At the foot of the mountain to the north——

Divisions 1, 3, and 6 are ready to go.

Standing in front of the team, Souji, Saitoichi and Inoue Genzaburo all looked forward to it, waiting hard for the promised light.

Finally...a bright orange fire suddenly lit up on the top of the mountain, lighting up the night sky.

Looking at the fire that finally appeared, Saitoichi silently raised his left hand, held the resident of Sheshu Ikeda Kijinmaru Kunishige around his waist, and said in a deep voice:

"Okita-kun, Mr. Inoue."

Souji nodded vigorously, and then pulled out Kaga Kiyomitsu from his waist neatly:

"Follow me!"

In an instant, the three squadrons roared and roared, seizing all the roads into the mountain, and headed straight for Gaotori City on the mountain!

"Hey! What's going on? What's with that ball of fire?!"

"That seems to be the direction of the Black Gate!"

"Is the Black Gate on fire?"

"Oops! It's not that the black door is on fire, but that the black door is opened!"

"What? How is it possible?! Why was the black door opened?"

"Don't worry about it! Come over and take a look!"

Seeing something strange at the Black Gate, the nearby guards rushed over to check.

After arriving at the scene, they saw that the straight-shaped door tip of the black door had been taken off and discarded casually on the ground.

The two doors, which are more than 3 meters high, have been opened in an "eight" shape.

Right in the center of the door, a figure wearing a black ninja uniform...that is, Mai Kinoshita was standing proudly, staring at the newly arrived enemy soldiers without fear.

In today's era, ninja has long become a historical term.

Ninja uniforms that blend into the night only exist in people's imaginations, and almost no one has ever seen the real thing.

Seeing this female ninja who seemed to have traveled from the Warring States Period, the guards who rushed here were all stunned and stunned.

Of course, the shock and confusion are only temporary.

Compared to the existence of this female ninja, the loss of Black Gate made them feel more emotional.

Anyone with a little brain understands: At this juncture, once the black door is opened, what will be the consequences!

as expected--

"Kill her! Take back the Black Gate!"

Someone roared.

Immediately afterwards, they desperately attacked Kinoshita Mai! Trying to take back the Black Gate!

The female ninja spread her legs silently, lowered her center of gravity, and took a stance.

Suddenly, a knife slashed diagonally towards her Tianling Gai.

Funny to say, although Kinoshita Mai put on an impressive fighting posture, she did not fight head-on with the enemy group in front of her.

She was seen jumping upward slightly, dodging the incoming blade effortlessly.

In the next breath, when her delicate body began to fall, she stretched out her right leg, like a dragonfly touching water, and the small toe of her right foot lightly touched the back of the knife that had been emptied and had not yet been withdrawn.

The back of the knife was only half a finger wide, and it was already very strenuous just to press your toes against it, and it didn't look like it could be used to gain strength.

However... Kinoshita Mai's body seemed to have no gravity!

Then she landed lightly on the back of the knife, then jumped up lightly and returned to the air.

There was a person standing on the sword... Although Kinoshita Mai quickly jumped away, the sudden increase in weight was enough to make the swordsman drink a pot.


The swordsman screamed, staggered a few steps because he couldn't control his body balance, and then fell hard.

Similar scenes were constantly playing out at the scene——

"Ah! There she is!"

"Stab her with a gun! Hurry up and stab her with a gun!"

"No! Her speed is too fast! I can't keep up!"

Kinoshita dances nimbly, giving full play to her agility.

Sometimes she steps on other people's heads, sometimes on other people's shoulders.

Sometimes she flies in the air, sometimes she runs on the ground.

Just like this, it repeatedly uses force, jumps, and shuttles, like a butterfly flying through flowers.

The guards were in a state of confusion due to her torment, and the scene became chaotic.

They were fighting... more like catching a naughty, cunning cat.

They used knives to chop her, stabbed her with guns... They tried every means, but they couldn't even touch a corner of her clothes.

It's like swatting a mosquito - you obviously saw it and reached out to swat it as quickly as possible. You thought you hit it, but it "teleported" to another place.

In terms of personal combat power alone, Mai Kinoshita, who was not good with weapons and was only good at using fists and kicks, was far from outstanding.

She is better at assassination than fighting head-on.

However, when it comes to agility and flexibility, even among the powerful Shinsengumi, few people can compare with her!

Of course, Kinoshita Mai was not completely dodging at this time.

While dodging, she used every opportunity to punch and kick the enemy several times, knocking him off his feet.

After her repeated dealings, the guards at the scene were fooled by her.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Kinoshita Mai is stalling for time.

Why is she stalling?

What is she waiting for?

Regarding this series of questions, her enemies soon received the answer——


"I saw it! It's the Black Door! Rush in!"

"Look! It's Miss Kinoshita!"

Outside the black door, touches of light green color fill the end of the mountain road!

The soldiers of the 1st, 3rd, and 6th squads rushed to the Black Gate... no, to Takatori Castle!

The ones charging in front were the captains headed by Souji.

Looking at the Black Gate that was already close at hand, and Kinoshita Mai who was fighting with the enemy, Souji gave a new order without hesitation:

"Attack in! Kill the enemy as soon as you meet them!"

After saying that, she lowered her upper body slightly and accelerated suddenly!

In order to be able to command the soldiers of the 1st squad in real time, she had been holding back and trying to match the speed of her subordinates as much as possible.

And now, she has no worries!

In just a blink of an eye, she was out of touch with the subordinates behind her.

In another blink of an eye, she was beside Kinoshita Mai and killed the enemy side by side with her!

Compared with Kinoshita Mai, who is a female ninja, Souji, a female warrior, is a good hand at killing enemies and breaking through the enemy lines!

She seemed like a Yaksha incarnation, slashing someone's neck with one knife, and then slashing another knife in the opposite direction, cutting off the second person's head. When she put away the knife, the blade that turned back cut off the head of the third person.

In the blink of an eye, the unlucky people who died under her knife fell to the ground.

With such performance, she is worthy of being the first general of the Shinsengumi under Qing Deng!

Following closely behind, Saito Ichi, Inoue Genzaburo, and other soldiers joined the battlefield and showed their fangs.

At this point, the battle here is a foregone conclusion.

In terms of quantity, quality... there is no place where the other side has an advantage.

What is there to say about this one-sided battle?

In a short while, the inside and outside of the Black Gate were completely cleared.

Inoue Genzaburo turned his head and shouted to Saito Ichi who was not far away:

"Saito-kun! Okaguchi Gate is in your hands!"

Saito nodded:

"Squad 3, follow me!"

At the same time, Inoue Genzaburo also shouted to his subordinates:

"Squad 6! Follow me!"

Next, Souji and others will split into three groups.

Saito Ichi led the third group to attack the northeastern Okaguchi Gate and let the second and fourth groups in.

Inoue Genzaburo led the sixth group to attack the western Tsubosakaguchi Gate and let the fifth and eighth groups in.

Souji and Kinoshita Mai led the first group to rush straight to Honmaru to support Aoto!

In this way, three light green "torrents" moved separately and swept every corner of Takatori Castle.

Takatori Castle is the last resort of the Tenchugumi.

Without this unique geographical advantage, facing the Shinsengumi's front directly... What will be the outcome? The battle on the castle a while ago has already shown the answer.

As expected, the attacks of the Third Division and the Sixth Division went smoothly, with a momentum of "killing gods and Buddhas".

Although they encountered a lot of fierce resistance on the way, in the face of absolute strength, these resistances became a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

They attacked Okaguchi Gate and Tsubosaka Gate without any waves, liberated these two gates, and allowed the Second Division, the Fourth Division and other troops to enter the city together.

With the successive loss of the north, east and west directions of Takatori Castle, the complete fall of this city has become a foregone conclusion.

In comparison, the battle situation on the First Division side was much calmer.

It's not that they were slacking off or deserting.

It's because they couldn't touch the enemy at all!

The road from Sannomaru to Honmaru was full of enemy soldiers' corpses! There was hardly a living person!

Even Souji and Kinoshita Mai, who were familiar with Aoto and knew how powerful Aoto, couldn't help but be shocked when they saw the scene of corpses everywhere.

They didn't doubt that Qing Deng didn't have the ability to "conquer the city alone".

It's just... they didn't expect: Qing Deng's attack would be so swift and fierce!

They are now almost reaching Ninomaru, but there is still no sign of Qing Deng.

Where has he attacked now?

Those magnificent high walls and solid fortresses seem to have lost their effect in front of Qing Deng! They can't stop him at all!

Kinoshita Mai showed a surprised expression and murmured:

"All of this... was done by Qing Deng?"

Souji on the side muttered thoughtfully:

"Tachibana-kun has become stronger again...!"



Takatori Castle, Ninomaru Palace——

"You, you, don't come over here, ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The guy who appeared at the end of the corridor screamed and rushed towards Qing Deng, he raised the blade high, and posed a "force to split Huashan".

His figure was very tall, and the corridor here was very narrow, and he alone occupied most of the corridor.

At first glance, it looked like a thick wall smashing towards Qing Deng.

Qing Deng saw the right moment to attack, raised the Ding Gui Shen in his right hand, and knocked the opponent's knife away with the bottom of the handle.

At the same time, the Vairocana in his left hand pierced his throat from below.


The blood column shot out like a fountain, splashing Qing Deng's head.

Qing Deng did not pull the Vairocana back immediately, but let it stick in the opponent's body, and then flicked it up like throwing something - the man turned over on his head, slipped off the blade of Vairocana, and fell headfirst behind him.

"Hu... Hu... Hu... Hu... Hu... Hu..."

Qing Deng possessed many "physical" talents.

"Iron Lung +5", "Yuan Yang +4", "Lock Blood +7"... Thanks to these talents, Qing Deng never lacked physical strength and energy.

However, despite this, "breaking into Gaoqu City alone" is indeed a supernatural act!

Just the moving distance measured in kilometers is enough to make ordinary people feel frightened.

After fighting all the way from Sannomaru to here, even though he was as strong as a dragon, he couldn't help but feel tired and his breath became confused.

However, this only made him feel a little tired, and it didn't bother him.

He slowed down his pace and switched from running to walking, walking slowly while adjusting his breathing.

There is no opponent in sight.

There was no other sound except his footsteps and breathing.

After a moment, he walked out of the Ninomaru Palace - a towering castle tower came into view.

"Oh...we've arrived at Honmaru..."

Now that he has arrived directly below the castle tower, that means: he has arrived at the Honmaru of Takatori Castle!

Qingdeng stopped and silently stared at the castle tower which was already very close at hand, with great pride in his heart.

Breaking through all the obstacles on their own, Sannomaru and Ninomaru who penetrated Takatori Castle one after another with real force, attacked the core of Takatori Castle in one go... To be honest, such a terrifying record, even Aintō himself Can't help but be surprised.

Breaking through the mountain city single-handedly - no one in history has ever been able to accomplish such a feat!

Although he didn't tell the director and others clearly, the reason why Qingteng insisted on adopting such a random battle plan was to see with his own eyes where his current limit was!

It is precisely because this move is difficult that it is worthy of the challenge!

Qingden took a deep breath - his breath was almost adjusted - and strode towards the castle tower.

This majestic castle tower is Takatori Castle... no, it is the highest point of the entire Takatori Mountain, overlooking the earth from a high position.

During the climb to the top, Qingdeng never encountered another enemy.

It wasn't until he reached the highest point that his five senses could sense the enemy's breath again.

"Ju Qingden! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Nasu Shingo roared menacingly while drawing the sword in his hand.

Ayoto ignored Nasu Shingo and just quietly swept his eyes to observe the situation in front of him——

——2, 6, 12...18 people.

The 18 warriors formed a fan shape and glared at Qingden who broke in fiercely but without confidence.

"...Which one is Yoshimura Torataro?"

Standing in the middle of the fan-shaped circle, Yoshimura Torataro took half a step forward without hesitation:

"I am Yoshimura Toratarou!"

There was no fear in Yoshimura Torataro's cheeks, and he had a determined expression on his face.

Since Qingdeng's attack, he has been listening to the latest battle reports in real time while sitting in the main formation.

From "Nioh's attack on the Sannomaru" to "Nioh's attack on the Ninomaru", and now to "Nioh's attack on the Honmaru", he could be said to have been following Ayoto's offensive throughout the whole process.

Aoto's sudden attack and his overwhelming and fierce offensive not only stunned Yoshimura Torataro, but also opened his eyes!

He later realized that he had underestimated this monster!

He never thought beforehand that Takatori couldn't survive even one night!

He was extremely annoyed by his naive idea of ​​thinking that with the presence of Takatori Castle, he could stop the Shinsengumi's troops.

However, as of now, he has already prepared for the worst and is prepared to die at any time, so he is extremely magnanimous.

Even though Qingdeng had already advanced towards him, he had no intention of retreating.

As soon as he finished speaking, Nasu Shingo beside him impatiently said:

"My lord, Shingo Nasu! Tachibana Aoden! I've wanted to compete with you for a long time!"


Qingtengli ignored Nasu Shingo.

After Yoshimura Tontaro reported his name, he just glanced at him and looked away.

He turned his eyes and stared straight at the little man standing next to Yoshimura Tontaro.

Their eyes met... He met the little dwarf's eyes.

Although it was just a personal intuition, Qingdeng was certain that this little man was the most noteworthy person here!

Qingden silently shook off the remaining blood stains on the ghosts and gods, then put it back into its sheath, and used both hands to hold Vairochana tightly in his palm.

"Stop talking nonsense and come here."

Nasu Shingo had long been furious at Seito's repeated disregard.

Seeing Qingdeng being so arrogant, he couldn't bear it any longer and immediately roared and charged forward.

"Nasu-kun, don't be impulsive! Don't fight alone!"

Yoshimura Tontaro said this, but his steps were only half a beat slower than Ayoto's.

The two bosses had already attacked, and naturally the others had no reason to just stand there.

In an instant, the battle begins!

The originally peaceful castle tower was dominated by noisy running and shouting!

"Tachibana Aoden! Go to hell!!"

Nasu Shingo confidently struck out with a cassock slash.

It’s not like he thinks he has the ability to defeat Tachibana Aoden

He just believed from the bottom of his heart that even if he lost to Niou, as long as he showed the spirit of "putting himself to death and survive" and exerted the energy of "spiritual theory", he could at least leave one or two scars on Qingteng's body. .


In the flash of lightning, there was a crack, and Qingto, who had been in front of Nasu Shingo just a moment ago, suddenly appeared behind him.

Qingdeng could be seen maintaining the posture of drawing the sword, with the tip of the sword lightly touching the ground as he slashed straight down.

Nasu Shingo spread his legs and stood frozen on the spot, as if struck by lightning.

No blood was visible on his body and he seemed to be fine.

However, just half a second later, his body fell straight to the ground like a piece of rotten wood.

With a thin "puff" sound, a line of blood appeared on his neck.

The blood line became redder and deeper, and finally turned into a horrifying cut, and thick and warm blood flowed out, just like a shell that suddenly broke open.

Because his throat was cut, he couldn't even say a word.

After a few "grunts" and "grunts" like a pig, he died completely.

His eyes were open like copper bells, a very standard "die with eyes open".

Until the moment he died, Qing Deng didn't even look at him straight in the eye...

The battle with Yoshimura Toratarou and others... To be honest, there was no big difference from the battles on Sannomaru and Ninomaru just now.

The hand raised the knife and fell, the hand raised the knife and fell, the hand raised the knife and fell...

One knife, one knife, one knife, one knife...

In just ten seconds, the bodies fell all over the ground. Yoshimura Toratarou and others, who originally had 18 people, had already suffered heavy casualties, and the number dropped to single digits.

Suddenly! At this moment! Qing Deng suddenly felt a chill behind his neck!

In a flash, Qing Deng sank down with a conditioned reflex and knelt on his left knee.

Then, with the kneeling knee as the axis, he turned quickly.

While turning around, he swung the knife with centrifugal force and slashed at the cold air approaching behind him.

Chila——the sound of the brocade being cut.

Qing Deng's palm did not feel the full feeling of "the blade entering the flesh", and Vairocana only cut off half of his sleeve.

At the same moment when he swung the knife to counterattack, a cold blade swept over his head and cut off a few hairs.

If you look closely, you can see that the trajectory of the cold blade just covers the position where Qing Deng's neck was just now.

If he hadn't dodged in time just now, his head would have been moved now.

Qing Deng looked up - the guy who chopped at him was not someone else, but the white-skinned dwarf.

Once the battle started, the dwarf disappeared.

He hid behind Yoshimura Toratarou and others, waiting for an opportunity to move.

His girl-like short stature played a big role.

In the tense and exciting battlefield that changes rapidly, it is really difficult to distract attention to such an inconspicuous target.

However, Qing Deng did not forget this person.

He always kept in mind this dwarf who made his intuition send a fierce signal of "be cautious".

Because he had not yet started a formal confrontation with him, Qing Deng would not comment on this person's swordsmanship for the time being.

However, Qing Deng had to praise his "sense of attack".

He chose the timing of his attack just now very well.

If it were an ordinary person who was a little slower in reaction, he would definitely not be able to dodge this sneak attack just now, and he would not even know how he died.

In any case, since the opponent has come to the door, there is no reason not to fight back!

In an instant, Qing Deng raised his knees, stood up, and swung his sword forward.

The dwarf did not dodge, he lowered his waist, and rushed towards Qing Deng as if sliding on the ground.

The blades intersected, clanging, and sparks flew.

The dwarf was instantly at a disadvantage.

As soon as the two swords collided, his sword was pushed back, and the hard back of the sword almost hit his face.

Judging from his body shape alone, this dwarf could not be a power-type swordsman.

Not everyone can be like Souji, who is obviously petite, but can easily knock down someone who is several times her size in a power fight.

People with extraordinary talents like Souji are really different.

Since he copied the talents of "Nine Oxen and Two Tigers + 3", Qing Deng has not met a warrior who can fight him head-on for a long time.

Seeing that his strength is far inferior to Qing Deng, the dwarf immediately changed his fighting style.

He took advantage of the situation to retreat quickly, lowered the blade, and his figure became a blurred afterimage.

Leopard Leopard Super Evolution! Six thousand leopards!

Your monthly tickets gave me the power to evolve! As long as you give more monthly tickets, Leopard Leopard can continue to evolve!

Therefore, book friends who have monthly tickets on hand must vote for this book! (tearful leopard head.jpg) Please vote for the monthly ticket! Please recommend the ticket! (leopard head crying.jpg)

Anyone who has read "Rurouni Kenshin" should know: the prototype of Himura Kenshin is Kawakami Hikosai.

Therefore, I want to reiterate again:

Don't confuse these two people.

Himura Kenshin is Himura Kenshin, Kawakami Hikosai is Kawakami Hikosai.

In fact, Kawakami Hikosai is a die-hard sonnō member, and he is the same as Kusaka Genzui.

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