Blue Star in a parallel world.

Hangzhou city.

Inside the software park of an internationally renowned IT manufacturer, among the towering office buildings.

Lu Guan was burying his head in his hands and supporting his forehead, pretending to be thinking.

I'm actually sleeping with my eyes covered...

The main thing is to deceive others!

Fortunately, today is Lu Guan's first day as an intern and he still needs to go through many procedures before he can officially start working.

After all, big companies have many and complete rules and regulations, even for interns.

So the colleagues next to me didn’t pay much attention to this new fishing player, the intern’s shoes...

"Ahem, Lu...what the hell, classmate Lu?"

As soon as Team Leader Wang, the head of the department's internship project, opened the glass door of the office with his work card, he saw Lu Guan sleeping, and the corner of his mouth immediately twitched.

Damn it, how did the HR department recruit this guy?

Obviously, Lu Guan's first day's impression on his leadership was not very good.

It's just that this guy's name is really eye-catching. Some wise man gave it to him.


Lu Guan vaguely heard his name in confusion, opened his eyes and immediately saw Team Leader Wang standing in front of him.


It was only the first day of fishing and I was caught!

It seems that the kung fu training is not deep enough! !

Lu Guan's main character was cheeky, and Ma laughed and said: "Team Leader Wang, what a coincidence!"

Team leader Wang shook his head and waved to him, "Classmate Lu, have you considered changing your name..."

Lu Guan looked innocent.

My parents got the name, how can we change it.

At first, they were hoping that they would make a fortune as officials, so they got the word "Guan" which is homophonic to the word "Guan".

After a quick chat, Team Leader Wang led Lu Guan out of the office.

As he turned around, he muttered: "I can see your kid's potential for fishing."

Although the voice was small, it still fell into Lu Guan's ears.

Lu Guan smiled inwardly.

Average, third in the world.


Lu Guan, a top student from the 985 prestigious schools who competed among the top in the college entrance examination, has countless bright academic auras.

However, no one expected that he would immediately start messing around like crazy after entering college.

This man of God will basically fail every semester!

If it weren’t for the combined efforts of the instructor and professor, 99% of his chances would have been postponed!

Outsiders also don’t understand why Mao Lu Guan was admitted to 985. Was it because of his parents’ connections?

However, everyone who knows him knows it.

Lu Guan's parents are just ordinary self-employed street vendors.

He answered in his own words: "I don't know how to take the college entrance examination."

"Anyway, after I get my scores, I'll fill in the application form for Jiangzhe University in front of the admission line."

If these words are to reach the general public, the students will definitely be furious.

The total admission rate of the 985 National College Entrance Examination is less than 1.7%! ! !

And Jiangzhe University is even more top among the top.

Because of this, even if Lu Guan spent the past few years in college just playing games, he could still find an internship position in a major factory.

Although it is just a probationary test position...but!

This position is one of the few in the IT industry where there are many girls!

Of course, none of this matters!

The most exciting thing is that Lu Guan was bound to the fishing lottery system on the first day he joined the company.

As long as you complete the fishing task, you can get rewards!

This is in line with Lu Guan’s salty fish character.

Whoever doesn’t want to mess around can get to the top of his life, and the more he tries, the better he becomes!


"This is the new intern, Concubine Liu."

"Huh? Such a familiar name!"

Lu Guan raised his head and looked at the young and mature beauty in front of him with fair skin, delicate skin, and legs as thick as gelatin. He felt like he had seen her before somewhere before.


Isn't this the president of our student union? !

Why is she here?

Lu Guan's eyes widened, feeling incredible.

On the other side, Concubine Liu felt something strange about the other party, but she didn't say anything.

She nodded slightly and smiled politely.

"Hello, my name is Liu Feifei."

Lu Guan scratched his head and regained his train of thought.

"Lu Guan, from Jiang Dajiyuan."

Liu Feifei was slightly startled, she didn't expect to meet her classmates here.

She opened her mouth slightly and let out a light sigh.

"Classmate Lu, why haven't I seen you before..."

Lu Guan murmured in his heart: I don't go out to class every day, it would be strange for you to see me.

Team leader Wang, who was standing nearby, couldn't help but smile when he saw that the two knew each other and were classmates.

"Very good. Since you are all alumni, you should help each other out."

"In the future, we will be part of the company and work together in the big family!"

Liu Feifei smiled faintly like a dragonfly touching water, revealing a sense of quality and high-end.

"Okay team leader."

Lu Guan coughed a few times and reluctantly followed suit.

"Ah, yes, yes..."

This sentence can be said to be extremely lethal and extremely yin and yang.

It's just that Team Leader Wang was a little older and didn't hear it.

After explaining everything, Lu Guan was called into the tea room alone.

Team leader Wang had a straight face and spoke very seriously.

"Classmate Liu is a specially recruited intern from the group department. Please don't cause any trouble for me."

"I saw you glanced at her several times just now. It's a good thing that young people are full of energy, but you just have to know how to measure it."

Between words, click to the end.


Women will only affect his progress.

Lu Guan didn't bother to explain, he just said it verbally and hurried back to his work station.

Liu Feifei is affiliated with the testing department like him, but her work overlaps with the project team of the product department.

Therefore, the work content is still somewhat different from that of Lu Guan, except that the interns’ workstations are close together.

As soon as he sat down at his work station, he smelled a refreshing fragrance.

It is completely different from the inferior smell of shampoo and perfume, and more like the smell of early spring buds.

This moment made him feel a little dazed.

[Rookie: On your first day of employment, you must quickly integrate into the company's collective! 】

[You need to pretend to be familiar with your colleagues to chat with them, so as to make time for work. 】

[Can be awarded once in a lottery! 】

Lu Guan was shocked when the system suddenly dispatched a task just now.

The wait is finally here!

God help me, an intern colleague just happened to be here.

Lu Guan turned his head, not knowing whether it was fate or whether the other party had been staring at him.

He found that Concubine Liu was also looking at him.

Their eyes met, somewhat awkwardly.

"h, how...are you?"

Lu Guan was a little confused and blurted out a nine-year compulsory education-style advanced English greeting.

Concubine Liu's eyes were startled, she hesitated for a moment, and then whispered carefully: "I'm fine, thank you?"

"Student Lu, is this a new way of striking up a conversation?"

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