I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 779: Brat, have you and Ah Wu done it? ! [4600]

Chapter 24 Brat, did you and Wu have sex? ! [4600]

To be honest, from the beginning, even the knowledgeable and experienced Qing Deng could not help but be stunned because he could not keep up with the rapid changes in the situation.

Even Qing Deng was like this, let alone Kinoshita Wu.

Her eyes were fixed, her red lips were opened into an "O" shape, her expression was stunned, and she completely turned into a clay sculpture or a wooden sculpture.

Once upon a time, the boss Kiryu said to Qing Deng: Kinoshita Lin has a strong sense of justice and takes "eliminating violence and protecting the good" as her mission.

She is completely different from those hypocrites who talk nicely and talk about morality, but are actually full of thieves and prostitutes.

She will really go against you at all costs for the sake of justice in the world!

When introducing the Heroes of the Calabash House, Kiryu Boss also mentioned in disguise: 20 years ago, in order to eliminate the bandits entrenched in the Iga Mountains, she resolutely sent an expedition led by Katakura Takanobu, and attacked swiftly like thunder, completely wiping out the gang.

Obviously, the other party did not provoke Calabash House, and no matter how evil the other party did, it would not cause a bad negative impact on Calabash House, but she still chose to "meddle in other people's business."

As for the Fazhu Party, it is a better example.

Calabash House is a merchant group, and the Fazhu Party is an extreme organization determined to overthrow the shogunate.

One is a business group, and the other is a political association. The two sides are not the same, and there is no strong conflict of interest between them.

But in the end, because Kinoshita Lin hated the Fazhu Party and could not agree with its ideas, she did not hesitate to become an enemy of it!

In other words, it was actually Calabash House that took the initiative to provoke and attack the Fazhu Party.

The leaders of the Ho-Zhu Party might feel confused: It’s fine that the Great Salt Party attacks us, but why are you, the Hulu House, joining in the fun?

Therefore, from a certain perspective, the Ho-Zhu Party’s attack on the Hulu House is a disguised “self-defense counterattack”.

In terms of the weird personality of “liking to make trouble for no reason” and “being keen on looking for trouble for yourself”, Kinoshita Rin is very similar to her great-uncle (Kinoshita Genichi).

So, Qing Deng thought: Since Kinoshita Rin is a righteous man with lofty ambitions and hates evil, let’s change the angle - stop trying to convince her with yellow and white things, but impress her with justice!

The reason why Qing Deng was able to burst out with such inspiration was all due to the help of Mr. Kiryu.

——Mr. Kiryu... helped a lot!

Qing Deng was full of gratitude to Mr. Kiryu.

There is no doubt that Mr. Kiryu’s previous words to Qing Deng, “The lord is not just a businessman”, were just “passing him a cheat sheet”.

He was hinting to Qing Deng: If he only negotiated with Kinoshita Rin with the attitude of "talking business with a businessman" and only talked to her about "money", he would fail miserably.

As a result, Qing Deng succeeded.

However, judging from the current situation... he seemed to be too successful!

According to Qing Deng's prior assumption, even if he succeeded in impressing Kinoshita Rin, they would still have to drag it out for a few more rounds.

After repeated and multiple rounds of discussions on the specific details of the covenant, a final plan that everyone could be satisfied with was barely finalized.

However... the reality was that Kinoshita Rin didn't even say hello, without any nonsense, and directly announced the conclusion of the covenant!

And it was such a generous covenant!

Unlimited support, whatever Qinjin Fan wanted, Huluwu would support...

The covenant lasted until the Fazhu Party was completely eliminated...

For a moment, Qing Deng thought he was dreaming - ah? This kind of good thing that was like "pie in the sky" could really fall on my head?

Yoshiki Mogami is indeed the "killing prime minister" known for his decisiveness in killing.

After a brief moment of shock, he recovered and returned to his calm appearance.

"I understand."

He did not say anything more, did not ask "why", but directly accepted Kinoshita Lin's order.

Then, he turned sideways and faced Qing Deng.

"You must be Lord Aki-no-kami."

As he spoke, he bent down and saluted Qing Deng respectfully, his movements and manners were perfect.

"I am very sorry that I have not introduced myself until now."

"I am Yoshiki Mogami, and I am honored to share her worries with you by being favored by the lord."

"Lord Aki-no-kami, what is the Qinjin clan currently lacking? What kind of help do you need from our Huluwu?"

At this point, Yoshiki Mogami paused.

After a while, he changed to a solemn tone.

"Lord Aki-sama, from this moment on, we are allies."

"For the sake of interests, both sides should be honest with each other and work together."

"Therefore, if you have any needs, just say it, no need to be polite!"

"We will definitely do our best to meet your needs!"

First, the "alliance has been concluded" was announced in a swift and resolute manner, and now the specific cooperation matters are being negotiated quickly and boldly...

Qing Deng felt that he could hardly keep up with the speed of Huluwu's work...

He understood why Huluwu could become bigger and stronger-with such action, what can't be done?

Although he still felt a little dazed, Qing Deng finally gradually adapted to the current situation.

Since the other party has clearly said "no need to be polite", it would be rude if he continued to be fussy!

After a little thought, he said in a serious manner:

"We currently need 3 things."

"First, we need a lot of money to promote various construction projects in the domain."

"First of all, agriculture is the foundation of the country."

"If we can't even solve the most basic food problem, then developing industry or training a new army is nothing but castles in the air."

"Although this domain is not short of arable land, after experiencing the continuous destruction of the 'Tenmei Great Famine' (1783-1787) and the 'Tenpo Great Famine' (1834-1839), countless farmlands were abandoned and destroyed, and have not yet recovered."

"Therefore, we plan to manage old fields, open up new fields, and restore agricultural production in the domain."

"And this requires a lot of money."

Qing Deng said slowly.

Restore agricultural production, expand the scale of specialty products, establish industry, build bastions... He methodically explained the planned construction plan in detail.

"Second, we plan to expand overseas markets and sell tea, porcelain and other specialty products in the domain overseas to further increase income."

"Therefore, we urgently need a large and reliable fleet."

"Third, we need guns and cannons."

"It's a pity, but now is not the time to brandish swords and guns."

"If we want to defeat the Fazhu Party, we need a stronger and more overwhelming force!"

"It's a pity... Although I have this intention, I have always been suffering from the lack of a suitable channel to purchase firearms."

"I hope you can help us connect and contact overseas arms dealers for us."

"We not only need the most mainstream guns and cannons nowadays, but also excellent and experienced instructors to teach advanced tactics."

"We are short of money now... Therefore, before we can be self-sufficient, I hope you can advance the money for purchasing guns and cannons and hiring instructors."

After saying this, Qing Deng couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

The series of words he just said were like a lion's mouth, making strict demands.

Economic construction in the domain, organizing ocean-going fleets, purchasing firearms on a large scale... Each of these requires astronomical amounts of money.

Qing Deng couldn't help thinking:

- Such a huge investment... Can Huluya afford it?

He worried secretly.

However... judging from the current situation, it seems that he was worrying in vain.

Kinoshita Rin, Kiryu Boss and Mogami Yoshikiyo, they were all very calm and peaceful.

Mogami Yoshikiyo had been listening carefully without blinking.

No matter what Qing Deng said, his facial expression remained calm.

After Qing Deng finished speaking, he nodded gently:

"Well, I understand."

Then he turned to face Kinoshita Rin.

"My lord, I understand all of Aki-no-kami's needs. I will go and prepare now!"

Kinoshita Rin nodded.

"Well, go ahead. Thank you for your hard work."

Mogami Yoshikiyo bowed slightly, then turned around and left with big strides.

In a moment, his figure disappeared from the sight of Qing Deng and others.

Although there was no mirror, Qing Deng was sure that his expression must be confused.

——Ah? Are you leaving now?

——I have made so many harsh demands, don’t you have any opinions?

At this time, Boss Kiryu seemed to see through his thoughts and smiled:

"Don’t worry, Ju Jun."

"Although we dare not boast that 'we have too much money to spend', but... "

At this point, he stretched out the thumb and index finger of his right hand and made a "little bit" gesture.

"We still have ways to meet these requirements you put forward."

Qing Deng: "..."

The short silence was Qing Deng's astonishment.

Ever since he started formal contact with Kinoshita Lin and others, Qing Deng's assessment of the comprehensive strength of Huluwu has been constantly updated.

And now, the "data" of this assessment is likely to be refreshed again!

If it wasn't for the fact that asking this question would be rude, he really wanted to ask directly:

How rich are you at Huluwu? !

Have you really maxed out the attribute of "money power"? !

As soon as Kiryu boss finished speaking, Kinoshita Lin took over the conversation slowly:

"Aki, you finally got it."

"I've been waiting for you to 'wake up', and I'm getting impatient."

"It's a pity that you can tell me what I really want to hear before my patience runs out."

"Could it be that Jiulang said something extra to you in advance?"

After saying that, she squinted her eyes and cast a meaningful look at Kiryu boss beside her.

As soon as she finished speaking, Kiryu boss hurriedly said seriously:

"Absolutely not! I have always enforced the law impartially! I will never intentionally favor Tachibana-kun just because he is my disciple!"

Kinoshita Lin lowered her eyelids, glanced at Kiryu boss meaningfully, then slowly retracted her gaze and looked at Qing Deng again.

"An Yi, you are right."

"In terms of 'fighting against the Fa Zhu Party', you and I are indeed extremely complementary."

"'If Huluwu has the ability to eliminate the Fa Zhu Party alone, then the other party would not have been at large for so long'... Although your words are harsh, I have to admit that this is the truth."

"The Fa Zhu Party's gang of bastards are not just crazy people, they are very smart and good at hiding themselves."

"I am sure that their true strength is far more than what they have shown so far!"

"The more I fight against them, the more I feel powerless."

"Therefore, I planned to establish an 'anti-French party encirclement network' a long time ago."

"The best alliance targets are undoubtedly the Great Salt Party and the shogunate."

"To be honest, I quite admire the Great Salt Party."

"I once sent people to try to contact them."

"What a pity... They are very cautious. Even though we have shown goodwill, they still choose to keep their distance from us."

"In this case, the only alliance target left is the shogunate."

"However... I don't trust the shogunate."

"To be more precise - I hate the shogunate."

She did not care that the young man in front of her was a general of the shogunate army, and criticized the shogunate mercilessly with a sarcastic tone.

"The shogunate is a shabby house that is about to fall apart."

"The various problems within it have reached a point where they are difficult to reverse."

"Its degree of decay cannot be saved by one or two wise rulers or three or four famous ministers."

"Most of the shogunate's ministers are only concerned with getting by and have no ideals."

"Any small matter can be dragged on for several months, and there is no efficiency."

"If we cooperate with the shogunate, we will be held back. It is better to work alone."

Although Kinoshita Rin kept criticizing the shogunate, Qing Deng did not mean to get angry.

It is better to say: not only did he not want to oppose Kinoshita Rin, but he also wanted to nod in agreement!

The only emotional connection between him and the shogunate was with his friends headed by Katsurintaro, and the mother and son - the latter was the worst.

Qing Deng did not have any good feelings towards the shogunate itself.

He worked his way up from the bottom, so he witnessed too much darkness and injustice within the shogunate.

Any human being with a normal brain would not like this extremely corrupt feudal regime.

Qing Deng is not the kind of corrupt scholar who is influenced by the Neo-Confucianism. He will not abandon his reason and support the shogunate mindlessly just because the shogunate gives him a salary.

Kinoshita Lin's voice continued:

"Just when I had given up hope for the "alliance", you appeared."

"I have to say that you appeared at the right time."

"Except for "jointly fighting against the Law-killing Party", I am not interested in any alliance conditions you proposed."

"So, I have been waiting bitterly just now."

"Although I have been waiting for a long time... but fortunately the result did not disappoint me."

"Regarding this alliance between you and me, you do not need to give us any concessions."

"What "dividends" and "priority development rights" are all unnecessary."

"You only need to do one thing: completely eliminate the Law-killing Party!"

At this point, Kinoshita Lin suddenly raised his voice.

"An Yi, I am very serious about this all-out war with the Fa Zhu Party."

"If one day, you break your promise and no longer take it as your mission to 'eliminate the Fa Zhu Party', then... you should be mentally prepared."

"Such a serious betrayal cannot be solved by 'withdrawing investment'."

"I will do my best to retaliate against you."

"Make you deeply regret your stupid behavior."

"I hope you will always remember what I just said."

Qing Deng's face suddenly showed a stern expression when he heard it.

"Miss Kinoshita, please rest assured."

"I am also very serious about this all-out war with the Fa Zhu Party!"

Kinoshita Lin narrowed her eyes, while looking at Qing Deng's expression, and curved the corners of her mouth:

"Very good, good expression."

"Okay, let's stop the talks about 'alliance' for now."

"Next, let's talk about... your marriage with Awu."

Qing Deng, who was still righteous in the last second, was petrified in this second, and his facial lines froze directly.

"From this moment on, our identities are no longer 'the master of the gourd house' and 'the master of the Qinjin Domain', but 'grandmother' and 'the stinky boy who came to propose marriage'."

"So, I will call you 'boy' from now on, do you have any objections?"

Qing Deng lowered his head silently and said weakly:

"Please, please..."

"Very good, then..."

Kinoshita Lin's expression suddenly changed, becoming particularly cold and scary.

"Stinky boy, answer me honestly, did you and Awu do it?"

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PS: The "Osaka trip" is almost over. Next is the much-anticipated Qing Deng's wedding! Great! (Leopard Hi.jpg) It's a pity that Leopard Leopard has no money... Otherwise, I really want to ask an artist to draw the heroines wearing white wedding gowns! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

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