I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 730 Ju Qingden sends 100,000 troops! 【4300】

"Lord! Go quickly!"

"No! I won't leave! How can I abandon my ancestor's inheritance? Let me go! Let me go!"

"Lord! If you don't leave, it will be too late!"

The feudal lords of the Kotori domain scrambled to pick up their lord and fled down the mountain via a small path.

Behind them, the majestic Gaotori City, nearly 600 meters above sea level, is now tightly enveloped in thick smoke.

"Win!", "Takatori Castle is ours!"...Screams like this came to their ears one after another.

Listening to these cheers and looking at the traitor flag fluttering in the wind on the castle tower in the distance, the emperors and ministers of the high feudal clan all had their eyes cracked and their teeth gritted.

However...at this moment, all they could do was to run away in a hurry, and they could only look up and sigh.

Generally speaking, facing the Tenchu ​​group approaching the city, the resistance of the emperors and ministers of the Gotori domain can be described as brave.

Although the incident happened suddenly, they still tried their best to mobilize the army and strengthen the defense.

However...the corruption of the military caused by the comfortable life of letting horses go to Nanshan and storing swords and guns in storage is, after all, an unavoidable problem for most feudal regimes.

The weakness of the military power of the vassals has always been obvious to all.

Of course, the shogunate has nothing to do with this.

The shogunate used various methods to torment the vassals through systems such as pilgrimage and interrogation, resulting in widespread poverty among the vassals.

People with high debts are everywhere.

Although the financial situation of Takatori Domain was not so difficult to reveal, it was not ideal either.

Just by paying salaries to the samurai in the domain, the kings and ministers of the Takatori domain will be as big as one and two. Where will there be spare money to train troops and maintain equipment?

Therefore... one can imagine the military preparedness of Takatori Domain.

Although there is still a certain amount of guns stored in its warehouse, they are all rotten due to lack of maintenance.

The completion rate is only three to four out of ten.

In fact, regardless of the strength and equipment, even the most basic chain of command on the battlefield, Gao Qijun did a terrible job!

The so-called "battlefield chain of command" does not agree on who you listen to, who listens to whom, who will be responsible for commanding you, and you will command him.

When the battle begins and the troops rush to the battlefield, how do the generals sitting in their own formations effectively issue orders to the front line?

When there are changes on the front line, how do junior officers quickly report the situation to the generals at the rear?

When information exchanges are too frequent, how to ensure that information transmission channels can always remain smooth.

This is a university question and also a big problem.

There are no shortcuts. You have to trial and error over and over again, pay "tuition fees" continuously, and accumulate experience step by step.

Counting on improvising will never work.

Based on Gao Qijun's long-awaited training level... it is not difficult to imagine how they will perform against the Tianzhu group.

Facts have proved that it is true - as soon as the war started, the ever-changing battlefield situation and intelligence changes instantly broke the Gao Qijun's chain of command!

If the intelligence is not transmitted in place, the soldiers cannot find the generals, the generals cannot find the soldiers, and 100% of the strength will not be used at 50%.

It is true that there are many martial arts masters who are proficient in swordsmanship and spearmanship among the Gaoqi army.

However, unless they are "humanoid Gundams" like Aoto and Souji, throwing ordinary warriors into bloody and cruel battlefields is like pouring one or two drops of oil into the sea - it will be diluted in an instant. No trace left.

Moreover, when it comes to the number of martial arts masters, the Tianzhu Group, which has already gathered a large number of troops, is still higher than the Gao Qijun.

In addition to the geographical advantage, there is no place where we are not at a disadvantage... Can Gao Jianjun win?

In this way, the Gaochei Army, which was sitting on one of the few fortified cities in Japan, lost the city after only resisting for 2 hours under the fierce attacks of the Tenchu ​​Group.

The kings and ministers of the Takatori domain fought desperately to escape, and finally managed to save their lives.

The soldiers of the Tenchu ​​Group were like a flood, occupying every corner of Gaotori Castle.

They raised their voices and cheered, excited to obtain this solid and reliable rear fortress.

The president of Tenchu ​​Group, Yoshimura Tontaro, rode a tall horse and slowly passed through the gate of Takatori Castle, closely surrounded by his comrades.

I saw a conspicuous flag on the tree next to him.

It has to be said that the methods and achievements of the Tenchu ​​Group in publicity mobilization and public opinion building are indeed worthy of praise.

They made a banner with the chrysanthemum family crest representing the royal family embroidered on it. There was also a line of large characters embroidered under the family crest: Seven Lives of Thieves Destroyed by the Empress of Heaven.

Obviously, this is an adaptation of Kusunoki Masashige's oath to serve the country for seven lives in the Northern and Southern Dynasties.

And this is the flag currently being erected next to Yoshimura Torataro.

Even though he has never seen the Emperor in person, he still assumes the posture of an Imperial Guard or a Habayashi Guard...

However, their banner did have quite an effect.

Some idiots who had studied Cheng-Zhu Neo-Confucianism and Mito Studies to their core were moved to tears when they saw this flag.

A large number of so-called people with lofty ideals were inspired by this flag and came one after another to defect to the Tianzhu Group.

"Lord Yoshimura, we succeeded!"

A samurai who was neither fat nor thin, about thirty years old, lightly knocked on the horse's belly, sped up, walked side by side with Yoshimura Torataro, and said this with excitement.

This person's name is Matsumoto Kuido, a Bizen person...or rather a former Bizen person.

He had already left the feudal vassal and was expelled from the feudal state. He is now a "free man", also known as a ronin.

As soon as Matsumoto Kuitou finished speaking, another person who was also closely following Yoshimura Torataro echoed:

"Mr. Yoshimura! This battle went much smoother than we expected! We finally have a base we can rely on!"

This man's name is Fujimoto Teishi. Not only is he old (48 years old), but he is not even a samurai, he is just a large village owner in Tosa.

The so-called village house is the smallest unit of grassroots management of the Tosa Domain and is the top manager of the rural organization.

The villagers are selected by the county chief from prestigious families in the village, but in fact many villagers have held this position for generations.

To put it simply, the villagers are the gentry.

Yoshimura Tointaro, Matsumoto Kuitou, Fujimoto Teishi - the above three people formed the top command of the Tenchu ​​group.

Relying on the bravery of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers and the advantage of taking a preemptive strike, they took Gojo Town in just one night, and then quickly attacked Takatori Castle.

Gojo Town was captured on August 18, and only two days later (the 20th) the flag was planted in the castle tower of Takatori Castle.

Such a fierce offensive and such a fierce attack speed can be said to be "the autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves"!

To be honest, the smooth development of the situation completely exceeded the expectations of Yoshimura Tontaro and others.

Yoshimura Tontaro smiled at the corner of his mouth, raised his chin slightly, and his face was filled with unstoppable pride and pride.

The battle situation was so smooth that he couldn't help but start to fantasize - he would sweep the world like Minamoto Yoshitsune! The battle must be won, the attack must be captured, and the shogunate will be annihilated like a ruthless force! Become a great hero who reshapes rivers and mountains, and is deeply respected by future generations!

When he thought of this, the corners of his mouth almost turned up to his ears.

Just when he was secretly imagining and lusting after him... suddenly, a fast horse ran straight towards him!

"Lord Yoshimura! Lord Yoshimura!"

As soon as Yoshimura Tontaro looked over, the messenger arrived in front of him.

The messenger panted and handed over the letter in his hand - it was said to be a letter, but in fact it was just a 3-inch square piece of tissue paper rolled into a tube.

Yoshimura Tontaro frowned slightly, took it casually, and slowly unfolded it - with just one glance, the smile at the corner of his mouth froze, his complexion suddenly changed, and his pupils shrank to the size of pinholes.

Matsumoto Kuitou on the side saw this and couldn't help but ask:

"Mr. Yoshimura, what's wrong?"

Yoshimura Tontaro lowered his face and squeezed out the words through clenched teeth:

"problem occurs……!"

That night--

High castle, castle tower——

"What?! The Emperor declared us rebels?!"

"This is how the same thing?!"

"Why did we become rebels?!"

A louder exclamation and roar dominated the inside and outside of the castle tower.

All the prominent characters from the Tenchu ​​team are here.

Looking around, everyone had an inexplicable look of horror on their faces.

After all, the Tenchu ​​team is just a temporary team.

There is neither a stable base nor reliable intelligence collection channels.

Ever since, a situation like this has emerged - two days have passed since the "August 18th Coup". As a result, they didn't know that fundamental changes had occurred in the political situation in Kyoto until today and after Torataro Yoshimura took the small note. drastic changes!

Suddenly, someone said sharply:

"What do we do now?!"

His scream expressed the thoughts of everyone present.

Everyone at the scene, including Tontaro Yoshimura, buried their heads and didn't say a word...or rather they didn't know how to speak.

The sudden and shocking turn of events caught them off guard.

They originally wanted to be the vanguard of the anti-collision movement.

Unexpectedly...he was declared a rebel by the Emperor just after he raised his troops!

They respected the Emperor, but their "master" gave them a big surprise!

Now that they have been deprived of the legality to send troops, why are they still fighting?

There was deathly silence in the huge castle tower, and the sound of burning candles became like thunder.


Suddenly, a low murmur attracted the attention of everyone present.

Everyone raised their eyes and looked at the owner of this murmur - Yoshimura Tontaro who was sitting on the main seat.


He suddenly raised his voice and his expression became ferocious.

"This is definitely a conspiracy of the shogunate!"

"Your Majesty has always hated the shogunate!"

"He is deeply disgusted by the shogunate's misdeeds!"

"How could His Majesty declare us rebels!"

"The real rebel is Aizu! It's Satsuma! It's the shogunate!"

"They are the treacherous rebels!"

"They held the emperor hostage, and then issued a false edict! This is a way to attack those with lofty ideals all over the world!"

Yoshimura Tontaro's words were like gasoline.

After being poured into the fire, the weak flame that was still "dying" suddenly swelled! Burn violently!

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly changed.

"Yes! That's right! This must be a false edict!"

"We will never obey the imperial edict!"

"Damn the shogunate! How dare you hold His Majesty hostage!"

Every word you say to me makes your veins pop, your face turns red and your neck becomes thick. The scene is so lively.

It seemed that he could not show his loyalty to the emperor without taking the opportunity to say a few words.

However, if we look at it from the perspective of a rational third party, this group of people is not like high-spirited warriors, but more like a group of "helpers".

From a certain perspective, they are indeed "helpers who finally grabbed a life-saving straw".

Yoshimura Toratarou slowly stood up, his eyes deep:

"Since the emperor is held hostage... then our next move is very clear!"

"Go north immediately! Defeat the rebels! Save His Majesty!"



3 days later --

August 23, early morning --

Gyeonggi region, Nara, Yakushiji Temple, pagoda --

Qing Deng held the Vairocana on his waist and slowly climbed to the top of the pagoda.

In order to facilitate the coordination of the troops, Qing Deng set up the temporary headquarters of the Shinsengumi in Yakushiji Temple, which has a wide area and a commanding height (pagoda).

The monks of Yakushiji Temple naturally had great opinions about Qing Deng's deployment of troops in a pure ancient temple.

Although the fierce protest of this group of bald donkeys cannot be said to be in vain, it can also be said to be a waste of effort.

"Yes, yes, yes, I will pay attention next time." - Just like that, Qing Dengji perfunctorily sent them away, and then continued to use Yakushiji Temple as his own home.

Facing the cool breeze of the morning, Qing Deng's eyes crossed the old railings and went straight to the distant skyline.

The rising sun lit up the sky and illuminated the earth.

As the night faded, the Nara deer strolling leisurely in the distance could be vaguely seen.

"Tachibana, everything is ready."

Suddenly, Hijikata Toshizo appeared silently behind Qing Deng.

"The baggage team is ready to go."

"The soldiers are ready to fight."

"The whole army can go out at any time!"

Under Qing Deng's almost paranoid request, the Shinsengumi stayed in Nara for 5 days, not more or less, and waited for the baggage to arrive without anxiety.

Now, the baggage they have collected is enough for the whole army to use for at least one month!

After listening to Hijikata Toshizo's report, Qing Deng nodded gently:

"The 7th Division is in the front, the 10th Division is in the rear, and the 5th and 8th Divisions protect the baggage."

"Call all the soldiers."

"All the troops - march out!"



The huge "Sincerity" character fluttered in the sky above Nara.

The Shinsengumi lined up in 4 long lines, slowly drove out of Nara and headed straight south.

Looking down from the sky, thousands of light green feathers looked like continuous auspicious clouds.

For a time, Nara was empty inside and outside.

The soldiers and civilians of Nara all crowded the streets just to see the style of the Shinsengumi.

For this disciplined army, the people of Nara still have a high favorable impression.

Therefore, the air in Nara is full of excitement, curiosity, and respect.

Especially the monks of Yakushiji Temple - seeing that these uncles finally left, they almost cried with joy.

In this battle, the Shinsengumi deployed the following troops:

There were 3,000 combat soldiers in total.

There were about 4,000 logistics personnel responsible for carrying supplies, rescuing the wounded, and building fortifications... the so-called auxiliary soldiers.

A total of 7,000 troops.

As we all know, exaggerating the number of troops to boost morale and deter the enemy has always been a very common means of war.

Anyway, it's just bragging, so why not brag about it? Just brag about it!

So... although there were only 7,000 troops under his command, and only 3,000 of them could fight, Qing Deng was very confident and directly announced to the outside world that he had 100,000 troops!

The rumor that Nioh sent 100,000 troops spread rapidly and soon reached the enemy camp.

You really don't say it, Qing Deng's bragging really played a big role.

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PS: The Tianzhu group in history was very weak, a real mob. The Gaoqu army scared them away with a few rounds of gunfire. They never approached the walls of Gaoqu City from beginning to end.

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