I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 765: Master-disciple confrontation! Facing the

The master and apprentice reunited after a long absence...the first thing the master said was such harsh words.

Qingdeng, who didn't know why, was stunned on the spot.


Before he could say anything, a shining silver sword struck him head-on!

Although he didn't understand what was going on, Qingdeng's body started to act instinctively at the moment when the sword light struck!

Qingdeng suddenly lowered his body weight, stepped back, and opened the distance between them.

At the same time, he raised his left hand, pressed the mouth of Vairocana's sheath at his waist, put his thumb against the blade of the sword, and gently pushed it - click - to reveal the falcon used to insert the scabbard.


Another sword light leaped into the air.

Qingden was obviously the one who struck last, but the sword light he struck hit the opponent's sword light first.

The two slashes collided violently, bursting out with blue-white sparks and a deafening clang.

In the next breath, as if they had been burned, the two of them quickly retreated at the same time, pulling 7 or 8 steps away from each other, and then both assumed the Canshin stance.

This sudden and fierce confrontation between the two made everyone at the scene stunned, and their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

The guards who guarded the gate of the camp, the passers-by who were just passing by...everyone at the scene was shocked speechless by Boss Kiryu's blast of a sword and Aomori's thunderous defensive counterattack.

The two people at the center of the battle ignored the attention of the people around them and stared at each other.

After a while, Boss Kiryu's originally tense facial lines slowly relaxed.

"...Tangerine-kun, you have become more capable."

With that said, he released his posture, put the tip of the knife back into the sheath, and put the knife back into the sheath with a "clop" sound.

Seeing that the opponent had sheathed the knife, Qingdeng slowly stood up straight, shook the knife out of habit, and then sheathed the knife.

"Boss Kiryu, don't be scary suddenly..."

As he spoke, he expressed a tone that was half helpless and half joking.

"It's very scary to order someone to draw a sword for no reason, and then swing the sword to kill someone without any reason."

"Even if you want to give me a 'surprise', don't do it in this way."

Boss Kiryu shook his head gently.

"No, I didn't want to give you a 'surprise'."

"The knife I just made was very serious."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and for some special reasons, I am eager to kill you... I want to have a real sword fight with you."

"No matter what, this is not a place where we can let go."

"We can only give up halfway."

Having said that, Boss Kiryu turned to look at the growing crowd of onlookers.

Although he calmly changed his words midway and silently changed the sentence "cut you", Qingdeng didn't pay much attention.

He focused all his attention on the other party's words, "I want to have a real fight with you."

Qingden raised his eyebrows, then smiled meaningfully:

"In that case... let's change places!"

In no time—

Shinsengumi Camp, a private dojo exclusively for Ayoto——

The dojo dedicated to Qingdeng's practice covers an area of ​​200 square meters.

In terms of area alone, it is amazing.

However, due to his busy schedule and Qingdeng's personal strength reaching a bottleneck, it is no longer beneficial to practice "dead strength" in the dojo, so Qingdeng has not been to this dojo for a long time.

At this moment, this huge dojo finally welcomed the long-lost hustle and bustle.

Bosses Qingden and Kiryu are located on the east and west sides of the dojo.

They all took off their extraneous things.

Baggage, wakizashi... all the things that would hinder the battle were removed.

At this moment, the only things left on their bodies were the clothes they were wearing and the sabers on their waists.

Boss Kiryu tied his sleeves with cuff bands and asked Aonto:

"Tachibana-kun, when was the last time we went to war like this?"

Qingden shrugged:

"As far as I know - there has never been such a time."

"Oh? No?"

Qingdeng said with certainty:

"Indeed not."

"We have never had a formal contest."

"The only few times we played against each other were just small fights for practice."

Boss Kiryu nodded thoughtfully.

"That's it..."

"Then... today's battle will be the first contest between you and me!"

Boss Kiryu’s eyes sparkled with vitality.

"Ha, you and I have been friends for so long, but I didn't expect that we haven't even had a spar."

"This is my fault as a master."

He slowly spread his legs, drew the sword in his hand, and started to move in the middle.

"You're welcome, Mr. Ju, just come over here!"

“Let us take advantage of today’s opportunity to ‘communicate’ enthusiastically.”

"Let me see how much you have grown in the past six months or so."

Qingden smiled, without saying a word, he just silently pulled out Vairocana, raised the tip of the knife, and adopted the Blue Eyes pose.

Unfortunately, there were no spectators for this unique encounter.

If there were any viewers here, they would probably gasp involuntarily at this moment.

The weapons used by these two masters and apprentices to compete were not wooden knives or bamboo swords at all, but real weapons!

Moreover, the astonishing momentum lingering on them makes it difficult for people to think that this is just a friendly sword fight.

I saw Boss Kiryu tightening his heels, and his whole body was stable, with no flaws from the toes to the tips of his hair.

His tall body seemed to be integrated with the knife in his palm in an instant, as solid as a rock.

It is impossible to see that this is a posture that an old man who is nearly a hundred years old can put on.


Qingdeng couldn't help but admire secretly in his heart.

Even before the fight, Qingdeng felt the "pressure" coming towards him.

He had experienced a similar sense of oppression from Chiba Sadakichi, Saito Yakuro and others.

This is the sense of oppression that veterans who have devoted most of their lives to kendo and have been immersed in kendo for decades can exude!

When fighting against Kiryu's boss, Aomori didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

He moved forward inch by inch with his feet sticking to the ground, shortening the distance between them.

Boss Kiryu remained motionless, his face was expressionless, and he had no fear. His eyes were fixed on Qingteng without blinking, and he allowed Qingneng to get closer.

Aoto immediately understood the other party's intention: Boss Kiryu was waiting for him to attack!

Now that the other party's intention was obvious, Qingdeng no longer hesitated.


Qingdeng exhaled translucent turbid air.

In the next breath, a terrifying sharp energy spurted out from Qingdeng's body!

Bang - a sound. Aomori concentrated his strength on his back foot, kicked the ground violently, and rushed towards Boss Kiryu like a cannonball!

But in the blink of an eye, he was approaching the opponent.

Vairocana crossed the air, and there was a "pop" sound that cut through the air, drawing out a purple arc and sweeping it diagonally towards Boss Kiryu's neck.

The speed was so fast that the blade was no longer visible, only the light was visible.

At the same time as Aoto swung his sword, Boss Kiryu suddenly spread his arms, raised his sword over his head, and while deploying defense, retreated to the right without leaving a trace - this gait had skillfully blocked Aoto's slashing blow. Dissolved into the invisible.

Seeing that one move failed, Qingdeng quickly changed his moves.

The diagonal sweep turns into an upward lift.

The upward lift turns into a straight thrust.

The straight thrust turns into a downward slash.

One move follows another, one move follows another, in an endless succession.

Qingdeng changed his usual steady tactics of "defend first, attack later".

Not only did he attack as soon as he came up, but he also swung the sword in a wide and wide range, with a posture that said he was "definitely going to cut the boss of Kiryu into pieces."

The dojo, which had been quiet one second, was now filled with the sound of treading on the ground and the clang of swords striking each other.

The two figures crisscrossed each other in the dojo, fighting inextricably.

Suddenly, Boss Kiryu stabbed his lower body diagonally.

This attack is very tricky.

Even Qingdeng had to temporarily avoid the edge and retreat.

Taking advantage of Aoto's retreat, Boss Kiryu took advantage of the situation and seized the initiative in the battle.

This time it was Boss Kiryu's turn to take the initiative.

He suddenly stepped forward and struck Qingdeng in the waist with his knife.

The two of them passed each other in an instant.

Although Boss Kiryu's attack was dodged, it was not fruitless - he cut the clothes at Aonto's waist.

The two people who met each other immediately found their feet after running 5 or 6 steps away, then turned around and faced each other again, fighting together.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that although the battle situation cannot be said to be one-sided, Qingden does have an absolute advantage.

So far in the battle, Aomori has almost pinned down the boss of Kiryu and beat him.

Whether it's the strength, speed, or physical reflexes of sword swings, none of Kiryu's bosses can compare to Aonto.

Although Boss Kiryu could occasionally launch sharp counterattacks, he always failed and was quickly counterattacked by Aonto.

After the two sides fought like this for another 6 or 7 rounds, Qingdeng frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

clang! !

Boss Kiryu deflected Aoto's slash again.

This time, Qingdeng did not launch a new round of offensive, but took advantage of the situation and jumped back, creating a gap of several meters.

Boss Kiryu probably realized that Aomori had something to say, so he didn't pursue him.

As he expected, Qingdeng immediately released his fighting stance after retreating and said seriously:

"Boss Kiryu, let's stop this boring fight!"

"It's really useless to continue fighting like this."

"You and I should be very clear, right? As long as there are 5 more rounds, I can defeat you in one go."

"So... let me see your 'selfless realm'!"

After saying that, Qingdeng's eyes were filled with surging fighting spirit.

To this day, he still firmly remembers the shock and emotion he experienced after seeing the "selfless state" for the first time.

"The Breath of Source" is the door to the "realm of no self".

According to Kiryu's boss, the essence of "Source Breathing" is to stimulate the brain through special breathing methods, so as to achieve the purpose of concentrating and discarding distracting thoughts.

Therefore, as long as you practice the "Breath of Source" to the peak, you can enter the "state of selflessness" at will.

It turns out that Boss Kiryu was not bluffing.

He once personally proved to Qingden that the "Breath of Source" practiced to its peak can indeed enter the "selfless realm" at will, and how terrifying the "selfless realm" is to the blessing of one's own strength.

Thinking back then, when faced with Kiryu's boss who had entered the "selfless state", Qingto had no power to fight back.

An old man who couldn't beat him at all, after entering this realm, could actually turn the tide of the battle in one breath!

At that time, Qing Deng couldn't suppress his excitement - it turned out that there was such a powerful martial arts realm in this world!

From then on, Qing Deng had two more thoughts in his mind.

First, work hard to practice "Original Breathing", aiming at Boss Kiryu, and practice it to the peak.

Second, work hard to hone himself and strive to defeat Boss Kiryu in the "Selfless Realm" as soon as possible!

At this moment, Qing Deng urgently wanted to see: Can he now avenge his previous shame!

Faced with Qing Deng's eager request, Boss Kiryu smiled helplessly.

"'No Self' is my trump card."

"It requires a lot of physical strength."

"For me, this is no longer a skill that I can use without any burden."

"I don't want to use it lightly unless it's absolutely necessary."

"But... I have to admit that what you said just now is very right."

"If I don't show my real ability, I really can't do anything to you..."

Speaking of this, he showed an expression that was half relieved and half sighing.

"Okay, then... let's get to the point!"

The moment he finished speaking, the atmosphere on the scene changed strangely.

Then I saw Boss Kiryu lower his eyelids, and his chest slowly rose and fell with a strange rhythm.

After a while, a strange light flashed under his drooping eyelids.

At the same time, Qing Deng's facial expression gradually became solemn.

At first glance, Boss Kiryu seemed to have not changed.

However, Qing Deng, who was fighting against him, clearly felt that the opponent he faced seemed to have changed!

If Boss Kiryu just now was nothing special.

Then now, Mr. Kiryu is like a ball of water.

Water is invisible, colorless and tasteless, but it can change its shape freely according to the surrounding environment, making it difficult for people to predict its changes.

An indescribable sense of oppression rushed towards Qing Deng with the momentum of "black clouds pressing down on the city and wanting to destroy it".

Mr. Kiryu habitually swung a chic knife flower, and then took a standard mid-section posture that could not be more standard.

From the front, Mr. Kiryu's body seemed to be split in half by the knife, revealing a strange sense of weirdness.

"Go, Ju Jun."

After entering the "selfless state", in addition to his eyes becoming indifferent, without sadness or joy, even the tone of his speech became particularly calm.

Qing Deng was fearless, shook off the oppressive feeling on his shoulders, and attacked!

This time, Qing Deng also showed his true ability!

The distance of several meters passed in an instant, and Vairocana slashed straight at Mr. Kiryu's face.

Kiryu Boss deflected the attack effortlessly. When he pulled his saber back to his hand, he made full use of the "retracting the saber" action, turning it into a part of "counterattack", and the retracted blade attacked Qing Deng's shoulder from a tricky angle.

Compared to just now, Kiryu Boss's various physical functions, strength, and speed, have all increased a lot!

Looking at the strength on his waist and the vigor of his sword swinging, it is impossible to imagine that this is the same person, let alone an old man who is almost a hundred years old.

Seeing this, Qing Deng grinned involuntarily.

——Yes... That's right... That's it!

Qing Deng did not retreat but advanced, facing the blade of Kiryu Boss, and marched forward bravely!

In a flash, two sword lights, one purple and one silver, flashed in the dojo.

The sword lights and shadows were dazzling.

The two people's fighting positions covered every place in the dojo.

Sometimes they fought with swords in the corners of the dojo.

Sometimes they launched fierce attacks and defenses in the center of the dojo, which made people dare not even breathe.

Boss Kiryu was no longer suppressed before, and fought with Qing Deng in a close battle, evenly matched.

During the long fight, some small scars from the blades gradually appeared on both sides, adding a heroic color to this "master-disciple duel".

Qing Deng's sword power gradually became more and more fierce.

Boss Kiryu's sword power was not much less.

In a flash, the two of them raised dust with their heels as if they had agreed in advance, and they both retreated quickly, leaving a distance of about 10 meters.

Looking closely - the next moment after the distance was opened, the two of them took the same posture.

Lowering the lower body, holding the sheath with the left hand, and the handle with the right hand.

It was the sword-drawing technique "Liu Guang"!

Asking for a monthly ticket! Asking for a recommendation ticket! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

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