I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 767: Ju Jun must get married! [4500]

"In that case, when do you plan to go to Osaka?"

Qingdeng thought for a while and replied:

"Let's set it at 10 days."

Boss Kiryu nodded gently:

"It's 10 days...then you should take advantage of these 10 days to think about how to deal with the Lord's 'accusation'."

When he mentioned the word "accusation", he emphasized his tone.

When Qingdeng heard this, he suddenly felt like a deflated rubber ball, with a bitter look on his face.

"I will work hard..."

"So, you are still determined to marry three wives?"

"Only on this point, I will not make any concessions."

Qingdeng replied without thinking.

"You are really stubborn in some strange places..."

Boss Kiryu spread his hands and then asked:

"Then how far have you and the young master developed?"

"It's almost time for you to get married, right?"

"If you don't get married and have children, your generals will have objections."

Qingdeng muttered half-jokingly:

"Why are you urging me to get married..."

After muttering, he thought for a moment:

"I have consulted the three of them for their opinions by making insinuations."

"To put it simply... they are happy to get married."

"There is no gap between them."

"Although on weekdays, Sanako and Awu are always bickering, as if they are not on good terms."

"But I can see that there is no deep grudge between them."

"It would be better to say that the relationship between the two of them is actually very good."

"It's just that... they still can't adapt to the concept of 'three real wives' that I proposed."

"Actually, it's nothing."

"It's just that because this concept goes against common sense, they are instinctively resistant to it."

"As long as their thoughts turn around this hurdle, the next thing should go smoothly."

After Boss Kiryu listened quietly, he couldn't help but laugh:

"If it weren't for your insistence on having "three legitimate wives," you would have enjoyed the blessings of being together."

Qingdeng smiled, neither approving nor objecting.

Boss Kiryu continued:

"In other words...the key to solving the current impasse lies in whether the young master and the others can overcome the hurdle of 'everyone is the principal wife', right?"

Qingdeng nodded:

"Well, you could say that."

Boss Kiryu raised his hand and adjusted the glasses on the bridge of his nose - the lenses reflected his thoughtful eyes.

"Then... from my point of view, the person who breaks the situation will probably be Miss Chiba."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

Boss Kiryu straightened his back slightly, put on a confident smile, and looked like a strategist trying to clear up his master's doubts.

"Miss Okita is a very gentle girl."

"'Tenderness' is beautiful."

"But the problem is - she is too gentle."

"Compared to personal honor and disgrace, she values ​​the gains and losses of the group more."

"Even if I feel a little wronged, I will never tell anyone about it."

"Therefore, she will probably feel that the current situation of 'no one is married' is pretty good, and lacks the motivation to 'change the status quo.'"

"As for the young master, let alone that."

"'Lack of aggressiveness' is the young master's old problem."

"Due to his own personality, the young master doesn't like arguments."

"When encountering a dispute, unless it is a matter of principle, she will always subconsciously choose to give in."

"On the other hand, Miss Chiba, she doesn't have these messy problems."

"Although Ms. Chiba is an elegant and gentle Nadeshiko, at certain times, she can be extremely aggressive."

"Besides, her true personality is even less calm than she appears."

"Once the passion comes over, it's especially easy to do things that are not what she would normally do."

"All in all, you can have high hopes for Miss Chiba."

"Maybe one day, she will give you a 'big surprise'."

Qingden was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

It wasn't until a while later that he regained his composure and said with admiration:

"Boss Kiryu, you are so awesome...you got it right."

Boss Kiryu knew Kinoshita Mai and Souji very well, so Aoto was not surprised by this.

Needless to say, Kinoshita Mai.

The relationship between Qianshiwu and Shiweiguan is excellent. Therefore, it is normal for Boss Kiryu to know Souji very well.

But Sanako... Boss Kiryu has nothing to do with her.

As far as Qingdeng knew, there were only a few words exchanged between the two of them.

Boss Kiryu's remarks just now were truly amazing.

The grasp of the three women's character traits is really accurate.

Boss Kiryu smiled and pointed at his gray hair.

"My age is not in vain."

"I have lived so long, experienced so many things, and met so many people."

"Unknowingly, I have developed the ability to see, recognize and identify people."

"Of course...I sometimes make mistakes."

After saying that, Boss Kiryu pondered secretly, as if it brought back some old memories.

While Boss Kiryu was pondering, Aomori carefully recalled the wise words that the other party had just explained.

I have to say that what Boss Kiryu said is absolutely true.

Nowadays, everything Qingdeng can do, he has done.

The rest is to wait for the three girls to realize their own "enlightenment" on the ideological level, and no longer be bound by the secular prejudice of "three wives, unprecedented".

It is not realistic to expect Kinoshita Mai and Souji, who are weak in character, to get rid of this "shackle".

There must be a "strong man" who is decisive and bold to help them.

And this "strong man"... Sanako is really the most suitable.

At this moment, Qing Deng suddenly seemed to think of something, and a hesitant expression appeared on his cheek.

After a moment, he asked faintly:

"Boss Kiryu, can I ask you a very presumptuous question?"

"Why are you so mysterious? If you have anything to ask, just ask."

Since the other party said so, Qing Deng no longer hesitated:

"Boss Kiryu, do you... have a wife and children?"

This question has troubled him for a long time.

Nearly a hundred years old... at this age, he should have many children and grandchildren.

However, up to now, Qing Deng has never met Mr. Kiryu's relatives.

This question is very sensitive - maybe it's because Mr. Kiryu's relatives have all met with an accident, so they have never shown up - so Qing Deng has been embarrassed to ask.

It just so happens that the topic of marriage is now being discussed. Taking advantage of this perfect opportunity to ask, Qing Deng plucked up his courage and raised this question that has been buried in his heart for a long time.

Faced with such a private question, Mr. Kiryu did not hesitate at all and answered generously:

"I have never been married, so I don't have a wife or children."

Qing Deng was shocked after hearing this.

I think anyone who heard it would be surprised.

After all, Mr. Kiryu is very handsome.

Especially his elegant temperament, which is very lethal to women who like this.

In addition, he is the kind of "Doraemon-type" all-round man.

Cooking, pasting windows, repairing furniture, killing termites... can do everything and is good at everything.

Such a good man, how many women can refuse?

Even though he is now quite old, he still exudes fatal charm.

Every time Qing Deng went to Senjiwu, he would always see aunties and grandmas coming from nowhere to chat with Kiryu boss.

Facing Qing Deng's suspicious look, Kiryu boss smiled:

"I am not interested in women and have no interest in matters between men and women."

"When I was young, I was obsessed with swordsmanship, thinking about challenging strong enemies and honing my sword skills."

"After becoming a member of the gourd house, I was busy all day long, so busy that I had endless things to do every day. I wished I could borrow the cat's claws to use, and I had no time to fall in love or get married."

"When I came to my senses, my hair was already gray."

"But... speaking of it, when I was young, my friends around me thought I would be a couple with the lord."

Instantly, Qing Deng's eyebrows raised sharply.

For a moment, he thought he had heard it wrong.

(My friends all thought that I would become a couple with the Lord)... He felt that he had heard some incredible gossip!

Driven by curiosity, Qing Deng subconsciously leaned forward, and the distance was so close that he was almost touching the other person's face.

In this state, the words "Hurry up and tell me! I want to hear the sequel!" were written on his face.

Seeing this, Boss Kiryu looked helpless, but he did not resist.

After thinking for a moment, he told the story:

"My lord and I are old acquaintances."

"I followed her when she was a teenager."

"Roughly speaking, she and I have been friends for nearly 80 years."

"At that time, I was homeless and looked like a stray dog ​​on the roadside."

"She gave me a place to stay."

"To be honest, my lord is sometimes quite annoying."

"For various reasons, she has a very high self-esteem, so she often says some harsh words or does some puzzling things."

"Fortunately, these problems of hers have been gradually corrected as she gained experience."

"But before she corrected these problems, she was indeed a very difficult person to deal with."

"The two of us often quarreled because of "We quarreled over trivial matters."

"But somehow, I never thought of leaving her."

"She and I spent eighty years together in a muddle."

"Do I have any romantic feelings for her?"

"To be honest, I don't know either."

"But what is certain is that our feelings have surpassed ordinary friendship, family affection and love."

"Friends, family, lovers... these ordinary words are not enough to describe the relationship between me and my lord."

"For me, it doesn't matter who my lord is to me."

"As long as I can continue to be by her side, it's enough."

"She is like my other half, not only very important, but also inseparable."

Qing Deng listened very carefully.

After Mr. Kiryu finished speaking, he couldn't help but feel a little curious about this old woman he had never met.

-What kind of person could make Mr. Kiryu have such deep feelings for her?

At this moment, Mr. Kiryu paused suddenly.

When he spoke again, his tone suddenly changed to a quiet one:

"It's because I have a different kind of feeling for my lord... so when she called me to me a few days ago and was scolded by her, I really felt like crying..."

"I am so sorry!"

Qingden stooped, lowered his head, bowed, and apologized.

The movements are smooth and smooth, done in one go.

A few days later——

Kyoto, Mibu Township, Shinsengumi camp, somewhere——

Sanako: "..."

Kinoshita Mai: "..."

The two girls met each other in the corridor, staring at each other with big eyes.

Both parties looked embarrassed and "didn't know what to say."

Sanako was the first to break the silence:

"……Good morning."

Kinoshita Mai stammered in response:

"Morning, good morning..."

Sanako: "..."

Kinoshita Mai: "..."

Silence again...

Fortunately, Sanako quickly spoke again:

"Where are you going?"

Kinoshita Mai seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw and said quickly:

"I'm going to report to Mr. Hijikata on the current situation of Division 9."

Hearing this, Sanazi nodded gently:

"That's a coincidence. I happen to have something to report to Hijikata-kun."

Hijikata Toshizo, who holds the position of deputy commander, is in charge of military affairs, so he has the closest contact with the captains on weekdays.

Sanako took a deep look at Mai Kinoshita, then turned and left.

When her figure was about to disappear into the shadows in the corner of the corridor, she said to Mai Kinoshita, who was still standing there stupidly, without looking back:

"Why are you still standing there? Aren't you going to see Mr. Hijikata too?"

Kinoshita Mai was stunned for a moment, then stepped forward without realizing it, and hurriedly caught up with Sanako and walked side by side with her.

Sanako: "..."

Kinoshita Mai: "..."

Apart from the crisp sound of footsteps, there is no other sound...

An unspeakable awkward atmosphere lingered between them.

The weird relationship between them makes them not know how to face each other in private.

The road leading to Toshizo Hijikata's office seemed to have been lengthened several times.

Fortunately, at this moment, a reassuring voice suddenly sounded from behind them:

"Eh? Miss Mai? Miss Sanako? This combination is really rare."

Souji greeted them warmly, quickened his pace, and ducked in front of the two girls.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Souji, Kinoshita Mai showed surprise:

"Soji, why are you here?"

"I have something to ask Mr. Hijikata."

Sanako laughed dumbly:

"What a coincidence. Our destination is the same, and we also have something to go to Hijikata-kun."

"Huh? Is that so? That's great! We happen to be traveling on the same road!"

With the addition of the General Director, the atmosphere at the scene was instantly different.

It's like the bright sunshine shining into the foggy forest, dispersing the fog and illuminating the world.

I saw Souji walking naturally and generously between Sanako and Kinoshita Mai, separating them.

She sometimes talks to Sanako about the interesting things she encountered during military training, and sometimes shares with Mai Kinoshita the treasured dessert shop she recently discovered.

Souji, who seems to be the incarnation of a "succubus", has a good relationship with everyone - even Sanako and Kinoshita Mai, who have a "love rival relationship" with her, are no exception.

For a long time, the General Secretary has been playing the role of "lubricating oil" in their awkward little group.

Without Souji, it would be difficult for Sanako and Kinoshita Mai to establish normal communication.

Now, with the addition of Souji as a "transit station", Sanako and Kinoshita Mai can finally chat for a while.

After a moment, the door of Hijikata Toshizo's office came into view.

Just when the general manager raised his hand and was about to knock on the door——

"Kondo-kun, Hijikata-kun, I still insist on my opinion - even if I have to use force, I must let Tachibana-kun get married as soon as possible!"

This is Shannan Keisuke's voice.

As soon as he said this, the raised little hand of Souji suddenly froze in mid-air.

In the next breath, as if they had agreed in advance, the three women all leaned their heads together, put their ears to the door panel, held their breath and concentrated, trying to listen to what was going on behind the door.

"Shannan-kun, I understand how you feel. But marriage is something that cannot be rushed."

This is the voice of Isamu Kondo.

"A Sheng, on this point, I want to vote for Shannan. Now is not the time to 'let Tachibana slowly get a wife', now is the time to 'we need Tachibana to have at least one wife'."

Hijikata Toshizo's voice interrupted.

Please give me monthly votes and recommend votes! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

Damn it, haven’t you written about the plot of Qingdeng’s marriage? (Crying Leopard Leopard Head.jpg) In fact, it is useless to write about it. The astringent plot in Leopard Leopard’s mind cannot be shown.

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