I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 218 Three talents in a row: eyesight, cloud piercing and cracking stone, mathematics element

Right now, under the deliberate design of Qingdeng and others, the arena has been divided into two theaters——

Souji, Kondo, Hijikata and Inoue vs Chiba Michizaburo.

Qingdeng's test guard brigade vs. Xuanwukan's brigade headed by Chiba Tomonshiro.

At this moment, Chiba Domenshiro also saw what the test guards were planning.

Just as Chiba Domon Shiro lowered his eyelids, thinking about how to counterattack forcefully, his old and steady third brother, who seldom yelled, yelled at him in a rare way:

"Shiro, you don't need to worry about me."

Chiba Michizaburo looked calmly and scanned the circle of the four chief executives who surrounded him.

"Let me deal with these people alone, and don't use them to help me."

Several swordsmen of the Xuanwu Pavilion who originally wanted to rush forward to help their owner, stopped in a daze after hearing Chiba Dosaburo's shout.

"Although the testing hall is full of momentum, there are only a few people who can really pose a huge threat to us."

Speaking of this, Chiba Michizaburo quietly put on a deep and meaningful tone.

"Shiro, let's make good use of the advantages of our Xuanwu Gym."

"Third Brother..."

Chiba Michizaburo's words made people feel confused, but Chiba Domon Shiro understood his brother's meaning at the first time.

Seeing that the anxious look on his face dissipated a lot in an instant, and his expression calmed down a lot, he nodded solemnly to Chiba Michizaburo from a distance, then raised his head vigorously, raised his voice, and shouted:

"Have you heard it all? Don't bother the owner! Let the owner deal with the people around him!"

"Kikuchi! Chida! Tachikawa! Yasufu! You four come with me!"

"The rest of the people follow Kawashima's command!"

"Chuan Dao! Within 2 sticks of incense, I want to see that there are less than 7 players in the test guard who can stay on the court!"

Although Chiba Tameshiro is young, he already has the demeanor of a leader.

Whether it's the tenacious spirit that quickly stabilizes the mind and regains composure, or the awe-inspiring lion-like aura that emanates from the body when giving orders, people can't help but feel that the family education of the Chiba family is really good. All the children are either dragons or phoenixes.

This young swordsman, who has won the respect and trust of all the disciples of the Xuanwu Hall by virtue of his superb talent and strength, now his eyes were full of fierce glare, and he rushed towards Qingdeng with his sword in hand with a formidable spirit!

At the same time, Kikuchi, Chida and others who had just been named by Chiba Tamonshiro also started to act.

They followed Chiba Tamon Shiro closely, approaching Qingdeng from different directions!

It was too late to say that, Qingdeng had already noticed a dangerous aura appearing beside him.


A loud roar shook the surrounding air.

The first person to come to Qingdeng was Judi, that is, the headmaster of Xuanwukan with a very loud voice.

Kikuchi launched an onslaught.

I saw his tall body rushing forward in an instant, Qing Deng raised his sword and greeted his chariot.

Bamboo swords hit each other in the air.

The two wrestling together launched a fierce attack and defense that made the viewers hold their breath.

Qingdeng's bamboo sword threatens Judi's lower body, causing him to hide.

Kikuchi's bamboo sword pierced Qingdeng's wrist, but was blocked by Qingdeng.

The swords of the two were fierce, and the bamboo swords that collided repeatedly made a rattling sound.

Before Qingdeng had time to decide the winner with Judi, two people stepped in suddenly.

Before the start of the battle, that is, when he was still warming up before the match at the "Honen", who were the famous people who Inoue had taught him about the Xuanwu Hall.

Therefore, Qingdeng recognized the faces of the two visitors—Sennosuke Chida and Tozo Tachikawa. Both are members of the famous "Strength Faction" of Xuanwu Hall.

The timing of the two people's sneak attack was quite tricky, they picked Qingdeng's attack and were blocked by Juchi, before they had time to withdraw the sword in their hands, that is, when the old strength had been used up and the new strength was not used.

The wind-breaking sound of the sword swinging rapidly expanded in the blink of an eye.

Then, a pitch-black afterimage crossed the air, and two sword shadows gathered on Qingdeng's body from one left and one right in one breath.

Fortunately, Qingdeng's reaction was fast enough.

Before the bamboo swords of Qiantian and Lichuan fell on him, Qingdeng Handi jumped vigorously, jumped up, and landed on an open space 5 steps away.

However, as soon as his feet hit the ground, Qingdeng felt something rubbing against him from behind.

The ominous, solemn aura... as if the air behind him had turned into thick mucus, it made people feel creepy.

Before he had time to turn his head to look behind him, Qingdeng rolled on the spot, rolling forward in a "gululu" manner, until he rolled seven steps away before kicking up.

At the first moment when Qingdeng stood up straight again, he stared at the ominous atmosphere he felt just now. I came", Anfu, one of the four people named.

These two people just wanted to attack Qingdeng from behind, but because Qingdeng detected and evaded them in advance, they missed it regrettably.

Then, one after another screams and the sound of the porcelain bowl being smashed reached Qingdeng's ears.


"Ah! My china bowl!"






Qingdeng's eyes slanted, and he followed the reputation from the corner of his eye.

Kawashima Bazang, a celebrity in the Xuanwu Hall who was given the title of "Ghost Bazang", rushed back and forth in the "army formation" of their test guard hall as if they were in no one's land.

When Qingdeng looked over, he happened to see how Kawashima "killed a lot".

I saw that he first swung the knife obliquely, and the tip of the sword smashed the porcelain bowl in front of someone's forehead little by little, then changed the way of the sword slightly, slashed at another guy beside him, and took the bamboo sword back When he was in front of him, he took advantage of the situation and sent the person next to him out of the game.

3 knives and 3 people... In the blink of an eye, they lost 3 members in a row in the Weiwei Hall.

Similar scenes were repeated in other places at the same time.

The swordsmen of the Xuanwu Hall and the swordsmen of the Examination Hall—two waves of people fiercely fought fiercely. You will not let me, and I will not let you on both sides.

Although the swordsmen in the test guard hall fought tenaciously and bravely...but their defense line and their formation were ruthlessly torn to pieces.

In the blink of an eye, the situation of the battle changed dramatically.

As of 1 minute ago, the morale of Qingdeng's active performance on the side of the Weiwei Hall was greatly boosted.

As a result, after only a mere minute, dark clouds called "panic" and "zhangji" shrouded the hearts of all the swordsmen in the test guard hall.

Qingdeng calmly turned his eyes back to the front, and then turned his eyes back to Chiba Tamon Shiro and others who were surrounding him from different directions, and muttered:

"Being treated in the same way as the other person..."

Now it's his orange, and he's being held back.

It was only at this moment that Qingdeng suddenly realized that they still seemed to have underestimated the strength of Xuanwu Hall.

Before the war, he, Kondo, and Zongsi all felt that no matter how weak the disciples in the Weiwei Hall were, they should not be beaten to death by the people from the Xuanwu Hall.

However... the cruel reality presented before Qingdeng at this moment, told him coldly: Why do you think Xuanwu Hall has such a lofty status today?

The gap in individual strength is too large...Except for Qingdeng and Zongsi, there are not many people in the Weiwei Pavilion who can barely fight alone with the swordsmen in the Xuanwu Pavilion and not lose the wind of.

After the swordsmen of the Xuanwu Hall recovered from Qingdeng's initial onslaught and gradually launched a counterattack under the deployment of Chiba Tameshiro, the situation on the battlefield was instantly reversed.

At present, there are only 8 swordsmen in the test guard hall who can still stay on the field, including Qingdeng and Zongsi.

On the other hand, at the Xuanwu Hall, there are still 15 of them still alive and kicking.

Qingdeng really wanted to support those companions who were not out yet... But now Chiba Tameshiro and the others who are entangled with him tightly, it is obviously impossible to just let him go.

The audience in Xinxiang Weiguan, such as Abi and Kinoshita Mai, were all sweating at this moment.

"Mr. Kiryu..." Kinoshita Mai said anxiously.

"Young master, don't worry."

Kinoshita Mai didn't have time to say anything before calling out "Mr. Kiryu". As if he had expected what she wanted to say in advance, Kiryu interrupted:

"The good show hasn't been staged yet."



Although the strength of the Xuanwu Hall exceeded his expectations...but the changes in the battle situation were still under Qingdeng's control.

In the final analysis—from the very beginning, Qingdeng never expected that his companions other than Souji, Kondo, Hijikata, and Inoue would be able to give him such strong support.


Qingdeng exhaled softly, raised the bamboo sword, and set up the posture he was best at: Xia Duan, the leader of the bamboo sword, pointed at the face of Chiba Tamon Shiro standing directly in front of him.

Chiba Domonshiro's intention is obvious, that is, to use the tricks they used to deal with Chiba Michizaburo to deal with him, gather a small group of elites, and drag him to death.

But Chiba Tameshiro probably never thought of it—his attempt to besiege Qingdeng would give Qingdeng an advantage.

The talent "lonely" activates!

"Lonely courage", "gathering spirit"... the buff is instantly stacked to the fullest!


Qingdeng stomped on the ground with such force that he shoveled off a large piece of soil under his feet.

Qingdeng shot out, like a shell fired from the chamber, and hit Chiba Tamon Shiro heavily.

"...?!" Chiba Domon Shiro, whose pupils shrank suddenly, swung his sword subconsciously, and slashed at Qingdeng who was coming towards him.

However, Qingdeng had disappeared from where his blade had gone.

Qingdeng rose from the ground with lightning speed, and flashed to the blind spot of Chiba Tamon Shiro's vision.

While dodging Chiba Tameshiro's counterattack, he lowered the sword, and slashed Chiba Tameshiro's lower body with the sword.

At this critical moment, Chida, who was standing beside Chiba Tamonshirō, made a timely move to block Qingdeng's blow for Chiba Tamonshirō.

Kikuchi and the others hurriedly surrounded Qingdeng, belatedly, trying to squeeze Qingdeng's movement space.

In a battle of more than one dozen, the moving space is the "lifeline", and Kikuchi and the others are now trying to cut off this "lifeline" of Qingdeng.

Facing Juchi and the others approaching him, Qingdeng remained motionless.

His calm eyes swept across the edge of the sword.

He calculated the positions of Kikuchi and the others by "seeing through" and "photographic memory". The next moment, he pulled himself up again, passing high above the heads of the two people on the side as if breaking free from the shackles of gravity.

Just as he was about to fly over the heads of the two, Qingdeng swung the bamboo sword twice consecutively like a wheel.

The shadow of the sword rolled past under the sun, creating whirring gusts of wind and thin clouds of dust and smoke.

Qingdeng's first sword was barely received by one of them, while the other hit the other person's upper left arm - if it was a "real knife duel" with a real guy, this person's left arm must have been connected to it by now. His body separates.

Qingdeng's offensive was not over yet.

The moment he landed on the ground, he struck back with a sword, forcing back Kikuchi who was chasing him.

At this moment, Chiba Tamon Shiro and the others looked at Qingdeng whose strength and speed had suddenly increased to a higher level in astonishment.

The swordsman named An Fu murmured "what's going on" to himself in a dazed manner.

Before they could figure out the situation, Qingdeng's figure and Qingdeng's sword came towards them again like a whirlwind!

The opponent Qingdeng found this time was Qiantian who was the closest to him.

He quickly stepped on the ground twice, and then he approached Qiantian.

Chida is also the kind of person who likes to attack but doesn't like to defend.

He neither dodged nor defended, and directly confronted Qingdeng head-on!

"Haaaaaah!" Chida slashed at him fiercely.

Qingdeng leaned on one side of his body, dodged it very easily, and then used all his energy to lead his body with his feet, lead his body with his arms, and use the centrifugal force to sweep out the sword edge, accurately slashing at the opponent's waist.

"Gu...!" Although Chida successfully intercepted Qingdeng's attack in mid-air, he groaned and moved back because his body could not bear the huge force transmitted back along the blade.

The posture that had no opportunity to take advantage of it, just like this, appeared for a moment.

The shadow of the sword flashed—Qingdeng's bamboo sword drew a straight line towards Qiantian's forehead.

Although Chida tried his best to dodge, but his unstable posture made his speed half a beat behind.


Chida Sennosuke, defeated!

【Ding! Scan to talent]

[Successfully copied the talent: "Bright Eyes\

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