"As we all know, winning the lottery does not mean giving out the prize."

"You've already won the lottery, how can you still receive it? You can't be too greedy!"


A group of employees were watching the joke, including the supplier partners.

They all wanted to see how these bosses would handle this matter.

After hesitating again and again, Mr. Zhang gritted his teeth.

After taking a few glances at Miss Liu, she decided to hand out the grand prize.

He took a deep breath, calmed down slightly, and walked quickly onto the stage.

"Please rest assured that this lottery is valid!"

“Our company will release the information about the special prizes openly and transparently at that time.”

As soon as Mr. Zhang finished speaking, the audience burst into excitement.


"Now you get the grand prize of 6.66 million?"

"Damn it, after deducting taxes, I have to get more than five million yuan!"

"It's so outrageous. How did he make the shot?"

"I couldn't believe my eyes."

"This skill of throwing the ball into the hole is probably entered into the Guinness Book of World Records."

No matter how excited the audience was, Lu Guan had already stood up and walked under the stage.

Under the scorching gazes of everyone, Lu Guan stood up straight.

After this huge sum of money arrives, we will now be a nouveau riche.

This is a real cash flow of nearly 10 million!

Generally, wealthy businessmen with assets of over 100 million may not always have access to tens of millions in cash.

After all, there is a huge difference between assets and cash.

At this time, countless people around him were walking towards Lu Guan, and they all wanted to toast him a glass of wine.

Liu Feifei looked at Lu Guan from a distance under the gorgeous lights, as if surrounded by stars.

She seemed to feel that she didn't understand this big boy at all.

Lu Guan is more casual than anyone else, but when it comes to seriousness, no one can match him.

It cannot be denied that Lu Guan is really charming at this moment.

Concubine Liu was born differently from ordinary people.

She has a high vision and has seen many outstanding men in the world since she was a child.

But no matter how she recalled it, she didn't think any young man could compare with Lu Guan!

Glancing again at the admiring men and women around her, Liu Feifei sighed softly.

She always felt that she was really useless except for being rich.

For Huafei employees, tonight is destined to be an extraordinary night.

This annual meeting will also be recorded in the development history of Huafei Enterprises.

More than an hour after the end of the year's meeting.

I don’t know who edited the Lu Guan lottery into a video and posted it online.

One can imagine how popular it is.

Within half an hour, it attracted nearly a million passers-by to watch and leave messages.

"Holy crap! Which company's annual meeting is this, so arrogant? They can actually give out more than 6 million as a bonus?"

"Not only that, but people actually got hit! This, can this be fulfilled!"

"Hua Fei is a big company, so you can't say that it can't even pay out 6.66 million."

"Uuuuuuuuah, I just beat my husband for two hours, and he still refuses to admit that it was him."

"What should the family do..."

"Every time I see a video like this, my first reaction is whether lottery tickets are hard to sell again."

"The more I look at it, the more I think it's an insider job."

At this time, some netizens stood up to refute.

"Dark secrets? Trivia: The big guy in the video had previously made a guest appearance in You Feng's internet celebrity live broadcast room."

"He is a senior engineer from Hua Fei!"

"What you said above is correct. I have also followed his Weibo account."

Apparently some netizens watched Lu Guan's live broadcast a few months ago, so they still have some impressions of him.

Even Lu Guan didn't expect that he would become popular on the Internet again this time.

Even when I go home and check my phone, I can see marketing accounts starting to give me all kinds of sexy titles.

The popularity of the company Hua Fei has also increased.

“A young man born in 2000 participated in the annual meeting and unexpectedly won a grand prize of 6.66 million!”

"Remember him? The big programmer who can do magic, he actually won a million cash prize at the company's annual meeting!"


Lu Guan was scrolling through his videos with great interest, and never noticed that Concubine Liu next to him was a little depressed.

When he raised his head to share a funny comment with Liu Feifei, he suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"Are you OK."

Liu Feifei was stunned for a moment, then came back to her senses and smiled slightly.

"What's wrong with me? You won a big prize today. Why don't you treat me to a nice meal?"

Lu Guan shook his head and leaned over.

His mouth was close to Liu Feifei's ear and he whispered: "If you have something on your mind, just tell me."

Lu Guan has seen many couples divorce and break up due to property issues on the Internet.

And their ambiguous relationship has just begun...

Lu Guan wondered if Liu Feifei would be worried about the special prize at the annual meeting, but this was highly unlikely.

Concubine Liu felt the warmth coming from her ears, knowing that he was caring about her, and felt warm in her heart.

After hesitating for a moment, she said softly: "I just feel that compared to you, I am so... useless."

"Everything I have is given by my parents."

"It's not like you who dare to work hard and are so confident that you are not afraid even if the sky falls."

Lu Guan was startled. He had never thought that he was so tall and majestic in Liu Feifei's mind.

It made him feel a little shy.

After Lu Guan knew her inner thoughts, he suddenly laughed softly.

"why are you laughing?"

Concubine Liu was embarrassed to look elsewhere.

"I didn't expect you, a little rich woman who drives a Maybach, to have so many weird thoughts all day long."

"You know, in school before, I, a salty fish, didn't dare to look at you for fear of being caught."

Concubine Liu glanced at him faintly and couldn't help but bite his hand lightly.

Lu Guan pretended to be in pain and said with a smile: "Why do you want to bite me again, like a kitten."

Concubine Liu showed a small expression and snorted.

"Who told you to show off your power in the company every day?"

"Would you like to wake me up again one day?"

Lu Guan smiled, knowing that this silly girl had figured it out.

Then Lu Guan raised his hands helplessly and surrendered.

"As long as you are happy, I will do whatever you want."

Suddenly Liu Feifei looked at him and carefully brought his hand to her mouth.

She rubbed the small teeth mark tenderly and licked it gently again.

"I just don't want you to leave me, and I want you to remember me more..."

In the bottom of Liu Feifei's heart, she had always been afraid of one thing.

How will Lu Guan make a choice when he learns her true identity?

At this time, Lu Guan looked at the girl who was cold on the outside and soft on the inside, with complex expressions in his eyes.

He was also struggling.

If her GPT project goes online, will Liu Feifei choose to leave Hua Fei and join him?

The two were silent.

And silence is also Cambridge tonight...

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