It has to be said that players’ creativity is unlimited.

This modern social science post about beautiful girls from another world falling from the sky is written in the form of an encyclopedia, with hundreds of thousands of words, specifically focusing on various scenarios of beautiful girls from other worlds falling from the sky.

Based on the original planet of the beautiful girl, it can be divided into modern earth, modern earth, ancient earth, modern alien planet, medieval sword and magic planet, modern magic planet, and future technology planet.

According to the species of beautiful girls, they can be divided into pure-blood humans, demi-humans, orcs, zombies, fairies, dragons, and ghosts.

Based on the character and morality of beautiful girls, they can be divided into lawful good, neutral good, lawful evil, and chaotic evil. It focuses on the laws and regulations of modern society including criminal law, and popularizes some science on "freezing and then crushing large mammal corpses can be Cold knowledge such as "effectively reducing on-site traces".

Of course, the above content is limited to beautiful girls who are friendly. If you are facing the kind of girl who wants to squeeze out the value of others by any means, the end of the article will suddenly change the topic and start a popular science and anti-PUA tutorial, which can be said to be very So considerate.

Since Huiyu comes from the script world and no longer enjoys the free translation function provided by the system after leaving the script, Li Sheng temporarily compiled a program to match the text of the Zeluo civilization in all newspapers in the narrative prison to the text in the real world. , carried out brute force cracking, and printed a translated version of the manuscript for Hui Yu that she could understand, and paired it with a dictionary.

After that, Li Sheng went to the mean streets and spent 300 game currency points to buy an [Edible Multilingual Translation Bean·Chinese]. After eating it, Huiyu could listen and speak in Chinese.

Solving the communication problem was not enough. Huiyu's weight of more than 800 kilograms made a thumping sound on the floor. In order to prevent the neighbors downstairs from protesting, Li Sheng bought a large number of decoration materials such as galvanized square steel and expansion bolts. Make changes to the house.

We also purchased special solid beds, solid chairs, women’s clothing and other daily necessities.

Li Sheng was busy until the next night, when he had time to stop and examine the last harvest of this mission.

[Holographic Bone Corridor], the special effect of this piece of equipment is to burn a certain skill of the target that has been killed. In the [Narrative Cage], Li Sheng burned three skills, namely [Bleeding from cuts and cuts] of the cheetah iron plague-infected body, an active skill that, when turned on, can cause wounds on the enemy's body to spurt blood at an accelerated rate.

The [Wing Glide] of the Pterodactyl Iron Plague-infected body is an active skill. When falling from a high place, it can generate a breeze out of thin air and perform a brief glide.

It can effectively prevent death from falling from high-rise buildings, helicopters, and long-distance passenger planes.

As well as the [Misleading Slander] disguised as the warden's multi-eyed mechanical body, the active skill temporarily adds a little charm attribute after being turned on, increasing the probability of persuasion.

Finally, the little free attribute given by the upgrade was added to his strength.


"Recruiting in the mean streets, chefs, male models, engineers"

A few days later, Li Sheng was sitting at his computer desk. His mouse inadvertently slid over the recruitment advertisement on the forum, and he paused subtly.

The original deposit of more than 6,000 yuan suddenly became only 58 yuan. It can be said that after decades of hard work, I returned to before liberation.

Fortunately, he had been budgeting carefully and stocked up on enough gene inhibitors so that he would not have to work part-time as a male model.

Or go to the black market and buy cheap generic drugs from Indian guilds.

The largest exporter of generic drugs in the real world is India. On the one hand, its laws stipulate that domestic companies can imitate foreign drugs at will, bypass patent barriers, and lower drug prices.

On the other hand, domestic regulatory policies on human experiments have been relaxed, and Western pharmaceutical companies have been introduced to conduct human drug experiments in India in exchange for their support.

As extraordinary beings, the drugs used by players are naturally more powerful and have more obvious side effects.

The pharmaceutical giant cooperated with the Thousand-Throated Beast Guild, which developed a Tai Sui-shaped creature specially used for drug testing, which can conduct drug testing efficiently and at low cost.

However, even so, drug prices cannot beat Indian generic drugs—the cost of human drug trials for Indians is lower than Tai Sui. This is the advantage of low human rights.

"Chinese Pinyin, single vowels, a, o, e, song Xiang Tiange. i, u, ü."

In the study room next door, the sound of Hui Yu reading slowly and lazily could be heard.

Usually in film and television animation works, mechanical life is often linked to high intelligence. Invading the confidential network of the Ministry of National Defense with a finger, hacking military satellites in earth orbit with a thought, are all basic operations.

The more advanced ones can browse the human Internet in a few seconds, surpassing the limits of human technology in minutes.

But Gray Rain is different.

She is an illiterate person who has never studied.

When the interstellar pirate captain Isaac split her apart, in order to increase the probability of a successful escape, he deliberately did not record any memories or special skills for her, and the brain capacity was only 256GB.

And a considerable part of this 256GB must be used to store the operating system and temporary system files.

Leading to a further reduction in available brain capacity.

The thinking speed and learning efficiency are also far inferior to the mechanical life forms in literary and artistic works.

6 months old, weighing more than 800 kilograms, with an educational level similar to that of a first grader in primary school, and a beauty that is not polluted by knowledge.

"d, t, n, l, the little bunny jumps lightly, the puppy runs slowly, if it hurts the grass, I won't be nice to you."

Li Sheng listened to the sound of reading in the study and nodded approvingly, and then he heard "a, o, e." Even the tone and intonation were exactly the same.


He raised his eyebrows and tiptoed to the study room. He saw that Huiyu had elementary school textbooks on her desk, a mobile phone playing her own recorded reading recordings, and another tablet automatically playing short videos on Douyin.

She herself wore a sweatshirt and headphones, sitting in a solid chair and eating Weilong spicy strips happily.

Li Sheng stood behind her and watched her silently. Perhaps she felt something, Huiyu subconsciously shrank her neck and slowed down the action of eating spicy strips, like a sloth, leaning her neck back very slowly.

At a twisted angle that ordinary people could never do, she showed a flattering smile to Li Sheng, raised the spicy strips and said, "Here you are, eat some?"


Li Sheng's eyes twitched, feeling quite helpless.

Although he was the nominal owner of Huiyu's electronic pet egg, as a five-good youth in modern society, he did not have any master-servant concept. At the beginning, he made it clear to Huiyu that if she wanted to regain her freedom, she could do so, and he could also help introduce her to the Special Affairs Bureau to obtain citizenship.

At that time, Huiyu shook her head like a rattle, and said something like "You saved my life, so I have to give you one back" and "I am strong enough to protect you", insisting on staying by Li Sheng's side.

Now that I think about it, she probably thought that if she joined the Special Affairs Bureau, she would have to go through more rigorous and torturous cultural education classes, so it would be better for her to stay at Li Sheng's house and have food and drink.

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