Zhuang Qiyan stared at the grade director in surprise, and many eyes from the self-study area also gathered in astonishment.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the grade director walked up to Song He, opened the exercise booklet in his hand, "Thank you for reading this question."

Song He glanced at it. It was a very routine high-level math problem, and it belonged to the type that he could do with his eyes closed.

"You still need to ask such a simple question?" Song He looked surprised.

The grade director had bulging veins on his forehead. He was sure that this kid was deliberately mocking him. He was so daring! As the grade director, he had never been ridiculed by a freshman in high school before. His teacher's dignity was gone, and he was so angry that he wanted to kick the kid under the table.

calm down! calm down! If you want something from someone, bear it! The grade director took a deep breath.

Zhuang Qiyan stared at Song He in horror, her breathing stopped in fright.

From her point of view, what Song He said was like an old birthday boy hanged himself, impatient to live! How can there be any students who are yin and yang and strange to the teacher? What's more, it's not an ordinary teacher, but a high-ranking grade director! An existence one level higher than the head teacher!

[The grade director confirmed that you mocked him, suppressed your anger, resentment value +400! 】

A system prompt popped up in front of him, Song He didn't dare to play with fire anymore, and the 400 resentment value is not a decimal, which shows that the grade director is really angry.

He quickly picked up the pen, and his attitude changed drastically. While talking about the topic in a low voice, he was writing the steps in a straight line.

"Look, Director, this question looks complicated, but it's actually a question about stitching monsters. It's easy to split it into four sections."

"The first section is to verify that the given function is the general solution or solution of the corresponding differential equation. The second section is to convert the integral equation into a differential equation first, and then find the differential equation from the general solution of the differential equation."

"The third section is to solve homogeneous equations, pay attention to the separation of variables and integration. The fourth section is to use the structure of the linear differential equation solution to discuss the problem, and then find the solution of the high-order constant coefficient homogeneous linear differential equation."

Song He has a gentle attitude and a clear lecture.

The grade director listened intently, and quickly calmed down the anger that had just risen in his heart, and even developed a good impression of the student in front of him.

Zhuang Qiyan listened from the side, her math level was still in the high school range, when listening to Song He's lecture on college math, she suddenly felt extremely profound and outshone others. She peeked sideways at Song He, her admiration overflowing.

After the grade director finished asking the questions, he thanked him and hurried back to the bookshelf area.

Soon, a system prompt popped up in front of Song He's eyes, and another physical education teacher was taught math problems by himself.

[Mathematics progress detected, upgraded from Silver 17 to Silver 18! 】

"I have to go, I'll save some food for you." Zhuang Qiyan opened her schoolbag, took out two boxes of yogurt and put them on the table, "By the way, are you sure you want to sell the questions?"

"Sure!" Song He nodded sharply, "I played Question Sea Continent last night. The types of questions played in the game are very common. I can try to come up with some different questions. I want to try math questions and biology questions."

"Then I'll go home and ask my parents. If there are no accidents, I should be able to let you sell the questions." Zhuang Qiyan smiled sweetly, stood up and waved her little hand, "Let's go, goodbye!"

"Goodbye! Thank you for your hard work!" Song He waved goodbye.

Lao Zhuang ran away, while Song He drank the milk she gave him, while continuing to fight against the numbers.

When it was noon, he didn't go to the cafeteria either. In his schoolbag, he kept the pancakes and fruits he bought in the morning, and he had his lunch with milk. Although the taste of the pancakes left in the morning was greatly reduced, he had already adapted and ate them without frowning.

From his first day in high school, Song He has been in a frantic state of preparation. Just like soldiers waiting to charge in the trenches, just find something to eat to replenish their physical strength, and rush to meet the enemy at any time after eating. Under the huge pressure, the taste is irrelevant.

"It's so difficult!" A familiar voice came from behind.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Xiao and Xu Tingfeng sat down across the table. The two unloaded their schoolbags and took out the biology book.

Xu Tingfeng took out a large bucket of taffy and put it on the table, grabbed a few and threw them into his mouth. Song He was very worried that the girl had diabetes at a young age. He would eat and eat every time he saw her, but she was just Slightly fat.

Xu Tingfeng's title book has been written for more than 40 pages, and Song He lost interest in catching up after reading it.

But Wu Xiao turned over the biology book, she had just finished the fifth page.

Song He's eyes lit up immediately, and he also took out the biology book from his schoolbag and opened the first page.

"What? Do you want to compete?" Wu smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"No way, how dare you compete with senior sister." Song He paused, "I just want to impress senior sister in terms of the speed of doing the questions!"

"Hey, arrogant!" Xu Tingfeng stared round the squirrel's eyes, stretched out his hand to pat Wu Xiao, "Xiaoxiao, I can't bear it, fuck him!"

"Brother Song He, in terms of biology, I can't let you surpass me!" Wu Xiao also regained his energy in an instant.

Song He and Wu Xiao bowed their heads at the same time, raised their pens to solve the problem, and another battle broke out in a hurry!


Off-campus, Interstellar Internet Cafe.

Nie Junren and Gong Shasha pushed the door open, and the sounds of keyboards and mice came like heavy rain.

More than half of the computers were sitting in front of the computers with young Internet addicts. Here, they looked like Huo Qubing, commanding the army to run from one end of the screen to the other with the mouse, and the screen was full of blood.

"A lot of yellow hairs." Gong Shasha marveled in a low voice. It was her first time to come to an Internet cafe.

Nie Junren glanced sharply at a few junior high school students and heaved a sigh of relief. Before he came, he was worried that minors would not be able to access the Internet. It seems that this Internet cafe is not strictly controlled, and anyone of any age can come.

"Network administrator, what's the price of the printer in the store?" Nie Junren asked.

The webmaster is a girl with long, smooth hair, dressed in white, who looks a bit like Sadako at first glance. Probably a part-time college student from the nearby Jinghai University.

Hearing a customer asking about the price, Zhenzi's network administrator clicked the mouse to pause "The Legend of Zhen Huan" on the computer, and put down the milk tea he was drinking.

"Black-and-white printing is three cents for one side, fifty cents for double-sided, one piece for one-sided color printing, and two pieces for double-sided." Sadako took out a QR code label, "Add me on WeChat, and just send me the document you want to print."

Nie Junren and Gong Shasha showed embarrassment, "We don't have mobile phones."

"No mobile phone?" Sister Sadako was surprised, "Good student? Don't you dare to bring a mobile phone to school?"

Nie Junren and Gong Shasha were suddenly ashamed. As good students, they felt inferior for the first time.

"It's okay, we also have WeChat on the computer, how many machines?" Sadako asked.

"Two sets. There are a lot of documents to be printed. Let's search together to save time." Gong Shasha said.

"Machine No. 28 and No. 29." Sadako pointed to the nearest computer in front, "These are the two."

Nie Junren and Gong Shasha sat down, took out the CNKI account number written by Song He from their pockets, quickly logged in, and started searching.

A moment later, Sadako's phone vibrated and she received a WeChat friend request.

"Sister, mine!" Nie Junren raised his hand, "I send you the document to be printed!"

Sadako nodded and approved the application.

Immediately afterwards, a paper in pdf format was passed on.

Sadako was drinking milk tea, and when she saw the title of the thesis, she sprayed all the milk tea in her mouth with a "poof", and Zhen Huan on the computer screen was sprayed all over the face.

"Why print my thesis?" Sadako looked at Nie Junren in horror, "What are you two doing here? What is your background?"

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