Following the awesome explanations from Fuxi’s product leaders and technical experts.

A group of CEOs of US companies began to have a deeper understanding of this Eastern technology company.

A representative from an American medical and pharmaceutical company stood up slightly and asked.

"For the AI ​​robotics solutions you just mentioned, can our pharmaceutical industry also use your company's products on a large scale?"

After saying that, he looked slightly at Lu Guan, who was sitting at the far end.

I wonder if this young genius can come out and explain.

You won’t know the result without looking at it, but you’ll see what a good guy it is!

Lu Guan raised his legs higher than before and even put on a gaming headset.

He was concentrating on playing the game. Judging from the busy look on his face, he seemed to be playing against the core elite.

The pharmaceutical representative was also dumbfounded when he saw this.

I have never seen a boss playing games during a meeting, and he doesn’t even care about customers.

If I hadn't heard about Lu Guan's various outrageous deeds before.

He even wondered if there was something wrong with his eyes.

Maybe the filter is too thick for billionaires and genius engineers.

These Americans are just like the employees of Fuxi Technology Company.

They all started to get used to boss Lu being the backdrop for meetings and playing games.

At this time, in response to the question raised by the other party, Liu Feifei spoke softly.

The employees nearby immediately informed and remained silent.

“For the healthcare industry, of course our products can be used on a large scale for medical image analysis, intelligent management of medical records, patient monitoring, etc.”

"Similarly, AI robotic technology can also be used for surgical assistance and patient care."

"Manager Wang, please send them the HC3 number information you compiled previously."

Liu Feifei's understatement inadvertently revealed the CEO side of a strong woman.

Don’t be angry and be proud.

Her calm posture fell in the eyes of Edmund Dick, Savicella and others, and they couldn't help but feel frightened.

It seems that this Chinese beauty is not ordinary!

Not only does he have outstanding appearance and elegant temperament, but he is also very capable in the management of the company!

Otherwise, the senior Fuxi managers in their 40s and 50s would not see her when they saw her.

Everyone's eyes were full of respect.


Manager Wang from the product research and development department at the venue served as the negotiation expert in the team group.

I received the assignment from Mr. Liu early and prepared these important documents in advance.

So I sent the relevant content to the other party with confidence.

Soon, the representatives of these American companies saw the internal information on the tablets used for the meeting.

I was immediately attracted by the content inside.

AI medical image analysis technology selection plan.

This solution can help doctors find lesions in medical images such as CT scans, MRI, and X-rays, assist in diagnosis, and formulate treatment plans.

At the same time, the built-in AI chip can automatically analyze tissue sections.

Helping pathologists quickly and accurately diagnose diseases such as cancer...

Optimus Prime II medical robot-assisted surgery selection plan.

Robotic surgical systems enable precise manipulation and visualization techniques.

Help doctors perform minimally invasive surgeries and improve surgical accuracy and safety.

Through sensors, smart devices and AI technology, patients' health data can be monitored in real time.

This type of medical robot can also be refined.

Application areas include nursing robots, drug distribution robots, rehabilitation robots, etc.

Fuxi Technology can provide precise medical services and support...

The information is very detailed, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is not just speculation.

Instead, it has been put on the research and development agenda and will be developed soon!

When the three medical and drug experts saw this, their eyes widened and they stared at the content above.

oh my godness! ! !

This, this is too high-tech!

Does such advanced technology really come from this emerging technology company?

my God! !

incredible! !

In a matter of moments, the representative of this American medical and pharmaceutical company had already made plans to purchase.

If the subsequent negotiations go smoothly, the first batch of products can be purchased directly and put into testing.

Hearing the yelling from the people around him, Lu Guan frowned slightly and took off his earphones.

"Please be patient and don't be impatient. Please be patient and don't be impatient."

"Can you please keep your voice down? I'm just shooting in the game."

"Isn't it just a few AI research and development projects? You are so shocked."

"is not it"?

Everyone's face was sweaty, their mouths wide open but there was nothing they could do.

You are noble!

You are amazing!

We are country bumpkins and have never seen the world.

You can continue playing games, I won’t disturb you, old man.

This Lu Guan is really... as awesome as the rumors say!


As time went by, everyone discovered that they had been surprised again!

Fuxi Technology not only prepares the selection technology route for AI medical treatment.

It also includes e-commerce unmanned transportation, AI automated supply chain management, cloud computing and AI network communications...

These technologies are actually being developed by Amazon, Cisco and others.

It even acquired many related technology teams.

But the quantitative data displayed by Fuxi Technology is really awesome.

According to the full score of one hundred points.

If the performance of other similar products is 80%, then the performance of Fuxi Technology is 300%!

It just exploded!

There was excitement in the eyes of these Americans.

They knew that the Optimus Prime project was far from being as simple as it seemed at the press conference!

Fuxi Technology still has some good stuff hidden in it, but it hasn’t been released yet.

It is truly unique in the world that a company can combine AI and robots to scale up the entire industry.

The Americans in this room suddenly felt like Uncle Sam had entered the White House villa.

Everyone was expecting and sighing.

This visit to Fuxi Technology will definitely not be in vain.

It was only the first day, and they were already a little hungry and thirsty.

The negotiations and docking matters that followed, the visit to the factory's secret was so exciting to watch.

The sunset covers half of the sky.

This meeting of preliminary negotiation and contact between the two sides has almost come to an end.

More detailed negotiations will continue in the future, at least for a few months.

Everyone sucked in their stomachs.

Suppressed his emotions.

He no longer dared to show the arrogance he had when he first came to Fuxi and others.

Keep a low profile.

You really have to keep a low profile.

They are all senior management personnel of large American companies.

Naturally there are two brushes.

In their view.

In the near future, this Eastern technology company will definitely become a powerful torrent in the global stock market.


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