Although Mr. Zhang was not sure of his suspicions, he also did not dare to deny one thing.

He heard a piece of gossip from a more senior consortium leader.

It seems that a second-generation big shot has landed in Hua Fei Company.

Therefore, during this period, many high-level leaders in the consortium kept a low profile.

Consciously or unconsciously, they told the people below not to cause trouble.

Even though Mr. Zhang is currently at the P7 rank, he is nothing compared to his old employer Huashang Group.

He can only be regarded as a small local leader.

In just a moment, Mr. Zhang decided on a major matter in his mind.

If this thing is successful, then this accident is nothing.

Not only will you not be fired, but you will even be able to rise to the top of your life!

Everyone's eyes fell on Lu Guan and Mr. Zhang.

The secretary clenched her hands even more, feeling very upset now.

Why did I act impulsively?

How stupid, how dare I let an intern in!

Just when everyone thought Mr. Zhang was about to explode, a huge contrast suddenly appeared.

Mr. Zhang smiled!

He even laughed! !

Is he possessed by a ghost, or is he having a stroke? !

Everyone present could not help but open their mouths and be shocked.

"Classmate Lu, people say that people born in 2000 are young heroes. I think you are the material!"

Mr. Zhang patted his collar lightly, and then walked up to Lu Guan with a happy face.

"You and I hit it off right away. Since you have the solution, let's go directly to the site to work without further delay."

Lu Guan's expression at this moment can be said to be a big question mark.

? ? ?

Why is it different from the script he imagined?

Shouldn't I be kicked out, and then I will come back to Hedong for thirty years, Hexi for thirty years, etc...

The executives of this company are so easy to fool, so they just let me do it?

Others were also dumbfounded and didn't understand what was going on.

He had no choice but to follow Mr. Zhang and lead the intern to the operation and maintenance department site.

"When did Mr. Zhang get into trouble?"

"Hey, Lao Wang. Did you put medicine in Mr. Zhang's water glass just now? Why is he unconscious?"

"Go away. Now I'm worried about whether I will be fired. How can I be in the mood to do this?"

"Wow, it turns out you really have this idea. I'll report it to Mr. Zhang later."


At the operation and maintenance department site, dense cloud servers are being redeployed.

The technicians who stayed up late and worked hard finally repaired about 30% of the machines.

Bugs in other projects are still being investigated.

Dong Dong Dong...

At this time, a series of footsteps broke everyone's thoughts.

It's Mr. Zhang who's here.

All the technical staff felt frightened when they saw the leader, wondering if they would be scolded again.

Hey, it’s really hard to make money and eat shit.

"You give him a computer with a well-deployed environment."

Mr. Zhang put his hands behind his back and commanded the technical team in a deep voice.

Everyone's eyes lit up and they thought it was a great person Mr. Zhang invited from outside.

However, who could have imagined that he turned out to be a young boy in his early twenties!

Everyone's faces turned pale when they saw that he was wearing a work badge with the characters "Intern" on him.

"This, this, is this true, Mr. Zhang?"

"Does he also have to participate in the maintenance and restoration work?"

Mr. Zhang's eyes showed a cold expression, "Huh, he said there is a way to solve it. Of course I am counting on him. Do I still count on you?"

"In addition to complaining, do you have any other options, huh?"

Everyone looked at each other, unable to express their inner confusion.

Seeing their expressions, Lu Guan couldn't help shaking his head, stood up, and cleared his throat.

"Ahem, don't just stand there and go to work quickly."

At this time, everyone looked at Lu Guan strangely, including Mr. Zhang.

Good boy, why do these words sound so wrong?

Co-author: When did you become a leader? !

Go against Tiangang! ! !

But everyone had nothing to say.

At this point, anyone who doesn't listen to the leader will have to get out.

Turn on the computer, plug in the power, and connect to the intranet.

Lu Guan took a few deep breaths, relaxed his mood, and began to repair the server.

A vast amount of knowledge poured into his brain like a tide.

Through his hands, rapid reproduction.

Dozens of people present focused their attention on him.

I wondered what he would do.

In the corner, a tall figure appeared.

It was none other than Concubine Liu herself.

Her eyes fell on Lu Guan, paying attention to his every move.

There was light in his eyes, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"I knew you were not that simple, Lu Tongxie, hehe, your chicken feet are exposed."

On the other side, Lu Guan is getting better.

Immerse yourself in the world of code.

Any bug code encountered in the server system can be responded to immediately.

Directly pull out the logs and solve them one by one.

Such heroic progress is comparable to Mr. Guan's ability to pass five levels and kill six generals.

At this moment, Lu Guan is the king of code in the hearts of their programmers!

"Holy darling, are all interns like this now? I can only understand a small part of the program he wrote."

"Damn it, it actually worked. The server is connected! It's connected!"

"It's only been three minutes and yet another bug has been solved. It's like a little bull crying like a heifer. It's so awesome!"

The knowledgeable programmers are all amazed and excited.

Leaders who don't know much can also see the real-time online data of users from the feedback from other departments.

A large number of users are returning online!

What does this mean? !

Is this intern the legendary player who is 22 years old and has 21 years of experience? !

I thought this was just an internet joke.

Who would have thought that they could actually see it with their own eyes...

Time passed by, and Lu Guan's finishing work was coming to an end.

With him as the bridge, the repair work of other technicians naturally progressed very quickly.

Suddenly, Lu Guan's voice rang again.

Although the voice is not loud, it falls into everyone's heart.

"Okay, it's done. Can I get off work now?"

Mr. Zhang is still confused. Is this resolved?

It must have been less than an hour.

In fact, he didn't expect Lu Guan to do it at all.

Who would have thought it would happen? !

"Of course you can! I'd like to ask you, Mr. Lu, where did you learn these skills?"

Although Mr. Zhang does not understand technology, he also knows the degree of difficulty involved.

How could an intern who just stepped out of campus have such strong business capabilities? !

As far as he knew, the last IT programmer who was so outrageous was now a famous entrepreneur.

Yes, it was none other than Rebus, one of the first programmers in China.

Lu Guan waved his hand and joked casually: "I can't help it, my talent is good, God will reward me with food."

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