Nagakura Shinpachi and Inoue Genzaburo are extremely fast.

The moment Qingdeng finished speaking, the two of them jumped out.

The movements are smooth and fast, without any sloppiness.

One look showed that they were ready to go, waiting for Qingdeng to give orders.

It seems that what Qingteng said just now, "What a pity...if you can correct your mind, you can become a capable general" was the code for "the attack begins".

Qinghe Hachiro's reaction speed is not bad.

When Nagakura Shinpachi and Inoue Genzaburo rushed toward him, he backed away reflexively, trying to distance himself, and reaching out to hold the knife.

However... at such a close distance, and facing two top swordsmen at the same time, unless Hachiman Daimyojin is present, his series of struggles are destined to be boiling water and making ice.

As soon as he grasped the handle of the knife with his front foot, his back foot was held down by two people.

"Kneel down!"

Genzaburo Inoue shouted sharply, stretched out his hand to restrain his shoulder, and at the same time stretched out a foot to trip his lower body.

This veteran of the Imperial Guard Hall is not only proficient in swordsmanship, he is also an expert in Jiu-Jitsu.

His move directly knocked Qinghe Balang to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he straddled him directly, twisted his hands behind his back, and used his own weight to suppress the opponent, making it difficult for him to move.

Qinghe Hachiro would not be captured just like that.

He struggled subconsciously, twisting his body like a loach, trying to shake off Genzaburo Inoue on his back.

"Be honest with me!"

Seeing this, Nagakura Shinpachi on the side took out the Banshu Sumi handle Yamaji Shige from his waist with the sword sheathed. Using the sword as a whip, he beat Seikawa Hachiro wildly without any courtesy.

In the blink of an eye, Qinghe Hachiro's face turned blue and purple, swollen into a pig's head, and he was no longer as handsome as before.

"Huh! Huh! Huhhhhhhhhh!"

After just screaming a few times, Qinghe Hachiro completely lost his will to resist and collapsed on the ground like a dead dog, panting like an ox.

Seeing that Qinghe Hachiro finally calmed down, Nagakura Shinpachi stood waiting silently.

He still held the knife tightly in his hand, and once Qinghe Hachiro started moving around again, he didn't mind making his face swell a little more.

"Wait, wait a minute! Wait a minute!"

Qinghe Hachiro raised his voice and said sharply.

The sudden summons to him, the weird atmosphere, Aomori's meaningful words, Qinghe Hachiro and Inoue Genzaburo who pounced on him... All kinds of factors were added up, and no matter how stupid Qinghe Hachiro was, he would understand what was going on.

This is the Hongmen Banquet!

——Am I exposed? !

--How can it be! Am I obviously so cautious?

——How much do they already know?

——Has my relationship with the Tosa Kin-King Party been exposed?

Questions passed through Qinghe Hachiro's mind like meteors.

Although he knew that something was wrong, he still argued vigorously with a sense of luck.

"Mr. Tachibana! Mr. Tachibana! What's going on?! Why are you treating me like this?!"

Snap... snap... snap... snap... snap...

Suddenly, Qinghe Balang heard slow and heavy footsteps coming from the front...

He raised his head with difficulty and raised his gaze - Aoto, Kondo Isamu and Hijikata Tozo all left their seats and walked straight towards him.

The three of them stood in a row, looking down from the perspective carved by Qinghe Hachilang, it looked like a row of towering and daunting mountain peaks.

The light shines from behind Qingdeng and others, causing their faces to fall into relative darkness, making their facial features unclear, adding to the sense of majesty and oppression.

At the same time, Qingdeng's dark shadow was pulled out by the light and pressed squarely on Qinghe Hachiro's body.

It is obviously a formless shadow, but it seems to have become concrete when carved.

At this moment, Qinghe Hachiro felt as if there was a five-fingered mountain pressing down on him, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

His clever and flexible mind had already thought of a lot of excuses.

But... the moment he met Qingden's eyes, his mind felt as if it had been washed away by a storm. It was empty and he couldn't remember anything.

"... Qinghe Hachiro, to be honest, I admire your talent."

Qingdeng's tone was neither sad nor happy, and there was no expression on his face.

"Your literary talent, your knowledge, and your decisiveness are deeply appreciated by me."

"Once upon a time, I couldn't help but think: If you could change your ways, completely let go of your obsession with 'stealing the Shinsengumi', and work for me peacefully, I might as well give you a chance to show off your skills and become a Shinsengumi The real adviser.”

"What a are always stubborn and clinging to your unrealistic delusions."

"My good intentions were wasted."

"However, I still want to express a certain amount of gratitude to you."

"Anyway, you have indeed done a lot of practical things for the Shinsengumi and helped me a lot."

"And, thanks to your blessing, I was able to catch all the evil-minded people in the general."

Hearing this, Qinghe Hachiro opened his eyes suddenly as if he was struck by lightning, and the corners of his eyes were almost torn.

Catch all the evil-minded people in the general - he knows exactly what Qingdeng means by these words!

——Could it be that... not only me, but other comrades were also exposed?

——How is this possible...How is this possible!

——Why are we exposed? !

At this time when Qinghe Hachiro was shocked, Qingdeng's words were still continuing...but they were almost over.

"Qihe Hachiro, thank you."

"Then... goodbye forever."

After saying that, Qing Deng didn't even look at the other person again.

He walked away, bypassing Kiyokawa Hachiro on the ground and heading out of the room.

"Yong, the rest is up to you."

Kondo Isami nodded gently:

"Yes! Got it!"

The Inspection Bureau is the "military police" of the Shinsengumi, and is responsible for maintaining discipline within the team.

Qihe Hachiro and his accomplices... let's call them the "Qihe Party". The crime they committed was conspiracy to rebel, which violated Article 5 of the "Shinsengumi Law" - those who betray and collaborate with the enemy shall be executed on the spot!

Since it is an "internal strife", it is reasonable that Kondo Isami, the director of the Inspection Bureau, should be responsible for handling it.

Kondo Isami raised his head and shouted to the outside:

"Come in!"

The next moment, four strong and healthy inspection bureau officers rushed in.

They removed the sword from Kiyokawa Hachiro's waist, then took out the hemp rope and tied him up like a dumpling in no time.

During this process, Kiyokawa Hachiro's wailing never stopped:

"Mr. Tachibana! Wait! Wait! Mr. Tachibana! Please listen to my explanation!"

According to the provisions of the "Shinsengumi Law", the most serious crimes in the Shinsengumi are "oppressing the people" and "treason and collaborating with the enemy".

If it is other crimes, such as "disobeying orders", "leaving the organization without authorization", "innocent internal fighting", at most "beheading for public display".

But if the above two crimes are committed, then there is only one outcome - execution on the spot!

In other words, even the trial process is exempted, and they can be slaughtered directly on the spot!

Since he joined the Sonjo Movement, he has brushed shoulders with death several times.

Whether it was the establishment of the Kobi Society or the subsequent planning of riots in Kyoto, he was lucky to escape in the end.

However... even though he couldn't believe it, he had to admit that he was afraid that he would not be able to replicate his previous luck this time...

At this moment, for the first time in his life, he felt the oppression and fear of "imminent death".

The threat of death, the collapse of ideals... Under the double blow, he gradually lost his composure and became crazy.

The bun on his head fell off during the struggle, and his hair was scattered.

Due to his emotional excitement, his cheeks glowed unnaturally red.

The whites of his eyes also turned red - his whites were covered with earthworm-like red blood, which looked extremely scary.

"Mr. Tachibana, there must be some misunderstanding!"

"I have never done anything to let down the Shinsengumi!"

"Please give me the right to appeal!"


"Give me another chance!"

"I shed blood for the Shinsengumi! I was injured for the Shinsengumi! I am innocent!"

He looked at this time... to put it bluntly, like a puppy abandoned by his owner, staring pitifully at his owner's back, hoping that his owner would change his mind.

Unfortunately... Qing Deng walked very resolutely.

Until the moment Qing Deng's figure disappeared from his sight, Qing Deng did not look back at him.



In order to highlight the difference between the guerrillas and ordinary soldiers, the former have special clothes.

No matter when and where, the guerrillas will wear black forehead protectors.

Therefore, the soldiers of the Shinsengumi often use "black forehead" to refer to guerrillas.

One of the daily tasks of guerrillas is to wander around the garrison and check whether the soldiers' clothes and behavior are in compliance with the regulations.

Therefore, they are rarely seen moving in groups.

At the same time when Qinghe Hachiro was arrested, the guerrillas of the Inspection Bureau launched a rare large-scale attack!

They were divided into small teams and rushed to various locations in the garrison without stopping.

The training ground, the cafeteria, the corridor, the dormitory, the toilet...

The figures of guerrillas running back and forth can be seen everywhere.

The sharp shouts of guerrillas can be heard everywhere.

"Tadokoro Koichi, you're under arrest!"

"Ishiba Funazo! Surrender!"

"Don't run! Stop!"

"Boy, I'll give you a piece of advice! Put down your knife quickly! If you insist on doing it, we'll fight back!"


There's no doubt that the target of the Metsuke was the accomplice of Kiyokawa Hachiro!

The quick and covert actions of the Metsuke caused most people to be severely pressed to the ground before they even came to their senses.

Although some people drew their knives to resist, their resistance was just like an ant trying to shake a tree, and they were quickly easily taken down by the Metsuke who had the advantage in numbers.

In a short while, members of the "Kiyokawa Party" were taken to prison one by one.

Except for a few people such as Kondo Isami and Hijikata Toshizo, most people in the Shinsengumi did not know about the existence of the "Kiyokawa Party".

Therefore, the large-scale actions of the Metropolitan Inspection Bureau today naturally aroused heated discussions among the generals and soldiers.

They looked at each other, whispered, and discussed what happened.

They didn't discuss for too long, because the truth would soon be revealed.

Under Qing Deng's instruction, Yamanami Keisuke had already drafted the "Anti-Qinghe Manifesto".

After Qinghe Hachiro was imprisoned, this manifesto would be announced to the entire army.

Qing Deng's praise for Qinghe Hachiro just now was not aimless.

He really admired Qinghe Hachiro's talent.

Even though Qing Deng intended to suppress him, he was able to expand the size of the "Qinghe Party" to nearly fifty people!

Whenever Qing Deng thought of this, he couldn't help but feel regretful.

If Qinghe Hachiro can be loyal to him, this person has every chance to become his confidant general like Hijikata Toshizo and Shannan Keisuke.

What a pity...How can we allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the bed?

No matter how ambitious Qing Teng is, he will not allow a guy who is thinking about "rebellion" to hold an important position under his command!

In less than half an hour, under the thunderous attack of the Metropolitan Police Bureau, the "Qinghe Party" was completely wiped out! No one is spared!

From now on, there will be no more "Qinghe Party" in the Shinsengumi!

Qingdeng walked alone on the way back to his room.

Suddenly, a bright red figure suddenly appeared from behind him, quickly caught up with him, and walked side by side with him.

"Qingdeng, I'm back."

Kinoshita Mai called softly.

Seeing that Kinoshita Mai was back, Qingto gave a simple greeting and then asked directly:

"Awu, how's the situation?"

Kinoshita Mai replied:

"It went very well. All the strongholds of Tosa Kinwang's party were cleared, and their members were either captured or executed, but..."

Speaking of this, Kinoshita Mai paused and changed into a solemn tone.

"We underestimated Okada Izo."

"He took the lead and fought to the death."

"In the end, he was actually allowed to take Wushi Banpingtai to break through the siege and escape to heaven."

Qingdeng raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

"Oh? They actually escaped? They are quite capable."

"It seems that Okada Izo is stronger than I expected."

"Forget it, let them survive for a while longer."

"Anyway, all roads leading to and from Kyoto have been blocked by us."

"Even if they have great abilities, they can't escape."

Kinoshita Mai duly added:

"Miss Okita's first team, Serizawa Kamo's fourth team, and Shinami Nishiki's fifth team are urgently hunting them down."

"At present, their approximate location has been locked and the encirclement is being continuously tightened."

"It probably won't take long to capture them."

Qingdeng nodded lightly and said casually, "Well done."

After paying 10,000 taels of gold to buy off Totarō Ikeda, an important confidant of Qinghe Hachiro, Aoto gained an irreplaceable and important source of information.

As far as results go, Tortaro Ikeda did a great job.

He knew very well that he had no way to turn back, either his identity would be revealed and he would die, or he would bite the bullet and go all the way to the dark side.

Therefore, he worked extra hard.

He continuously passed on the core information of Qinghe Party and Tosa Qinwang Party to Qingteng.

Thanks to his help, Qingteng was able to learn the specific list of the Qinghe Party and the specific locations of the various strongholds of the Tosa Kinou Party.

Qing Deng originally planned to slowly deal with these two potential major threats when the time is more mature.

As a result, plans cannot keep up with changes.

Yamauchi Church suddenly backstabbed the Tosa Kinnobu Party, asking all forces to cut off assistance to the Tosa Kinnobu Party, and requested all forces to assist Tosa in suppressing this rebel party.

In this way, Seito gained the great cause of annihilating Tosa Kinwang's party.

In this case, there is no need to wait any longer!

Not only can the Qinghe Party and the Tosa Kinou Party be legitimately destroyed, but they can also sell Yamauchi Do a favor, so why not do it.

The strength of the Tosa Domain cannot be underestimated, and it is a "swinging domain" that oscillates between "Samu" and "Zunbo".

Therefore, it is not a bad thing to win the favor of the Tosa Domain and sell the favor of Yamauchido.

In this way, Seito secretly summoned his cronies headed by Hijikata Toshizo last night and announced the battle plan to "annihilate the Qinghe Party and the Tosa Kinou Party".

Although it was very urgent and hurried, the operation deployment was successfully completed in the end.

In just one day, the Qinghe Party and the Tosa Kinou Party were wiped out with the force of the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves!

Although Takeichi Hanheita and Okada Izo are still on the run, because Aonto has blocked the entire Kyoto in advance, they are now turtles in a urn, unable to escape with wings, and it is only a matter of time before they are caught.

At this time, Qingden seemed to have remembered something. After pondering for a moment, he abruptly asked Kinoshita Mai:

"Awu, the general secretary and the others have found the approximate location of Hanping Tai and Renzhan Yizang in Takeshi, right?"

Kinoshita Mai immediately replied:

"Well, yes. They both acted together."

"Where are they now?"

"Near Kiyomizu-dera Temple in Rakutō."


Qingdeng pondered to himself, wondering what he was thinking about.

Rakutō, in a forest outside Kiyomizu Temple——

"Huh...! Huh...! Huh...! Huh...! Huh...!"

Okada Izo held his hand on the tree trunk at hand, breathing heavily "hoo", "hoo", "hoo".

This heavy, rapid breathing sounds like rough gravel will be sprayed out at any time.

Takeichi Hanheita sat on the big stone next to him, his head drooped, his expression numb, without any energy at all.

In order to cover Takeshi Hanheita's escape, Okada Izo and others all risked their lives, wielding swords and fighting selflessly.

Okada Izo is worthy of being a swordsman who is known as "Izo who kills people".

His firm belief in "defending Teacher Wushi to the death" enabled him to unleash a far more powerful fighting force than usual.

Even the tried-and-tested Yuanyang Formation can hardly defeat it.

He forcefully tore a small hole in the Shinsengumi's encirclement net, allowing Takeichi Hanheita to escape from the encirclement.

Although they achieved their intended goal,... the price they paid was not unbearable.

At this moment, the only person who is still with Takeshi Hanheita is Okada Izo...

"Teacher Wushi, let's take a short break..."

After saying that, Okada Izo collapsed to the ground, lying in a "big" shape, greedily sucking in the air to restore as much energy as possible.

Takeichi Hanheita silently squinted his eyes, glanced at Okada Izo, and said coldly:

"...Yizang, please leave me alone and escape for your own life."

His words were like a surge of electricity, making Okada Izo tremble all over.

"How can that be done!"

Okada Izo sat up and said seriously with excitement:

"Teacher Wu Shi, you are my benefactor!"

"It is because of your digging and cultivation that I can be where I am today!"

“Otherwise, I would still be a puddle of mud that no one cares about to this day.”

Speaking of this, Okada Izo paused for a while, and then continued with deep affection:

"I don't have much knowledge...I don't even know a few Chinese characters..."

"While other comrades were analyzing world affairs, I had nothing else to do except sit by and stare."

"Other comrades look down on me... and think I am a fool who is incompetent."

"Only you, teacher, are different!"

"You discovered my talent for swordsmanship!"

"You cultivated me!"

“And found me the perfect job for me!”

Having said this, Okada Izo clenched his fists and his eyes gradually became determined.

"Others call me a murderer and a murderer...I don't care at all about other people's comments and abuse!"

"I only know that swordsmanship is everything to me!"

"I only know that the teacher is my benefactor!"

"From the moment I joined the Tosa Kin-King Party, I made an oath: I will definitely become your teacher's sword! Cut off all thorns for you!"

"For this, I am willing to kill! I am willing to take over all the dirty and tiring work!"

"Even if I'm called a 'human killer' and even if I pay for it with my life, I won't hesitate!"

"So, teacher, don't say 'Run away and leave me alone' again."

"I will never escape until you escape Kyoto and are completely safe!"

Takeichi Hanheita stared at Okada Izo blankly - a hint of guilt flashed in his eyes.

He opened his mouth, as if ready to say something.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth——

"Takeichi Hanheita, Okada Izo, come out quickly. I know you are here. Stop struggling pointlessly."

A clear male voice suddenly came from outside the woods.

Okada Izo didn't recognize this boy.

But Wu Shi Hanping Tai is too familiar.

This is Qingdeng’s voice!

Almost evolved into Six Thousand Leopards! Seeing how hard Leopard has worked, please be sure to vote for this book! (Crying Leopard Head.jpg) Please vote for me! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

PS: The Dragon Boat Festival is coming! Leopard Leopard is going to take a day off tomorrow to spend the holidays with his family~ (Leopard Hi.jpg)

In fact, I have always felt that Okada Izo is one of the character prototypes of Himura Kenshin.

Because the ending of Okada Izo...forget it, I won’t talk about it anymore, let’s read on slowly.

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