"Zhulu Academy!"

Looking at Su Han's reply,

Liu Ruoxuan couldn't help but get excited.

Finally, after she waited for several hours and sent messages more than ten times,

Su Han finally replied!

If she hadn't been afraid that Su Han would be bored, how many times could Liu Ruoxuan have sent Ten or even hundreds of messages passed by, just a phone call away.

"He didn’t reply until after three o’clock in the morning. He must be busy with something! That’s why you didn’t notice me!"

Liu Ruoxuan comforted herself.

But when she thought about it, it seemed that this was the case!

What was he busy with?

So Liu Ruoxuan couldn't help but think about this problem.

"Could it be that he and a girl……"

Liu Ruoxuan's face suddenly changed in shock

"impossible! He usually doesn't even look at me, so how could he look at others?"

Liu Ruoxuan then felt that she was overthinking it.

"Zhulu Academy?"

"Ok, deal!"

Liu Ruoxuan secretly decided.

Besides the top ten prestigious schools, why don't we let her choose at will?

She will go wherever Su Han goes.

It's that simple.

Liu Ruoxuan simply can't imagine a life without seeing Su Han.

In fact, she even She has already thought of a name for her child.

If Su Han hadn't saved her, she would have been sacrificed to the evil god.

Once the evil god was successfully sacrificed, she would be gone forever.

She became a slave of the evil god until the moment of death, or was drained of all her worth.

Liu Ruoxuan would never forget the sight of that young man holding her with a bloody head.

Running all the way, Su Han left an unforgettable mark on her heart.

In the room, Liu Ruoxuan looked at the girl who was more than 1.

7 meters tall.

In a few years, Liu Ruoxuan has become the most beautiful person in the world.

And her figure is extremely perfect!

And her growth level is definitely beyond her peers.

This is something that makes Liu Ruoxuan proud.

A little green and immature.

But it won't take long for this greenness and immaturity to fade away.

However , thinking about Su Han's lukewarm attitude, she still has a long way to go!

How many love rivals will appear in the imperial capital? Liu Ruoxuan has no doubt about Su Han's charm!


It was about nine o'clock the next morning.

A huge ancient flying warship appeared in the sky of Jiangdu.

The sails on the warship have the four characters"Xianfu Academy".

Besides, this warship is astonishingly powerful.

It is suspended in the void, like a wild beast occupying the void.

It even makes people on the ground feel a vague sense of surrender.

Even the awakened ones are like this

"hiss! It's Xianfu Academy! Legend has it that there are three powerful men in the King's Realm sitting in the Immortal Mansion Academy!"

"No, there were originally five powerful men in the King Realm, but the other two died in a bloody battle at Bobang Sea in that foreign war ten years ago!"

"It is said that these two powerful kings were not even able to leave their corpses behind, but were devoured by those damn foreign creatures!"

"Damn it! It's me who is too weak! Otherwise, I will drink the blood of foreigners every meal, eat the meat of foreigners, and use the bones of foreigners as firewood!"

"People from other academies are here too!"

At the same time, people in Jiangdu saw the appearance of several flying warships, all suspended in the void.

With such a sight, countless people on the ground wanted to worship.

Every warship was a giant, suspended Standing in the void, like a god!

This scene shocked countless people!

"Haha, isn’t this Northern University? The two best students in Jiangdu, I, Xianfu Academy, want them!"

"Dare a kid with a yellow mouth to talk nonsense? I, Minghe University, haven’t even said anything yet!"

"Only our Immortal Academy can train those young men with semi-god-level talents, not you!"

"In the Immortal Mansion Academy, last year’s students with semi-god-level talents were wanted by our Tianfu Bookstore, so of course we want this year’s students too!"

"Haha, Tianfu Bookstore has the nerve to bring up old things again? Last year you gave one to that student woman, how could you be more shameless?"

"That’s called mutual love, you don’t understand!"

"Haha, is Zhulu Academy here too?"

"Of course, we at Zhulu Academy also want the student with a semi-god-level talent. Of course, we also want the other student with a talent that is not as good as one level!"

"Yo! I want this, I also want that, students only say what they want!"

"Who am I talking about with this weird tone? It turns out it’s someone from Yin Yang Academy!"


"This is my first time coming to Jiangdu, and even my first time hearing about this city. I feel so weak!"

Above the void, people from the top ten universities are here.

It seems that they can't deal with each other.

At this time, ten huge flying warships are hovering over the city lord's mansion. The whole area is dark. It is shocking and scalping.


It looks really scary!

After all, although the top ten universities are universities, they are also terrifying forces with extraordinary status and strength!

The city lord Ye Lingyun of Jiangdu has been waiting here for a long time.

Facing the transcendent power from the imperial capital,

Ye Lingyun was only a mere city lord.

On the other side, people from ten warships also came down. , instead of jumping from the air, it released a beam of light that connected vertically to the ground. Soon , people from each warship came down. He straightened his clothes and looked solemn, neither humble nor arrogant. It had to be said that Ye Lingyun, the city lord, was quite stressed at this time. Although Jiangdu was a border city, there were many.

���All the top ten universities are here.

But this is the first time that all the top ten universities are here.

And there are also prominent figures in colleges and universities among them.

Besides, how could there be such a battle in previous years?!

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