I Exchange For Black Technology By Blowing Up The Bully

Chapter 31 Biology Book Error Correction!

Song He is stupid.

Can this level go down?

What is the situation? Shouldn't I increase my level by memorizing knowledge points? How to learn more and go back?

Could it be... there is a mistake in the knowledge point?

Song He frowned and began to examine the knowledge points of the fifth unit.

The fifth unit of knowledge points is mainly related to the origin of life. This part of the content is confusing, and there are new explanations almost every year, so it has been changing and the answers are very unstable. If the teacher ignores the latest developments and fails to update the knowledge base in time when writing, mistakes are likely to occur!

Song He carefully read the knowledge points several times, frowned slightly, circled a few circles with a pen, got up and left.

The fifth floor of the library.

Compared with the previous floors, the fifth floor has the least number of people.

This layer is the domestic and foreign academic journals subscribed by the school, involving cutting-edge achievements in various disciplines. But it is enough for high school students to read textbooks and test books, and no one cares about the latest research at all. Teachers also seldom come to flip books.

Song He rummaged through the bookshelves, most of the journals didn't even remove the plastic wrapping film.

It seems like a waste of money for the school to order these journals. Most of the journals are sold as waste paper when no one reads them. Fortunately, the money was wasted, otherwise I would really not know where to find the latest literature.

"Song He? What are you doing here?"

A girl with short hair suddenly appeared at the door, and then came in curiously.

"Sister Wu Xiao?"

Song He looked at the girl and recalled her name, Wu Xiao from Rocket Class 1 in the third year of high school, a veteran of the biology competition team, had met once before when the competition team was established.

"There is no exercise book on this floor, so don't look for it." Wu Xiao walked over.

"I'm not looking for a question. The biology competition question book sent to us seems to have some mistakes in knowledge. I want to verify it." Song He bent down to search.

"Is there a mistake?" Wu Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then chuckled, "There will be no mistakes. The biology competition question book was written by a famous teacher hired by the school, and it was reviewed by three schools."

"Have you learned the fifth unit? Don't you feel that there is a problem with the knowledge points?" Song He asked.

"I've already learned Unit 12." Wu Xiao raised his face and said triumphantly, "Problem? What's the problem? Just keep learning!"

Hearing Wu Xiao's study progress, Song He was shocked. He immediately bought a combat power detector from the system store and shot her secretly.

[Wu Xiao (biology): Silver Level 68]

As expected of a senior, her level is so high!

It's so scary!

"Actually, the biology competition question book is about the same every year. We just fine-tune the number of questions based on last year's competition exam situation. For example, last year there were many genetic questions, so this year's data will add a few genetic questions." The point remains the same every year, I learned it once last year, so this year I can do the questions faster, which is equivalent to rereading, you know?"

Song He captured the key words, "This is where the problem lies!"

"The knowledge points of the question book remain unchanged every year, but biological research has been advancing all the time. A lot of knowledge that was correct in previous years is wrong this year!"

"I think too much brother, how can there be so many disproved theories? There are really knowledge points that need to be corrected, and the teachers will correct them." Wu Xiao shook his head and smiled. Could it be that you, a freshman in high school, can't pick any mistakes?"

"I'd better look for it again, make sure and rest assured." Song He persisted in searching.

"Brother Stubborn Donkey, you are just wasting time." Wu Xiao said helplessly, and suddenly remembered something, "By the way, I heard that you made a bet with Leng Xiangwen?"

"All this has reached your ears?" Song He was taken aback.

"I was in the same class as Leng Xiangwen, and he said that you were his rival in love, and the two of you decided to have a duel in the examination room." Wu Xiao asked gossipingly, "Is there such a thing?"

"He and I are not rivals in love. I just gave a speech to Zhuang Qiyan, and he just left it there to be jealous and come to find fault with me." Song He sneered, "When he comes to the door, I will kill him, and when I win the bet , he lost to me the material fee for the biological experiment."

"No brother, I advise you to find a way to seek peace from Leng Xiangwen." Wu Xiao shook his head.


"You can't win." Wu Xiao simply concluded.

"Surrendering before going to the battlefield is not my style. Whether you win or lose, let's talk about it after the fight." Song He smiled nonchalantly.

"Calm down, brother, Leng Xiangwen is from the Rockets class. He is a veteran of the competition team and has studied two years longer than you. He can blow you up just by living on his laurels."

"He's just bullying the little ones with the big ones. He doesn't talk about martial arts. If you really bet with him, you'll be fooled. How can there be a duel between the third year and the first year?"

"When you lose at that time, Leng Xiangwen will definitely publicize that you are his defeated general. It's very disgusting." Wu Xiao persuaded earnestly, "So you should quickly ask him for peace!"

"Don't panic, it doesn't matter who blows it up." Song He said confidently.

"No...do you really think you can pass him?" Wu Xiao was stunned.

Song He didn't answer, his expression suddenly brightened, he reached out and took out a few "nature" from the bookshelf, and held them in his arms.

Wu Xiao watched him blankly for a long time, saw him immersed in looking for a book, shrugged and left silently.

She originally had a good impression of Song He, after all, he is a rare double-competitor, and he is also a handsome junior.

But after some communication just now, this kind of good impression is very little left.

He is simply a stubborn brother. It is obviously impossible to find the mistakes in the competition question book. He keeps looking for it, but he can't beat Leng Xiangwen, and he still wants to bet. Isn't this all self-inflicted humiliation?

A student fantasizing about being able to pick out a bunch of teachers' mistakes, a freshman in an elite class fantasizing about beating an old student in a rocket class in an exam... To put it bluntly, he's just out of his mind!

Good words are hard to persuade the damn ghost, Wu Xiao feels that he has done his best.

Since Song He is this kind of stubborn donkey who doesn't hit the south wall and doesn't look back, just wait and see his jokes.

In front of the bookshelf.

Song He continued to search for books, quickly found more than ten periodicals, and put them down on the table beside him.

Wu Xiao didn't believe him, he could understand it completely, and there was no need to talk too much nonsense, just use the results to prove it.

Pull out a copy of "Nature" and open it.

The dense English made him a little dizzy, and his English level was still black, and it was difficult to read textbooks, and it was purely difficult for him to read foreign journals directly. Especially this kind of highly professional foreign journals, all kinds of rare words, almost physically uncomfortable after reading for a long time.

Song He sighed.

Qin Shihuang, Qin Shihuang, it would be great if you had a world map, and now I still have to suffer?

Zheng He, Zheng He, if your boat sails further, I still have to suffer from these foreign languages?

After a while, Song He bit the bullet and found an English dictionary, compared the dictionary to find the target vocabulary, and screened the list with difficulty.

ten minutes later.

"found it!"

Song He looked surprised, took out a pen and paper from his pocket, and recorded the page number of the journal and the title of the article.

In the fifth unit knowledge point of the biology competition test book, there is a content that "Asgardian archaea all have mixed nutrition or heterotrophic metabolic mode".

This content was correct a few years ago, but then Professor Li Meng’s team discovered an even older Asgardian archaea, named Wukong Archaea, which is a heterogeneous species with chemoautotrophic metabolism of hydrogen oxidation The potential is hugely different from other archaea!

[Biological progress detected, raised from bronze level 98 to level 99! 】

Song He clenched his fists violently, the system has been authenticated! Sure enough, this is the wrong point!

He continued to look down the journal, and there were more than one mistakes in the student data.

The knowledge point of the data says that "eukaryotes originated from ancient unknown archaea", but the latest progress is that they originated from the "common ancestor branch of Heimdall-Wukong".

"The system really didn't cheat me. Mom's school teachers are not good enough. So many mistakes are made by famous teachers? Isn't this a mistake?" Song He muttered to himself.

Beside a thick stack of periodicals, he was busy sweating profusely.

Difficult to find, difficult to translate!

He brought over the biology competition question book, and while learning later, he caught bugs with suspicious knowledge points.

There are mistakes in Unit 6, Unit 7, Unit 9... Almost every unit has mistakes in knowledge points!

A blank sheet of paper on the table was gradually filled with corrections to wrong knowledge points, and the source was listed after each correction, down to the page number of the journal.

Finally, the system subtitles popped up, giving Song He a surprise!

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