I formed the strongest swordsman group

Chapter 781 Cheers to the newlyweds! [4800]

Kinoshita Rin's palms were rough... yet warm.

While Qingdeng felt the warmth coming from his forehead, he looked at the old man approaching in surprise.

The other party's eyes and expression have lost their previous strength and "sharpness".

Instead, there is the kindness unique to the elderly.

——She... agreed?

Although his reason had not yet caught up with the reality, his ears heard extremely clearly: Kinoshita Rin agreed to his marriage to Kinoshita Mai, as well as his idea of ​​"three legal wives"!

——You actually agreed so easily? !

Surprised, Qingto was once again shocked by Kinoshita Rin's efficiency.

Not only did she readily agree to the marriage, but she also helped them choose a suitable wedding day.

This this……? !

Just now, he called me a "brat" and said, "You want to marry my granddaughter?"

But now, in addition to a 180-degree change in demeanor, even the wedding date has been chosen for them.

This huge contrast directly caused Qingdeng's body to freeze suddenly.

For a moment, he didn't know what expression to put on.

The same person who was at a loss was Kinoshita Mai next to her.

After listening to Qing Deng's heartfelt words just now, she was extremely moved.

She didn't even know that Qingdeng originally viewed them this way.

Not only a lover, but also an unparalleled "pillar"!

If it weren't for the presence of Kinoshita Rin and Boss Kiryu, and her shy personality suppressed her surging impulse, she would have simply pounced over and hugged Aomori tightly.

Before she could calm down, Kinoshita Rin bluntly announced, "I agree to your marriage! You can get married on New Year's Eve!"... The rollercoaster-like emotional ups and downs caused Kinoshita Mai's brain to briefly twitch. Downtime.

Facing the surprised looks from the two of them, Kinoshita Rin tilted her head and asked half-jokingly:

"What? Are all those words I just said in vain?"

"I've made it very clear."

"As long as Ah Wu is my wife and as long as Ah Wu is loved, then I will happily accept her as Ah Wu's husband."

"Since you are already qualified, what reason do I have to disagree?"

By this time, Qingdeng had returned to his serious and resolute attitude.

He nodded vigorously, his tone was extremely precise, and his response was as strong as thunder falling from the sky:

"Miss Kinoshita... No, grandma, please feel free to leave A Wu to me!"

The corners of Kinoshita Lin's mouth extended to both sides, and the look of relief on her cheeks became a little more intense.

To be honest, Qingdeng originally thought that there would be a classic plot of "If you want to marry my granddaughter, you must defeat me first".

He was even ready to fight Kinoshita Rin.

Now, after meeting many old men who are very good at fighting, such as Boss Kiryu, Makimura Yahachi, Otani Seiichiro, etc., Aomori no longer judges a person's strength based on age.

He would not be surprised even if the white-haired Kinoshita Rin had the strength to ride a thousand horses.

Rather, if Kinoshita Rin is an extremely powerful and unparalleled fierce woman, it would be more in line with Qingto's preconceptions about her.

The other party seemed to have seen through his thoughts and chuckled a few times "haha".

She changed her name to Qingdeng back to "An Yi":

"Aki, do you think I'm a monster like Kuro?"

As she spoke, she raised her left hand to show Qingden her slender, dry arm.

"At my age, I can no longer wield a sword."

"But...that's true."

"Ah Wu is my 'treasure'. It's really uncomfortable to hand it over to you for nothing."

"As expected, I still have to set some 'challenges' for you!"

After Qingdeng heard this, his heart suddenly thumped.

"...Grandma, don't you want to send all the strength of Calabash House to compete with me?"

Kinoshita Rin waved her hand.

"Marriage is the most joyful event in the world. It's unlucky to be beaten and killed."

"Let's change the challenge to a more civilized form!"

After saying that, she turned to look at Boss Kiryu next to her.

"Kuroro, bring that batch of good goods from Lucia that just arrived a while ago."

Boss Kiryu's brows trembled slightly, and the corners of his lips were slightly curved, showing a strange expression that was half a smile but not a smile.

"My lord, are you sure?"

"Of course! Go get it quickly!"

Boss Kiryu said no more, and while saying "yes", he stood up and left the dojo in large strides.

The country of Lucia——that is, Lao Maozi.

"Lucia" is the transliteration of "Russia". During the Edo period, the Japanese always called Lao Maozi "Lucia Country".

Speaking of goods related to Lao Maozi... all Qingdeng could think of was leather and spirits.

——Wait, liquor...?

Suddenly, an ominous premonition arose in Qingdeng's heart...

Not long after, Boss Kiryu returned to the dojo - holding a large wooden box in his arms.

"Lord, the goods are all here."

He sat back down and then pushed the large wooden box to Kinoshita Lin's knees.

"Well, thank you for your hard work!"

While Kinoshita Rin opened the wooden box, she mysteriously said to Ayoto:

"An Yi, the things in this box are very rare and good things in the market."

As soon as she finished speaking, the box opened with a sound - 30 glass bottles were arranged in neat rows and six columns, filling the box to the brim, with transparent liquid flowing in the bottles.

"This is a spirit produced in the country of Lucia, called 'vodka'."

"This wine is not ordinary strong. Nuo wine, sake and the like cannot compare with it."

As she spoke, she picked up a bottle of vodka from the box and threw it to Qingden.

"An Yi, come and have a drink!"

"How can you not drink on your big day?"

"I won't let you go until you let me have all your fun."

Looking at the vodka in his hand, Qingden swallowed hard.

Vodka... This is indeed a good product from Lucia!

Even people who know nothing about alcohol have heard of vodka.

Vodka is made from grains or potatoes and is distilled into alcohol of up to 95 degrees, which is then diluted with distilled water to 40 to 60 degrees.

The quality of the wine is crystal clear, colorless and light and refreshing. It makes people feel that it is not sweet, not bitter, not astringent, and only has a flaming stimulation, forming the unique characteristics of vodka.

Because it tastes good and doesn't have a choking smell, it's easy to drink too much. If you're not careful, you'll get drunk, or even get drunk to death.

Most of the common vodkas on the market have a concentration of 40 degrees.

The vodka with the highest alcohol content is the famous "water of life" Polish distilled vodka - its alcohol content is 96 degrees, and it can burn directly if you throw a flame into it, which is better than gasoline.

Qingden didn't understand Russian, so he couldn't tell the degree of alcohol in the bottle of vodka in his hand.

With the blessing of the talents "Drunkard +3" and "Ox's Liver", Qingden's alcohol capacity and liver's ability to tolerate alcohol are very strong. .

[Note: Drunkard +3: He drinks better than the average person. 】

[Note: Beef liver: excellent liver function]

But...each bottle of wine in the box is almost 700 ml.

He looked at the wine in his hand, and then looked at the 29 bottles of wine left in the box... To be honest, he didn't think his "Wine Master + 3" and "Cow's Liver" could withstand this challenge. !

As a last resort, he cautiously suggested:

"Grandma, you are not young anymore. Isn't it appropriate to drink such a strong drink?"

"Ah? What are you talking about?"

Kinoshita Rin looked at Qingden with a strange look on her face - a cunning glint in her eyes.

"I am already an old man, how can I drink such a strong drink?"

"Of course you drank vodka and I drank red bean soup."

Click - Qingden seemed to hear the sound of his body turning to stone.

Kinoshita Mai looked anxious.

Judging from her appearance, she should be well aware of the "power" of vodka.

She shouted worriedly:

"Grandma, a big box full of vodka, will it kill you?"

Kinoshita Rin responded calmly:

"Ah Wu, please be patient."

"I'm not a devil, how can I force others into trouble?"

"I didn't mean to torture An Yi."

"I just wanted to see how ugly he was when he was drunk, to satisfy my sadistic... curiosity."

Although she changed her words in time, Qingdeng still heard the terrible words.

Aoden belatedly discovered that under Kinoshita Rin's kind appearance, there seemed to be a very serious quirk hidden...

At this time, Kinoshita Rin seemed to have remembered something and turned to Boss Kiryu and said:

"Ah, that's right, this is a rare opportunity. Let's call Nanchibei and Katsurokuro here too."

Shichibei, Katsurokuro—hearing these two names, Boss Kiryu’s eyebrows suddenly lit up with joy.

"Okay, I'll go right away."

Pat, pat, pat... Boss Kiryu's three steps followed by two steps quickly left and disappeared.

This time, he was gone a little longer.

While waiting silently, Aoto asked Kinoshita Rin:

"Grandma, who are Nanchibei and Katsurokuro?"

"They are my old friends."

She answered with a look of reminiscence on her face.

"Kuro, Yahachi, Nanhei, and Katsurokuro, the four of them were my first partners."

Yahachi——The "Dragon of Kyoto" Makimura Yahachi.

“They’ve been doing things with me since I was a teenager.”

"I'm lucky to have such a group of friends who share a common bond with me."

“Thanks to their strong support, I am able to live safely and achieve something today.”

"Kuro and Yapachi are both the kind of people who can't sit still."

"Even if I tell them to rest and take care of themselves, they are still fighting on the front line."

"As for Nanibei and Katsurokuro, they are like me and can no longer wield their swords."

"So they now live a leisurely life every day, wandering around the streets with nothing to do during the day, and playing chess, drinking, and reading novels at night."

"Although they always complain to me that they are 'too boring', I think their current life is pretty good."

"They have been busy for most of their lives and shed countless blood and sweat. It is time for them to enjoy a peaceful life."

After Qingdeng heard this, he silently calculated in his heart:

Since these two people, like Boss Kiryu and Yahachi Makimura, were Kinoshita Rin's first companions, they were at least eighty or ninety years old.

Thinking of this, Qing Deng couldn't help but secretly exclaimed:

"Grandma, you and your companions are so long-lived..."

Kinoshita Lin smiled:

"Maybe it's because we have done too many good things, so God intends to reward us."

Kinoshita Lin said that she and her old friends can't swing a knife anymore... To be honest, Qing Deng only has reservations about her statement and doesn't completely believe it.

His other master, Kondo Shusuke, always says "my waist hurts so much" on weekdays.

But when he holds the sword, it's like his muscle memory has revived! Unstoppable! There's no sign of waist pain at all.

At this time, Kiryu boss returned - there were two more white-haired old men behind him.

One of them was tall and slender, and although his face was dominated by thick wrinkles, it still couldn't cover up his upright and handsome features.

It's not difficult to see that this person was definitely a handsome and suave guy when he was young.

In comparison, the other person seemed quite ordinary. His face and figure were very ordinary, and he was the type that "you would not be able to find him if you threw him into a crowd."

"Tachibana-kun, let me introduce you."

Boss Kiryu pointed to the handsome old man.

"This is Asai Shichirobei."

Then, he pointed to the ordinary old man.

"This is Shimada Katsurokuro."

Asai, Shimada - Qing Deng raised his eyebrows when he heard these two surnames.

"Asai, Shimada...Boss Kiryu, are they the grandfathers of 'Dual Power Man' Asai Moriyasu and 'Thunder Slash' Shimada Kanichi?"

Boss Kiryu nodded:

"That's right. You are very perceptive, you guessed it so quickly."

Qing Deng looked at the two old men - the other party was also looking at him.

"Tachibana Aki, nice to meet you, I am Asai Shichirobei."

Asai Shichirobei bowed and introduced himself to Qing Deng politely.

Shimada Katsurokuro followed closely and also introduced his family to Qing Deng.

"We have just heard about the details from Jiu Lang."

Asai Shichirobei said, turning his head and looking at Kinoshita Mai with tenderness.

"Mai, congratulations."

Shimada Katsurokuro smiled and took over the conversation:

"That little girl is married... As expected, the older you get, the faster time goes by."

Kinoshita Mai blushed and shyly accepted their congratulations:

"Thank you, thank you!"

After congratulating Qing Deng and Kinoshita Mai, the two of them sat down next to Kinoshita Lin and Kiryu Boss very naturally.

Shimada Katsurokuro looked at his old friends on both sides and chuckled a few times:

"This lineup reminds me of the past."

Asai Shichirobei echoed:

"It's a pity that we're still missing Makimura. This guy happened to go to the northeast to do business at this time. If he were here, we would really have everyone."

Boss Kiryu smiled:

"When Huluwu was just starting out and there were only a few of us, it was my glorious time... I really miss it."

Kinoshita Lin raised the corner of her mouth:

"From today, our big family will have another new member."

As soon as these words came out, everyone turned their heads to look at Qing Deng.

Boss Kiryu spread his hands:

"Well, that's true. There's one more thing worth remembering."

Suddenly, Asai Shichirobei reached out and hooked Qing Deng's shoulder.

"Tachibana Aki, since we are already family, you cannot refuse this drinking party today! We will not leave until we are drunk!"

After saying that, he casually took out a bottle of vodka from the box, and then unscrewed the lid with his bare hands very skillfully.

After that, Boss Kiryu and Katsurokuro Shimada were not to be outdone. They both reached out and took out a bottle of vodka from the box.

Without saying a word, they grabbed the vodka in their hands... The heroic deeds of these three old men directly scared Qing Deng.

Boss Kiryu saw through Qing Deng's astonishment and explained:

"Tachibana-kun, don't be surprised."

"Master Genichi loves to drink Russian liquor, especially vodka."

"When he was still alive, he always recommended vodka to us."

"Under his influence, we got used to the taste of vodka very early."

Asai Shichirobei added with a smile:

"We usually drink vodka like water, so don't worry about our health. Maybe you have fallen down, but we are just getting excited."

Just when Qing Deng was shocked by the strong drinking capacity of these old men, he suddenly smelled the fragrance of red bean soup - red bean soup suddenly appeared in the hands of Kinoshita Lin and Kinoshita Mai from nowhere.

"Anyway, let's just give a speech first."

Kinoshita Rin picked up the red bean soup and changed to a loud voice:

"So... although they haven't gotten married yet, let's toast to the newlyweds in advance!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she took the lead in raising the bowl and drank it all.

Then, the old men, led by Boss Kiryu, raised their bottles and drank "tons, tons, tons".

Seeing this, Qing Deng gritted his teeth - affected by the current atmosphere, his emotions have been fully mobilized!

He tilted his head back and drank it, and a wave of pleasure went straight through his throat and esophagus.

Kinoshita Rin slapped her thigh.

"Haha! Not bad! Very generous!"

The aroma of wine was everywhere.

Also overflowing is the air of joy.

Asking for a monthly ticket! Please vote for recommendation! (Leopard head crying.jpg)

The wedding is held on New Year's Eve, and then directly into the turbulent year of 1864 - perfect pacing and plot arrangement!

Leopard likes vodka the most!

Vodka is really amazing! Can be blended with everything!

Leopards love to drink "screwdriver"!

Screwdriver - As the name suggests, it is the wine with a screwdriver added to the vodka. The flat-shaped screwdriver has the best taste, followed by the cross-shaped one, which is very delicious! (Leopard Chaos.jpg)

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