I Failed To Propose Marriage, But The Whole Internet Is On Fire

Chapter 34: Becoming a Nestling Keeper? 【Kneeling for collection, flowers, evaluation】

Chapter 34 Becoming a chick keeper? 【Subscription】

Birds of prey fight in the sky, even fighting and chasing.

It's nothing, after all, it's natural selection.

Su Yang, as a bystander, did not have the idea of making a move, and most of the audience understood very well.

However, when the golden eagle defeated the two of its kind and occupied the other's lair, the next scene also aroused everyone's anger.

I saw that the golden eagle swooped down towards the chick that was still wailing, and a pair of sharp claws seemed to tear this little thing apart, if it were not for the bush branches blocking it, I am afraid it would have died directly.

However, this chick was also very frightened, not only shivering, but also becoming more and more forlorn.

Its parents, who have flown away, are also rushing here, wanting to help their children, but they are too timid to move forward.

"Oh my God, it's so pitiful, anchor, save it."

"Yes, although it is a natural choice, human intervention is not a big deal, it's a big deal if you adopt this mutant golden eagle cub."

"Yes, natural selection is right, but humans can also intervene!"

"Anchor, please!"

Su Yang looked at the barrage and was a little speechless for a while, is he such a cold-blooded person?

With that, he jumped from the canopy in the direction where the chick was, intending to save the chick when the adult golden eagle dived again.

"The anchor is so handsome!"

"Husband, I knew you wouldn't see death without saving."

"Husband, I love you!"

When Su Yang jumped a few times, he finally arrived at the location of the chick when the golden eagle swooped down.

And the adult golden eagle was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the creature, and after flapping its wings, it changed its shape and skimmed towards Su Yang's side.

However, when the golden eagle plundered, there seemed to be a hint of coldness in his eyes, and his sharp claws swiped towards Su Yang's face.

The drone filmed this scene, which directly made the audience in the live broadcast room exclaim.

The girls watching with their mobile phones outside were even so frightened that they almost threw their mobile phones out.

Some people even covered their mouths tightly, worried about Su Yang in their hearts.

However, in an instant, Su Yang's reaction reached an inhuman level.

I saw that his head was slightly tilted, and at the same time, his left hand gently flicked in the direction of the golden eagle, and the golden eagle was removed.

And because the golden eagle could not control its shape, it flapped its wings vigorously, so it was not shot down to the ground, but between tumbling, it touched the surrounding branches and fell to the ground in confusion.

In fact, this is also Su Yang's hand, not only this golden eagle will definitely die.

This scene changed, which made the audience in the live broadcast room who were originally worried about exclamation stunned.

It took a while for the barrage to brush the screen.

"Oh my God, the anchor is amazing!"

"This reaction speed, I'm afraid no one can match, right?"

"Just now, I was still worried about the anchor, but now it seems that it is too early to worry!"

"I have to say that the anchor is keeping his hand, not only this golden eagle is definitely hiccups."

"Yes, the power that the light anchor can tear the tiger in his hand, the golden eagle will definitely not be able to withstand it, where can it land safely?"

"Anchor Mighty"


Su Yang took the mobile phone and looked at the barrage, couldn't help but smile faintly, and then checked the chick that fell into the nest.

However, the chick didn't seem to appreciate it, and when he saw Su Yang stretching out his hand, he pecked down violently.

Of course, this also shows the ferocity of the golden eagle, a bird of prey.

Seeing this, Su Yang just smiled slightly, and then used advanced beast taming skills to start communicating and appeasing the little guy.

I have to say that this is the first time he has used advanced beast taming skills, and he still doesn't know how effective it is!

Fortunately, the advanced beast taming skills did not disappoint him, and it was also effective against birds of prey such as golden eagles.

Perhaps it is the reason for the chicks, so after using the taming skill, it only played a pacifying role, but it was impossible to communicate.

But appeasement is enough, when Su Yang picked up the chick, the little one became very quiet, and was attracted by Su Yang's animal affinity and was very close to him.

Of course, such a change also made the audience in the live broadcast room stunned.

Before, how did he suddenly become cute?

But everyone was also very happy to see this scene, and finally saved this little guy.

As for the golden eagle that landed on the ground, it had already flapped its wings and flew away, and it did not go far, but flew to the nest above the cliff wall, staring sharply at this side.

At the same time, the mutant golden eagle couple also seemed to fly back, hovering high above Su Yang's head all the time.

Su Yang looked up, and the three parties looked at it like this.

Perhaps because of jealousy, the larger golden eagle just looked at it, but did not dare to make a move.

The two mutant golden eagles also seemed to have found it, so they slowly found a dry tree near Su Yang and fell.

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at the two mutant golden eagles with heartache, because they no longer had the majestic posture they had before, and even their hair had become messy, and they seemed to be injured a lot.

The two mutant golden eagles kept wailing a few times at Su Yang's side.

However, hearing the voices of the two mutant golden eagles, Su Yang frowned, because he heard what the other party meant, they actually let themselves adopt this chick?

Yes, a pair of mutant golden eagles, feeling the affinity of Su Yang, decided to entrust their children to it.

As for them, prepare to stay away from here, after all, the territory and nest have been robbed!

Sure enough, after a few tweets, the mutant golden eagle couple flew away directly.

Now the audience was a little confused, and they still thought about Su Yang returning the chicks to each other.

"Anchor, what's the situation?" *

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