I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 565 Goro Komaki: Are you talking about Ogata Yishi? That’s so familiar to me! 【5200】

Suddenly, the store and outside were filled with happy air.

The old people couldn't help but smile.

Even A-Machi was covering his lips and smiling softly.

"Disclaimer in advance: I am not talking nonsense."

Goro Komaki spread his hands, making an innocent gesture.

"What I just said has precedent."

"Previously, wasn't Mr. Keitaro entangled by a group of rogues? He was frequently blackmailed and his family fortune was almost wiped out."

"Just when Mr. Keitaro was at his wits' end, the ronin who bullied him were killed by unidentified righteous men, leaving no one alive."

"It is reported that they were attacked while walking at night. This righteous man who eliminates harm for the people is very skilled and can kill with one knife."

An old man mused thoughtfully:

"Ah, there seems to be such a thing... Speaking of Keitaro, hasn't he always been a regular customer of this store? Why haven't you seen anyone else recently?"

Komaki Goro explained calmly:

"He moved. He said Kyoto is too dangerous now and not suitable for living at all."

"So after the gang of rogues who bullied him were killed by the righteous, he moved his family to Nara with the mood of 'surviving the disaster'. Before leaving, he even came to say goodbye to me. "

"Kyoto is just a big mess right now."

"Good guys, bad guys, saints, bad guys, weirdos... all kinds of people are pouring into Kyoto."

"God knows if there might be some kind-hearted master who just didn't like the Nanmu Group, so he destroyed it."

Heigoro forced out an ugly forced smile:

"Mr. Gu Mu, just think about this kind of great thing like pie in the sky in your dreams."

"Even if a knight really appears to fight against injustice, what will happen?"

"Can he still destroy the Nanmu group?"

"The unorganized and disorderly ronin cannot be compared to the Kusunoki group."

His words seemed to resonate, and the old people all showed heavy expressions and started talking:

"The Kusunoki group is very strong now. Not only are they numerous, but they have also attracted many warriors with outstanding skills."

"Nowadays, capable warriors have no food and can only devote themselves to Yakuza."

"It's a bad year. I have to find time to worship Buddha later."

"Sigh... Shangfu is deserted, but the temples are prospering. Hell is really getting worse and worse."

[Note: Due to the prosperity of Buddhism in the Edo period, many people donated money to temples, thereby gaining the qualification to enter the Paradise of Paradise, which is similar to the "indulgence coupons" in the European Middle Ages, so there is a saying that fewer people "go to hell", Hence the name "Hell's Depression\

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