I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 760 The 14 children of the Gu Mu couple [4300]

"To be honest, I didn't take Elodie's request seriously at first."

"My husband and I gave her swordsmanship instruction purely out of interest, and never thought about getting any reward."

"We are satisfied that she can be grateful."

"But this child is too enthusiastic."

"She looked like, 'If you don't want me to help you keep accounts, I will never come to play with you again.'"

"There was no other way, so I jokingly handed her a brand new account book and asked her to try to keep accounts for our store for a few days."


At this point, Ating paused and pointed at the account book in Qingdeng's hand.

"We received this beautiful account book that is so perfect that it cannot be better."

"To be honest, when I first looked through this account book, I couldn't believe my eyes."

"My husband used to work in the warehouse, so he is very good at keeping accounts. He has always been in charge of our store's account book."

When talking about her husband's advantages, Ah Ting's pretty face was filled with undisguised pride.

"My husband uses the abacus, so fast, it's so fast! The naked eye can hardly keep up!"

As she spoke, she raised her left hand and simulated the action of using an abacus.

"As far as accounting skills are concerned, I can guarantee that even those experienced businessmen who have been in the business world for decades cannot compare to my husband!"

"I am used to seeing excellent account books written by my husband."

"So, those ordinary account books are not good enough for me."

"That's why I was so surprised when I saw this account book written by this child."

"What's more amazing is that this child doesn't use an abacus when keeping accounts!"

"No matter what kind of numbers, whether adding or subtracting, she can immediately calculate the accurate answer in her mind after just one look. Her accounting efficiency is higher than my husband!"

"No matter how fast the abacus is, it's not as fast as 'knowing the answer at a glance'."

"Jujun, you must have come into contact with all kinds of account books on weekdays, right?"

"So you should be able to see how powerful this account book in your hand is, right?"

Faced with Ah-Ming's question, Qing Deng nodded silently.

Kinoshita Mai beside him also nodded slightly and showed an admiring expression.

As experts, they naturally knew how high the quality of this account book was.

It was not just about beautiful handwriting.

In short, the most valuable thing about it was that it did not have any redundant information and was very concise.

Important item data was all available.

There was no professional accounting in Japan at present.

Bookkeeping was either a mess or purely in accordance with the "rules of ancestors".

Of course, in most cases, it was a combination of both - both messing around and following the "rules of ancestors".

The format was messy; the writing was not standardized; all kinds of messy things were recorded in it... "Otsu Book" was like this, so it was so torturous.

Qing Deng did not understand accounting, let alone the history of accounting.

Therefore, he did not know whether a systematic accounting discipline had been born in the current Western world.

In any case, one thing was certain - Elodie must have received professional training in this area!

Otherwise, she would never have been able to write such a mature and high-level account book!

Come to think of it, she is the granddaughter of a businessman.

In this case, it is not surprising that she has such skills.

——This child... is not simple!

To be honest... Qing Deng has always treated Elodie as a child.

And now, he found that it is time for him to put away this arrogant mentality.

Although she is a loli, her skills are really great!

Qing Deng was still immersed in surprise.

Suddenly, Kinoshita Mai's excited voice brought his consciousness back to reality.

"Elodie, you are so amazing!"

"I thought my accounting ability was already excellent."

"But compared to you, my level is still far behind!"

Kinoshita Mai looked at Elodie with admiration, her eyes flickering, as if little stars would pop out of her eyes at any time.


Qing Deng silently turned sideways and cast a strange look at the girl in red again.

"No, sister?!" - He questioned silently with his eyes.

It's okay not to know the specific address of the Gu Mu couple, after all, this kind of thing is quite normal.

But you don't even know that Elodie is proficient in accounting?

Are you really good friends with her?

Although Qing Deng didn't say a word, what he wanted to say was conveyed to the other party through his eyes.

Kinoshita Mai made a strange cry of "Gu", slowly lowered her head, her eyes wandered, and her face was red with shame.

It was like a child who had done something wrong and was facing the wall consciously.

"Hmm... This, this is also something that can't be helped!"

She tried to explain.

"I don't like to pry into other people's secrets."

"Elodie never told me that she knew how to keep accounts, so naturally I don't know anything..."

Qing Deng couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

In fact, he had no right to mock Kinoshita Mai.

Although he didn't know Elodie as long as Kinoshita Mai, it was at least more than 3 years.

But in the end, he also knew nothing about Elodie.

If he hadn't met the Gu Mu couple today, he really didn't know when he would know Elodie's ability.

Because he was a person with many secrets, Qing Deng never talked too much and rarely tried to find out other people's secrets until he had no choice.

As for why Elodie kept her mouth shut about this and was reluctant to reveal her specialty to Qing Deng and Kinoshita Mai... it was probably because she was a low-key person.

Elodie was a humble, gentle, and never competitive good child. She was really an ideal daughter.

People with this type of personality... Qing Deng knew that there was also Boss Kiryu.

Qing Deng still didn't know how many subjects Boss Kiryu was proficient in and how many skills he had.

Boss Kiryu was like Doraemon, responding to every request.

Whenever someone asked him for help, he would always solve their doubts or eliminate their troubles perfectly, and then slowly said: I used to study YY in XX.

Even though he was such a god, Mr. Kiryu never made it known to others, let alone used it as a capital to show off.

Qing Deng lowered his head, his eyes fell back on the account book in his palm, flipped through a few pages and gently closed it, rubbing the cover with his palm.

——It's great... If the "Otsu Book" can also have such quality, it would be great... Hmm? Wait...!

In an instant, Qing Deng felt a flash of inspiration in his mind.

He seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes were fixed on the account book in his palm.

The reason why Komaki Goro mentioned "Elody is good at accounting" was purely to change the topic and liven up the atmosphere.

However... Judging from the current situation, the atmosphere on the scene not only did not liven up, but became even more weird.

Putting aside Kinoshita Mai and Elody, Qing Deng stared at the account book in his palm, his face full of thinking, and his spirit was terrifyingly focused.

Komaki Goro wanted to ask aloud, but considering that Qing Deng seemed to be thinking about a problem now, he suppressed the urge to ask questions.

Fortunately, Qing Deng's strange state did not last too long.

After a moment, he raised his head as if he had come to his senses.

He first looked at the Gu Mu couple opposite, then turned his head sharply and stared at Elodie.

"... Elodie."

"Huh?! Here, here!"

The sudden call startled the blonde.

She straightened her back reflexively, tensed her nerves and muscles, pursed her lips, and looked at Qing Deng nervously, their eyes met.

Qing Deng opened his mouth - just when he was about to say something, he suddenly stopped.

"... Forget it, let's talk about it later."

Qing Deng's startled and shocked everyone at the scene.

Fortunately, at this moment, there were two crisp sounds of "pa" and "pa" - Ating clapped his hands.

When Qing Deng and the others looked over, she smiled and said:

"Okay, okay~ Let's stop talking about the account book here! Let's talk about something more relaxing and enjoyable now!"

Qing Deng's strange behavior just now made everyone full of questions, but no one asked more questions.

Everyone at the scene, including Qing Deng, consciously cooperated with A Ting and stopped talking about the account book and Elodie.

A new topic-coincidentally, Qing Deng had a new question in his mind at this moment.

There was a part of what A Ting said just now that made him very concerned.

After hesitating for a moment, he cleared his throat:

"Mrs. Gu Mu, you just said that you are a mother who raised many children...Excuse me, where are your children now?"

As he asked, he turned his head and looked around.

It has been a long time since they visited the private residence of the Gu Mu couple.

But so far, Qing Deng has not seen anyone else in this house except the Gu Mu couple.

It seems that only Gu Mu and his wife live in this house.

There are no other residents except them.

Logically speaking, based on the age of Gu Mu and his wife, they should have children.

Is it because they have separated from their children?

Or... is there any other reason?

Anyway, it is not something that cannot be asked, so Qing Deng simply asked all at once.

A Ting seemed very happy to answer the question raised by Qing Deng.

As soon as Qing Deng finished speaking, she smiled and said impatiently:

"Hehe~~This is a good question!"

"We separated from our children a long time ago."

"Now, they are all living a peaceful life in other places."

At this point, A Ting paused as if to keep someone in suspense.

When she spoke again, she had quietly put on a humorous expression.

"How about it? Are you interested in hearing what kind of jobs our children are doing now?"

Before Qing Deng could speak, a girl in red said:

"I want to hear it!"

Kinoshita Mai leaned forward and looked at A-Ming excitedly.

With such a look, it was almost as if "curiosity" and "gossip" were written on her face.

Qing Deng was already used to this - he knew that the thick-skinned Kinoshita Mai must know nothing about the descendants of the Gu Mu couple!

Elodie, who was standing by, also showed an interested expression at this time.

A-Ting took the tea on her knees slowly, took a sip, and then changed to a long tone like "a grandmother telling her grandchildren a bedtime story":

"My husband and I have 6 sons and 8 daughters."

"Luckily, they all grew up healthy and no one died young."

Qing Deng was shocked when he heard this number.

14 children!

Judging from their appearance, the Gu Mu couple should be under 50 years old.

The age suitable for women to give birth is under 40.

After 40, it is not easy to get pregnant.

Even if pregnant, there is a very high risk of fertility.

In other words, the "suitable pregnancy period" for women is not long.

One person gave birth to 14 children... This is too fertile!

At the rate of one every 2 years, it will take at least 28 years.

Giving birth to children for 28 consecutive years-Qing Deng couldn't help but look at A-Ting with admiration.

A-Ting noticed Qing Deng's gaze and also understood Qing Deng's eyes.

She smiled, her eyes full of tenderness.

"I like children very much, so I don't think it's a hard thing to breed offspring. Anyway, I enjoy it."

"Whenever a new life is conceived in my body, I only feel sincere joy."

"After all... my husband and I have suffered a lot before we can live a peaceful life with stable offspring."

"Oh, sorry, I seem to have gone off topic."

"Where was I just talking about? Oh, yes, I remember."

"As I said just now, our children are now living a peaceful life in other places."

"The eldest son likes medicine, so he became a doctor."

"The eldest daughter likes clothes, so she became a tailor."

"The second son likes to be lively, so he opened an izakaya."


A-Ming listed the jobs their children are currently doing one by one.

Doctors, tailors, izakaya owners, novelists, teachers... are all very ordinary and common professions.

As soon as Ah-Machi finished speaking, Komaki Goro grinned and added:

"I had hoped that one of my descendants would be a swordsman."

"But I didn't expect... none of the 14 children were interested in swordsmanship."

"But it's okay this way."

At this point, Komaki Goro's facial features softened.

"The children are independent and are all engaged in their favorite careers... For parents, there is nothing more gratifying than this."

A-Machi nodded in agreement!

"Yes, that's it!"

"Seeing all the children living an ordinary and happy life, I feel that all the hardships I have endured in the past have paid off."

Goro Komaki took over the conversation:

"The children have spread their wings and fly high, and no longer need the company of two old guys like us."

"So, we separated from the children, left them, came to Kyoto, and started selling Japanese confectionery, and planned to spend the rest of our lives like this."

"Although I can't help but miss the children occasionally."

"But... this is enough."

"We are satisfied to maintain the status quo."

"We don't want to ask for more."

The couple finished speaking.

Parents and children separate... This is a rather sad thing.

However, strangely, there is not a trace of sadness or helplessness in the words of the couple - only joy and relief.

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I'm not in a good mood today, so the number of words is a little less, I'm very sorry! (crying leopard head.jpg)

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