I Exchange For Black Technology By Blowing Up The Bully

Chapter 72 Refer To The "Omit" In The Answer

"Which question? Let me solve it in minutes!" The grade director approached confidently.

"I'll settle it in half a minute!" A teacher shouted immediately.

"Ten seconds for me!"

Then, there was a long silence, and no one said a word for a long time.

The physical education teachers who read the questions looked at each other with embarrassment.

After hearing from the teacher in Class 4 that there was a problem and they couldn’t do it, everyone gathered together and prepared to pretend, with the mentality of “you can’t do it, I can do it”, but the problem was extremely tricky, and they didn’t have any ideas at all, which made the physical education teachers collectively misfire.

The physical education teacher of class four looked up at the grade director, "You just said that it will be settled every minute, one?"

"Ah? I didn't say anything!" The grade director said with a look of surprise, "I haven't said anything!"

There was a sound of "bah" all around. The physical education teachers had a bold personality and didn't have the gentle temperament of other teachers.

"Not at all. Is there no answer to this question?" asked the third class physical education teacher.

"It's as if you are short-sighted. If I have an explanation, I still ask you?" The fourth class teacher complained.

"The answer is C, and the analysis is short." A class of teachers said, "I also did this problem yesterday. If I didn't figure it out in 20 minutes, I gave up."

As soon as these words came out, the physical education teachers sighed with their huge lung capacity and complained softly.

"The person who wrote the answer is irresponsible! Who will write the summary for the analysis? Will the summary be given for the exam?"

"The most disgusting thing is this slightly, and the second disgusting thing is the obvious, every time I see it, I get a headache!"

"The postgraduate entrance examination is so difficult, I want to go to the playground to run laps."

"How about we change to a graduate student who doesn't take mathematics?"

"Fuck, I don't want to take the exam anymore, there are a bunch of questions I don't know every day."

The grade director coughed twice, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Don't talk about frustration! It's not normal to have questions! Will you still have to study hard for any questions? What we have to do now is not to retreat, but to find a way to solve this problem!"

The physical education teacher of Class 4 nodded, stared at him and asked, "It makes sense, but how do you explain it?"

The grade director was dumbfounded. Facing the gazes of other teachers, he chose to look left and right, pretending to be nonchalant.

Suddenly, his gaze froze in the distance, and his eyes lit up when he saw a handsome student at the end of the bookshelf.

"I know a student who is good at mathematics. He borrows books over there. Go over and ask?" the grade director suddenly thought.

"Student? Chu Long?" The teacher in Class 4 shook his head frantically, "I can't ask Chu Long! Chu Long's math teacher is my wife! She mocks me every day because I have a simple mind and strong limbs. If my wife finds out, I will be ridiculed for the rest of my life!"

"It's not Chu Long, that student's name is Song He!" said the grade director.

"Isn't Song He a freshman in high school? That student who got a bonus from the biology group?" A teacher remembered.

"Director, you are too unreliable! It's not good to find any student, but to ask a freshman in high school to ask math questions for the postgraduate entrance examination?" Class 3 teacher sneered.

The other teachers laughed and ridiculed.

"Director, you are out of your mind. Use your toes to think about it. Will freshmen in high school do postgraduate entrance examination questions?"

"The students in the competition team have some strength, but at most they have learned a little bit of advanced mathematics. Our question is an advanced problem!"

"It's funny, I asked a freshman in high school about mathematics for the postgraduate entrance examination, and if he could answer, I would eat this bookshelf on the spot!"

The grade director was anxious, "Hey! Don't look down on them! Last time I came to borrow books, Song He has learned probability theory, and he has mastered advanced mathematics! Better than you bunch of brawny brats!"

The physical education teachers couldn't help laughing out loud, and looked at him with caring and foolish eyes.

A normal person's way of thinking is to find a familiar math teacher, ask a question and get a physical education class, and everyone is happy.

Even if you are looking for student problems, at least you have to find a top math student in the third year of high school, so that there is a chance.

How long does it take for a freshman to start school? You haven't even finished one elective textbook, so how can you do math problems for the postgraduate entrance examination? If a group of teachers can't do the questions that they can do in the first year of high school, then what are we?

"You don't even believe it, do you! Ask me if you don't agree!" The grade director got angry.

The physical education teachers shook their heads one after another, ashamed to embarrass themselves with him.

The grade director left angrily, took the exercise book and went straight to the end of the bookshelf.


The end of the bookshelves.

Song He squatted in front of the bookshelf, busy looking for books, his fingers quickly skimming the rows of titles, looking for books that could provide key knowledge.

At this moment, his posture of concentrating on searching for a book already has the aura of an academic master. It's just that he is more handsome and younger than the old pedant.

A system prompt suddenly popped up in front of my eyes.

[5 students were taught some of the topics by you, and they will return double the math knowledge]

[Nine students were taught some of the topics by you, and double the math knowledge will be returned]

Um? what's the situation?

Song He is at a loss. Although he has been taking famous teacher capsules, he hasn't written a topic analysis for anyone recently. Why are there so many apprentices popping up all at once?

There is a bug in the system?

Immediately afterwards, the system prompts continued to pop up, instantly pointing out the truth.

【Pei Xingxiu peeked at your math book and was horrified. Resentment value +100! 】

[Xu Song peeked at your math book, lost confidence, resentment value +200! 】

[Song Wei couldn't understand your problem-solving steps, felt uncomfortable all over, resentment value +300! 】

[Liu Chang can't understand your problem-solving steps, thinks you are talking nonsense, resentment value +200! 】

Song He went to the edge of the bookshelf area, and peeped into the study area through the bookshelf.

"Fuck, what kind of plane are you doing!" He was startled.

The table he was sitting at was crowded with a lot of classmates at the moment, and it was as popular as a food stall in a night market!

The students scrambled to read the test book on the table, and there were more than a dozen people lying on the table, copying their own test books with all their might!

"Outrageous, why are you copying mine?" Song He was puzzled.

In the previous three hours of doing the questions, he had been racing all the way, concentrating so hard that he didn't notice the gazes of the students around him at all.

Song He's hand speed, in the eyes of the students, is a typical layman watching the excitement, and the insider is scared to death. Just because of Song He's momentum of writing like flying, everyone unanimously believes that he is the overlord of geometry. It must be the standard answer!

Especially for many questions in the competition booklet, the answer is only a simple word "消息", so the students had no choice but to seize the opportunity to secretly copy the answers of the masters, and go back and learn slowly.

At first, there were few people, and the plagiarism students looked around vigilantly.

Gradually, more and more people are plagiarized, and the students who plagiarize have a mentality similar to "running the red light collectively", and they don't look left and right anymore, and plagiarize wildly with unscrupulous expressions and ferocious expressions!

As a result, prompts continued to pop up in front of Song He's eyes.

[16 students were taught some of the topics by you, and they will return double the math knowledge]

[20 students have been taught some of the topics by you, and they will return double the math knowledge]

[27 students were taught some of the topics by you, and they will return double the math knowledge]

Song He shrugged, returned to the bookshelf, and continued to look for books.

After looking for it, someone tapped him on the shoulder, "Song He!"

Looking back, it was the smiling grade director.

"Hello Director!" Song He stood up and said hello.

"I need your help with a small matter." The grade director smiled.

Song He looked at the grade director blankly, wondering if it was an illusion, the director's smile seemed to have a hint of... flattering?

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