I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 750: Annihilate the Tosa Loyalists! Hold a grand feast! [4800]

As soon as the noisy footsteps sounded, everyone in the room trembled violently like a frightened bird, their faces lost all color, and their cheeks were filled with fear.

After hearing the words "We are the Shinsengumi! We are investigating on the job", they could no longer remain calm.

"Shinsengumi! Damn it! The Shinsengumi is here!"

"How did the Shinsengumi know this place!"

"This is the secret base of our Tosa Loyalists! Outsiders can't know this place!"

"Damn it! What are you still standing there for! Draw your swords! Get ready for battle"

Screaming, wailing, roaring... chaos.

After Yamanouchi-do defined the Tosa Loyalists as traitors, these people became like Choshu, and became rats that everyone wanted to beat.

Tosa Domain... that is, the "Tosa Office in Beijing", they definitely couldn't stay any longer.

The Tosa loyalists fled the mansion overnight, dispersed, and hid in the various secret bases they had secretly set up before, waiting for the next order from Takechi Hanpeita.

There are two main reasons why they did not leave Kyoto.

First, they had nowhere to go.

Tosa Domain must have deployed heavy troops at various checkpoints now, waiting to capture them.

They could never go back to their hometown.

Second... like Kusaka Genzui, they were reluctant to give up their "sunk costs".

They spent countless efforts and paid many prices before they finally successfully entered Kyoto in the name of "loyalty to the king".

The "loyalty to the king" that Takechi Hanpeita had been thinking about finally showed signs of happening.

As a result... they just retreated like this?

They just fled Kyoto without saying a word?

This can no longer be regarded as returning to the pre-liberation era overnight, but a complete fall to the bottom!

How can they choose!

They officially learned about Yamauchi Toudou's backstabbing against them last night.

From last night till now, the entire Tosa Kin'o Party has fallen into a semi-paralyzed state.

From Takechi Hanpeita to the most ordinary grassroots personnel, they were all stunned by this sudden and huge change and completely lost their sense of proportion.

A similar situation happened a while ago.

After the success of the "August 18th Coup", Choshu was expelled and the Sonjo Movement suffered a major setback.

The Tosa Kin'o Party, which also belonged to the Sonjo Camp, fell into great chaos in an instant.

In fact, the relationship between Choshu and the Tosa Kin'o Party was not very harmonious.

Although it cannot be said that they share honor and disgrace, it can be said that they are in harmony in appearance but in spirit.

There is a saying that "heresy is more hateful than paganism."

Facts have proved that party disputes are really fucking everywhere!

Although they are both part of the Sonjo Camp, the core demands of the two sides are not consistent at all, and can even be said to be conflicting.

Choshu's claim is that "Choshu must be the leader of the Sonjo Movement."

As for the Tosa Kinno Party... Takechi Hanpeita's political proposition is "One Domain Loyalty to the King". In other words, his demands are the same as those of Choshu, but the subject needs to be changed.

Both sides want to compete for the boss.

After the Choshu forces were expelled from Kyoto, the Tosa Kinno Party broke out in a very fierce quarrel.

Some people think: This is the Choshu people's business, what does it have to do with us Tosa people?

Smart monkeys will sit on the tree and watch the two tigers fight quietly, and wait until the two sides are both defeated, and then wait for an opportunity to fish in troubled waters!

On the other hand, a considerable number of people think: Choshu should be supported immediately!

Even if there are conflicts with Choshu, its power cannot be denied!

Choshu is the core force of the Sonnō camp! If Choshu falls, Tosa will also be unlucky!

The two sides quarreled so much that they almost beat their brains into dog brains.

In the end, the former prevailed.

Everyone can understand the ideas expounded by the "war faction".

No matter how naive a person is, he would not think that the Tosa Kinno Party would be safe and sound after Choshu lost power.

The main reason why the "war faction" was suppressed was that... the Tosa Kinno Party was too weak and had no ability to support Choshu!

The Tosa Kinno Party was not a military organization where not everyone was good at fighting.

Its main members were the samurai of the Tosa domain.

Due to the restrictions of social class, the quality of the Tosa samurai was uneven.

There were many illiterate people who could not read a single word and could not even hold a knife properly.

After patching together, there were only a hundred or so soldiers in the entire organization.

With this small number of people, whether they were thrown into the battlefield of Kyoto or the battlefield of Yamato, they would be like instant milk powder poured into boiling water - "dissolved" instantly.

In the end, Takechi Hanpeita personally decided: everyone should stand by and wait for the situation to change.

On the other hand, Takechi Hanpeita's order was just a disguised escape.

They didn't dare to fight or flee, and they didn't solve the problem at all. They just acted like an ostrich and tried to postpone the problem.

However, even if Takechi Hanpeita tried to do something, it would not change the situation

Their strength was too weak, and there was really no good way except to act like an ostrich.

In this way, they waited and waited...

Finally, they waited for Yamauchi Toudou's backstab.

Finally, today, they waited for the Shinsengumi to come!

Since they have become official traitors, in other words, whether it is the officials of the magistrate's office or the soldiers of the Shinsengumi, they all have the righteousness to wipe them out!

The Tosa government requested the shogunate to assist them in arresting the Tosa Kinwang faction members - such a possibility is not non-existent!

All in all, even if you think with your buttocks, you know that the Shinsengumi who suddenly arrived must have bad intentions!

Suddenly, the sounds of "Keng", "Keng", and "Keng" being drawn out were heard everywhere.

At the same time, there was a loud noise from the gate - the soldiers wearing light green feathers broke through the gate and filed in.

The Shinsengumi already has the power to "kill first and then make concessions," but there is no such thing as a "search warrant."

The members of the Tosa Gin royal family who wanted to flee, and the members of the Shinsengumi who barged in met in a narrow corridor.

A fierce battle is about to begin!

"Surrender and avoid death!"

"We would rather die than surrender!"


"Look at the knife!"

"go to hell!"

The cry of killing shook the sky, and blood flew everywhere.

The outcome of this encounter was doomed from the beginning.

Sure enough - as soon as Zhan Duan started, the Tosa Kinwang faction was completely suppressed! They were defeated in the blink of an eye!

Regardless of the number of people, equipment, or training level, the Shinsengumi side has an overwhelming advantage.

There is no need to say more about the number of people and equipment.

The Shinsengumi surrounded this place with overwhelming force.

In addition to the attack team that broke into the house, there were still countless people on standby outside the house.

The "three-piece set" of chain mail, arm armor and leg armor has become the Shinsengumi's standard equipment, and everyone has one set.

In a cold weapon battle, as long as you are not encountering a top master, it is just a normal operation for a fully armed "armored soldier" to challenge five "unarmored soldiers" without armor at the same time.

Of course, what makes the Tosa Kinou members despair the most is the training level of the Shinsengumi.

Since the founding of the army, the "Mandarin Duck Formation" has been one of the Shinsengumi's daily must-do exercises.

In large corps operations, the "Mandarin Duck Formation" is of no use.

Qi Jiguang, who invented the "Mandarin Duck Formation", stopped using this formation after he was transferred to defend the Mongols outside the Great Wall.

When fighting in large groups in the wild, forming large formations and fortifying strongholds is the way to go.

Only in places with narrow terrain, especially places with dense hills and few plains, or in cramped areas such as corridors and rooms, can the true power of the "Mandarin Duck Formation" be unleashed!

The reason why Qingteng made the "Mandarin Duck Formation" one of the required training items for the Shinsengumi was to prepare for street fighting.

Looking across Japan, there are only a few livable lands.

Tens of millions of people are crammed into an area as big as a sesame seed, resulting in extremely high population density in major cities and towns.

The stacked, maze-like group of houses can directly drive a patient with secret phobia to death.

Kyoto is an ancient city with a long history.

After thousands of years of washing, a lot of "Shit Mountain Code" has been accumulated.

There are paths and alleys everywhere that lead to unknown places, just like the capillaries in the human body.

If you are not familiar with the topography of Kyoto, you will definitely get lost when you first come here.

In this way, there is a place for the "Mandarin Duck Formation" to come into play!

Picture this - you have a full squad of 5 people in front of you.

The shield bearer is in the front, followed by the gunner, and behind him is the squad leader responsible for directing the battle. The two sword bearers are separated on the left and right.

And you only have a knife in your hand.

Even if you want to fight back, you don’t know where to start!

The tip of a spearman's spear follows you like a shadow. Wherever you go, the tip of the spear follows you.

Even if you are lucky enough to escape the spearman's attack, you will hit the shieldman's shield headlong.

Do you want to launch a sneak attack from the side? The two swordsmen responsible for guarding the left and right wings are not just decorations!

The so-called "one-sided" is nothing more than that.

From the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, in less than 5 minutes, all the Tosa Kinwang members in the house were eliminated.

There are some who slip through the net and plan to escape by jumping out of the window.

As a result, as soon as their front feet jumped out of the window sill, their back feet were caught by the thick surrounding net outside the house.

Most of the Tosa Kinwang members did not even have time to get close to their opponents until they were captured.

Relying on the overwhelming numbers, poor equipment, and poor training level, the Shinsengumi eliminated this stronghold unscathed and wiped out the Tosa Kinou faction members here.

Similar scenes are happening all over Kyoto.

Groups of soldiers wearing light green feathers walked through the streets and alleys of Kyoto, heading straight towards the secret strongholds of the Tosa Kinnoi Party!

Their goals are extremely clear and they act extremely quickly! It’s really resolute!

So decisive, so resolute, as if they already knew the exact location of the various strongholds of the Tosa King Party!

The decisive battle between the two major organizations, the Shinsengumi and the Tosa Kinou Party, started just like that.

Of course, rather than calling it a "decisive battle"... it would be more accurate to call it a "pursuit and annihilation".

"Teacher Wushi! Run away! Run away!"

Wushi Banpingtai was hiding in a small temple outside Luo.

Just now, he encountered what his friends in other strongholds were experiencing - the Shinsengumi suddenly attacked! Surround them!

The size of the Shinsengumi soldiers surrounding the small temple is at least two hundred!

But there are only 18 people around Wushi Hanpingtai...

18 versus 200, the advantage is his!

Anyone who knows a little bit about arithmetic knows that this is a losing battle.

"Teacher Wushi! If you don't escape, it will be too late!"

"Teacher Takechi, please rest assured! We will fight for you!"

"We can't lose Teacher Takechi!"

Everyone in the temple urged Takechi Hanpeita to flee quickly.

However... Takechi Hanpeita seemed to have lost his soul. He stood there blankly, his expression dull, his eyes dull, and he kept muttering:

"Impossible... How could it be possible... Why could the Shinsengumi find this place..."

Compared with his previous high-spirited appearance, his state at this time was completely different.

No wonder he had such a big change.

After all... the blow he suffered was not ordinary.

First, the court turned to the pro-shogunate faction, and the Sonnōjō movement fell into an unprecedented low ebb.

Then the former feudal lord Yamauchi Do was stabbed in the back, and the organization he had built with all his efforts was destroyed overnight.

His lifelong ideal was shattered.

Now, even his own life might be lost.

However, Takechi Hanpeita is not an ordinary person after all.

Although he was terrified and depressed, he did not lose his rationality.


"The Shinsengumi will never find this place!"

He frowned, fixed his eyes, and gritted his teeth and continued:

"There is a traitor...!"

"It is definitely a leak from the traitor...!"

Apart from the "treason leak", Takechi Hanpeita really couldn't think of any other reason to explain the "unexpected arrival" of the Shinsengumi.

If it were an ordinary time, everyone present might actively respond to Takechi Hanpeita and curse the unknown traitor together.

What a pity, at this moment when every second counts, no matter how calm a person is, it is difficult to remain calm.

"Teacher Takechi! No more dawdling! Come with me!"

A big hand reached out from the side and grabbed Takechi Hanpeita's left wrist.

This person was none other than another slayer who was as famous as Kawakami Hikosai - Okada Izo.

Okada Izo drew his sword and said loudly:

"Teacher Takechi, please rest assured!"

"I, Okada Izo, will definitely help you escape!"

"Even if I have to risk my life, I will do it!"



In fact, today's "Tosa Kinno Party Annihilation War" is a top-secret operation within the Shinsengumi.

Only a very small number of people know about this operation.

The vast majority of people know nothing about it.

For example, Kiyokawa Hachiro is completely unaware of this.



Kyoto, Mibu-go, Shinsengumi Station--

"Mr. Kiyokawa, Lord Niou orders you to go to the meeting room as soon as possible!"

Kiyokawa Hachiro responded weakly:

"Well... I know... I'll go right away."

As he said that, he stood up softly, picked up the sword on the knife rack at hand, and floated out of the room and walked towards the meeting room.

In recent days, the pain and pressure that Kiyokawa Hachiro has endured are exactly the same as those of Kusaka Genzui and Takechi Hanpeita.

He was wrapped in a deep sense of uncertainty, and he had no idea what to do next.

He had just formed an alliance with the Tosa Kinno Party a while ago.

He cherished this precious "friendship" with Takechi Hanpeita, and was thinking, "Work together with the Tosa Kinno Party, and do something big! Completely seize the Shinsengumi."

Unexpectedly... this was not the end of the beginning, but the beginning of the end.

From that day on August 18, everything changed.

Choshu and the Tosa Kinno Party had problems one after another, and both were now in danger.

Kiyokawa Hachiro, who had always been arrogant and always maintained strong self-confidence, felt an unspeakable sense of powerlessness and frustration for the first time...

His plan of "seizing the Shinsengumi and making it the vanguard of the Sonjo Movement" seemed to have become an unattainable goal...

- What to do... Should I lie dormant for a while? Or... look for other external help?

——But, apart from Choshu and Tosa Loyalists, what other foreign aid can we rely on?

Kiyokawa Hachiro frowned, his mind filled with all kinds of thoughts.

Before he knew it, he had arrived at the door of the meeting room.

"I am Kiyokawa!"

Aoto's voice came from behind the door:

"Come in!"

Kiyokawa Hachiro pushed the door open.

As soon as he entered, his whole body seemed to be pierced by steel spikes, and he froze in place.

I saw that many people had already come to the meeting room.

Aoto sat in the main seat.

Hijikata Toshizo and Kondo Isami sat on his left and right respectively.

Next, it was Nagakura Shinpachi and Inoue Genzaburo.

Aoto had no expression on his face.

Hijikata Toshizo cast a meaningful look at Kiyokawa Hachiro.

Kondo Isami had a stern face.

Inoue Genzaburo moved the five fingers of his right hand.

Nagakura Shinpachi directly pressed his sword.

A heavy air flowed in the room.

No matter how stupid Qinghe Hachiro is, he can clearly feel that the atmosphere is wrong!

"... Qinghe Jun, think carefully, I still have to thank you."

Qing Deng suddenly spoke faintly.

"You have done a lot of practical things after joining our army."

"Although you have not made significant contributions, you have also accumulated a lot of hard work."

"You have lived up to the name of 'staff officer'."

"What a pity... If you can correct your mindset, you can be a capable general."

At the moment when Qing Deng finished speaking, Nagakura Shinpachi and Inoue Genzaburo rushed towards Qinghe Hachiro like two tigers!

Please vote for the monthly ticket! Please vote for the recommendation! (crying leopard head.jpg)

I am very sorry! Leopard Leopard went to take the college entrance examination today, so the number of words today is relatively small (crying leopard head.jpg)

Leopard Leopard will try to update more tomorrow! (Leopard Hi.jpg)

Volume 3 is almost finished! In a few days, we can start Volume 4 - "Running to Ikeda House"

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