I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 272: The chief executive with the attribute of

Kubei said with a firm face:

"As long as it is the young master, there is no problem!"

"Hahaha, then I will borrow your good words."

Qingdeng and Jiubingwei looked at each other and smiled, then grabbed Dingguishen and Wakisashi who were lying on the tatami beside them, and hung the two sabers on their left waists.

After nearly 4 months of long recuperation, November 1st... this day finally came.

Qingdeng is finally going to return to the officialdom and go to that brand new world - the special armed security force of the Edo Shogunate: Huo Fu Thief Kai!

Today is Qingdeng's first day to go to work, and he should not be late due to circumstances or reasons.

So even though it was still a bit early, after Qingdeng put on his saber and changed into Captain Haofan's exclusive black uniform, he left the room without too much procrastination or hesitation.

Arriving at the entrance of the test guard hall, Qingdeng saw the chief executive and his party who had been waiting here for a long time.

Chief Director, Zhou Zhu, Abi, Kondo, Inoue, Saito, Yongcang, Harada, Okita Hikaru, Matsui Tsune...all the current residents of the Sanwei Hall came to see Qingdeng off.

In the past two months, the population of the test guard hall has flourished again. There are 2 more newcomers: Matsui Tsune and Okita Hikaru.

As the daughter-in-law of Zhou Zhu and Abi, Matsui naturally lives under the same roof with Kondo.

I have to say that Matsui Chang is really a good woman. Zhou Zhu and Ah Bi have a good eye for people.

Needless to say about her appearance, she is a beautiful woman with excellent face and temperament.

He has a very good personality, speaks softly, and moves gently.

Matsui has lived in the health examination hall for so long, not to mention losing his temper, even talking loudly to anyone, Qingdeng has never seen it.

In addition, she is quite good at housework, cooking and other necessary skills for Yamato Nadeko, and she is very diligent in her hands and feet.

Qingdeng's evaluation of Matsui Chang can be summed up in one word: a perfect wife and daughter-in-law.

As for the chief executive's sister Okita Hikaru, why is she here... This matter has something to do with the chief executive.

The Okita Hikaru and his wife temporarily left Hinojuku, where they live, and came to Edo just to attend Isamu Kondo's wedding.

They originally planned: After Isamu Kondo's wedding was successfully concluded, they would stay in Edo for a longer period of time, play with the chief executive for a while, and then go home.

But in mid-September, there was a sudden storm—the chief executive fell ill.

On September 13, a wave of intense cold air raided Edo without any warning.

Under the invasion of this wave of cold air, the heat of summer was blown away in one breath, and Edo entered autumn directly overnight.

The cold wind full of autumn locks the streets tightly, and the sky is covered with a unique cold filter of autumn.

The temperature suddenly dropped by tens of degrees, and it was impossible to go out without wearing more haori or other coats.

It was at this time that the general manager fell ill.

The body has a high fever and coughs constantly.

According to Okita Hikaru, this is an old problem of the general manager.

I don't know whether it's hereditary or some other reason, but the trachea and lungs of the general manager are extremely delicate, and they are prone to problems.

When summer and autumn and winter and spring change seasons, the general manager often coughs badly and falls ill with a fever, and his recovery is extremely slow.

Hikaru Okita, Kondo and others invited many doctors to see the general manager, including many well-known doctors.

But no matter how many prestigious doctors he has been diagnosed and treated, and how many expensive medicinal materials he has taken, the chief executive's old problem can never be cured.

This is the first time Qingdeng knows about this matter... I didn't expect that the usually cheerful and vigorous chief executive actually had a "sick beauty" side.

Due to the change of seasons, the old problems relapsed. When the disease was the most serious, he couldn't even get out of bed.

The chief executive is a girl—the only people who know this secret are Zhou Zhu, Abi, Kondo, Hijikata, Inoue, and Qingdeng from all over the Weikan.

That is to say, the only person who is convenient to take care of the general manager in the testing hall is Abi, who is also a woman.

In order to relieve Abi's pressure, Okita Hikaru asked her husband Okita Rintaro to go back to his hometown alone, and she stayed alone with Abi to take care of the general manager.

After more than a month of careful care by Abi and Hikaru Okita, the general manager finally regained some of his former vitality.

Today's weather is quite cold.

The shivering cold envelops the whole body, making people miss the warm blanket.

Today is the first day of Qingdeng's new official career, and it is a very important and special day for Qingdeng.

In order to celebrate, the chief executive and others spontaneously gathered at the entrance this morning, preparing to see Qingdeng off together.

This kind of visual sense of "the whole family is mobilized to send their daughter to marry" makes Qing Deng feel embarrassed and quite moved.

Qingdeng, who didn't want to bother everyone so much, once politely declined the kindness of the director general and others, but the director and others insisted on this, Qingdeng could only follow their wishes.

After the entrance of the test guard hall and the figures of the people preparing to see him off appeared in his field of vision, Qingdeng's eyes naturally focused on the chief executive whose delicate body had not yet fully recovered.

At this moment, the rosy-faced Chief Secretary was wearing a knee-length hem, a wide haori with beautiful styles and patterns.

Standing beside Hikaru Okita, she may be feeling cold hands and feet. She saw her little feet in clean white socks rubbing the insteps alternately, and her arms were folded into the sleeves of Haori.

"Okita-kun." Qingdeng walked up to the chief executive in three steps at a time, and cast a helpless look at the chief executive, "You are still a sick patient, there is no need to support your body to give me help." Let's go."

"Hee hee hee……"

Covering his mouth and coughing a few times, the director raised his head and showed a big and bright smile at Qing Deng.

"I didn't force myself to support my body. My spirit is pretty good today."

Qingdeng glanced at the face of the chief executive... Indeed, the chief executive is in a good state of mind today, his face is not as pale as before, and he speaks quite clearly. This made Qingdeng feel a little more at ease.

"Mr. Orange!"

At this time, Harada's voice intervened.

"Although I don't quite understand the difference between Huo Fu Thief Kai and the Enforcement Office's 'Three Returns', in short: If you need to hire someone to help you later, you can always come to me again!"

"Yes." Qingdeng smiled slightly, "I will."

Compared with the "Three Returns" of the Enforcement Institute, the manpower of Huo Fu Thief Gai is much more abundant.

There are a total of 8 fan teams, and each fan team has 1 fan captain, 10 Yuli, and 50 Tongxin.

In addition, there is a system of "increasing service" - if there is a shortage of manpower, you can directly ask for someone from the first-hand bow foot and first-hand iron gun team, which means that there are a considerable number of "temporary workers" that can be called at will.

Therefore, Huofu Thief Gai does not have the "Okain" system like the "Three Returns" of the Pursuing Office.

To put it simply-Qingdeng can no longer hire Oka Yinrui to help him, and Yongcang, Harada, Fujido and the others are all unemployed.

Qingdeng once said to the three of them: If you still want to be Okain, you can introduce them to the other "three times" colleagues such as Inotani and Ushiyama.

When working hard under Qingdeng's command, Yongcang and others have shown very good personal abilities, especially Fujido.

Like Fujido Heisuke, who can handle paperwork and carry a sword into battle, and has no major shortcomings other than being too young, impetuous, and inexperienced, an all-rounder who is capable of writing and martial arts, in the long-term understaffed "three "Back" is a piece of fragrant steamed bun.

However, all three of them expressly refused Qingdeng's recommendation.

Nagakura Shinpachi: "To be honest, I admired Mr. Tachibana before I agreed to be Okabiki. If Mr. Tachibana is gone, what's the point of me staying in the practice?"

Harada Sanosuke: "Mr. Tachibana, let me tell you the truth: I hate work the most. If it is not forced by life, I will not go to work. I saved a lot of money when I worked for you. Until this savings is spent, I don’t want to go to work anymore.”

Fujido Heisuke: My original intention to serve you, Mr. Tachibana, is just to see the world by doing different jobs. Since Mr. Tachibana, you can no longer hire Okahito, then I will take advantage of the opportunity and change to a new job. I just want to try what it is like to be a bodyguard for others.

The reasons for the three people's refusal are various...

However, although the three of them could no longer be Qingdeng's Oka Yin, Yongcang and Harada still lived in the testing hall as "guests".

The reason is not only because Zhou Zhu and Kondo have developed a deep friendship with the two who have lived in the test guard hall for a long time, but also because the two are hired as diners in the test guard hall, which really has a certain impact on the enrollment of the sword hall. positive effect.

Everything went as planned by Hijikata—after the news spread that "the test guard hall successfully subdued the two masters who have recently become famous in Edo", it immediately had a very good brand effect and blind obedience effect.

Many newcomers recently came to take a look curiously because they heard that the Examination Hall is a place where dragons and tigers are hidden.

By the way - besides Nagakura, Harada, and Fujido, there is one other person who lost his job.

That is Saitoichi.

However, unlike the "passive unemployment" of Yongcang and the others, Saito is "active unemployment".

The group of barbarians who wholeheartedly wanted to take Qingdeng's life was gone, and Qingdeng was no longer the Wuxia Amon who couldn't even hold a sword.

In terms of personal strength alone, the current Saito might not even be Qingdeng's opponent.

Qingdeng no longer needs his protection. Qingdeng no longer needs him as a bodyguard.

At the beginning of October, Saito took the initiative to ask Qingdeng to resign.

Among the relatives and friends in the test guard hall, Saito is not only one of the people who has accompanied Qing Deng for the longest time, but also the person who has fought side by side with Qing Deng the most times.

Saito wants to leave... Of course Qingdeng is reluctant to part with him.

However, Saito is also a very stubborn and straightforward person.

He persisted in thinking that at the moment when Qingdeng no longer needed his protection, if he took Qingdeng's salary as a bodyguard, it would be a complete scam—he didn't want to accept such a cheap meal.

There is no other way, in order to keep Saito, Qingdeng had to change his mind.

The recent development of the testing hall is booming. With the gradual increase of new apprentices, the number of teachers has begun to be a bit insufficient.

So Qingdeng and Kondo together, decided to invite Saito to be the teacher of their test hall.

Although the school of swordsmanship that Saito uses has no outliers, in the field of swordsmanship, no matter what school it is, there are quite a few things in common.

For example: the posture of holding a sword in the upper, middle and lower sections, how to draw the sword and retract the sword, how to vibrate with blood... These contents are common in each genre.

Saito is fully capable of teaching these basic kendo skills.

Zhou Zhu, Kondo, and the others were also reluctant to part with Saito, so everyone went into battle together and tried hard on Saito.

In the end, under the "saturation offensive" by Qingdeng and others, Saito finally succumbed.

So—although Saito is no longer Qingdeng's bodyguard, he continues to live in the test guard hall as a "guest and teacher of the test guard hall".

In the past, every working day, Qingdeng would lead Saito, Yongcang, and Harada to go to work in the execution office.

But now, the gang guides are gone, the bodyguards have also resigned, and he has to go to the Yamen where Huofu Thieves changed by himself—thinking of this, Qingdeng feels a little lonely for no reason.



The air is filled with the unique refreshing smell of autumn.

Under the high blue sky, Mount Fuji in the distance silently overlooked the people who began to shuttle busily in the streets and towns of Edo.

Compared with summer, under the smudge of early autumn, the sunlight permeating the streets has a soft white color.

While walking at a leisurely pace, Qingdeng looked with great interest at the surrounding street scenes that were different from the ones he was used to because of the change of the way to work.

Compared with other government departments, Huofu Thief Gai has a very interesting feature, that is, the location of their yamen is not fixed.

Generally speaking, who is the current commander-in-chief of Huofu Thief Kai, then this person's mansion is the new Yamen of Huofu Thief Kai.

Unless there are some very rare special circumstances, the general commander of Huo Fu Thief Kai basically changes every year. Therefore, the Yamen changed by Huofu Thieves also changed every year.

This year the yamen is located in the east of the city, but next year it might be in the west of the city.

From its establishment to the present, the history of Huofu Thief Kai is only more than a hundred years old.

As a result, in the team building history of more than 100 years, Huofu Thief Kai has changed more than 200 commanders...

The commander-in-chief changed clothes more often than Oiran Yoshiwara—this is not the most speechless part of the organizational structure of Huofu Thief Kai.

What is even more absurd than "changing the commander-in-chief frequently" is that there is often more than one commander-in-chief of Huofu Thief Kai!

Huofu Thief Kai only has one commander in very rare cases.

Most of the time, Huofu Thief Kai will have at least 2 top leaders.

The current Huofu Thief Kai has two top officials at the same time: Kurosawa Atsuyuki and Okubo Tadao.

These two are the 240th and 241st commanders of Huofu Thief Kai.

The status of these two people is completely equal, there is no difference between upper and lower, and there is no detailed division of functions. They both have the same rights and obligations.

The brains of an army not only change frequently, but also often have 2 or even 3 brains at the same time... This kind of thing seems absurd at first glance, but it is actually full of insidious political wisdom.

According to legend, Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun who founded the Edo shogunate, once said: The secret of governing the country is to make the peasants half-dead.

The shogunate government structure constructed by Ieyasu Tokugawa and his descendants and has been continued has been able to understand and play this sentence to the extreme.

During the more than 200 years when the Edo shogunate ruled Japan, not only farmers were beaten to death, but even businessmen, craftsmen, ordinary samurai, and vassal daimyos were fiddled with to death.

Huofu Thief is a microcosm of the shogunate officialdom.

In essence, the chief executives of almost all agencies and departments of the Edo Shogunate were held by several people at the same time, and the frequency of replacement was extremely frequent. It was normal to change once a year or several times a year.

The reason for doing this is to toss the officials and the samurai.

Although redundant officials and redundant staff will lead to extremely low administrative efficiency, doing so can make the throne under the butt of General Zhengyi quite stable.

There are too many people in a department who can talk about things, and whenever there is a big or small problem, it will inevitably start to argue and kick the ball.

The strength and vigor of the officials were eroded in this endless wrangling and kicking.

If the power of each person and each department is dispersed, it will be difficult to form a joint force and pose a threat to the rule of the Tokugawa family.

Moreover, if each department has a bunch of talkers, it can also effectively relieve the social pressure of "a large number of warriors who have no official positions and become socially unstable elements".

It doesn't matter whether the commander-in-chief is changed frequently, or there are multiple commander-in-chiefs...the purpose of these methods is simple and the same: to minimize the threat of Huofu Thief Gai to the Edo Shogunate!

If the commander-in-chief is changed frequently, "soldiers don't know generals, and generals don't know soldiers".

If there is more than one commander-in-chief, the internal division of Huofu Thief Kai will naturally form, making it difficult to unite as one.

Therefore, these seemingly absurd systems are actually extremely vicious political games.

The Edo shogunate was able to rule Japan for nearly 300 years, and it has remained generally stable until now. Almost no vassal state has the strength to challenge the authority of the Edo shogunate—the series of extremely tossing people left by Tokugawa Ieyasu and his descendants The system and thought of governing the country are indispensable.

The Yamen of Huofu Thief Gai this year is Kurosawa Atsuyuki's mansion, which is located in the south of the city, quite far from the examination hall.

Qingdeng's footsteps have always been very fast, but he walked for nearly 40 minutes before he finally saw Kurosawa's mansion... that is, Huofu Thief changed the current Yamen.

Atsuyuki Kurosawa's mansion is quite luxurious and magnificent. Qingdeng looked to the left, then to the right - no matter which direction he looked, he couldn't see the end of the stone brick wall surrounding the mansion.

The spacious gate that can accommodate 4 adults walking side by side at the same time, there are 4 soldiers in black and holding long sticks standing guard there.

Qingdeng strode over, and the four sentries immediately raised the long sticks in their hands nervously.

But after seeing the captain's costume on Qingdeng, the nervousness on their faces suddenly turned into doubt.

"This is the captain of the third team who came to report today: Ju Qingdeng!"

Qingdeng took the initiative to report his name to the sentries, and lifted the haori hem on the right side of his body, revealing the brand-new seal cage hanging on his right waist——the black background silver seal symbolizing Huofu Thief's changed captain cage.

All of a sudden, a small commotion broke out among the four sentinels.

I saw them biting their ears in low voices:

"This is the 'Nioh'...so young...he looks younger than my sister."

"You read that right, 'King Ni' is only 18 years old this year, and he is indeed younger than your sister."

"Hey, stop chatting, it's important to do business."

The four sentinels should have received the news in advance that "the new captain of the third squad will be here today", so after a short period of shock and confusion, they quickly calmed down and came forward to check Qingdeng's identity .

While Qingdeng was patiently waiting for his identity to be confirmed——

"Aiya~~ Isn't this King Ni? Long time no see~~ Do you still remember me?"

A male voice with an extremely strange tone sounded from behind Qingdeng abruptly, with the end of each sentence dragged on for a long time.

A familiar male voice...Qingdeng quickly turned around.

A young man with a handsome face and a gentle smile on his mouth, with a knife around his waist in his left hand, and his right hand tucked into the skirt of his jacket, walked towards Qingdeng with brisk steps.

Qingdeng immediately recognized who this young man was.

"My grandson..."

This person was the leader of the Huofu Thief Gaiyi Team, the leader of the Ninth Division of the First Iron Cannon Team, and a rare genius detective who met Sanako on the night of the fireworks festival with him: I Grandson Chutaro!

In order to facilitate the work in the future, Qingdeng has searched for a lot of information and done a lot of homework in the recent period, and has firmly remembered the names of every member of the current command of Huofu Thief.

The current command of Huofu Thief Gai consists of 2 general commanders and captains of 8 divisions. The list is as follows——

Commanders: Atsuyuki Kurosawa, Tadashi Okubo.

Team Captain: My grandson Chutaro

Captain of the Second Division: Chusuke Kanazawa

Captain of the Third Division: Tachibana Qingdeng

Captain of the Fourth Division: Rensaburo Mizushima

Captain of the Fifth Division: Suzuma Kimura

Team Sixth Captain: Motozo Hisaka

Team Seventh Captain: Tsuchida Masaki

Team Eighth Captain: Nobuyoshi Kazama

Among them, the third division under the command of Qingdeng, the sixth division under the command of Hazaka Motozo, and the eighth division under the command of Nobuyoshi Kazama, all of which were also served by the Senshou Yugumi.

The other five troops are all concurrently served by the Xianshou Iron Cannon Team.

3 bow teams, 5 musket teams... Although the muskets used by the first iron cannon team are still old-fashioned arquebus guns, this kind of firepower is enough to crush more than 90% of Xiaoxiao's generation into powder.

Only those banner warriors with a clean family background and a certain family background are eligible to serve as the captain of the Huofu Thief Gai.

Therefore... Just by looking at the names of each of the gentlemen in this list, one can see the superior family backgrounds of Qingdeng's future colleagues.



The author, Jun Cheng, is the last yin person in the family... There are 5 people living in the family, 4 of them are yang, and I am the only one who is still fine for the time being.

But if this continues, it will be a matter of time before I get yang... (Leopard Head Crying.jpg) Everyone, be prepared that there may be no new chapters to read tomorrow.

But before falling ill, the author will work hard to update!

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