo's tomb, but he did not immediately go to where Jiang Ping was. Instead, he released all the paper kites he was carrying to lead the way. Thousands of paper kites suddenly appeared in the open space.

Qu Zhiwen recited the mantra silently, and within a moment, the paper kites flying randomly gathered together in one place, and with little changes, they actually transformed into a human form that was exactly the same as Qu Zhiwen!

After giving a secret order to inject half of his consciousness into the kite's body, and letting the self created by the kite go to the east to pursue Jiang Ping, Qu Zhiwen hurriedly concealed his aura and left southward at the next moment.

Qu Zhiwen can probably guess what kind of person Su Jingmo is. As an emperor, as the third prince, he can defeat the two previous brothers and become an emperor. How can he not be ruthless? He stole the possessions of those semi-immortals. The magic weapon, this matter must not be hidden from Su Jingmo. I am afraid that Su Jingmo also knows that he has other plans.

Qu Zhiwen was born with celestial eyes, and he was born with the ability to see ghosts and distinguish demons and gods. This was a talent that would only appear in the Qu family for three hundred years. In this long history, including Qu Zhiwen, there were only five talented people in the Qu family. He is a prodigy with the Heavenly Eye, and the other four ancestors with the Heavenly Eye have already become immortals. However, Qu Zhiwen is different. Although he has the Heavenly Eye, he does not have the bones and flesh of the immortal, and his body is even extremely weak. All the men in the Qu family have become immortals for generations. Master, of course you can see this destiny.

Qu Zhiwen has no celestial eye but no immortal destiny, and this body will definitely not survive twenty-five years.

However, this restriction cannot stop Qu Zhiwen, a natural genius. Without immortal bones, Qu Zhiwen has become a rare top celestial master in this world at the age of twenty. Without immortal bones, he cannot split his body. However, Qu Zhiwen used the paper kite as a guide to transform the spirit. Without the immortal bones, he could not use the immortal magic. Qu Zhiwen actually used ancient methods, mixing Qihuang's magic and immortal magic to create his own one. It was completely different from Qihuang's magic and some immortal magic. His thorough understanding puts even some immortals to shame.

Qu Zhiwen was arrogant by nature, and this behavior even aroused dissatisfaction from some immortals who were immortals but did not understand magic as well as him.

How can a person who has a mortal body and cannot survive to stand upright have the right to be so arrogant?

After all, some immortals think very highly of themselves, but they are compared with ordinary people. Their self-esteem is damaged, and the jealousy in their hearts that should have been eliminated quietly ignites again. They used various excuses to find trouble for Qu Zhiwen.

Qu Zhiwen was proud and arrogant. After all, he was just a mortal body. Without the immortal bones, his magic was greatly reduced. He was no match for those immortals who were not diligent in cultivation and enjoyed themselves leisurely after becoming immortals. Not to mention being troubled several times and being injured several times, Qu Zhiwen I already hated his body.

This time he was chased by several half-immortals. In the final analysis, it was those people who were responsible for his death.

Qu Zhiwen wanted to seize the artifact, and exchanged the lifeless mortal bones for this lifeless body. That day, he secretly sneaked into the residence of the three half-immortals, Minghuang Mountain. The three people were naturally aware of Qu Zhiwen's intrusion. But because of the subtle jealousy in his heart, he did not stop Qu Zhiwen from intruding. He only watched Qu Zhiwen's sneaky appearance in the dark, laughed secretly, and planned to take advantage of Qu Zhiwen's stealing to come forward and kill this gopher. Thief' caught in one shot.

But the result was beyond their expectations. What Qu Zhiwen stole was not an ordinary thing. It was an artifact that could drive the 梼杌bone. This item had helped the three of them become half-immortals. The three of them never told anyone. They possess this ancient artifact, how did Qu Zhiwen know about it? !

Shocked, the three of them quickly took action. When tens of thousands of hell ghost kites burst open, they found that they had been tricked by Qu Zhiwen. When they underestimated the enemy, Qu Zhiwen had already fled to nowhere with the artifact!

We must not let Qu Zhiwen get this artifact! They dare not think about what will happen if Qu Zhiwen loses his mortal bones one day. This will be the fact that the three of them least want to know!

But these three people have forgotten that if the higher-ups know that the three of them used these artifacts to become half-immortals and possess this forbidden artifact that disappeared 1,600 years ago but do not tell them, then what will happen to the three of them will be the worst. The terrifying punishment of removing the immortal bones.

Qu Zhiwen understood this, and they also understood that these three people would tell Su Jingmo that Qu Zhiwen had ulterior motives.

Although Su Jingmo is just a ghost, he has been wandering around the world for more than a thousand years. The ghost energy around him will make even gods feel chilly when they approach him. What's more, the formation limits the power of gods. If he enters the tomb, he can only Su Jingmo's share.

Although Su Jingmo was smiling all over his face, he was cruel. It was probably the first time in a thousand years that he allowed Tan Cheng to enter his territory.

Su Jingmo has feelings for Tan Cheng, but that doesn't mean he will tolerate Qu Zhiwen's plot against him.

This time, Qu Zhiwen could use the excuse of helping Qin Cheng to get Su Jingmo to help him out of trouble, but Su Jingmo would not see him come back safe and sound. Su Jingmo might have released the three half-immortals at this moment. , wanting to make Qu Zhiwen embarrassed.

Although Qu Zhiwen was arrogant, he also understood that he had no chance of winning against three half-immortals. The last time he was able to steal the artifact, it was only because the three of them had taken it lightly. If he were to confront the angry three now, he would have no chance at all. Chances of winning, thinking of this, Qu Zhiwen ordered Zhiyuan, who was carrying his aura, to take the first step, and headed south as fast as possible.

It's better to hide the artifact first...


Jiang Ping followed the guiding crane given to him by Qu Zhiwen. No matter how fast he went, he would not be able to speed up when he reached the mountains.

Not knowing what dangers lay ahead, Jiang Ping did not dare to act rashly and moved forward cautiously, for fear of being ambushed.

It can be said that Jiang Ping's vigilance worked. His torture perception was damaged in the heavy rain, and it was even more difficult for several other people who had not received such training to detect Jiang Ping.

During the heavy rain in the middle of the night, he felt a light source shaking behind him. Jiang Ping hurriedly hid behind a big tree and quietly observed the two people.

"Hey, I seemed to have seen a figure just now."

The man holding the searchlight elbowed the man next to him carrying two large bags of food and said.

"Don't fucking talk nonsense. In this heavy rain, who else would come here looking for death except us? There are graves everywhere... maybe you saw the swaying branches."

Although the person holding the lamp was a tomb robber, he really didn't want to encounter ghosts. Looking at the branches in front of him that were being swayed by the violent storm, he nodded quickly, "It should be branches. Look at how heavy the rain is. I don’t know when it will end... Hey, do you think the two archaeologists who went into the tomb are dead?"

He had just sent the brother who was kicked down the mountain by Tan Cheng to the hospital, and now he had to bring food to the people who stayed there. The man whose feet were scratched spat,

"Who the hell knows? Archeology..." The man carrying the things laughed mockingly, "I think those two fools don't even know the structure of the tomb. They made mistakes in dating the dates. I'm afraid they will never come back. !”

"Then why is that boy from the Tang family so sure that they can find that thing, and why he wants us to trick them into entering the tomb? Even the second uncle listens to him?"

The man carrying the things thought for a long time before he said in a conspiratorial tone: "I heard something from my father, but I'm not sure. He said that of the dozens of people who went to the tomb, only a few came back alive. Although these people came out of the tomb, they rotted and died in the end...It is said that these people could die only by directly witnessing their own bodies rotting to the extreme."

"Hiss..." The person lighting the lamp gasped and stopped talking. He was obviously frightened.

"Hey... let's go..."

Hiding behind a tree and listening to this conversation, Jiang Ping also determined that Tan Cheng should be kidnapped by these people. He originally thought that Tan Cheng was alone, but now he saw that there should be another person with Tan Cheng, too. Was restrained by this group of people.

I'm afraid there are quite a few people in this group. He was ordered by his boss to take a 'vacation'. Although it wasn't really a vacation, it was true on the surface. He was not around for a long time, facing a group of people, and he didn't know the details. , a group of people whose number was unknown, Jiang Ping really did not dare to act rashly, and after thinking about it, he could only follow these two people and move forward a little bit.

But before he had left for two minutes, someone suddenly tapped him on the shoulder. He didn't feel that someone was approaching him from behind. Jiang Ping was shocked and subconsciously raised his hand to grab the person's hand. In an instant, he threw him over his shoulder and knocked the man to the ground. His fist also hit the man's face hard.

Even if he is divided, the perception of this divided body will still be transmitted to Qu Zhiwen.

The sudden severe pain made Qu Zhiwen, who had hidden his things and rushed to where Jiang Ping was, confused for a while. Qu Zhiwen, who could only feel the pain, naturally didn't know what was going on here. This kind of physical pain The sudden and severe pain is different from the pain caused by spells that hurt the heart. Zhiyuan's body does not have a heart, so it will not feel pain when it is attacked by immortal magic. But this physical attack is different. It looks like a man-made blow.

What the fuck is going on over there?

He asked Zhiyuan to split up to find Jiang Ping and help him. The first person he would meet would definitely be Jiang Ping.


This was beaten by Jiang Ping...

Qu Zhiwen's heart is a little complicated...

What the hell is this? You rushed to help and got beaten up?

Although it was late at night, Jiang Ping, who was used to seeing things at night, naturally quickly discovered who the person he knocked down was. Qu Zhiwen looked at him with a black face.

"why you?!"

Jiang Ping quickly released his hands and legs that were suppressing Qu Zhiwen. Suddenly, Jiang Ping felt embarrassed and quickly helped Qu Zhiwen up.

"If it wasn't me, who else could it be?" Qu Zhiwen looked at you with a dark face, "If it were someone else, they wouldn't pat you on the back, but hit you in the head."

"Feel sorry......."

Looking at Jiang Ping, Qu Zhiwen knew that he was just paying attention at this moment and didn't care about anything anymore. He looked at the thunderclouds that began to slowly disperse in the distance, but there was always a touch of it that stayed on the top of the mountain not far away, feeling The three half-immortals behind him were getting closer and closer to him. Qu Zhiwen said: "It's almost dawn, let's go there quickly. This celestial phenomenon is not a good omen..."

~~~If you want to exchange novels, please join the group. Group name: Weird Jiang Yang, group number: 562916573

The author has something to say: Thank you everyone for being the overlord! ! ! ! , I also came here to ask for a favorite~~~

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