Mr. Lu had been watching for a long time, his eyes burning.

He also wanted to get started and play.

However, Lu Guan stepped forward to stop him and said with a smile: "Don't be anxious, let's talk slowly."

"Come on, eat more fruit!"

After saying that, Lu Guan brought several plates of fruit in front of them and chatted leisurely.

"We can't stop talking about this business matter."

"Let's talk while eating, how comfortable it is."

Mr. Lei and Mr. Lu looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

"Okay, we are a little impatient."

"I happen to be a little hungry. Let's eat something to satisfy our stomach."

Lu Guan smiled secretly.

How can it be done by just padding the belly?

Then I must feed you two!

Otherwise, how can we complete the task?

Lu Guan immediately ordered the secretary waiting outside the door to send the food delivery software in the company restaurant.

Soon, the table was filled with dishes.

The fragrant smell filled the entire conference room, and the water mist filled the room.

Lu Guan smiled and spoke to the two of them.

"You two eat first. You are all big guys in the industry. There is no need to be polite to a junior like me."

The corners of Mr. Lei's mouth twitched, and he was a little dazed for a moment.

It seems like this is my own territory...

Mr. Lu next to him was dumbfounded for a moment.

To be honest, he began to suspect that Lu Guan was not here to attract investment, but to earn money.

After Lu Guan offered some advice, the two parties chatted slowly, each with their own thoughts.

Mr. Lei also began to hint that he had investment intentions.

They wanted to test Lu Guan's psychological expectations.

But in the face of their temptation, Lu Guan took his time and continued to make detours.

Some of them have a good time and some don't have a good time to make jokes with them.

As soon as key topics are discussed, let them eat something first so they don't go hungry.

It made Mr. Lei and Mr. Lu feel itchy.

Now that this top entrepreneurial project is in front of them, there is no way they can miss it!

It's a pity that the young man in front of me is very capable.

He was able to keep his composure and never revealed his desired financing plan.

How are equity shares distributed?

Do you need private equity funds?

The project development route and so on are all questions Lei Jun wants to know.

You must know that before this, thousands of entrepreneurs were eagerly begging Lei Jun to invest.

Not only do you have to prepare a lot of materials, but you also have to lobby and give speeches in a very short time, just in the hope of impressing Mr. Lei.

However, compared with the god Lu Guan, they are all rookies.

He just took out a simple PPT and a half-finished program.

It was like a sharp blade, piercing directly into the heart of this Internet IT boss.

Finally, when Lu Guan felt that he had almost eaten, he burped comfortably.

And under his constant inducement, even Lei and Lu rarely enjoyed the pleasure of fishing in business.

Tea tasting, incense burning, delicious food, fine wine...

Lu Guan has put together all the essential elements of fishing.

The three of them leaned their feet on the table and lay back lazily on the boss's chair.

Quietly listening to the unvoiced music coming from the miniature microphone in the conference room, looking up at the ceiling aimlessly.

At this time, Lu Guan stretched out leisurely, yawned and said, "Mr. Lei, Mr. Lu, look, how happy it is to fish while talking about business."

"No, this is called business fishing!"

Lei Jun was almost full, and almost fell asleep when he was so full of carbon.

He hesitated and said, "You young people still know how to play."

"I used to have more than 20 meetings a day, and my back was sore. Why didn't I think of holding them while lying down?"

Lei Jun made a joke, but he still did not forget the business.

He said: "Mr. Lu, we have been chatting for a long time."

"I can tell you the truth, I am really interested in your project."

"I just want to know, in your mind, how high your valuation of GPT will be in the future?"

Lu Guan turned his head and grinned.

"Then let me tell the truth."

"In my heart, it's worth at least this amount!"

After saying that, Lu Guan stretched out two fingers.

"Two hundred billion!"

After hearing this, Mr. Lu suddenly woke up and stood up from his chair.

He was shocked and said: "Are you mistaken? This can be worth 200 billion???"

“Zimbabwe dollars?”

Although Lei Jun didn't react so violently after hearing this, he was still shocked and his heart trembled.

"Are you sure you're not kidding?"

The entire Xiaomi Group is valued at more than 50 billion U.S. dollars, which is equivalent to about 400 billion in Chinese currency.

And Lu Guan dared to claim that this thing could be worth half of the market value of Xiaomi Group? ? ?

For Lei and Lu, it is simply a fantasy!

Lu Guan continued: "Don't think I'm bragging."

"AI artificial intelligence will be the mainstream field of development for global technology companies in the future."

"The productivity brought by GPT can empower all walks of life. I believe Mr. Lei, who has a technical background, will not be unclear about its value."

Lei Jun nodded deeply.

He is well aware of the powerful money-attracting effect of Internet technology.

He had just seen some of the AI ​​algorithm clips shown by Lu Guan.

It is simply unimaginably advanced and avant-garde.

It's not like something that can be developed by an individual at all.

Even the most advanced Silicon Valley team in the United States may not be able to do it.

At least Lei Jun has not seen any powerful artificial intelligence applications launched from across the ocean.

This means that a potentially huge business opportunity is in front of you!

And this is the future that the genius in front of him is optimistic about!

Mr. Lei glanced at his good friend Lu Weibing, and then said thoughtfully: "Okay, I understand."

"I hope Mr. Lu can give me some time."

"I will give you a specific answer after a year."

Lu Guan smiled and waved his hand, "Then Mr. Lei, please hurry up. I estimate that the first batch of funds attracted by the project will be 5 billion."

"If any big boss becomes kind-hearted on the way, he must give me one to two billion."

"Then I naturally have to think about it, right?"

Mr. Lei nodded and stretched out his hand.

"I understand what you mean. It's really hard for you to come all the way today."

Lu Guan stood up slowly and the two parties shook hands.

He sighed: "Hey, it doesn't matter if it's hard work. After all, raising investment is a big deal."

Mr. Lu's expression was a little tense next to him.

He secretly glanced at the messy lunch box on the table and muttered to himself.

It is indeed hard enough for you to eat so much.

After seeing Lu Guan off, Mr. Lei and Mr. Lu looked at each other with bitter smiles.

Mr. Lei sighed: "We are really old, and we can't understand today's young people."

"Yes, two hundred billion, he really dares to say that." Mr. Lu clicked his tongue in surprise.

Mr. Lei shook his head and muttered: "No, no, no, I have a feeling that what he said will come true..."

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