main city.

The name is the main city, but there are no pavilions and pavilions. They are all wooden villages painted in the style of bandits.

The main city is the hometown where players take quests and buy equipment. Weapons are prohibited and the atmosphere is peaceful.

Song He pressed the screen to operate. His Level 1 gunman "God of War" has a rough image, a muscular bald head, wearing only a pair of big pants, and holding a pistol in his hand.

There are mighty players on the streets of the main city, and players are born from time to time. It seems that the students are busy getting numbers when they return to the dormitory.

The mage wears a big cloak and has a mysterious aura, the swordsman carries a big sword, showing his sharpness, and the zombie is a green and slimy monster, ugly and explosive.

A few zombies walked by, leaving green goo on the road... It's just ugly, why are you still defecating everywhere?

After a short period of confusion, "All Night God of War" set off to wander around the main city, ran to the NPCs, and fumbled indiscriminately.

Soon, I figured out the functions of several NPCs.

A pharmacist who sells blood recovery potions, a blacksmith who buys metal, a butcher who buys the fur of wild monsters... Song He noticed that the butcher's purchase column also has "zombie meat". Could it be that zombie players can come to cut meat and make money?

These NPCs have nothing to do with me for the time being. The new player's backpack is empty, and he doesn't even have a penny. Finding the NPC who will lead the mission is the top priority!

After wandering around and arriving at the main city square, Song He was stunned by the flow of people in front of him.

Densely packed players gathered in the plaza on the inner three floors and the outer three floors. The crowd was so crowded that it was almost overwhelmed, and the mobile phone card was obviously changed.

"Biological dog out of the way!"

"Death to the math dog!"

"Follow me, the biological man! Grandma squeezes out all the math dogs!"

"Hurry up to upgrade tonight, Boss Chulong has issued an order, let's count the three armies and attack the third army in the early morning!"

A lot of irritable classmates started yelling at the street, and players from all walks of life pushed and shoved. If it weren't for the prohibition of weapons in the main city, I'm afraid they would have already been flying around and corpses were everywhere.

In the center of the square is the "City Lord" NPC, a serious white-haired old man.

All night the God of War bounced and squeezed past, it really was the place to lead the mission!

[Novice task: rush to dig copper mine]

[Please go to the "Sand Sea Desert" to find open-pit copper mines, work hard to dig copper ore, and send it to the "Blacksmith" for trading]

[Warning: The number of copper mines is limited, and those who dig more will get higher rewards, beware of companions who kill and steal! 】

The God of War led the mission all night, and the desert was instantly marked on the map. He bounced away from the crowd and hurried to the destination.

Copper mines need to be robbed. If you arrive one minute earlier, you will get an extra reward. If you arrive late, you will not have to drink soup!

After walking a few steps, a prompt box popped up in front of him.

[It takes 5 minutes to travel normally, do you want to choose high-speed transmission? 】

"Yes!" Song He clicked decisively.

As expected, a math problem popped up:

[What is the name of an arrangement with an odd reverse number? What about permutations with even numbers in reverse order? 】

"Odd arrangement, even arrangement" Song He typed quickly. This is a knowledge point in "Linear Algebra", which is purely for children.

Answer the question correctly, and the scene will switch instantly!

Long yellow sand, rolling dunes, poisonous scorpions running across the sand, dead old trees buried in the sand.

Sand Sea Desert!

As soon as the All-night God of War landed, a pitch-black poisonous scorpion charged fiercely. The stinky scorpion was actually level 5. It would die if it stung!

New players have no dignity, and their level is lower than wild monsters. All night God of War hurriedly dodges, takes out his revolver and shoots fiercely!

With three shots, the poisonous scorpion's blood bar dropped by one-third, it ran away in fright, and disappeared into the sand dunes.

[There are only three ammunition left, this place is full of dangers, do you want to refill the ammunition? 】


[The rank of matrix A is equal to its number of columns, what is such a matrix called? 】

"Matrix with full rank!"

The ammo of the pistol was refilled in an instant, and Song He suddenly realized that the game "Tihai Continent" is such a routine:

Boy, do you long for power?

Let's do this question!

All night, the god of war marched cautiously, looking for copper mines in the sand dunes. The game scene is realistic, and there is a burst of sand from time to time. Although sitting in the dormitory, Song He seems to smell a sandy smell.

Finally, a huge mine appeared!

Song He had never seen what a copper mine looked like, but at this time several gunmen gathered at the bottom of the mine, wielding pickaxes and pounding violently. The ore fell all over the ground, and the gunmen picked it up and put it in their backpacks.

Knocking knocking, a gunman whose ID was "Laughing Killer" flashed brilliantly, his big pants turned into army green trousers, and he was promoted to level 2!

At the moment of upgrading, "Laughing Killer" suddenly drew his gun, aimed at a Level 1 gunner beside him and pulled the trigger!

With a headshot at close range, the poor level 1 gunman knelt down in seconds, and the corpse fell down sprayed with plasma, bursting out a lot of copper ore.

The two level 1 gunmen next to them were taken aback and quickly fled to the other side of the mine to hide.

Laughing Killer did not chase after him. He picked up the loot in a leisurely manner, turned around and continued digging with a shovel.

It's too dark! They actually openly murdered and robbed them!

How high is the level? High level can bully people casually?

No, I have to upgrade quickly and snatch the villain who laughs and kills!

Do justice for the heavens! Punish evil and promote good!

Song He quickly manipulated the All-night God of War, hid on the other side of the mine where there was no one, and took out his shovel to dig secretly.

Just dug twice, and the math problem popped up.

[What is a linear space with dimension n called? 】

"N-dimensional linear space!"

[The image level T(Vn) of linear transformation T is a linear space, what is called linear transformation T? 】

"Like space!"

Song He answered the questions quickly. Every time he answered a question, the mountain wall shattered, a large amount of copper ore poured down, and the excavation progress accelerated!

There are more and more copper ores in the backpack. If you answer a question correctly, you will get 10 copper ores. At the same time, the experience bar of the All-night God of War also increases, and the upgrade is getting closer and closer!

Song He answered the questions excitedly, he has realized the addictive nature of this game, and he has already started to get on it!

A few minutes later, the copper mine was dug a deep hole, filled with smoke and dust.

The figure of God of War disappeared in the mine all night. From time to time, there was the sound of rock walls breaking and dust rushing into the sky.


Girls' dormitory.

Wu Xiao was dressed in pure white silk pajamas, lying on the bed with a pillow in his arms, and frantically clicking on his phone with both hands.

The character she manipulates is a gunman who has been promoted to the third level, and the ID is "Laughing Killer".

Laughing Killer is working hard to dig the towering copper mine, and there are faint bloodstains on the ground beside her. She has already killed 3 passerby players, and she is quickly leveling up with the experience she has gained.

"Qianqian! Manman! Come here again!" Wu Xiao opened the team voice.

Two level 1 gunmen ran over, pretending to be digging beside Xiao Killer, and got along in harmony.

A moment later, a level 1 gunman passed by from a distance, obviously a new player.

The new player suddenly saw the "Laughing Killer" at level 3, and was taken aback. He waited and watched fearfully, not daring to step forward.

But looking to the side, there are still two level 1 gunmen digging, Qiu has committed no crime, and the scene is very harmonious.

The new player approached cautiously, but he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the laughing killer was concentrating on mining and didn't respond at all.

Jumping in front of the mountain wall, the new player tried to dig a bit, and immediately turned his head vigilantly to observe the laughing killer.

Laughing Killer still ignores him and concentrates on digging ore. He seems to be a good person.

New players are relieved, and boldly start digging.

Wu Xiao lay on the bed with a sly smile, tapped the screen and made a sudden move!

The level 3 shooter has switched to a rapid-fire pistol, turned around and fired fiercely, a series of bullets hit the new player, and blood sprayed!

The new player knelt in seconds, without any time to react, burst out a lot of copper ore, and passed away in humiliation.

"Shameless!" The new player yelled at the last second before he died.

The strong wind blows yellow sand, and the corpses are gradually buried, leaving only scattered bloodstains, telling the crimes of this place!

At the moment of killing, the two level 1 gunmen beside him ran away at the speed of light, pretending to be panicked.

The two of them are the bait arranged by Wu Xiao, and running away in panic is a full set of drama.

There may be other cute new players passing by around. If they don't run away, they will guess that this is a trap, and the mining gunners are all in the same group. If the news spreads, there will be no fish to catch.

After a while, seeing no one around, Wu smiled and said:

"Qianqian! Manman! Come here!"

The two first-level gunmen returned to laughing and killing people, digging calmly.

"Smile, look at the 170 direction, there seems to be smoke!" Manman said suddenly.

Wu Xiao turned the angle of view, and sure enough, at the back of the mine, a puff of desert smoke rose straight up, continuously.

"It's the smoke and dust from mining. Someone dug from the back of the mine! It should be a single person, and there is only a puff of smoke!" Wu Xiao immediately judged, "You guys go and have a look, I will continue to fish here."

"That fish belongs to us! Let's kill it!" Manman was excited.

"Be careful, sneak attack from behind in the past, two-on-one should be able to seconds, the game just started server, you won't encounter high-level ones." Wu Xiao warned, "Hurry up and go back to fish after killing."

The two first-level players immediately set off and rushed in the direction of Piaoyan.

Wu Xiao continued to mine, but no fish came over for the time being. She focused on solving the problems, constantly smashing the rock wall in front of her.

Suddenly, there was a rapid exclamation in the voice of the team.

"Dead! I was shot!" Manman was terrified, "It's a shooter called the God of War!"

"I was also seconded, the opposite is level 2, still ambushing us in the mine, old Yinbi!" Qianqian yelled angrily, "Wu Xiao, you avenged us, this guy in the mine killed us both , He snatched all the 200 coppers we saved!"

"Damn it!" Wu Xiao was furious, "Come here quickly after you are resurrected, I will develop it quickly, let's go and beat it in groups! Get the ore back!"

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