Song He blinked violently.

The subtitles are still there, it's true!

The system is here!

Do you want to do tasks every day like a slave in the future? System, you have hurt me!

[Scholar's resentment system: There is no fixed task, any student who has a mentality broken by you and has resentment towards you, such as jealousy, anger, fear, hatred, etc., can accumulate resentment points, which can be exchanged for black technology lottery, or Purchase mall props]

[Currently available resentment value: 0]

While sending out the formalities, Song He stared at the system subtitles in front of him.

The resentment value returned to zero, and the 10 resentment points saved earlier became the handling fee for opening the system.

Three function bars emerged: academic combat power, black technology lottery, and system mall.

Song He clicked on the subject combat power first.

[Bio: Bronze Level 22]

【Mathematics: Bronze Level 02】

[Language: Black Iron Level 80]

【English: Black Iron Level 75】

[Physics: Black Iron Level 74]

[Chemistry: Black Iron Level 74]

Simple and rude, like a game rank.

It can be seen that he is currently the strongest in biology, followed by mathematics, which has already broken through to the bronze rank, and the rest of the subjects are all black and iron.

He didn't show his prowess in liberal arts, probably the system knew that Song He planned to specialize in science in high school.

After the formalities were issued, Song He returned to his seat, pretending to be in a daze, and continued to check the system.

The system mall is actually empty, and it seems that the products still need to be unlocked later.

The black technology lottery interface is an unpretentious lottery turntable.

The price is marked at the bottom: [100 resentment points for one draw, 10 consecutive draws for 2 draws]

It seems that he has to find a way to get some resentment from Xueba.

Song He turned his head to look at Zhao Yiyi, lost in thought, how to make her angry?

Zhao Yiyi was lying on the table, writing a math test paper, seemed to be stumped by some problem, and silently gnawed on the cap of the gel pen with her small tiger teeth.

Song He poked his head to look at the question, and whispered, "Can't you know such a simple question? Little hot chicken."

Startled, Zhao Yiyi stretched out her hand and thumped Song He's thigh twice, then turned her head and continued to solve the problem.

【Zhao Yiyi feels ridiculed, resentment value +1! 】

Song He was overjoyed, it really worked!

The core element of harvesting resentment is to engage in the mentality of being a bully, and the cynicism is almost immediate!

Zhao Yiyi frantically fiddled with the draft paper and finally came up with the answer. She confidently wrote down a number in the blank, "63".

Song He took a look, "Miscalculation, idiot, the answer is 68.7122, I have done this question before."

"Song He, don't be so ridiculous, does that sound like a serious answer?" Zhao Yiyi pouted disdainfully.

"You look through the answers for reference, do you want to bet?" Song He said, "If the answer is 68.7122, you can invite me to the cafeteria this week."

"Just bet. If the answer is not the number you said, I'll treat you to a meal this week." Zhao Yiyi happily flipped through the answer, her smile froze suddenly.

Reference answer: 68.7122

"Damn, it's unreasonable. Why do you have such a ghost answer to the fill-in-the-blank question?" Zhao Yiyi was dumbfounded, "Is the questioner the second one?"

"I don't eat the best ones, I only eat the most expensive ones." Song He said seriously, "You have to be solid in doing the questions, right, my little meal card?"

"Who is your meal card!" Zhao Yiyi was furious.

[Zhao Yiyi loves food money, resentment value +1]

[Zhao Yiyi feels that you are bullying her, resentment value +1]

[Zhao Yiyi loves food money, resentment value +1]

System prompts kept popping up in front of my eyes.

Song He is happy, as expected, happiness can be built on the pain of others.

On the system panel, the resentment value rose to 18 in one breath and stopped.

Song He glanced at Zhao Yiyi's test paper, "Wrong again."

Zhao Yiyi bared her teeth, glared at Song He viciously, and wrote an answer.

"It's outrageously wrong." Song He said, "If the bet continues, you finish this paper, and my meal money for three years in high school will be settled."

The resentment value of the system panel rose rapidly!




Song He was taken aback, is he really angry?

It's good to be angry! There will be a lottery right away!

The door of the classroom opened suddenly, and the head teacher rushed in, holding a thick book in his hand, walked straight to Song He, and placed it on his desk.

"Analysis of Topics in Mathematics Contests Over the Years (Internal Information)"

Song He quickly thanked, and couldn't wait to open it, and was shocked by the content.

The densely packed topics all look weirder than the last, exuding a strong evil spirit. Song He looked at several questions in a row, without any ideas, not in the scope of high school mathematics at all.

What evil book! It must be burned!

The head teacher stepped onto the podium and wrote three big characters with chalk, Ban Jianye!

"I am your homeroom teacher and math teacher, Ban Jianye!"

"I'm going to tell you three things, all of which should be listened to carefully!"

Ban Jianye was full of coercion, his voice was like a tiger, and his stern eyes swept across the class, all the students straightened their backs in fright.

"First! You have to collect dormitory supplies and textbooks and school uniforms today. Take the list in your hands, and think of a way if you lose it!"

"Second! The military training starts in the afternoon and lasts until this weekend. During the military training during the day, there will be a teacher to teach you in the evening self-study. Your instructor is my old classmate. Whoever dares to take a nap in the evening self-study will wait for physical fitness during the day!"

"The third thing is competition! Our school has two most famous competitions, math competition and biology competition!"

The eyes of many students in the class changed, and their breathing became stagnant!

Everyone has heard about the competition for a long time. It is definitely a super shortcut. If you win the national award, you can be admitted to 985 colleges.

There are many strong schools in the city, but the No. 4 Middle School has the highest rate of winning competitions, because there are professional competition teachers to train combat teams, and they are all famous teachers hired by the school with a lot of money!

Of course, this so-called shortcut also has a very high threshold.

"If you want to take the competition route, you need to be selected into the school's competition team first! The competition team will continue to take tests to eliminate people. Only by surviving the cruel test all the way can you truly qualify for the competition!" Ban Jianye glanced whole class.

"The math competition team, the rocket class has ten places in each class, and our elite class only has one place, and the candidates can only be determined by the exam! The biology competition team is the same!"

"The time for our class's mathematics selection exam is set in ten days! Prepare well in these ten days, and wait another year if you miss it!" Ban Jianye's eyes fell on Song He, obviously looking forward to it.

In an instant, several hostile eyes in the class focused on Song He.

There is only one place, a life-and-death competition!

Song He suddenly felt the pressure. At this moment, he was in a complicated mood. The competition question in his hand was ridiculously difficult, but the competition quota must be contested, so he had to fight hard!

There are more than 50 people in the class, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there must be a master with a math level against the sky, the battle will be very fierce!

Suddenly, the system subtitles appeared in front of my eyes.

[Ning Mo regards you as the enemy of the math competition. Seeing that the teacher values ​​you, he feels jealous, and the value of resentment is +5! 】

[Zhang Zhilei regards you as the enemy of the math competition, and seeing that the teacher values ​​you, she becomes jealous, and her resentment value +5! 】

Song He was startled, and then saw that these two names continued to generate resentment points.

He hastily opened the system panel and saw that the value of resentment continued to rise.




Finally enough for the draw!

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