
- Blind date?

Inexplicably being named, and inexplicably brought to the topic of "blind date", Qingdeng opened his eyes wide like Kondo and stopped the chopsticks in his hand.

"Yong, you are 26 years old this year." Zhou Zhu cleared his throat again, and said to Kondo earnestly, "Other people at your age don't know how many children there are."

"And you're still single."

"My mother and I..." Zhou Zhu laughed a few times, "I want to hug my grandson."

"Look, your mother and I are both grey-haired and in their sixties."

Zhou Zhu raised his finger and pointed at his pale temples.

"At our age, we might die at some point...ah!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Zhu let out a scream—Abi, who was sitting next to him, stretched out his hand, pinched a small piece of flesh in Zhou Zhu's back waist with the thumb of his right hand and the nail tips of his index finger, and then turned it around vigorously.

"Stop saying such unlucky words." Abi said coldly.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore." Zhou Zhu smiled awkwardly at A Bi, and then cleared his throat vigorously to cover up the embarrassment, "In short - both A Bi and I have decided to give you Find a good match."

"In the past few days, your mother and I have gone to the homes of reliable matchmakers to inquire about any high-quality girls."

"Huh?" Kondo frowned vigorously, and then asked quickly, "Father! So you have been going out frequently with your mother these days to find a matchmaker!"

Zhou Zhu nodded, responded to Kondo with movements, and said with a smile:

"It was very lucky. After only a few days of searching, we found a very nice girl."

"Matsui Tsune, the daughter of Matsui Hachigoro, one of the Tokugawa imperial lords, a close friend of the Shimizu family."

"The Matsui family is located in the northern suburbs of Edo."

"Just today, your mother and I have visited Matsui's house and met Matsui often. She is indeed a very nice girl."

"Good education, good temperament, and a pretty good family background."

"And she's a great beauty! Her skin is as white and tender as... just like... just like steamed buns!"

"And then the eyes are bright, like... like the oil splashes from frying pancakes!"

"Both cheeks are healthy and rosy like peaches in season."

Zhou Zhu racked his brains and tried hard to describe Matsui Chang's appearance.

However, due to their limited cultural level, Qingdeng and others did not perceive Matsui Chang's beauty from Zhou Zhu's mouth.

They just feel more hungry.

Zhou Zhu also realized that he didn't have the education level to describe Matsui Chang's beauty at all, so he waved his hands awkwardly.

"In short, she is a very good girl!"

"Both Ah Bi and I think this girl is very suitable."

"Father, mother, you've all seen that girl..." Kondo's eyes had been in a state of "opening wide with astonishment" since just now.

"Of course you have to go and see for yourself."

"After all, the matchmaker has said a hundred good things about the girl, and it's not as good as going to see it in person."

After all, Zhou Zhu put on a straight face:

"Finding a daughter-in-law is a very serious matter. Whether we can find a high-quality daughter-in-law for our Kondo family is directly related to the future prosperity of our Kondo family."

"How many families have been torn apart because of bad wives?"

"In contrast, if a good wife can be found, the whole family might be able to flourish."

"Look at the patriarch of the Tosa clan: Kazutoyo Yamauchi, with mediocre abilities and no skills, but with the help of his virtuous wife Chiyo, he was entrusted with the Tosa clan and became a daimyo with a fief of 240,000 shi."

Yamauchi Kazutoyo and Chiyo - This is a famous allusion in the Edo period, which is often used to refer to "find a good wife" and "learn to judge the situation".

Kazutoyo Yamauchi was born in the Warring States Period three hundred years ago. He was born as a low-level warrior without any background or resources.

As a result, he was very lucky to marry a good wife: Chiyo.

Chiyo is a beautiful, intelligent, and slick girl who has assisted Kazutoyo Yamauchi to choose the correct answer many times in important life decisions.

Kazutoyo Yamauchi first worked for Oda Nobunaga. When Toyotomi Hideyoshi first started to make a fortune, Chiyo saw that Toyotomi Hideyoshi was a powerful "potential stock", and successfully persuaded the gangster to work under Oda Nobunaga's command. Kazutoyo Yamauchi, who was famous, switched to play for Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Chiba did not misunderstand the person. Toyotomi Hideyoshi became a "man of the world" and unified Japan. After listening to Chiba's suggestion, Yamauchi Kazutoyo, who served under Toyotomi's command early, was granted the title of 50,000 The lord of Kakegawa City in the stone fiefdom.

After Toyotomi Hideyoshi's death, Chiyo once again keenly saw through the general trend of the world, and determined that Tokugawa Ieyasu would one day defeat Toyotomi.

So he successfully persuaded Kazutoyo Yamauchi to defect to Tokugawa Ieyasu on the eve of the outbreak of the "Millennium War" Sekigahara Battle, which decided whether the world's surname was Toyotomi or Tokugawa, and finally assisted Tokugawa Ieyasu to win the Sekihara Hero war.

After Tokugawa Ieyasu founded the Edo Shogunate, in order to commemorate Yamauchi Kazutoyo's "flexible job-hopping", Yamauchi Kazutoyo was conferred by Tokugawa Ieyasu as the daimyo of the Tosa clan with a territory of 240,000 koku. The state of the Tosa clan has continued to this day .

Kazutoyo Yamauchi was like this, relying on the help of "Wise Housekeeper Chiyo", he turned from a low-level samurai into a daimyo of 240,000 koku.

Because Kazutoyo Yamauchi's life of relying on his wife to achieve a counterattack in life is too legendary and enviable, so after the Edo period, "Kazutoyo Yamauchi and Chiyo" became a very well-known allusion, often used by people Come to educate your children to know how to find a high-quality wife, and to find a wife like Chiyo.

"Yong." Ah Bi, who hadn't spoken a moment ago, said calmly at this moment, "Get up earlier the day after tomorrow."

"You will go to Matsui's house with us the day after tomorrow."

"The Matsui family is also very satisfied with your conditions."

"They are also willing to facilitate this marriage between our two families. They took the initiative to invite us to have dinner together tomorrow."

"Matsui will usually attend the dinner tomorrow."

"So you have to take good care of yourself tomorrow. The stubble on your face has been shaved clean. You have to make a good impression on others."

Overly impactful news, one after another - Kondo is obviously a little out of his mind.

He grabbed the fabric on his knees with both hands, pursed his lips tightly, and after fumbling for a long time with his face flushed, he said in a deep voice:

"Father, mother...I don't want to get married so soon..."

"The recent business situation of the testing hall has rarely improved significantly."

"Now I want to focus on the operation of the test hall."

"Married a wife... I'm afraid it will distract me."

"Hey." Zhou Zhu said with a smile, "'Starting a family' and 'establishing a career', these two things can complement each other."

"Marrying a good wife who can help you deal with trivial matters in life, won't you be able to concentrate more on your career?"

Zhou Zhu has a good temper and is willing to reason with Kondo——Abi has not such a good temper.

Seeing her two eyebrows standing upright, she snorted coldly, and then shouted to Kondo:

"Are you going to wait until your hair turns white before getting married?"

"You are already 26 years old! After a few more years, no good girl will want to marry you!"

Kondo, who was reprimanded by Abi, lowered his head skillfully and shrunk his neck.

Ah Bi's angry shout made the air in the whole hall become tense.

Qingdeng, Okita, Saito, and Jiubingwei were all intimidated by the suffocating aura emanating from Abi, and they dared not move...

In order to ease the atmosphere in the hall, Zhou Zhu blinked vigorously a few times, and then quickly cast his gaze on Qingdeng.

"Ah, that's right. I almost forgot about Tachibana-kun."

"Mr. Ju, in the past few days, when Abi and I were looking for a matchmaker to match Yong, many matchmakers who knew that the now famous Ju Qingdeng was training in our test hall told me: There are many families with very good conditions. , I want to make a good relationship with you."

"I specifically asked. Those families who want to take you in as their son-in-law are indeed in pretty good condition. They are all well-known samurai families in Edo."

"How? Do you intend to go on a blind date now?"

"You are 18 years old this year, just past the age you can get married."

"If you want to go on a blind date, I can help you contact a reliable matchmaker tomorrow."

"Huh?" Qing Deng was taken aback.

All eyes in the hall focused on Qingdeng.

"Blind date... young master, I think you can really try to go on a blind date now!" Jiubingwei, who was sitting on the right side of Qingdeng, said in a somewhat excited tone, "The incense of the Ju family needs Inheritance, when the master is your age, you have already been born!"

Sensing the curious gazes of the crowd pressing on him, Qingdeng twitched the corners of his mouth, and then showed a helpless smile:

"Master, thank you for your kindness."

Qing Deng bent down to Zhou Zhu.

"But I have no intention of starting a family yet."

"The 'anti-barbarians' thugs in Edo are still rampant."

"As a 'three-time' samurai, I really don't have the energy to take care of both men and women right now."

Qingdeng's refusal did not contain any politeness or lies, they were all sincere words.

The current him can be regarded as completely offending that barbarian group to death.

Before annihilating this immortal enemy and uprooting this group of crazy terrorists, he really didn't have the energy and leisure to marry a wife and start a family.

Hearing Qingdeng's answer, Jiubingwei suddenly showed a frustrated expression.

Zhou Zhu's expression was normal - after all, Qingdeng was only the doorman and resident of their test hall, and he had no right to interfere with Qingdeng's private life.

Now that Qingdeng has made it clear that he doesn't want to marry a wife yet, Zhou Zhu can only nod his head:

"Well, at your age, you really don't need to worry about men and women."

"If you want to get married someday, you are welcome to come to me anytime! I will come and help you find a matchmaker!"

Zhou Zhu smiled freely at Qingdeng.



That day, late at night——

The test hall, among the diners——

Qingdeng, who had already changed into white pajamas and was lying in bed, suddenly felt a little thirsty.

So, he had no choice but to lift off the quilt he had just covered and prepare to go to the kitchen on the first floor to find some water to drink.

As soon as he got out of the diners' room and stood in the corridor outside the diners' room, Qing Deng suddenly heard the sound of the door being opened beside him.


"Huh? Mr. Ju, are you still asleep?"

On the other side of the corridor, Okita, holding a bathtub in his arms, kept closing the door of his bedroom with one hand, and blinked at Qingdeng in surprise.

"I'm a little thirsty, so I wanted to find some water in the kitchen." Qingdeng lowered his eyebrows, and glanced at the bathtub in Chongtian's arms, "Mr. Chongtian, are you going to take a bath at Chihiro's House?"

"Yeah." Okita nodded.

If Okita was going to take a bath at Chihiro's House, he would of course have to go down to the first floor of the testing hall first.

Therefore, Qingdeng and Okita naturally walked side by side and walked towards the stairs leading to the first floor.

The two didn't talk at first.

But out of the blue, Okita suddenly murmured in an unpredictable tone:

"It feels a little scary..."

"Huh? Scary? What's scary?" Qing Deng asked in confusion.

"At dinner today, the fact that master and the others are going to take Kondo-san on a blind date... I think it's a bit scary." The corner of Okita's mouth curved into a wry smile, "Probably because of his personality, I have never liked it very much. Blind date..."

"Suddenly being forced by my parents to come over to a person I don't know at all... asking to marry that person... I think this kind of thing is terrible."

In the Edo period, although people were free to fall in love, "the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker" and "marry first and then fall in love" were still the mainstream of the affairs of men and women in this era.

After listening to Okita's emotion, Qingdeng nodded in agreement: "Well...the two of us have very similar ideas...Compared with blind dates, I personally prefer the kind of 'accidental acquaintance, and then a natural combination' love affair."

Perhaps it was because he had heard too many strange blind date stories in his previous life, so Qingdeng had always had a slight resistance to the activity of "blind date".

"Hahaha." The smile on Okita's face changed back to her usual cheerful smile, "So Tachibana-kun, you don't like blind dates either."

"Compared to blind dates, I also prefer the kind of love that is 'meeting by chance, gradually falling in love with each other in the accumulation of getting along with each other, and finally marrying each other naturally'!"

The stairs from the second floor to the first floor were not too long, and the two of them had already descended to the first floor after just two or three sentences.

When the two were about to part and do their own things, Qingdeng couldn't help but cast a glance at the bathtub in Chong Tian's arms.

"Speaking of which... Okita-kun, you really like to take a bath late at night."

"I've been living in the test room for so long, and it seems that I haven't seen you go to the Qianxun room to take a bath at any time other than late at night."

"Because there are few people in the bathhouse late at night, I am often the only one in the entire bath." Okita replied without thinking, "I like this feeling of monopolizing the entire bath."

After finishing speaking, Okita waved his hand vigorously at Aidou.

"Okay, it's time for me to take a shower. If I don't hurry, Qianxun House may be closed."

"Well, good. See you later."

As for Okita's habit of taking a bath when the bathhouse was almost closing... Aoto was just mentioning it casually.

After saying goodbye to Okita, he himself put the matter behind him and went to the kitchen to fetch water.



Time flies by in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, Qingdeng's long vacation was over.

Until the end of the holiday, Qingdeng lived a very regular life, concentrating on practicing in the test hall every day.

Compared with Qingdeng, Kondo is much busier. Recently, he has been dragged by Zhou Zhu and Abi to deal with all kinds of blind date matters, and to have dinner with the Matsui family, and this and that.

On the last day of the holiday, the big news that "The Marquis of Aizu will hold a swordsmanship competition" was finally announced widely.

The Aizu clan is indeed one of the most powerful feudal clans at present, with a lot of money and wealth - they directly sent some clansmen to go door-to-door to various sword halls in Edo to promote their competitions.

The venue and time of the competition have been determined as Asakusa and April 16th, and each sword gym only allows up to 3 apprentices to participate.

Both Zhou Zhu and Kondo intend to use this competition to hone the disciples in the gymnasium. If they are lucky and get a good ranking in this competition, they can further expand their reputation in the gymnasium.

So on the day when the vassals of the Aizu Domain came to publicize the competition, Kondo and the others called all the disciples in the hall to ask if anyone would like to participate.

There were quite a few people who signed up, and more than a dozen people stood up in one breath and expressed their desire to go to this competition to see the world.

There can only be a maximum of 3 contestants in each sword gym, and Kondo had no choice but to start the selection process and pick out the 3 most powerful newcomers to compete—Qingdeng was very lucky to be among them.

"Tachibana-kun, with your current strength... some old people in our test guard hall who have practiced swords for a long time may not be able to beat you." This is what Kondo said when he selected Qingdeng to participate in the competition.

After the long vacation was over, Qingdeng returned to his job again.

Thanks to the brand-new achievements of "making another great contribution" and "creating 400 stones in one breath", Qingdeng's status and treatment in Beifan Institute have obviously been further improved!

Now that Qingdeng is walking in the Beifan Office, almost everyone who passes him will greet him proactively and warmly. Those senior seniors who talk to Qingdeng now speak softly. .

The title of "Didoudeng"... is completely a thing of the past.

The main focus of Qingdeng's work in the past few days is to guide Yongcang and the others to familiarize themselves with Gang Yin's daily work.

Gangyin's daily work is quite simple. In a word, their main work is to help Tongxin, who employs them, to handle some hard work, such as: patrolling the jurisdiction for Qingdeng, summoning a certain Help me run errands when I am alone...

They were all unskilled tasks, so Yongcang and the others quickly got started.

From Qingdeng's vacation to the present, there have been two major events worth mentioning in the Enforcement Office.

The first major event: Shogun Tokugawa Ieshige personally ordered - recruit fire to pay the thieves to destroy the barbarian group!

Huofu Thief Gai was dispatched... This shows that the nature of the case of "suppressing and arresting the barbarians" has completely changed.

Specially responsible for dealing with major vicious incidents and dealing with those vicious criminals, Huofu Thief, whose function is similar to WU police, was recruited here... This shows that the shogunate has completely regarded the Kobari Group as a terror that "shakes the order of the country and must be eradicated as soon as possible" organize.

The famous Huofu thief was transferred to assist them—this greatly boosted the morale of the officials in the enforcement office.

It's a pity... the people in the barbarian group can really hide.

After the incident of "the city was set on fire and the Fan Shudiao was attacked", Edo became much calmer in an instant, and the people from the barbarian group did not show up again.

The Enforcement Office and Huofu Bandit Gai almost turned the whole of Edo upside down with their joint efforts, but they still haven't found the stronghold of the Barbarian Group, nor have they captured the important leading cadres headed by Kanno.

As for the second major event... Although it is not a very serious and important event, it is worth mentioning a few more words.

For some reason, the frequency of townspeople witnessing Phantom Thief and Cat Monk has suddenly increased a lot!

In the recent period, the enforcement office has frequently received reports of "seeing the appearance of the cat monk at night".

Mao Xiaoseng's appearance is extremely irregular. One day I received a report of him appearing in the city center, and the next day I heard rumors of him appearing in the eastern suburbs.

Immediately afterwards, on April 6th, something happened...that made all the officials in the execution office confused.

In the early morning of April 6th, the officials of the Beifansuo went to their mansion of the Fansuo, and when they were about to open the gate and start today's work, they suddenly found that two middle-aged men who had been tied up and passed out were thrown away. at their gates.

A note was pasted on the heads of these two people, and a large line of words was written on the note: These two people are the two wanted criminals who are still absconding and raped many civilian women!

Zhang Er's bewildered officials took a closer look at the faces of these two middle-aged men—they really were the two rapists who had been wanted for a long time and hadn't been caught until now!

The officials quickly took the two men into custody, and then began interrogation.

After the interrogation, they finally knew what had happened.

Just last night, when the two of them were lurking in an alley in a certain city, preparing to "surprise" a nightingale passing by, a black shadow suddenly descended in front of them.

As soon as the black figure appeared, he flattened his hands into the shape of palms, with his palms facing upwards, and then raised his arms high.

While raising your arms, stand up and bend your right leg upward in a golden rooster stand.

After completing this weird posture, he shouted loudly:

"That's right, the cat monk!"



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