I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 715 Qingdeng’s cronies are in danger! The

"I wanted to seize the Shinsengumi and make it mine."

"I thought the Shinsengumi would not survive the difficulty of 'lack of food and pay'."

"I wanted to take advantage of the precious opportunity of the chaos in the army and seize the Shinsengumi in one fell swoop."

"But I didn't expect... that Tachibana Aoto really has some skills...!"

"He actually made it through this!"

At this point, Qinghe Hachiro frowned, his cheekbones bulged, he gritted his teeth, and his face was filled with unwillingness and resentment.

"I don't know if he was instructed by a master or what, but he was able to find the extremely talented Iwasaki Yataro and come up with a good idea like the 'Silver Mirror' that can make a lot of money!"

"An ordinary silver mirror can earn several taels or even dozens of taels of gold!"

"That Iwasaki Yataro is obviously just an unknown person, but he can keenly see through business opportunities and manage the huge Shinsen Chamber of Commerce in an orderly manner."

"As far as I know, he is preparing to sell silver mirrors overseas recently."

"Shiploads of silver mirrors are shipped to Osaka and shiploads of gold are brought back!"

"In addition, he has recently started Start to get involved in other industries. "

"In the name of the Shinsen Chamber of Commerce, he bought a large piece of land in the suburbs of Kyoto and started a project to dam the river and create farmland. "

"If this project is successful, it will make a huge fortune! "

"Under the governance of Iwasaki Yataro, the Shinsen Chamber of Commerce is now thriving. "

"With food and wages, there is military morale. "

"All the soldiers of the Shinsengumi who eat a feast and receive generous wages respect Tachibana Aoto and serve him as their leader! "

"Nowadays, if you want to replace Tachibana Aoto and snatch the Shinsengumi, it is as difficult as ascending to heaven. "

At this point, Qinghe Hachiro snorted with indignation. "Well, since you can't seize the Shinsengumi, then destroy it!"

Qinghe has always had a very clear understanding of his identity-a loyal and devoted son-of-war patriot!

He never agreed with the rule of the shogunate, and he had the emperor in his eyes but not the general.

From the day he joined the Shinsengumi, he was aiming to "seize the Shinsengumi".

Spend the shogunate's money, consume the shogunate's food, and then use the shogunate's soldiers to attack the shogunate - getting something for nothing, isn't that wonderful!

Using the identity of "Shinsengumi staff", secretly seize the Shinsengumi, and transform the Shinsengumi into the vanguard of the great cause of the Sonnenjo - the above is Kiyokawa Hachiro's plan... or the "original plan".

Just as he said just now, he wanted to wait for the Shinsengumi to fall into chaos due to lack of food and wages, and then secretly seek to seize it.

However... the changes that happened afterwards far exceeded his expectations!

However, it is no wonder that he made such a misjudgment.

Before this, anyone would think that Qing Deng's situation was already precarious and that the Shinsengumi was a dying army.

Without the money and food supply from the shogunate, how long could this temporary new army last?

In fact, before Qing Deng established the Shinsen Chamber of Commerce, almost everyone was not optimistic about the future of the Shinsengumi.

Even if Qing Deng could barely maintain this stall, its development would be very limited.

As a result... Qing Deng relied on one person and one thing - Iwasaki Yataro and Silver Mirror - to overcome this difficulty! And further strengthened the Shinsengumi!

In terms of personal prestige, Qinghe Hachiro can't even reach Qing Deng's knees.

In terms of logistics supply, thanks to Qing Deng, the soldiers of the Shinsengumi have the best treatment in the country.

Whether it is "spiritual" or "material", Qinghe Hachiro is beaten by Qing Deng in all aspects.

In this state, talking about "replacing Tachibana Qing Deng" and "seeking Shinsengumi" is simply wishful thinking!

Therefore, when Qinghe Hachiro found that his "rebellion plan" was no longer possible, he had to settle for the second best and change to another plan - destroying the Shinsengumi!

The high status and favor of Aoto in the shogunate, as well as the strong fighting power of the Shinsengumi in the "Iga Offensive and Defense War", made all the Sonjo patriots in Japan deeply aware of a fact - the Shinsengumi, whose strength has soared, has become a huge obstacle to the Sonjo cause!

An obstacle that cannot be moved forward without being removed!

In the eyes of the Sonjo patriots with a strategic vision, weakening the Shinsengumi, or even destroying the Shinsengumi, has become an urgent top priority!

Kiyokawa Hachiro is well aware of his own weakness.

For this reason, he has been seeking support from external forces.

From the imperial court to Choshu, from Satsuma to Tosa, he sent his confidants to contact each force that he could count on and rely on.

The attitude of the imperial court was ambiguous.

Satsuma clearly refused to cooperate.

Choshu did not respond.

Only the Tosa Kinno Party in Tosa expressed the meaning of "interest in you".

Finally, today, Kiyokawa Hachiro's confidant reported to him: Takechi Hanpeita is willing to form an alliance with them! And he wants to meet him tonight!

So there was this scene of "the two secretly meeting".

After listening to Kiyokawa Hachiro's sigh, Takechi Hanpeita said calmly:

"I have to bear part of the responsibility for Tachibana Aoto's current good situation."

"Iwasaki Yataro was originally a country ronin in Tosa."

"Before that, Tachibana Aoto personally came to the door and exchanged the "reward of 100,000 taels" for the removal of Iwasaki Yataro and his family, and the restoration of Iwa's father's reputation."

"The IOU he originally wrote to me is still kept in my bookcase."

"To be honest, I didn't take Yataro Iwasaki seriously at all at first,"

"I don't think Tachibana Aoden has the outstanding ability to strengthen the Shinsengumi."

"I just think Ju Qingden is really crazy. He actually spent 100,000 taels of gold to 'buy' an unknown underground ronin."

"Anyway, it's something that won't make you lose money. Why don't you take advantage of the situation and sell Juqing as a favor?"

"So, I agreed to the conditions he proposed."

"Now it seems... I am blind."

"We lost a valuable talent for nothing...it's such a shame."

After hearing this, Qinghe Hachiro's facial expression suddenly became embarrassed.

He had just eloquently described how Aoto became even more powerful after acquiring Iwasaki Yataro, but he had forgotten that "Iwasaki Yataro was originally from Tosa, and the reason why he served Aono was all because of Takeichi Hanheita's 'assist'" fact.

In this way, his previous words seemed to be secretly accusing Takeshi Hanpingta.

At this time, someone standing behind Wushi Hanpingtai suddenly said:

"Teacher, since you still keep Ju Qingden's IOU, let's go collect the debt from him!"

"That guy has a lot of money now! There's no way he can't hand over 100,000 gold!"

"'100,000 taels of gold will be exchanged for Iwasaki Yataro' - this is what Tachibana Aoto said personally, and he also wrote an IOU in black and white!"

"This money belongs to us. If we don't take it, we won't take it for free!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, Takeshi Hanheita turned his head sideways, squinted his eyes, and glanced at him coldly.

"We are noble warriors."

"As a samurai, but acting like a businessman, holding up an IOU to ask for debts from others, what is the decency of him?"

After being scolded by Takeshi Hanheita, the man immediately lowered his head with a look of shame on his face.

"Teacher, I'm sorry...I was reckless."

Seeing this, Qinghe Balang thought to himself:

——This person calls Wu Shi Hanping Tai "teacher"... Apparently, he should be Wu Shi Hanping Tai's student.

Wu Shi Banping Taiyuan is a master of a field.

He was a talented man with both civil and military skills.

Therefore, his dojo taught both martial arts and knowledge.

The most eye-catching aspect of his ashram is that he is "regardless of his origins".

No matter whether they are senior sergeants who enjoy all the privileges or low-status Baizha countrymen and corporals, they can freely join his sect.

Hanping Tai's class status in Takeshi is Baizha Xiangshi.

Although the social status of Baizha Xiangshi is higher than that of corporals, in the eyes of sergeants, it is still synonymous with "humble".

For this reason, the sergeants were completely dismissive of Hanping Tai's dojo in Wu City.

In this way, most of the apprentices of Banpingtai in Wu City are the children of corporals.

In general, the corporal's status in Tosa Domain was extremely embarrassing.

Although he is a warrior, he suffers discrimination.

The unfair treatment suffered by the corporals includes, but is not limited to: not being able to hold an umbrella on rainy days and having to wear a raincoat; not being able to wear clogs but only straw sandals; if you meet a sergeant on the road, you need to stand on the side of the road to make way for the sergeant. …

In such an environment, there is such a dojo that not only will not discriminate against you because you are a corporal, but will also teach you martial arts and arts... It can be imagined that the corporals are naturally grateful to Wu Shi Banping.

Even if he is not his student, he will still respect and love him.

After Hanheita Takeichi formed the Tosa Kinnoi Party, most of its core members were his disciples.

As a result, following the "grace of education", the apprentices of Banpingtai in Wushi received the "grace of knowledge".

Measured by the values ​​of the feudal era, such a great kindness cannot be compensated even by risking one's life!

Most of those who call Takeichi Hanheita "teacher" and follow him to conquer the world regard him as their lifelong belief! Worship him like a god!

Because of this, although the Tosa Kinou Party is not large in scale, it has extremely high centripetal force.

At this time, Takeshi Hanheita continued:

"I don't like asking people for money in a groveling manner."

"I like to take away things that belong to me one by one!"

"If we can destroy the Shinsengumi, the benefits we can get are not comparable to a mere 100,000 taels of gold?"

Speaking of this, Takeichi Hanheita narrowed his eyes, and a sharp light burst out from his mouth.

"Qinghe-kun, let's get back to the topic."

"On behalf of the Tosa King Party, I would like to formally form an alliance with you!"

"From now on, we will help each other."

“We are in the same boat and we share weal and woe.”

"Gather your strength and mine, and let's subvert the Shinsengumi together!"

Qinghe Hachilang immediately responded:

"This is natural! Mr. Wushi, to be honest, I have been waiting for this day for too long!"

Wushi Banpingtai nodded lightly:

"Then, let's make an oath by striking gold!"

As he spoke, he picked up the saber beside him and pulled out half of the blade with a clang.

Qinghe Hachiro immediately made the same move - picked up the sword and pulled out half of the blade.

In the next breath, the two of them sheathed their swords in no particular order.

The blade of the sword collided with the mouth of the sheath, and the clear clang shook the air.

Afterwards, Takeichi Hanheita put away his sword and said quietly:

"Qinghe-Jun, since you and I are already allies, as a token of our sincerity in forming an alliance, I will take the lead in being honest and honest."

"Although the Shinsengumi's current scale is staggering, in my opinion, it does have a lot of hidden dangers."

"The biggest hidden danger is that 'Tachibana Aoden has a unique and lofty status in the Shinsengumi.'"

"Ju Qingden is like a huge pillar."

"He single-handedly maintained the existence and development of the Shinsengumi."

"However, it also created a dangerous situation where 'the Shinsengumi cannot do without Tachibana Aoden'."

"Nioh is here, and the Shinsengumi is here."

"If Nioh is gone, the Shinsengumi will be in danger."

"The prestige and ability of the other generals under Tachibana Aoden are not enough to lead the huge Shinsengumi."

"Therefore, the key to subverting the Shinsengumi lies in 'Tachibana Aoden's life and death'!"

"As long as Tachibana Aoden is killed, the Shinsengumi will not attack themselves!"

"I personally think that if you want to bring down Ju Qingden, you must first cut off his wings."

"Ju Qingden has the courage to be invincible."

"Killing him head-on is really a fool's errand."

"However, it would be much easier to deal with the cronies around him."

"Without the help of his close associates, no matter how capable Tachibana Aoden is, he will have nowhere to display his talents."

"So this is my plan: 'Clip its wings and leave it alone'!"

"Try every possible means to get rid of all of Tachibana Aoden's cronies! Then concentrate our efforts to kill Tachibana Aoden and eliminate the Shinsengumi!"

Qinghe Hachiro listened carefully.

After Wu Shi Banping finished speaking, he frowned slightly and looked like he was thinking.

After a while, he spoke slowly:

"What you said is indeed true knowledge and insight."

"But... in my opinion, your plan is not easy."

"All of Tachibana Aoden's cronies are nothing more than the 11 people from the 'Tribeikan Faction' - Kondo Isamu, Hijikata Toshizo, Yamanan Keisuke, Okita Souji, Nagakura Shinpachi, Saito Ichi, Inoue Genzaburo, Toudo Heisuke , Harada Sanosuke, Chiba Sanako and Kinoshita Mai.”

"If these people can be eliminated, Ju Qingden's power and prestige will indeed suffer a serious blow."

"But...with all due respect, these 11 people are not fuel-efficient."

"Even Sanako Chiba and Mai Kinoshita, who are both girls, have extraordinary courage."

"It's not that easy to get rid of them."

Takeshi Hanheita nodded slightly.

"Qinghe-Jun, I understand your concerns."

"But...since I dare to propose such a plan, then I am certainly sure to make it happen!"

As he spoke, he changed into a cold tone that was neither sad nor happy.

"The cronies of Tachibana Aoden are very strong... Then I just need to send people who are stronger than them and good at assassination to get rid of them, right?"

The next day, night——

Kyoto, somewhere——

"Tsk, it's so hot...!"

Todo Heisukero wiped the sweat from his forehead and kept complaining.

The air in summer is humid and sticky, without a trace of wind, and the heat is breathless.

According to Japanese parlance, tonight is a standard "tropical night".

Today happens to be the day when the Eighth Division patrols Kyoto.

As the captain of the Eighth Division, Toudo Heisuke personally led the team to patrol the streets and perform his duties as usual.

Just when Heisuke Toudo was holding a lantern and leading dozens of team members to walk struttingly on a street in Kyoto, a lone, slender black shadow followed closely behind him...

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