For a whole afternoon, Song He burned his brain cells crazily and slaughtered math problem books.

System prompts flashed before my eyes from time to time:

[Mathematics progress detected, upgraded from silver level 30 to silver level 31! 】

[Mathematics progress detected, upgraded from silver level 31 to silver level 32! 】

But soon, all the questions that could be done were killed, and only the medium-difficulty topological questions remained, and there was no way to start.

He stared at the topic, thinking hard.

Holding a pen in his hand, but unable to do the questions, he could only draw strange figures on the draft paper, one after another, gradually forming a strange painting.

Zhao Yiyi moved her head closer, "Huh? You still have artistic talent?"

"Sight! Picasso threw himself into the lake in embarrassment when he saw my painting!" Song He pushed the draft paper to her, "I'm so smart, I'll give it to you!"

Zhao Yiyi looked disgusted, "Don't collect garbage! I satirized you for making your paintings ugly, don't you understand?"

"I don't know how to flatter you! If I become an academic master in time, this ugly painting will be extremely valuable!" Song He raised his eyebrows angrily, "Send it to Sotheby's auction house and say it is an authentic Song He painting. Couldn't sleep all night!"

Zhao Yiyi's small mouth was so pouted that she could hold a pencil, "If bragging forced you to go to prison, Song He, you would have killed the nine clans already!"

She flicked her hand and pushed the "Authentic Song He" back.

"Don't pull it down, you missed a hundred million!" Song He snorted coldly.

"I didn't say no!" Zhao Yiyi glared at him.

"Huh?" Song He was taken aback.

"You sign it, otherwise this pile of bad graffiti, who would know it's yours?" Zhao Yiyi stretched out his hand to poke the blank space.

Song He raised his pen and signed his name crookedly. His poor handwriting is flawed, and no copybook can heal it.

Zhao Yiyi picked it up and admired the "authentic work", treasured it and stuffed it into a large notebook and stuffed it into her schoolbag.

Song He was surprised, and I bluffed nonsense, is this silly deskmate serious?

Zhao Yiyi immersed himself in the problem, and Song He quickly forgot about it and continued to study topology.

What is the bridge connecting topology and geometry? !

He seems to be in a huge mathematic maze, with countless forks, his thoughts are rushing left and right, but he doesn't know which direction the exit is.

The last time I encountered a situation where I couldn't do anything, it was still the bottleneck of the silver rank card.

One way is to grab a few students to give a lecture, and when the students are foaming at the mouth, through the double rebate of the famous teacher capsule, they will violently break through the bottleneck!

This method saves time and effort, but... Song He refused to use it.

Entering the field of topology is the critical moment for laying the foundation. If the foundation is firmly established, new thinking must be cultivated instead of relying on forced instilled knowledge.

It is safe to operate after cultivating topological thinking and then using knowledge points to yank the level.

If you want to go further on the road of mathematics, you must make a choice!

Unknowingly, the sunset outside the window faded and night fell.

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, Song He grabbed the test book and ran away.

He rushed to the cafeteria, sat down on the corner seat, holding a math book, and continued to stare at the topology problem.

He was completely unaware of the people coming and going around him, immersed in his thoughts.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The two dinner plates were placed opposite, Ning Mo and Zhang Zhilei sat down together, looking at his test book.

"Topology!" Ning Mo exclaimed, as if seeing something extraordinary.

"Song He, don't you want to eat?" Zhang Zhilei looked at the empty table in front of him.

Song He was taken aback, and suddenly realized that he didn't have a meal!

Just now he wondered why he was getting hungry more and more while sitting in the cafeteria?

"Eat mine! I'll get another one." Ning Mo pushed his plate over, rice, rapeseed bean sprouts, like a monk's vegetarian meal.

Song He was immediately moved. In ancient times, there was Kong Rong who gave pears, and now there is Ning Mo who gave rice. Ning Mo is a filial son! You can raise Xiaolian!

Song He took out his meal card and handed it to him, he couldn't let Lao Ning spend another meal.

Ning Mo took the meal card and hurried to line up.

"Have you evolved to this level? Learned mathematics and learned bigu?" Zhang Zhilei sat down to eat, and teased, "You don't eat in the cafeteria, just sit here and study, and get full by inhaling the aroma in the air?"

"Hurry up! There will be a topology lecture tonight, and I'm still one key point away from clearing the intermediate-difficulty topology questions." Song He looked anxious, staring at the question book, picking up bean sprouts with his chopsticks.

"When did you start learning topology?" Zhang Zhilei was curious.

"It's noon today." Song He didn't look up.

Zhang Zhilei was about to bow her head to eat, but when she heard this, she suddenly raised her head, her eyes were astonished.

"I just learned topology at noon, and you want to get through it at night? What kind of dream did you have, Song? Are you hungry?"

"Time is running out!" Song He didn't think there was any problem at all, "I'm just a little short!"

Zhang Zhilei sneered.

"I previewed the topology during the summer vacation. I learned it for a whole month, but I was still at a loss in the end!"

"Song He, you have no idea what you're facing! It's a math monster! It's scarier than any monster you've seen before! Because topology is counter-intuitive!"

Zhang Zhilei tapped the table with the end of her chopsticks, giving a serious warning.

"Too serious, the topological questions of the competition team are not too advanced, at most they can be regarded as a small wild monster with thick blood." Song He chewed his mouth full of bean sprouts, "I met teacher Zhai Zhu from the rocket class in the library at noon, and Teacher Zhai told me to take it easy. Think about it."

"I'm afraid that if she asks me questions in the lecture, and everyone is watching, if I can't answer, it will damage my reputation!"

"So no matter how difficult the topology is, I have to kill it on time. Scholars pay the most attention to fame! Do you understand fame?"

Zhang Zhilei was even more astonished after hearing this, "Mingjie is a fart! Is Mingjie used like this?"

"It's not a matter of shame or shame, Song He, please be sober! You can't learn topology in just half a day! It's good to understand a little in a week!"

Zhang Zhilei was speechless for a while, looking at Song He strangely, as if staring at a madman.

Because she has studied it with great concentration, she is well aware of the evil and weirdness of Topology.

Song He has the idea of ​​quick victory, purely because he is a frog at the bottom of a well, and he doesn't know how terrible this thing is!

"Don't worry, I'm as stable as an old dog. I must have some ideas before the lecture tonight." Song He was indifferent and didn't listen to her warning at all.

Zhang Zhilei quietly rolled her eyes, good words are hard to persuade, damn ghost!

"Boom!" The dinner plate was placed on the table, Ning Mo sat down happily, and returned the meal card to Song He.

Song He took the meal card and was stunned.

On Ning Mo's dinner plate, there were 6 fried chicken legs and crispy shrimp and braised pork, piled up into a hill!

Song He looked down at his plate full of bean sprouts, lost in thought.

Ning Mo Rang Fan was very touched before, why did he suddenly want to hit him now?

"What are you talking about?" Ning Mo grabbed the chicken leg and gnawed.

"Old Zhang is exaggerating the threat theory of topology to me, scaring me that topology is difficult." Song He said, "Before the lecture in the evening, I have to figure out a key point. Once I figure it out, I can quack the intermediate difficulty topology questions." Indiscriminate killing, if the teacher asks a question, I am not in vain."

"Old Zhang, you are underestimating him! We have all experienced Song He's mathematics level. He is a generation of geniuses in the mathematics world, so we can't deduce it according to common sense!"

"He just learned topology at noon today." Zhang Zhilei snorted coldly.

"Fuck? Are you crazy, Song He?" Ning Mo turned 180 degrees and stared at Song He dumbfounded. "I thought you had the foundation, and you just learned it when you co-authored it? Topology is not a crispy skin that you can speed through in a day. Topology is it." It’s hard to explode! I just learned about fur after studying for more than two months!”

"Little horse crossing the river." Song He waved his hand impatiently, "Eat your chicken leg! Don't disturb my enlightenment!"

Ning Mo shrugged and looked at Zhang Zhilei. At this moment, the two had a tacit understanding.

The two gloated and turned their heads to look at Song He who was concentrating on studying.

When you hit the south wall of Topology, hit Topology's will understand your friend's advice!

The cafeteria radio rang, and then Ye Lianghan's voice came out:

"Notice! Tonight at 8 o'clock in the school auditorium, teacher Zhai Zhu will hold an introductory lecture on topology!"

"Students in the mathematics competition in the first year of high school must be present on time! Students who are interested in topology can go to attend after reporting to the head teacher!"

Ning Mo and Zhang Zhilei's eyes lit up instantly!

"Go and listen!" The two said in unison.

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