I Exchange For Black Technology By Blowing Up The Bully

Chapter 51 The Fiercely Smiling Math Teacher

After absorbing a lot of new knowledge, Song He restarted the fighting state!

The secretion of adrenaline accelerates, the current in the brain cells surges, countless thoughts fly by like a flock of birds, and the ghost wall of the problem-solving thinking is broken by violence...


Found an idea!

Song He was overwhelmed with surprise, turned back to the super big topic on page 21, trembled for a while, and then wrote the pen, crackling and writing steps.

Just wrote a few steps, suddenly stuck.

But after being stuck for only five seconds, new knowledge emerged in his mind, followed by a system prompt.

[35 students have been taught some of the topics by you, and they will return double the math knowledge]

[Mathematical progress detected, upgraded from silver level 08 to silver level 09! 】

finally! Finally caught up with Leng Xiangwen's level!

With the new knowledge that just came into his mind, the topic in front of him became clear in an instant. Song He confidently wrote down the pen and filled the whole page by leaps and bounds. Finally, he slightly modified a few details and simply checked them in his mind.

The super big question on page 21, done!

It's eighty points again!

Catch up with Leng Xiangwen's progress!

Song He thanked Zhuang Qiyan crazily in his heart. In the situation just now, it was like running out of blood and being nursed back to life by a god-level teammate in time. Lao Zhuang is simply a god-level nurse! Archimedes once said, give me a powerful nanny, and I can pry up the whole earth!

Turning his head and glanced to the side, Leng Xiangwen's previous arrogant expression was gone, replaced by consternation, anger, and anxiety!

At this moment, Leng Xiangwen is undoubtedly very confused, and even suspects that Song He was playing him before.

The situation that was supposed to be sure of winning was suddenly reversed, and the long-distance race was about to cross the line and was overtaken by the enemy. As soon as Song He broke out, Leng Xiangwen broke out in a cold sweat. He stared at the last few super-big questions. He must make progress before the end of the exam. He must not lose this bet!

Song He quickly calmed down after being excited for a short time. Time is running out. His progress is almost the same as that of Leng Xiangwen. Success or failure lies in whether there is a breakthrough in the last few super big questions. As long as you win one or even half of the questions, you will win. up!

On the contrary, if Leng Xiangwenduo wins one or half of the super big questions, the result will be lose!

Both of them were gripped by anxiety, gritted their teeth and started the final sprint.


Math Office.

There are many mathematics offices in the school, and this one concentrates the teachers of the ordinary class of the third year of senior high school. Desks, wall corners, and windowsills are all piled up with test papers from various classes. Bundles of test papers are piled up like mountains, like a model of a high-rise city made of white paper.

The office door suddenly opened.

The teacher of Class 1 appeared excitedly, holding a large piece of paper in his hand.

"I took a cheat book from the student. The last big question in yesterday's paper was written in great detail!"

Before the teacher of Class 1 finished speaking, the six teachers in the office got up collectively and rushed over to watch. I have been a teacher for many years, and there are only a handful of questions that can stump an office. Now that I have the answer, I have to look at it.

The teachers read at a fast speed, and after seeing a few key points, they broke through the problem-solving ideas. After just two minutes, there were exclamations everywhere.

"Awesome! The analysis of this topic is so well written!"

"Humiliation, humiliation! It's not too difficult to see the answer, why didn't I think of it yesterday?"

"Isn't this written by a student? Was it written by the rocket class teacher?"

"To be able to explain complex questions so simply, and to accurately target all the knowledge points that deduct points, must have been written by the teacher!"

The math teacher in Class 1 shook his head and smiled bitterly, "We should all be ashamed to say it. It was written by Song He, a freshman in senior high school."

The office fell silent for a moment.

The teachers were stunned, and then laughed collectively.


"How is it possible? Can you do this question in the first year of high school?"

"Just kidding, which teacher wrote it?"

The math teacher of Class 1 sighed helplessly, "It was indeed written by Song He in the first year of high school. I didn't believe it at first. I checked with my students. My students witnessed the analysis written by Song He. And Song He solved this problem. It doesn't take long, and you will have an idea in less than ten minutes."


The teachers stared wide-eyed and didn't know how to react.

If the students in the rocket class of the third year of high school wrote this analysis, the teachers' mentality would be completely acceptable.

The status of the top three students in high school is better than that of the teacher. They are young and active, and have intensively trained knowledge reserves. The teachers can only guarantee a score of 140 or more for each test paper, but some students in the rocket class in the third year of high school can almost get a perfect score of 150 every time, and their strength is better than that of the teacher.

But Song He is a freshman in high school, not even a rocket class, just an elite class!

This made people very numb. The teachers were speechless and asked themselves, am I too good or Song He is too strong?

"Lend me a copy, and show it to my class next class." The teacher of Class 4 broke the deadlock.

"Print a copy for me too. After my class's physical education class, I will ask the physical education teacher to take a sick leave." The teacher of Class 7 said decisively.

"Coincidentally, my class is also PE in the next class, and the PE teacher is also sick." The teacher of Class 8 followed.

"Is the sports group suffering from an infectious disease?" Class 3's teacher giggled, "It has spread to the art group, my class will be in art next class."

A group of math teachers let out giggling laughter and flocked to the copier, queuing up to copy the problem analysis. The teachers smiled ferociously, like evil villains, dividing up the hard-won dark forbidden art.

A few minutes later.

Class 4 in the third year of senior high school.

"The teacher brought an analysis for the last big question in yesterday's test paper, and it was written in great detail. Please read it carefully after projecting it. I'll ask my classmates to do it on the blackboard later!"

Class 7 in the third year of senior high school.

"Students, one good news and one bad news."

"The bad news is that the physical education teacher is sick, and this physical education class will be made up later."

"The good news is that I brought a very good topic analysis, everyone should study carefully, and I will project it!"

Class 3 in the third year of senior high school.

"The art teacher is not feeling well. In this class, maths is about difficult problems!"

"Quiet! Don't cry! This analysis is very beautiful, I believe you will be intoxicated by it!"

One by one, the senior three classes lost their physical education and art classes, and wailing echoed in the corridor, and then they were mercilessly scolded and brutally suppressed by the teacher. On the whiteboards of several classes, the same copy of the problem analysis was projected, and the sad students sighed and looked up at the problem.


school hall.

"There are still ten minutes to close the paper!" Ye Lianghan stood on the stage and turned on the microphone, "You can hand in the finished ones!"

In an instant, more than a dozen students got up and took the papers to the stage, and the leader was Chu Long.

Song He was secretly speechless, he was still unable to attack for a long time, and he finished it ahead of time, the gap is too big!

The bad news is that there has been no progress for half a day, and the last four super big questions are still clueless.

The good news is that Leng Xiangwen next to him has not made any progress.

Song He gave up and struggled a little bit. For math problems, if you don't know it, you can't. You can't find the answer by staring at it. It is a miracle that the problem on page 21 can be solved, and it is impossible for a miracle to appear twice in a row.

He turned to the front of the question book, ready to check it again to ensure that all the questions in the meeting got full marks. As long as Leng Xiangwen is negligent, he will win!

Song He just turned the page, and Leng Xiangwen next to him also turned the page. It seemed that he adjusted his strategy accordingly.

The entire examination room resounded with the sound of flipping pages. Similar psychological struggles were staged in the hearts of countless students. Although the amount of questions was large, there was plenty of time. There is no hope of a comeback, so I can only hold on to the scores I got and check the simple questions ahead.

Song He just checked a page, and the system subtitles appeared again in front of him!

"Damn it! What's going on?" Song He was taken aback, the subtitles appearing this time were unprecedented!

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