I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 200 Knife in hand! Cut Qingdeng! Grab Zanako! 【7600】

This nice female voice made Qing Deng raise his eyes.

In the direction of the door of Xiaoqianye Sword Gym, a young woman was walking slowly towards him.

It was Sanako who came.

At this time, Sanako is in the state of a "female warrior".

Three thousand blue silks are hung high with a blue ribbon, tied into a neat high ponytail at the back of the head, the top white and bottom blue kendo suit perfectly outlines the uneven figure, a pair of clean white socks and a pair of Delicate blue newborn clogs wrap slender feet.

At this time, there was a warm summer wind blowing.

The green fallen leaves on the ground danced under the wind.

Danced together were the blue ribbons Sanako used to tie her hair, the smooth hair on her forehead and temples, and the hakama horns of her skirt.

The ribbons and hair swaying in the wind dyed the sky and the earth nearby with a different kind of brilliance.

"Ms. Sanako, good morning."

"Good morning, Mr. Ju. I happened to be playing with Luobo in the yard just now. When I saw Luobo running towards the outside of the sword hall, I knew it was you."

Qingdeng smiled, raised his hand, and vigorously rubbed the big ox's head of radish a few times: "Haha, I don't know if this big black ox remembers my smell or recognizes my footsteps."

Carrot: "Moo~~!"

Since Renyitang was discharged from the hospital, Qingdeng would come to Little Chiba Sword Hall to show his face basically every 4 or 5 days to visit Radish.

Frequent visits to Xiaoqianye Sword Hall made Qingdeng get acquainted with Sanazi a lot without knowing it.

In the past, the relationship between the two... was actually quite unfamiliar.

They are polite to each other, and the words they talk to each other are basically ordinary greetings.

Being unfamiliar with each other, Qingdeng didn't even know what to talk about with Zuo Nazi.

But now, Qingdeng has been able to chat with Zuo Nazi in a very leisurely mood about family matters, and about topics that are often talked about among friends.

Even if the two of them are alone, they no longer feel awkward and restrained.

Such a change in the relationship between the two parties...all the credits that happened that night two months ago are indispensable.

At the critical moment, Sanazi was rescued, and Sanazi assisted Qingdeng to rush to the residence... Although the scenes of that night were very short, they still cultivated a different kind of bond for the two.

If Qingdeng and Sanako could only be regarded as "people who know each other" before, then today, the friendship between the two is enough to be called "friends".

It is rare to come to Xiaoqianye Sword Gym once, so it is naturally impossible to just visit Radish.

Out of politeness, Chiba Sakakichi, Chiba Shigetaro and others all need to go to greet them.

So, after exchanging a few simple greetings with Sanazi, Qingdeng said:

"Miss Sanako, are your father and Mr. Shigetaro in the sword gym now?"

"Father is temporarily away due to some business." Zuo Nazi said, "Brother, he is teaching swordsmanship to the apprentices in Field B."

Knowing Qingdeng, this is Sanako who wants to say hello to Chiba Shigetaro, and said along the lines:

"Mr. Ju. I'll take you to meet my brother."

Qing Deng nodded in response.

Zuo Nazi led the radish back to the yard of the Little Chiba Sword Gym, which was spacious enough to run a horse, and then led Qing Deng to the No. 1 field of the Little Chiba Sword Gym.

As a large sword gymnasium that can compete with the "Three Great Sword Gyms in Edo" headed by Honke Xuanwu Gym in terms of scale and fame, the Little Chiba Sword Gym naturally has a set of luxurious infrastructure that matches its name and scale. .

There are 3 dojos in Xiaoqianye Sword Hall. For the convenience of distinction and management, these 3 dojos are named "A Field", "B Field" and "C Field" respectively.

Field C is exclusively for apprentices who are still lacking in strength.

Field B is the "advanced field" and "master field". Only apprentices who have reached a certain level and their strength has been recognized can enter and exit here.

The armor field located in the deepest part of the Little Chiba Sword Hall is the smallest dojo - this is the private dojo of the Chiba family, and only Chiba Shigetaro, Sanako and other members of the Chiba family can use it.

On the way to No. 2 field, Sanako turned her head and whispered to Qingdeng behind her because she recalled something:

"By the way, Tachibana-kun, my fourth cousin... Chiba Domon Shiro happens to be here right now. He fell ill a while ago, and my brother and I jointly sent him a box of expensive supplements. He came here on a special trip today. Came to thank you."

Hearing this, Qing Deng slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Chiba Tamonshiro is here right now..."

Qingdeng smiled lightly.

"Haha, I haven't seen him for a while."

Chiba Domonshiro... The first encounter between Qingdeng and this teacher from the Xuanwukan dates back to the "Plum Blossom Festival" nearly half a year ago.

Qingdeng once had some unpleasantness with him because he spoke rudely to the testing hall in public.

Qingdeng guessed: The reason why Sanako suddenly told him that "Chiba Tameshiro is here" was probably to prepare Qingdeng in advance for Qingdeng who had a little conflict with Chiba Tameshirō.

Thinking of this, Qingdeng couldn't help thinking to himself: Zuo Nazi's little thought...it's really too much to worry about.

Although it is true that I had a little conflict with Chiba Tamonshirō, it was all about half a year ago.

The incident between him and Chiba Tameshiro was not a big deal, so Qingdeng stopped thinking about the unpleasantness that happened with Chiba Tameshiro a long time ago.

Although Chiba Tamonshiro is a little conceited, and has a sense of contempt and a sense of superiority towards small and medium-sized sword gymnasiums like the Test Guard Hall, but Chiba Tamonshiro also has some advantages that Ainto admires very much.

For example - Chiba Tamon Shiro is very caring about his family.

Qingdeng once heard from Chiba Shigetaro that when Sanako was kidnapped by the Kobari group, Chiba Tameshiro was no less nervous than Chiba Sadakichi and Chiba Shigetaro.

In order to get Sanako back, Chiba Tamon Shiro ran around and did not close his eyes for 2 consecutive days.

After Qingdeng succeeded in rescuing Sanako, Chiba Tomonshiro followed Chiba Sadakichi and others to Renyitang to express his sincere thanks to Qingdeng who had just been hospitalized at that time.

Perhaps some of Chiba Tamonshiro's personality is really not very pleasing, but his love for his family and the importance he attaches to family affection are worthy of recognition.

In the blink of an eye, Qingdeng and Zuo Nazi had already arrived outside the gate of Field B.

As soon as the gate of No. B field appeared in front of his eyes, Qingdeng had already heard Chiba Shigetaro's loud and clear voice from inside No. 2 field——


"No energy! Morishita, your qihe voice is too low! You can't hear it at all! Do it again!"

"Yes! Drink it——!"

"Okay! Very energetic! Just want this kind of spirit! Hey, Hirata, what's the matter with your posture? Is this Beichen's one-sword style posture? You are so tired that you can even hold your sword in just two strokes." Unsteady? Straighten your waist! Don’t hold the sword so tightly! Give the blade a little ‘rhythm’! Relax your palms! Relax a little more!”


"Okino, you've committed your old problem again! If your feet are so firmly tied, your steps will become inflexible! Both feet must be firmly planted on the ground, but also have a certain amount of agility!"



In No. B arena, more than fifty apprentices were fighting in pairs.

The "dong dong" sound of footsteps hitting the ground, the sound of bamboo swords colliding, and the loud and clear sound of Qihe... These sounds are mixed together and are deafening.

Chiba Shigetaro, who is a teacher, holds a bamboo sword and walks around the dojo, monitoring whether the apprentices' movements and states are in place.

If anyone's actions are irregular, Chiba Shigetaro will immediately rush to that person like a cat smelling fish, and "reward" that person with a severe reprimand.

"Huh? Mr. Tangerine?"

At this time, Chiba Shigetaro found Qingdeng standing side by side with Sanako outside the gate of the dojo.

In the next moment, Chiba Shigetaro performed a rather vivid "face changing in Sichuan opera".

Until just now, Chiba Shigetaro, who still had a stern face and an especially fierce expression, showed a bright expression of joy.

"Hahaha! Mr. Ju! You're here!"

Chiba Shigetaro, who carried the bamboo sword in his palm on his shoulder, walked straight up to Qingdeng in three steps at a time while laughing, and exchanged warm greetings with Qingdeng.

Some people in the dojo also stopped their movements at this moment.

"Mr. Orange?"

"Mr. Orange, you are here again."

"Good morning, Tangerine."


Qingdeng's frequent appearances in the Little Chiba Sword Gym these days is not just because he has become more familiar with Sanako and Chiba Shigetaro.

He took advantage of the opportunity to make many apprentices from Little Chiba Sword Academy, and met many new friends.

Qingdengchao, led by Chiba Shigetaro, spoke to and greeted the people he knew one by one.

Among the people he knew, Qing Deng quickly found a very familiar old face.

"Mr. Ju, have you come to visit your cow again?"

A gentle male voice like a spring breeze came to Qingdeng's ears... A tall and tall young man who was standing not far from Qingdeng took off the protective mask on his head unhurriedly.

Under the mask, there is a delicate face with 2 tear moles on the corner of the right eye.

"Shannan?" Qingdeng asked in surprise.

"Tachibana-kun." Keisuke Shannan, with a refined smile on his lips, nodded slightly to Qingdeng, "Good morning. It's been a while. If I remember correctly, we haven't seen each other since August. We met."

Qingdeng came to Xiaoqianye Sword Gym every day, so naturally, he spent more time with Shannan Keisuke... this old friend who had been studying swordsmanship in Little Chiba Sword Gym.

"Shannan." Qingdeng smiled, and congratulated Shannan in an unpretentious and sincere tone, "I've heard about it, and the fact that you successfully worshiped Beichen at the end of last month has been passed on, congratulations You!"

"Thank you." Shannan chuckled modestly a few times, "Mr. Ju, I think with your talent and strength, it shouldn't take long, and it's my turn to congratulate you on obtaining the highest seal of natural flow of mind." gone."

"Hahahaha, I accept your good words."

The gold content of the rumors is closely related to what school and sect you studied under.

Chiba Dingji of the Xiaoqianye Sword Gym bestowed upon you the renunciation of the Beichen Yidao style, and the renunciation of the unknown school bestowed on you by a little-known sword master in a rural dojo... which one of the two? The gold content is higher, obviously.

This is also an important reason why warriors like to go to those big sword halls to learn swords.

Therefore, Keisuke Shannan was able to obtain the biography of Beichen Yidao Style in Xiaoqianye Sword Academy... This is quite a remarkable achievement, which can make countless samurai extremely envious.

Qingdeng wanted to chat with Shannan a few more words, but suddenly, he felt the presence of someone behind him.

As soon as he turned his head to look back, a familiar young male voice sounded from behind Qingdeng.

"Mr. Tangerine?"

Standing behind Qingdeng was a young man whose face was somewhat similar to that of Chiba Shigetaro and Sanako...it was Chiba Tamonshiro.

There were quite a lot of water stains on Chiba Tamonshiro's hands, and Qingdeng guessed that he must have just returned from using the toilet.

The young swordsman, who was only in his early 20s, raised his eyebrows, and then looked at Qing Deng expressionlessly.

"Are you... are you coming to visit the big black cow you fostered here again?"

"Yeah." Qingdeng smiled lightly, "Mr. Qianye, long time no see."

"Hmm... Long time no see." After hesitating for a moment, Chiba Tomonshiro nodded slightly, responding to Qingdeng's initiative to say hello.

Chiba Shigetaro still needs to continue to teach swordsmanship, and Shannan also needs to continue practicing swordsmanship, so they can't chat with Qingdeng for a long time.

Therefore, after a few brief greetings with Qingdeng, they put their minds back into the business and continued to do their jobs.

As a result, Qingdeng could only stand at the edge of the dojo with Sanako, who had nothing important to do, and Chiba Tamonshiro, who was also very free, chatting casually together.

"... Mr. Tangerine."

During the chat, Chiba Tamashiro suddenly asked Aoto with a very serious expression.

"For the red-white battle in 8 days... how are you preparing for the test hall?"

"Let's say we've assembled the greatest combat power." Qingdeng replied in a half-joking tone, "Uncle Yuan... oh, no, Gensaburo Inoue returned to Edo a few days ago."

"As long as there are no accidents, all the existing masters in our test hall will be able to go into battle in 8 days."

"Genzaburo Inoue is back?" Chiba Tamishiro frowned slightly, and pondered, "It seems... the battle in 8 days will be more difficult than I imagined."

Today is August 12th.

There are only 8 days left until August 20th...the day when the Weiwei Hall and the Xuanwu Hall jointly hold the red and white battle!

The scale of this red-white joint battle is very large - 20 people from each side. It's a 20vs20 melee.

Just the day before yesterday, after a long period of consideration, Zhou Zhu finally decided on the list of 20 people who will represent the Test Guard Hall in this red-white battle.

Qingdeng, who had fully recovered, was among them.

The names of the four main players in the test hall: Kondo, Hijikata, Okita, and the newly returned Inoue are also on the list.

Yongcang, Saito, and Harada are all diners of the test guard hall, not apprentices of the test guard hall, so the three of them have no way to participate in this grand event that only apprentices of the sword hall can participate in.

The three of them could only stand on the sidelines of the arena as "cheerleaders" and cheer for Qingdeng and the others.

To put it simply—Qingdeng Shicai's words were not wrong, the test guard hall has indeed gathered the greatest combat power.

Except for Zhou Zhu, who is too old to participate in this high-intensity swordsmanship competition, all the masters in the Weiwei Hall will join the battle in 8 days!

At first glance, the "battle list" is quite luxurious, and all the masters that can be sent by the test hall have been sent.

However... everyone in the test hall, including Qingdeng, has no idea what the outcome of this upcoming fierce battle will be.

Because just a few days ago, they received rumors that Chiba Michizaburo was going to participate in this red-white battle in person!

Chiba Dosaburo... After hearing this name, and knowing that he was likely to face this person in this red-white battle, many people in the guard hall trembled in their hearts.

Prior to this, in all the red-white battles between the Test Guard Hall and the Xuanwu Hall, there had never been a precedent for Chiba Michizaburo to end in person.

Chiba Michizaburo, who has been famous for a long time and can swing two knives with one heart and two minds, is going to join the battle. We are bound to lose-very few people directly shouted out this kind of defeatism speech that strengthens the ambition of others and destroys our prestige.

Someone called out "invincible"... This is not the most terrifying.

The most frightening thing is that quite a few people did not refute these negative statements.

Recalling the rumor that the atmosphere in the Harmony Examination Hall was very dull recently, Qingdeng pondered for a moment, then asked softly to Chiba Tamonshiro next to him:

"... Chiba-kun. I heard that your elder brother Chiba Michizaburo will personally participate in this red-white battle. Is this true?"

"Huh? Oh, what are you talking about..."

The corner of Chiba Tamonshiro's mouth raised a faintly visible arc.

"It's true. My third brother is indeed determined to participate in this red-white battle."

"It's really surprising..." Qingdeng said slowly, "Obviously, he never participated in the previous red-white battles between our test guard hall and your Xuanwu hall, why did he suddenly make an exception this time?"

"...Tachibana-kun." Chiba Tamashiro was silent for a while, then turned his gaze and fixed his eyes on Qingdeng, "It's rare to meet you here today...I'll tell you the truth."

"The reason why the third brother made an exception to participate in this red and white battle is because of you."

"Because of me?" Qing Deng was startled.

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see that in the "Plum Blossom Festival" half a year ago, you relied on you to win the Little Qianye Sword Hall."

"Third brother, he has long wanted to personally test how strong the test hall will become after adding you."

"And the strength and record you showed in the battle with the barbarians more than two months ago... This further increased the third brother's interest in you."

"Third brother, he is determined this time - he is going to have a good fight with you in the test hall in the red and white battle in 8 days."

"Ha..." After hearing the reason, Qing Deng laughed dumbly, "Then I'm really terrified."

"All of you, get ready." Chiba Domonshiro withdrew his gaze from Qingdeng, "My third brother is very strong."

Speaking of this, Chiba Tameshiro, who has always had a rare expression, showed a proud smile rarely.

"The third brother can hold the position of the second-generation head of the Xuanwu Pavilion and the second-generation head of the Beichen Yidao School, not only because of his status as the "third son of Chiba Zhouzuo"."

"Let me just say it straight - even if you, Kondo, Hijikata, Okita, and Inoue go together, they will not be my third brother's opponent."

Chiba Tamonshiro's confident and somewhat provocative speech did not arouse Qingdeng's displeasure or annoyance.

He showed an expression of displeasure and annoyance, the most irreversible negative emotions.


After Chiba Tamonshiro's voice fell, Qingdeng chuckled a few times directly.

"Hearing what you said, I am looking forward to the battle in 8 days' time."

"At that time, please give me a lot of advice!"

Qingdeng's words and expressions were stained with a cheerful smile without any pretense or affectation.

"...?" Chiba Tamashiro, who hadn't expected Qingdeng to show such an expression and make such a speech, was stunned.

The relationship with Qingdeng is a little more familiar, and Zuo Nazi, who roughly knows Qingdeng's character, purses her red lips, her beautiful eyes are slightly slanted, and she looks at Qingdeng standing side by side with her eyes with a faint smile— —Sanako's eyes seem to be saying to Qingdeng: I knew you would say that.

What Qingdeng said to Chiba Tamonshiro just now, "Looking forward to the battle in 8 days" was not a bluff to make a fat face.

He is indeed looking forward to the red and white battle 8 days later!

Chiba Michizaburo can do two things with one mind, and can do different things with both hands... If he can fight Chiba Michizaburo, maybe he can turn such a strong talent into himself!

For a talent like Chiba Michizaburo who has cultivated extremely high swordsmanship strength at a young age, if he didn't have the talent of "swordsmanship talent increased by XX times that of ordinary people", Qingdeng would never believe it.

Even if he failed to successfully copy the talent of "one mind and two purposes" from Chiba Michizaburo, he should be able to get the talent of "increasing swordsmanship talent".

Anyway, if you fight against a strong man like Chiba Michizaburo, it is impossible for you to gain nothing.

Even if the utilitarian matter of "copying talent from Chiba Dosaburo" is not mentioned, Qingdeng himself really wants to see this person who is often regretted by people, "It's a pity that he has a monster-like second brother, which leads to his own troubles." What kind of strength does the young swordsman possess, "the light is concealed" and "He Shengrong is born in Dao".

——I have to wait another 8 days...

Thinking that he would have to wait another 8 days before he could fight Xuanwukan and Chiba Dosaburo, Qingdeng couldn't help but feel itchy.

At this moment, Qingdeng didn't notice—while he was talking with Sanako and Chiba Tamonshirō, there was someone glaring at him fiercely with jealous eyes in the corner of the dojo far away from him... …



After chatting with Sanako and Chiba Tamonshiro for a while, Qingdeng suddenly felt a little anxious.

In order to satisfy his physical needs, Qingdeng had to bid farewell to Sanazi and the others for a while, and walked out of Yard B alone, and went straight to the toilet in the distance.

I have come to the Little Chiba Sword Gym for countless times, and of course Qingdeng remembers where every toilet in the Little Chiba Sword Gym is located.

After walking through several corridors, Qing Deng smelled the unique smell of the toilet in just a blink of an eye.

But at this moment, Qingdeng suddenly heard several muffled conversations that were deliberately lowered——

"I can't wait, let's teach that Ju Qingdeng a hard lesson today."

The first sentence that fell into my ears made Qingdeng stop in his tracks...



At the corner of a certain corridor not far from the toilet, five apprentices who specialize in practicing swords in No. 2 field gathered together.

Their expressions were surprisingly similar—all of them were serious, with displeasure and resentment shining in their pupils.

"Why is that Ju Qingdeng so thick-skinned? He comes to us every now and then to show his face." One of the five people, a very strong man, gritted his teeth.

"I suspect that he purposely kept his big black bull here so that he could frequently enter and leave the Little Qianye Sword Hall." A short man beside the strong man echoed in a deep voice.

"Damn it, did you see it just now? That Ju Qingdeng has been standing side by side with Miss Chiba at the side of the dojo, and the two of them and Chiba Tamonshiro have been chatting there." A big man standing opposite the dwarf The tall one gritted his teeth.

"How could I not have seen it!" echoed the tall man, who was an ugly guy with thinning hair.

"Shh...keep your voice down." The last of the five people had a fair appearance, with delicate features.

"Damn, the more you think about it, the more angry you get." The ugly man with thinning hair said bitterly, "I suspect that he shows up to us so frequently just to pursue Miss Qianba."

"It's also possible that they want to take advantage of the great favor of 'rescue Miss Chiba' to get close to the master and Shifan on their behalf, and climb up the towering tree of the Chiba family." The tall man curled his lips, "Tsk...that guy But it was just a moment of good luck to rescue Miss Chiba..."

"Anyway..." the strong man lowered his voice extremely low, "I can't take it anymore...! Let's teach that bastard a lesson today, Hisaya, Sakurai and Hirose are all in the sword hall today , people are basically here, there is no more suitable opportunity than today."

"I agree." The dwarf nodded solemnly, "I can't take it anymore, just thinking about how he shamelessly chatted with Miss Chiba, I feel so angry that my stomach starts to hurt...!"

"Yeah." The tall man pondered, "Okay, I agree, let's teach that Ju Qingdeng a lesson today."

"Then I'll contact Hisiya-kun and the others later." The only handsome guy among the five said in a deep voice.

"Okay, it's settled, and we will act according to our predetermined plan later." The ugly man with thinning hair clenched his fists that naturally hung down, "Let me take the lead. If I accidentally lose, I will take action." When it's your turn to go on stage one by one, I don't believe that guy can beat our wheel battle."

"Huh." The strong man snorted coldly, with strong confidence in his face and words, "That guy just made a great contribution to injuring the barbarian group, maybe he is still complacent now, thinking that he is already a big deal A master of swordsmanship."

"How can the insects of the low-level organization of the Yi group compare with us swordsmen in the small Chiba sword hall." The tall man grinned, and echoed with a sneer, "Even if he can fight against sixty by himself. Several insects from the barbarian group are evenly matched, and they are bound to be no match for the rounds of challenges from our twenty or so swordsmen from the Little Qianye Sword Hall."

The five people who were gathering together to discuss "teaching Qingdeng a lesson" were members of the "Anti-Qingdeng Alliance" in the Little Chiba Sword Gym.

The reason why Qingdeng frequently entered and exited the Little Chiba Sword Gym during this time was really just to visit his big pet with a very human nature.

Meeting and chatting with Sanako and Chiba Shigetaro was just a matter of convenience.

The purpose of Qingdeng's frequent visits to Little Chiba Sword Gym is quite pure, but for some apprentices of Little Chiba Sword Gym...they don't think so of Qing Deng who would come to Little Chiba Sword Gym to show his face from time to time the behavior of.

If it was said that every time Qingdeng came to Xiaoqianye Sword Gym, he just left after looking at the bull, then most of the apprentices would not have any objections.

But the problem is——every time Qingdeng comes to Xiaoqianye Sword Gym, he will meet and chat with Zanazi by the way.

This will not work!

Sanako... is a goddess who can only be seen from a distance but not played with by countless apprentices in the Little Chiba Sword Academy!



The next chapter - the necessary plots in sword and halberd novels: one person chooses one restaurant to come~~ I will try my best to write 1W words tomorrow.

The author's cousin came to the door yesterday, so I spent a lot of time playing with my cousin and entertaining him yesterday, which resulted in a lot less time for writing yesterday... Last night, I wanted to write as much as possible , I didn’t even go to the water group, all book friends who have joined the penguin group should have found that the author last night was surprisingly quiet (Leopard dead.jpg)

It's a pity that I tried my best to explode my liver, but I still couldn't write 1W words... (Leopard Cry.jpg)

Although today's chapter does not have 1W words, but 7600 words is not a lot, so I still ask for a monthly pass! Since the start of the National Day holiday, the author's colleagues have asked for leave, and there are fewer updates, but I have been meticulously working hard to release updates every day.

For the sake of the author's hard work, let's vote monthly for the author's army (Leopard Head Crying.jpg)

Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a recommendation ticket!

The most important use of monthly tickets [is not quantity], but [the ranking of monthly tickets].

The higher the ranking on the monthly ticket list, the higher the exposure.

The reason why the author has been asking for votes is to make this book rank higher in this month's monthly vote list.

So everyone who has tickets in hand, hurry up and vote for this book while you have double monthly tickets now! QQ


It’s been a long time since I advertised for Penguin Group——

The author has opened a book friend group in Penguin!

Group number: 1162513690. You only need to answer a question that you will definitely know the answer as long as you read the book seriously, and you can join the book friend group.

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