next door class.

The squad leader brought the news back, which immediately caused a quarrel.

"No!" Someone slammed the table, "I am an elite class 1, and I want to collect gifts to curry favor with the people in class 2? Absurd!"

"It's ridiculous!" Someone next to him echoed, filled with righteous indignation, "Is there no one in my class 1? Isn't it just a test paper?"

"Mother Xipi, the squad leader is incompetent, losing power and humiliating the class!"

The class leader was annoyed, "I don't know what is good and what is bad! If you can't do it before math class, everyone will die! You are useful, so I need to bring a gift to ask someone?"

"Could it be that no one in my dignified class 1 can make a test paper? It's ridiculous! We also have masters! Old Zhao!" Someone shouted.

The bespectacled man named Lao Zhao shook his head decisively, "No! Let's collect a gift and ask someone."

"Old Zhao, give me some strength! Song He is a contestant, and you are also a contestant. Are you inferior to him? We have confidence in you!" Everyone was excited.

"Strength is something that can't be changed with confidence." Old Zhao said badly, "I've been drained by this paper, there is not a single drop left, go and invite Lao Song from the next class."

Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere was very embarrassing.

The squad leader took out a large plastic bag from his pocket and opened it with a "snap".

Immediately afterwards, dozens of bottles of drinks were thrown into the bag one after another.

"Stop it! It's so humiliating! I don't agree!" Someone sternly said, "If the news gets out, what face will my class have? Wouldn't it be ridiculed by other classes that we don't have math experts?"

"You are lofty, don't look at the answer later." The squad leader stared.

There was a solid silence for two seconds, and he took out a can of Coke and threw it into a plastic bag.


Song He was sitting on his seat with a sad face and asking questions.


An oversized plastic bag fell on the table. The bag was full of beverages, including cola, orange juice and green tea. It was quite spectacular, as if it was pieced together by many people.

"The Emperor of Numbers! I am the monitor of Elite Class 1! Please prepare a small gift, and ask the Emperor of Numbers to give you the math cheats, and save my classmates from the fire!"

Song He looked at the class monitor next door who was giving gifts, and was speechless for a while.

The name of the Emperor of Numbers has actually been passed on to the next class. Is it really okay for everyone to be so secondary?

I still prefer the title of All Night God of War.

"They're all brothers' classes, you're too polite, how can I accept such a big gift!" Song He declined.

"Is the number of emperors too few?"

"I don't mean that... and don't call me the Emperor of Suisheng..."

"Then accept it! If you don't accept it, how will our class improve?" The monitor spoke righteously.

Song He was speechless again, this dialogue is so strange!

After some communication, Song He learned that the next class also wanted the analysis of the same math paper. He was overjoyed, and immediately wrote the topic analysis, rewrote what he had written before, and sent someone to the next class.

In the self-study class at noon, the next class began to circulate Song He's problem analysis, so he rushed back to remind him!

[8 students were taught some of the topics by you, and they will return double the math knowledge]

[14 students were taught some of the topics by you, and they will return double the math knowledge]

[39 students were taught some of the topics by you, and double the math knowledge will be returned]

Continuously pouring new knowledge into his mind, Song He used his strength to speed up and launch a final sprint to the competition question book!

The competition questions in the last few units were extremely difficult, and there were dozens of question types that had never been seen before. Fortunately, the knowledge rebates provided by the next class were endless, Song He hardly got stuck, and continued to do it smoothly.

Working hard on the questions and returning to the knowledge point, his mathematics level has improved by leaps and bounds!

Finally, there are still five minutes before get out of class ends.

Song He wrote the last set of numbers in the math competition book, throwing the pen!

300-page competition booklet, all completed!

Almost at the same time, the long-lost system prompt pops up:

[The host has completed a large number of math exercises, and through the knowledge rebates of famous teacher capsules, the boundaries of knowledge have been greatly broadened, and the understanding of mathematics has reached a new level]

[Specially awarded the "Silver" rank! 】

[The current math level is Silver 01! 】

Song He was so excited that he almost burst into tears. After being stuck for so long, he finally broke through!

Fortunately, the homeroom teacher sent out a paper that was difficult to cry to all the students, and also fortunately he pioneered a new way, writing questions and analyzing batches to earn knowledge rebates, which is equivalent to opening a wave of super acceleration! Otherwise, even if you study hard for tomorrow, you may not be able to step into silver!

Thinking of this, Song He broke out in a cold sweat.

I have no experience in rushing for the first time, and the time limit is too dangerous!

This is undoubtedly a lesson, the next time you have to reserve enough time for the rank. It is so difficult to upgrade bronze to silver, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to die when it comes to gold!

Song He was making flash calculations in his mind, and was horrified to find that there was not much time left.

There are still about 20 hours until the math test tomorrow.

Deduct one hour of sleep and one hour of eating and hurrying, leaving only 18 hours of study time for yourself!

Leng Xiangwen won't stop and wait for Silver level 08. It is estimated that he will be promoted to Silver level 09 before the exam. If this guy is enlightened, it is not impossible for him to reach more than ten levels in a wave.

Therefore, Song He needs to increase his math level by more than 10 within 18 hours. He will only be on the same starting line as Leng Xiangwen in the exam tomorrow, and he dare not say that he will win!

The get out of class bell rang suddenly.

A figure flashed out of the classroom with a whoosh, and ran away in an instant.

The students in the class were all taken aback.

"I'm Zhuo, who runs so fast?"

"Who went out just now? Flash?"

"It's Song He, his seat is empty! What the hell is the number one born with a talent for sprinting?"

"This starting speed is outrageous, what Song Bingtian?"

"I would like to call it the God of War in the cafeteria!"

Contrary to what the students expected, Song He didn't go to the cafeteria, but ran all the way to the school library.

The math competition question book is done, the college entrance examination questions are bad, and there are no math problems that can be upgraded, so I can only go to the library to find some new cheat books.

Students came out of the library one after another, and strange faces greeted them enthusiastically. Song He responded with a blank face. After a while, he realized that the last time he was on the fifth floor of the library, there were too many onlookers, and someone probably remembered him.

Soon, Song He appeared in the math book area.

At least 80% of the problem book area is high school math problems, just skip it, it is not worth wasting time.

Song He came to the end of the bookshelf, where college mathematics textbooks are concentrated, and there are not many students borrowing them, and they are brand new.

A slightly familiar figure stood by the bookshelf and turned to look at Song He.

Song He recalled for a while, and suddenly remembered, "Hello, grade director!"

The grade director also recalled Song He. He went to the principal's office to deliver dumplings. He thought it was the principal who wanted to treat him to dinner, but it turned out that he invited the student to have a good time. Afterwards, he was depressed for a long time.

"Song He, isn't he? Come to find a problem to do?" The grade director had a kind attitude and couldn't figure out the student's background.

"Yes, Director, are you a mathematics teacher? Are you looking for materials to prepare lessons?"

"I'm a physical education teacher. I want to take part-time postgraduate entrance exams. I'm here to find a set of college math materials." After the grade director finished speaking, he kindly explained, "This is college math. You're looking for high school math problems on the front shelf."

"I'm just looking for college mathematics. I've finished linear algebra and advanced mathematics, and I'm going to study "Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics." Song He said casually, looking for the bookshelf.

The grade director stared, his pupils trembling, "Have you studied mathematics in college?!"

"That's right, I'm a math competition student." Song He said casually.

"Have you finished learning high mathematics...can you understand it?" the grade director asked hesitantly.

"I understand the textbook, and I have done the exercises after class, but the textbook and the homework are very easy, right? I have to look for the exercise book to consolidate it later." Song He said lightly.

The grade director almost vomited blood. He has been studying high mathematics hard recently, and he has a headache after reading many chapters, and he can't do a lot of homework questions... As a result, the student said, "It's very easy!"!

Simple your sister!

Is it all Chinese cabbage when it is a math problem? Have a meeting casually? ah!

The grade director burst into tears, and suddenly doubted whether he could be admitted to graduate school, should he just give up?

"I found it!" Song He was pleasantly surprised, and pulled out a book with a blue and white cover, "Director, I'm leaving."

"Yeah, study hard." The grade director spoke in a very unassuming voice.

Song He came to the third floor of the library, found the old place, and sat down to study.

After taking five mental arithmetic capsules, the learning speed is not good, and the book of probability theory is not too difficult. Song He basically turns the pages every two to three minutes, and only stops when it involves exercises.

"Song He, right?" A gentle and refined male voice sounded from the opposite side.

Song He looked up and was stunned.

A thin, bald boy sat across from him. He was not bald. His hair was about two or three millimeters long, and his scalp was clearly visible.

The boy was smiling, but his body exuded an aura that belonged only to the strong!

It's hard to tell where this strong man's aura came from, it's probably because of his calm smile, absolutely confident eyes, and domineering bald head.

"I saw you were reading probability theory. You are only freshman in high school. Have you learned this yet?" Baldhead said in a gentle tone.

"Just started learning." Song He nodded.

"You can ask me the questions you don't know, and you can ask me the exercises if you don't know what to do, Chu Long, Class 1 Rocket, Senior Three." The bald man commented kindly, "The progress is so fast in the first year of senior high school, and there is hope to win the national award."

Hearing this name, Song He was instantly amazed, and admiration spontaneously arose!

I've heard about the name for a long time but haven't seen him. It turns out that the bald man is Chu Long!

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