I Fix The System Law

Chapter 795: intend

Seeing the image of Gusan, Leng Shiqi slapped his head, he actually forgot to tell Gusanyi!

When he entered the underworld, he wanted to take Zhuo Zhou's body away because he didn't want the old men to know that "Mr. Zhou" was dead.

This was a strong man at the peak of the Tianyuan realm, but he died in the hands of Leng Shiqi. He couldn't explain it even if he had a hundred mouths, otherwise he would be exposed!

It would be better to leave a mystery for them to guess by themselves, he himself appeared in another place, and he didn't know anything. Then find out Zhuo Zhou's plot from the clues, take out Zhuo Zhou's body at the right time, and involve the Northern Wei Dynasty. That is not only a huge credit, but also a national credit!

If Zhuo Zhou was only the former sect master of the Blood Beast Sect, then the affairs of the Demon Mountain Range were entirely Zhuo Zhou's personal actions. Even if Leng Shiqi killed him, it would be pure credit. And once the Northern Wei Dynasty is involved, the nature is completely different!

This is a national hatred!

With this credit, coupled with the operation of the soul clone, may be enough to achieve the purpose in Leng Shiqi's heart.

And no one else would have thought that Zhuo Zhou actually died in his Leng Shiqi's hands!

He planned to plan like this. After entering the Hades, he first stabilized his injury, and then interrogated Zhuo Zhou, but he really forgot to talk about the calcaneus.

At this moment, Gu San saw Leng Shiqi standing well in front of her, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, but she immediately looked a little annoyed!

Leng Shiqi touched his nose and said, "The two demons and Mr. Zhou were in a fight. I intervened, but they all died."


All dead!

Gu San was taken aback when he heard Leng Shiqi's words!

Those are two seventh-order great monsters, and a mysterious master who is stronger than the old man, they are dead!

Or died in Leng Shiqi's hands?

Rao Shigusan experienced a lot of wind and waves, and it was still a bit unacceptable for a while.

Gu San asked a little confused: "Did you do the power that broke this space just now?"

Leng Shiqi did not hide, and nodded.

Gu San's heart suddenly sank. She originally thought that the gap between herself and Leng Shiqi was big enough, but now it seems that they are no longer in the same world.

Leng Shiqi changed the subject and said: "By the way, what's the situation outside?"

"The Red Thunder Army and many spiritual practitioners have surrounded the participating monsters. The powerhouses of the imperial palace are all watching outside. They thought that there are other masters here, one more nervous than the other." Gu San Said, she felt that even if the old men wanted to break their heads, they couldn't guess that all this was Leng Shiqi's handwriting.

Thinking of those monsters, Leng Shiqi was thinking.

Up to now, the matter of the monster mountain range has basically been solved, and the reason why it is said basically is because there are still some monsters here!

It is the monster beasts that Leng Shiqi brought out of the encirclement. There are only a few of the strongest Tier 6 monster beasts, and they are all seriously injured. Leng Shiqi can slaughter them with a single order. Exhausted.

He hesitated.

First of all, he considered whether the demon mountain range needs to continue to exist?

After the battle in Demon City, more than 90% of the monster beasts here died. If the remaining monster beasts count on them to reproduce to their previous scale, it is conservatively estimated that it will be a hundred years later.

Moreover, the remaining monster beasts can't wait to eat the human race raw, they may not survive, maybe they will come to die and pull a few people before they die.

But if he kills them all directly, Leng Shiqi is a bit intolerable.

Of course he didn't sympathize with the monsters, but felt that they still have some usefulness!

Leng Shiqi thought of a possibility.

Afterwards, he asked Gu San to lead the old man and them away first, so that he could get out of the underworld. Immediately afterwards, he hurried to the location of the participating monsters.

At this time, the remaining monster beasts were all huddled in a remote place surrounded by the monster mountain range. Most of these monsters were trembling, because they already knew that a large number of Red Thunder Army and spiritual practitioners were approaching here.

Their end is not far away!

Especially the terrifying power that came from the center of the demon mountain range not long ago made them even more frightened!

Most of the monster beasts in it have not yet activated their spiritual wisdom, only have some instincts, and they all crawl on the ground with their heads in their hands. Only a small number of high-level monsters can barely maintain their composure, but the monster eyes can't help but feel a little desperate.

At this moment, Leng Shiqi appeared among the demons as a half-demon!

He had already met the old man and them before he came, and told them not to rush to kill these monsters, he had another purpose!

"Evil July?"

"Where are the two demon ancestors?"

They knew that Leng Shiqi was following the two demons. Now that he is back, what about their demon ancestor?

Leng Shiqi showed a tragic look and said: "The two demon ancestors... have fallen!"


"It's impossible!"

"The demon ancestor is the seventh-order great demon, how could UU reading www.uukahnshu.com fall?"

A few Tier 6 monsters didn't want to believe Leng Shiqi's words at all. They didn't get close to the two monsters, but the two monsters died, and their last hope was shattered!

There is only a dead end waiting for them!

Leng Shiqi shook his head without explaining too much, "This is true. It was Mr. Zhou's hand, but the two demon ancestors also killed that person before they died. The top priority now is to think about it. Run for your life."


Many monsters were silent.

The demon mountain range is already full of spiritual practitioners. The demon ancestor is dead. As long as the spiritual practitioners have a few Tianyuan realms, they can be killed cleanly. Where else can they escape?

Seeing the despair of the demons, Leng Shiqi knew that the time had come, and he said: "We still have a chance, but I don't know if you are willing."

As soon as these words came out, some high-ranking monsters looked at him together, with humane emotions in their eyes, that is the desire to survive!

No one or a demon is willing to die, let alone a glimmer of hope, even if there is only a little bit of them, they have to try!

"Xie Qiyue, what is the solution?"

"Whatever it is, we are willing to try."

"Save me, I don't want to die!"

Including some demon beasts that are wise but still unable to speak, they have been whistling in a low voice.

Leng Shiqi smiled in his heart, this is what he wanted to see.

"You should also know that I am a half-demon. I have actually been growing up outside since I was a child. During this period, I have traveled a lot of places. I once got a small secret realm by chance. I just need to bring you into the secret realm. You can successfully escape by mixing into the human race!"

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